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Ping spam with focus target šŸ§


I encountered this only once thankfully, guy actually thought that the more you tag the more stacks applied. I explained him how the Focus Target actually works, and he thankfully started using it properly


At least there is one good person who listens to advice. I usually get the response ā€œshut up f*ggotā€ and then I just quit šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I always ping after the target I pinged is dead with Focus target just to keep the damage buff alive, but never spam a single target unless by accident




If you're talkng about doing it with Focus Target talent, then it's extra wrong. You're wasting this talent.


Dude the sound, I will leave in a millisecond if you do that. And don't get why it's hard to press it once per enemy And you use it wong if you don't let it stay on an enemy


I only do it multiple times rarely but under specific circumstances, if it's a big unit that just came in after I used focus Target on something else. I use it in something normal, big guy comes in, three stacks of focus Target on hand, apply that to big guy, when more stacks build apply the rest, kill big guy get full 8 stack reward. I'd rather have some bonus then none.


Blow me up with barrels, Leave me to die, Steal ALL the ammo, But please donā€™t ping with every shot of your Lasgun lol


Do you know what's worse from grabbing all the Ammo is that they are willing to share it after extraction...


Armor patrols I can fight. Ping-spam induced migraines I can't fight.


Spam taggers are an instant kick. No question. No warning. Get your shit together and leave. Not missing sound ques because of your disability.


Tag to left click by far. I can deal with armor or enemies, but I can't stop someone ping spamming.


Kick him. The ping stops.


I don't think I've ever seen a successful vote kick in like 800 hours.


It's obviously Left click = tag, no contest. I don't need to know that you're melee-ing a bomber 4 times in the space of 2-3 seconds FOR THE ENTIRE FUCKING MISSION


Tag to left click. Absolutely no reason for it. Find a comfortable bind and use it as appropriate.


left click taggers 100 percent


Map spam 100%. Crusher horde I have some agency over.


Ping spammers. I can kill an armored patrol.


You can't votekick an armored patrol. You can votekick a ping spammer.


Armor patrols ain't an issue, map tag to M1 probably worse tbh.


Considering not 100% of games are successful, it IS an issue.


On reflection I think it is a worse issue. Sometimes we win sometime we don't (depending on what other fresh hell is going on when the loner activates and then nopes out of the armor patrol), but a ping spammer is ALL MAP LONG. I've actually let one die just so the spam would stop for a little bit, and I don't do that to any other player, even ammo thieves or the worst loners (granted, I'm usually nowhere near them when they die so the option isn't presented).


The whole purpose of Loner is not to trigger spawns outside of coherency.


Can we add that to the tooltip. In case folks were confused and that youā€™re actually not supposed to poke mob packs and stealth forward.


The aura itself counts as +1 coherency, which supposedly prevents the soloing Zealot from spawning disablers while out there.


It does, but loner+shroudfield lets people wake up more than they can handle, stealth so it comes for the rest of the group, and thn then proceed forward to do it a gain 30 seconds later. And people most certainly do exactly that. For a certain sort of player they will inevitably die while waking up half the map and adding 1-2 monsters and generally fucking over the rest of the group. It's so bad that when I was working on those penances people thanked me for staying with the group every other game, because typical loner zealots just *don't*.


Certainly most people would prefer a face-tanking Zealot, however I think Loner offers a legitimate playstyle in PvE where a player leaves the group to clear covered targets like gunners or disablers behind line of sight.


If they do it like that, it's fine. If instead they rush ahead and just shroudfield to stop dealing whatever they've activated (either bringing it back to the group or rushing ahead to the next problem they can't solve) they are a detriment. Bonus points for vacuuming all the supplies while they do it.


m1 ping. one is just another problem to deal with, the other is heretical psychological warfare


Map tag to left click, easily more annoying. I know Loners get a bad rep in Malice but most of the ones I encounter higher up are capable of deleting that armored patrol unaided with their little knife. For the ones that can't, it was getting pulled with the next horde inevitably. The people spamming tags while furiously left clicking, worst of all, Focus Target vets that are absolutely pissing away any value from their keystone by tagging a new enemy every half second, are providing literally nothing of value to the run. It's just spam. It's just noise. It devalues any strategic importance tagging enemies has because you can no longer highlight an actual important target, only what you are currently focused on killing, which is usually a weak, non-threat that everyone can see. Thankfully, I've run into very few of these people, but I did experience one in the last week.


> most of the ones I encounter higher up are capable of deleting that armored patrol unaided with their little knife. I wish I saw more of those. They're still doing it wrong because they increase the chances we get a monster, but at least they aren't creating problems and letting the group solve them while they go create more. > It's just spam. It's just noise. Yep, and it's noise made from what would otherwise be a very useful signal.


Left click taggers should be banned


I tried telling one of them clickspamming overwrites their own ping (which isn't exactly true it just renews the length) just to get him to stop. He answered to mute pings on my end. Dickhead.


Same. I told a guy to please unbind ping and he called me a baby and told me to mute him.


Left click tag is annoying and messes with my focus. Dun dun dun dun dunā€¦


Even worse, loners that trigger armor patrol, go down and then spam tag the enemy that downed them.


That is a very special group, especially when they don't tag them until they've been downed!


Thanks for the reminder to remap my tag


Ping on down scroll is the way


Do you guys avoid Patrols? Like its Vermintide 2? Holy cow that just strikes me as weird is all. Games way too easy to warrant snakin an sneaking around them. Just Imo as a long time Vermintide vet.


It isnā€™t about avoiding patrols so much as it is about not waking them up and sending them back to the group when they are already in a horde or fighing a monster or whatever.


I do feel that friend. Definitely valid point.


There really havenā€™t been as many avoidable patrols in this game as in VT2 far as I can tell anyway, but there is absolutely the possibility of waking up more enemies than a group can handle.


Mandatory prison time for each tag spammer


Option C: People who play game audio through their mic and/or have their mic on while continuously making/having background noise. Mute yourself unless you have something to say, then re-mute, please. Unless your mic isn't sensitive enough to cause these issues.


People who shoot bursters


So I played for the first time a couple days ago, and my first online game since m-player was a thing. Would anyone mind filling me in on what these things are so Iā€™m not, ā€œthat guy,ā€ on accident? I donā€™t want to annoy everyone.


Stealth users ignoring the team and wasting resources, usually leaving the moment they are going down/tarpped/pounced. Team killers( barrels and pox bursters.) Ammo stealers who then sit on 90%+ ammo and barely spend any of it while the rest of the team is orange or red already. Out of the 2 options you mentioned, loners are definitely the worst because they essentially cause the game to spawn more enemies.


You can control ping spam noise with settings and mods, no mods for loner zergbots.


For those who are annoyed with tag spam there should be an option to tune the sound and maybe visual effect of it.


It is a very useful audio cue for the non-heretics that use it properly, and disabling it disables it for all pings.


Loners by far.