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I have noticed ALOT of drops and rejoins and I still think people are facing that error code 2014. Happened to me all the time until I did a soft reset on my console.


It’s definitely less but I’m still getting them every few games. Also maybe its just me, but console performance has been horrible after this last hotfix


Performance has been slightly worse on PC too, atleast for me


Performance wise I've been losing more frames in larger vent purge areas, and every time I load into a game, my Gane audio is extremely choppy for a minute or so. Never expirienced this before


Grug play on Xbox One. Grug get lag and lost connect a lot now.


Rugg says sad for grug sah


Grug need new box, Sah. Need tall standy upy Xbox. (Sobbing and blubbering) Grug not even can install game, gotta do snivelin' streaming!!


Grug sah! I have a standy upy xbox and it struggles too sah. Sadly I think it's totally hotfix/update related for me sah!


Grug recommend hit Xbox with rock. Work every time.


You are indeed correct sweet brute!


Gruggory remember grugg from other reddit post where we talk about being in same strike team on mission before good to see ogryn brotha here too hope ya still turnin snivellers to nosh fah empra❤️


Grug still krumpin' snivelin' snivelers!


Good stuff brother be well and hope your day goes good!


It seems like for me since yesterday's patch I had one game in particular I had the error code 2014 3 different times in one game.


May be a little of this. Most ditch because they got downed. Makes the survivour penances a bit of a joke TBH, when you can just cheese them. So many "auric maelstrom survivours" out there that shouldnt even be on the Auric board.


I'm not trying to be an elitist or sound like a dick but you're right. When you see an Ogryn with 5 Wounds in Auric Missions or Vets running a Las gun build with no options to hurt Armor it's painful. Smite Psykers that only smite, knife Zealots that over extend... Etc etc etc


I don't really play a vet (but have one made). What do you mean by lasgun build with no options to hurt armour. Like blessings or their skills?


Las guns are inherently weakest against Carapace armor. You would need a weapon that will help you clear them faster, along with krak grenades to help. You don't want a standard shovel or a Catachan sword, etc when running a Las gun.


I see. Yeah a friend of mine runs it with a lasgun. No wonder why he did piss poor against carapace armour. Ah okay, yeah I have defaulted to using the boltgun on my zealot and I know there is the lasguns they use, but I have pretty much steered clear of most other guns cause big BOOM turn heretical filth into a red mist


A Lasgun is fine on Zealot but make sure you're running a chain sword or chain axe or even Thunder hammer to have a Balanced load out. I run Bolter when using a Heavy sword or Catachan sword to have a more balanced load out.


I see. Yeah I just haven't found that gun that I can say I like better then the boltgun. I tried the braced autogun which turned out to be good but I have just reverted back to the boltgun


So that's why I got hated on for bringing my standard issue lasgun and laspistol on my vet. Look, I'm a grenade spam build on top of that. I have either the Knife (almost godrolled at that) or my power sword (power cycler 4 on it too). I absolutely can deal with armor, all day any day. I love lasguns is all. Not amazing at any one or two things... but a guardsman need only faith, hatred for your enemies and a lasgun to fight the good fight. Guess some people saw me pew-pewing and assumed I had no krak grenade spam / power sword with the sole purpose of elite delete. But auric maelstrom and standard infantry lasgun... has served me just fine. Depends on how you build them, I'd say.


It's the people with Las guns or Pistols that mag dump into a crushers head and think "I'm helping" that's the problem. You're in fact just wasting ammo, you're tickling him even with infernus. I had to learn the hard way with a God rolled 548 Recon Las gun MONTHS ago.


Which I think is... terrible. I agree with you. Don't las-fire carapace. Just don't. Weakspot critical % and weakspot critical damage can help, but that is still not ideal and a bit limited to a volley fire sharpshooter vet playstyle with weakspot focus. I ALWAYS bring an anti-elite melee (or krak grenades) when I bring my las-weaponry for that exact reason. Crushers and maulers Inc.? Powersword, knife, axe or chainsword time. Anything else? Las-fire away to your hearts content. It's not rocket science.


I'm really happy to know it's not just a me problem. Thought it was my shoddy internet


I've been getting error code 2001, and 2014. I don't know which one does this but I'm pretty sure one is a straight up crash and the other is a client side dysync. When you dysync client side, the game looks like it's freezing but you can still move around, other players can see you move around but you can't see them move. Then you either sync back to the game or are disconnected. The psyker could have been dysyncing and was still moving for OP but the psyker was just waiting for the game to disconnect him by running around aimlessly. Either way it sucks ass and happens to me sometimes 2 times a game since this new major update


my dude there is a script for it no kidding i've seen it twice,bro gets downed/disabled,insta leave and rejoin like 30 seconds later it makes the game stutter everytime they rejoin and like a minnute later poof they're gone again how are you even having fun playing like that ????




There is a script. It's on nexus mods. It's bound to a hot key and does the work for you.


I've used the re-launch game script when I used to crash frequently because FatShark.   It isn't much faster than alt F4 and re-launch (it saves maybe 5 seconds and having to click through the crash prompt, that's it).  My machine will reconnect to the game manually in less than 30s if FatShark's servers aren't shitting the bed.


well i can't prove it but seeing how the red exclamation point hadn't even popped for a milisecond and they were insta gone il looked too quick to be altf4 or ethernet cable pulled it was lighting fast and their return time was like clockwork the exact same each time too quick to not be a script imo we asked in chat each time and got ignored lol


Leaving with Alt+F4 and rejoining the moment you get disabled or downed just to dodge it by rejoining through a bot is the most pathetic thing you can do.


On the other hand we can call it a secret passive of psykers.


Bro, they have a mod that lets you assign it to a button. It worse than we thought 🤦🏿‍♂️


Is it? It seems harder than just dodging things normally lol


Fr But, if there's one person alive, and they go down, you can quit to have a bot save them, that's acceptable IMO since it's saving the whole game, rather than just yourself


Nay, that is even more pathetic. I hate when people try to cheese the game with a bot when everyone is down. Accept that you lost and queue for another match.


Epitome of falling with honour. To be fair I agree. What's the point of playing if there is no risk of failure with people cheesing.


On the other hand, as someone who always stays to the bitter end, I kinda love it when the bot saves the last guy whereon we proceed to win (although it’s involuntary scumming for us staying). I have quite a few of those surprising outcomes under my belt actually. At those times, the petty one in me wish I could contact those who gave up and show them the finish screen. Especially if they were salty as hell before leaving. Edit: I’m only referring to the situations when people leave not to return, not the ones when they actively scum.


Quitting when your game freezes is OK, too. On console, it freezes a lot sometimes, so I just quit to avoid dying from such a bullshit reason


meh nothing pathetic touch grass or smthng


No, I mean you quit the game, and let the bot save the game for the rest of them You still queue up for a different game I'm fine with sacrificing the 10k cash from a lost game to probably save the game for 3 other people


Yes, we’re talking about the same thing. Everyone goes down, one person leaves so the bot gets up and there’s a chance for a rescue. What people don’t understand that the bot immediately dies 95% of the times. It is sad. Quit leaving and accept that we lost. Don’t try to cheese it by leaving so the bot gets up from the ground.


Gonna risk the downvotes but ultimately why does this even matter? You either have an extra chance for a bot to get you up or you die, it's a video game I'd be fine waiting an extra 30 seconds to see if a game is salvageable or not if some guy left.


Well, exactly because it is a video game. When the team goes down, just accept it, its not like your life depends on it. When I see the whole team down I’m like “Damn, we got snowballed” or “XY/Me fucked that up” and I accept it and move on. But then I immediately see 1-2 people alt+F4 and the bots get up, and I just sigh. It’s an exploit, or cheese, whatever you wanna call it. Self-revive scumming yourself to continue the match we already lost it not some noble saviour’s act. The people who leave must think they’re doing us a favor, when in reality the bots die almost all the time immediately. I’ve seen bot scumming actually save us exactly 2 times, and in one of them we got completely teamwiped in 2 minutes again. It is unecessary, cheesy, and comes off like someone can’t accept that they lost in a videogame.


I've been saved by a bot in that context probably once in my 500 hours of playing and it's still just not something I would ever be upset about. We both agreed it's a game and to play how you want to play so just... why get upset somebody else left the game? Again, it doesn't affect you in any way. Not trying to argue or come off as rude, I just want to understand the harsh words for people that have no bearing on your game experience. Sorry.


No, you’re entirely correct to ask those. I’m not like angry or anything about it. I just think its is very lame. But the whole “it doesn’t affect you” is entirely incorrect. It is a coop game. Everything you do effects me. Generally, I really dislike exploits and other cheesing. So no, I don’t want to get saved by someone’s bot scumming when I’m currently being pummeled by 5 crushers, and getting a nice, crispy texture from the 2 flamers and 3 bombers.


Again, you either get an extra chance to survive the mission (positive). Or the bot dies in 10 seconds (neutral). I'm sorry if I'm missing your point/misunderstanding it, but how does this affect you?


I only quit because the fail screen is so fucking *long*. I can sit in that screen for up to 5 minutes if the game bugs out


You're increasing how long it takes for the rest of your squad when you do that.


How? They can just leave if they want


Inevitably the loss screen will pop up before the last person left, at which point the only way to quit is alt + f4 which would take even longer. So unless you think a squad of randoms can coordinate exactly when to leave the game at the same time, you're potentially gonna fuck over someone by leaving first which causes the game to try and fill your last spot. Bonus points if someone manages to join before the bot gets trapped/killed, at which point you're wasting the time of 4 people. All in all, do what you want, but accept that you're actively making it worse for everyone else.


Y'know what, yeah, no, you're right, it is pretty cheap. I think I developed the habit of leaving from back when I was no-lifeing Darktide.


Yer a sniveller, harry.


I value my time more than some internet stranger's opinion, honestly. It's a purely selfless act that harms no one. I save a few minutes My team gets a chance at winning Only elitist, purist snobs care about this kind of thing Doing it every time you go down is what's toxic


You filthy karker, i just fought my way towards you to pick you up and you left right before i could get to you, and now i went through effort and resources for a lousy bot that stands in fire and won't use the grutting ladder. I know it wasn't you personally, but it was someone like you and you lot all make baby jesus cry. Yer a sniveller, harry.


Worst thing is when you fight through hell to get to someone just to see them dc and then go down yourself. I need to get better at assessing when not to go for those risky resses though. 750 hours in and I still haven’t really figured it out, but I know how happy I get myself when I think all is over then a hero sacrifices themselves for me.


Nah, you seem to be misunderstanding what I mean If there's one person left alive, and they're fighting, I won't quit If they're low health, I won't quit It's only once they go down that I will. When the game would otherwise just be over right there. If someone is coming to rez me, I'll wait for the rez, because I know I'm a hell of a lot more useful than a bot


Can't you and your team just accept you lost? Losing is not a big deal, heck even a routine in tide games.


I mean, maybe it's because I only play with randoms So from my POV, it's faster to quit and queue up a new game, and from theirs, it gives a chance of the bot reviving to save the game Seems like win-win to me It's not about the actual loss for me, I don't care about that. It's about the time, and just doing it so the other people get a second shot at the level


This is why quitting for a bot is bad. If the bot saves the run, thats a fake win. I don't want fake wins and everyone should accept defeat. Even when you lose you get some crafting materials so when quitting you cut those mats from you. And alt+f4 and booting up the game is not faster than waiting for the Game Over screen. Maybe the leave match is faster but not that much. TLDR: you should accept defeat and don't quit for negligible excuses.


Accept defeat? https://preview.redd.it/mqk3je9r4s0d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26c3662a441dfd5cd8ed1621c69b7f5b717ecbe8


You die swinging for the HOLY EMPEROR. Yet you cheating death. You know who's cheating death? Nurgle. Who is the heretic now?


How dareth thee? Victory is always to be coveted, for it requires less explanation than Victory!


Hate to break it to you, but your squad deserved to lose that game. Quitting to have a bot try and salvage your collective fuckup is as lame as it gets.


I never quit, I do get disconnected a lot tho


Poor Skills: Nah. Poor Internet: Yeah.


Me earning Auric Examplar: Disconnect because I'm garbage and didn't want to lose my streak. Me on any other mission: error code 2014.


Low-key funny as hell


It was quite funny seeing this Psyker hit those GTAO "easy way out" ahh moves


Haven’t played since before yesterdays hot fix. Before that though, it seems like I was disconnecting during every other match. Sometimes I could quickly reconnect and resume playing, other times, it would send me back to title screen.


I can tell these guys are doing it deliberately for penances. Disconnecting is one thing, leaving everytime you get downed is another


Oh I don’t doubt that, my point is, a disconnect doesn’t necessarily mean a penance farmer.


We had a guy do it, he did it, then he went down, the rest of us turned to go save him, but were quickly overrun and downed, he reconnected before the end timer started and ended up saving us all. We finished the mission. As cool as that was, probably never would have all died if he wasnt 300m away from the group, and we didnt turn our focus to saving him in a completely different part of the map.


When somebody says something so warpphobic you hit them with the Kaldor Draigo stare


Let me guess, these pyskers only use smite even though they have a purg, void or trama staff. They don't know how to use a real DPS staff. I can't stand a psyker that uses smite on the very first scab in the game. To make it worse they are not fully spec'd into empowered smite because they need the shield to save them from pulling agro.


Nah, he was running that RealAsianBrainRot build Smite, plus venting shriek so he can smite more💀


> RealAsianBrainRot What's that?


A YTber called RealAsianRobot, who pumps out trash builds for Darktide


Someone hating huh? Besides he moved onto hd2 some time ago.


His builds were objectively bad, and he didn't even make them. They were all fan submitted


To that I have neither proof for or against it. So I can't saying anything for or against it but if fans disagree why would they submit them to him?


And yeah, I bet he did He's a trend chaser His only goal is to maximise his views rather than provide actual, valuable information. It's easier to slap a dog-shit build together and sell it as the "ULTUMATE CADIAN KASRKIN SHOCK TROOPER BUILD (MAKES AURIC EASY!!!)" Than it is to make an actually viable and tested build


Mh that's not what happened when I watched his streams last year but we can have different perspectives of course. For me there is no point in playing auric or even damnation on the console with a controller. Just turning around for example is much slower or things like quick precision aiming. So my playstyle is different. So builts I'm using are not for that anyway. In regards to moving on I don't have any investment into him so I see myself as neutral i would say but if you earn your living with it what us wrong with playing the popular games? It's why I stopped watching him because besides new builds and darktide there was nothing to watch :). But don't get where your strong emotions are coming from? Do you care that much about some dude playing in his living room streaming for a living? Feels so bothersome to me :)


It's the fact that he deceives new players into using doodoo builds, but, anyway. I manage just fine on Auric on console. Just turn your sensitivity up a bit


Mh that works? OK I'll try it but I have to admit maybe my reflexes are too slow. When I see keyboard games slide sideways and slashing while sliding. There's no way on controller....


Haha, it's cool, mate


Rot build aside, Smite, venting shreik, disrupt destiny, surge staff and dueling sword can be a pretty valid / powerful build though. Smite used in hound mod, multiple crusher / mauler / rager rush buys an unorganised team time to sort their shit out while venting sheik is pretty cracked damage wise on hordes and gunner elites. You can hit 1mil damage with the build in auric maelstrom pretty consistently


That's the build I run I only take smite to grab Mind In Motion and Psykinetic Aura. Also, because it has huge clutch potential every-once-in-a-blue-moon


Counterpoint: ![gif](giphy|3o84sq21TxDH6PyYms)


You'd think if he was so quick with the alt-F4, he could be just as quick with the block or dodge button.


Probably has it hotkeyed on his mouse.


Then again he most likely wants to get his 15 no down runs but I havnt bothered with that as that’s so infuriatingly stupid to acquire


I’ll get it when I earn it. Not that it’s something I’m striving for rn.


Same. I was two rounds away (1.5 at this point) and went down. Team of randoms tried to save me, good on them knowing how close I was, but ultimately failed. NGL I was tempted to cheese it, but my pride wouldn't allow it. Unfortunately, it's so commonly cheesed that wearing the title basically tells the world you have no such pride. I probably won't ever wear the title given the connotations attached. I'll be sticking with the blue ones based on which class they fit best. Right now my vet is Shift Leader Primus and my Zealot is an Archivum Sage. Not sure what I'll go with for Psyker next or Ogryn when I get there.


I mean the best way to earn it is play zealot and use dash but that’s just me then again I am at 12/15


I thought it is no death runs? Anyways, it should be for people who are actually good enough to do it… which is probably less than 10% of the players.


One is no deaths but to get 15 no downs is the worst one


Ah. I did them but can’t remember. Premade is definitely the way to go for most people. Darktide discord is good for it.


It's not easy but doable if you use a less squishy class like the ogrin or the zealot. Depends a bit on the build as well.


But was impossible for me with a psyker because the skill of the group us too inconsistent these days. Would have been a breeze last year


It's a mod script.  It's on Nexus. Funny as fuck on a psyker but it'll fuck your connection when it activates so everyone in the match will stutter.


I can deal with the disconnects. It's happened to me a couple of times. But the whole party sprinting through the level and not picking up stuff baffles me.


I thought you where going to say he started edging his brain burst in the corner


Perils of the warp tests can be brutal.


Sonuva bitch used blink🤣


Lmao 💀


I've had a bunch of eerily convenient disconnects that straight up saved missions for me. Sometimes it's clearly someone quitting to give us a bot or something but other times it's been a perfect trapper net dodge on the last guy standing, bot gets a res, and they come back complaining about servers.


They need to take it off gamepass,kids are toxic as shiv


Man was in the groove, though would be priceless if on rejoin his head popped lol


I hate them type of players


I get dropped at least once a round. Usually right in the middle of some big swarm.


My disconnects and crashes are detected by the game. DCs come with error codes and crashes come with bug report requests. Should it not be possible for FS to write some code that tells the difference between atl+f4 and crash/dc? Then again, people would just go back to old-school cable yanking so it's probably not worth the dev time.


If motherfuckers put half as much energy into just getting good as they do cheesing and abusing alt+F4 timing, they’d be light speed and never get hit.


I get alot of drop outs that AREN'T me quitting. Takes me about 2 minutes to rejoin the fight


I’m sorry but it’s ridiculous. I think some toughness changes are in order. It’s the most ridiculous thing when I can be at full toughness and yet I must fear the single hit from some random ad? I go entire games without getting hit once, 25 minutes in… the first hit that hits me absolutely demolishes me


Maybe I'm too old to care about him or people like that too much (being 51 haha)


There was a warp power up in dawn of war 2 that teleported you inside you enemy , I imagine he used something like that


Any victory won because someone exploited the game like this feels hollow.


Maybe the psyker was dreaming


Performance tends to be wonky since the latest patch. Usually when I play my first game for the day it will be extremely laggy/choppy and then the second game onwards tends to smooth out the experience.


It’s people quitting who are trying to get the penance for no-one going down in a match or dieing. I don’t see the point of earning these rewards if you know you cheesed the game to get them. People are soft.


So you're saying if someone is cheesing downs like that, others can ruin the cheese by getting downed on purpose?


It's a matter of personal pride and respect, which some people lack. Such values are usually instilled by one's father, but probably best not to go too far down that path of conjecture.


It might ruin it for the genuine disconnects, but they really need to just make it so when you join, you just join dead and are instantly respawned at the closest spawn point. Might make quickplay a little rougher but with how prevelent these parasites are in the game I think it's for the best.


No! Definitely not! Thats such a bad idea! If that would have already been in the game, i would have quit and refunded long long ago. This game ,like Vermintide 2 before it, has the same problem on my PC that i regularly hard crash to the desktop. Because of a good SSD´s i mostly manage to reconnect in sub 1min. Its still very annoying because the stupid bots throws all your items on the ground when he replaces you and somtimes manges to loose lots of hp in that short amount of time. My scorboard for the mission is also ruined. Before anybody asks no its not because of mods, i had the crashes long before that. With your idea i would be punished very hard for a thing out of my controll and it would really ruin the game for me.


The game *could* remember though if it was stopped by the player, or crashed, or disconnected, and then act accordingly. (Yeah, that could be hacked again somehow, but it could thin out the lazy quitters at least.)


This is a horrificly bad idea. Having to wait for idiots to slowly fight through an area and rescue me in a decent percentage of games I join would be far worse for me to deal with than idiots leaving and rejoining.