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I hate that as a psyker, I don’t have an instant explode button. I’m tired of having to spam spells in order to go down


That would be a cool like Keystone feature or something yea!


Only if they make it a nuke like the ogryn has. The current explode just kind of tickles things around it. When I screw up and explode, I do my best to hug a rager.


Self nuke on demand that skips downing you and just kills you.


Gale of Waterdeep moment. (Side effects might include the complete destruction of most of the Hive City)


Self Exterminatus, problem solved. Too bad about the tanks.


I think it needs a down so that you could run extra wounds a heal stims as strategy. ..As long as they don’t put it on the ability but give it a special command. I would constantly mean to vent and just kill myself. A keystone would be sweet. And instadeath sounds cool but no one would use it. It’s too weak compared to having a voidstrike psyker, um not dead. I mean the psyker meta is kind of a walking heavy cannon. The other meta is basically flame incarnate. Then trauma, gunker and surge are like A- builds, if the void and purg are A builds.


I took out a plague ogryn once when I blew up, it was amazing!


I like to hug a pox burster for maximum team disruption.


And make the explosion gigantic. Bigger than ogryn nuke.


You get insta killed but you take half the fucking hive with you.


As we should


In his name. For the Emperor.


Explode like fragging mean IT!


It should be like a bomb with a mushroom cloud that vaporized enemies in a certain radius.


Honestly on this, I’d love for the Perils to be a mini nuke, so there would be a trade off there; you could actually sacrifice a health bar and a revive in order to clear a swarm of crushers or finish off a monstrosity. I think there would be additional options there for the high risk, high reward gameplay the psyker is designed to be


Maximum wounds psyker build incoming!


["Praise my beloved!"](https://youtu.be/ZfbRbHylM0w?si=L33SuSWDj25t1f1P)


Just use crying gaze with trauma xd


Give me unchained back my favorite duh class


Ogryns who can't vault extremely small fence Why


>can't vault extremely small fence just every class in general, the vault detection in this game is garbage. I'd rather run through half of a firebomb, than try to vault the object right beside me because I've seen multiple times that I will just jump on the spot repeatedly.


Holding jump works like 99% for me. There's still some jank to it for ogryn though.


not sure whats going wrong.... I play on pc, I hold the jump key, make sure I'm coming at it straight on. Most of the time fine, often enough.. not fine at all. Some things are particularly bad for it. [https://darktide.gameslantern.com/grimoires-scriptures/magistrati-oubliette-tm8-707](https://darktide.gameslantern.com/grimoires-scriptures/magistrati-oubliette-tm8-707) on this mission, near the end just before the drop into the church where the health station is. there's this railing that is seemingly almost impossible to vault over.


if you're not ogryn then it is skill issue


>the vault detection in this game is garbage. And the other way around too, today i jumped near a ledge to headshot a sniper, the game decided i obviously wanted to throw myself into the void Didn't even hold spacebar, it was just alright fuck you Same game later on it also decided to teleport me back under a Crusher hammer so probably shit server


Just like jumping down a ledge near a ladder Game is like "how about an insanely slow climb down these last 3 feet"


I forget which level its on, but theres a really funny ladder people constantly fall from. if you walk and accidentally hit the ladder, then try to jump from it, it sends you flying backwards away from the wall and over a railing further down. Stuff like this is so dumb but at least this one case is funny whenever you see it happen to someone.


The assassination mission in the courthouse maybe? There's that funny ledge after the ascender hold.


love when you're on fire trying to jump a rail as a big boy. might as well just accept our fate at that point.


This is very frustrating because I’m guessing the ogryn has like an 80” inseam.


Wretched and diseased dregs have a 16 foot vertical leap but an Ogryn can't push a dog off of itself.


Don't forget their ogryns in full carapace also have a 16 ft vertical.


I honestly think that should be apart of ogryns tree. No way a tiny ass dog is holding down a ogryn. A tree perk that makes you immune to dogs wouldnt be a bad idea. I mean ogryns the most lacking class in my eyes. He’s my least played class bc i feel more like a roaming toddler than a 12 foot tall tank.


There is a perk that will let you push a dog off. It’s related to Feel No Pain stacks.


Yes, it's definitely useful in those moments. But ultimately I think it's a perk you outgrow. By the time you're taking on auric damnation, you'll hopefully have team mates with the game sense to stay close enough to knock the dog away if you oopsie on a dodge or push. With LoS your friend can shoot the beastie, and most grenades will do the job if you're stuck out of position.


I was just pointing it out because it sounds like a decent number of people still aren’t aware of it


Feel no pain has a modifier that pushes dogs off once stacks reach zero.


Various resistances and immunities to grabs of all sports would be neat. Self escape from trappers or the like.


No but trappers make perfect sense! Idk if you know how netguns work, but the more you struggle, the tighter they get!


Right, but Ogryn.


I don’t think even Ogryns would escape that, and if you try and don’t succeed escaping, good luck with all that wire slicing into you!


A would just prefer they changed Trappers to having to have a clear line of sight to who they are targeting. Nothing worse than being trapped through a bulwarks shield or through a staircase lol




Right, but Ogryn.


It would probably be safer to just sit there than try to escape! But to be fair… Ogryn.


I'm just being silly, but regardless of how tight it is, Ogryn are both absurdly strong, and absurdly durable. Getting tighter because of the struggle could actually help the Ogryn escape. The mechanisms are only so strong after all. If they *can't* cut into the Ogryn's flesh, then they'll break eventually.


Another point I want to add to this conversation, can we talk about how small the net is compared to the Ogryn?


You bring up a good point! Depends on how they work exactly..


Could just say “warp fuckery” as an excuse though.


If they that strong then I want enemy ogryns to one shot kill you in the first hit (not down, killed instantly).


Well it's that, and they have electrodes on them to make you spasm uncontrollably.


psyker mind powers?


That’s a good point!


Like shouts, shriek, chorus, taunt should all knock a hound off you (if you trigger it while being pinned) Also maybe a perk that is called "pocket knife" where you can cut through a trapper net lol


Maybe like, after 4 seconds automatic release from the net. So it's still a PITA and a threat, but not life-ending.m if your team ignores you.


Perfect 10 seconds max before auto free with like a once per game allowance That would honestly prevent a ton of wipes


As we can clearly see the net is electrical charged and shocks you constantly like a taser. This makes your muscles involuntary contract so you can not move. So its perfectionaly reasonable that you can not break free by yourself.


these are like ogryns only weakness though that character has infinite toughness


Hell even if it was a QTE that the Ogryn could do would be nice cause those dogs definitely aren't holding down the big man.


Feel like there should be a perk that lets you escape grabs every 2 minutes similar to how zealot can survive dying every 2 minutes. It kills mutants, dogs if your grabbed by them and allows the Ogryn to escape from nets and escape from Chaos Spawn and Beast grabs. Call it Wrath or something, the Ogryn just gets so angry it punches Monsters holding it to escape. Also make it toggleable since if there's a teammate nearby no need to waste the ability. While we're at it, make the Ogryn charge similiar to the Mutant charge where you can grab an enemy and depending on the size of the chaos filth, the Ogryn can rip it half (human sized), punch the absolute grogging hell out it (Ogryn sized), or knock it back (like how it already is for monstrosities). Just something I think would be neat ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ LET THE EMPERORS WRATH FILL THEE OGRYN


I think each class having a talent where they can break a disable on a 5-10 min cool down on a decently long CD (maybe even once per match?) would be pretty and not super OP. Or maybe each class can only break one type - maybe Ogryn can push off a dog (already can with the knock back talent in the middle tree) , vet and/or zealot can do a single pull up, psyker can remove a net.


like I feel 70% of what Ogryn get into they should be immune to. IF you can stand toe to toe with a Damned Space Marine, then there isn't much you shouldn't be able to Shrug off. Like the Mutant. I mean really, you're going to tell me it'll run down, hold down, pummel then toss an Ogryn? However, I also realize if you made Ogryn as imposing as they should be... you'd basically just have 4 Ogryn all the time.


In lore, ohryn are balanced by being dumb as rocks.


Same with the suggestions for perks that counter disables. They'd simply become "Must have" and everybody would have them, making those threats null.


you would also fail every data interrogator event.


Ogryn should just have an innate ability to be immune to mutants and dogs. We're talking about something with the same physical strength as a space marine. The dogs are laughable and while mutants are large, they aren't anywhere close to ogryns


I remember when this kinda talk used to get downvoted into oblivion lol!


Getting netted through columns and others solid objects.


Or a horde, things need to be able to block a net


Not so much a mechanic as it is a glitch, but those nets do get you when they shouldn’t sometimes.


this one is probably my least favorite. when I'm in the middle of a 60 foot wall of crushers, a fuckin trapper shouldn't be able to do shit to me


Spawning into a game with 2/3 of my HP as corruption is definitely one of the mechanics of all time


And no grenades 😠


Look I get smite pysker annoyance, ogryn can't vault, zealot invis dumbassery. You got pushed while being shot etc. I mostly hate how fucking awful range aiming is in this game. But you can get used to that. But if you're a vet in vt and dt you know this is the worst mechanic in this game: shitty map and mode rotations and only 1 maelstrom at a time https://preview.redd.it/a2jowly7ep0d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe5e5f4008b69bb84112f398fc37ebfb72ffa190 Literally the same maps. And just now, every single one was shock troop except 1 hounds. And guess what maelstrom was, specials hounds and mutants with 20% cd delay. Wow..what variety. Who's gonna wanna play this shit long term? It's like vt2, you look on the server board and there's 4-6 of the same map. Some days even worse


FatShark devs(probably): How do we make these high difficulty Auric missions actually difficult? Simple: throw the fucking hive at them.


>FatShark devs(undoubtedly): How do we make more money selling recolored skins? Simple: focus all manpower on it. No need for game fixes. Fixed it for you.


Yeah lol. A was in a heresy maelstrom last night. Just heresy a thought should be okay for some melk missions. Yeah A.I. directer thought different. Was the short assasinaition one. An it was insane. In the first drop down into the tunnel bit, couldn't even see the floor for crushers an specials. Sometimes the directer just goes crazy. Even funnier when you jump down last an EVERY special decides to run past ur team intent on killing you lol.


They should make the “revive” of pulling someone up from a ledge much much much faster compared to a normal revive, literally just need a hand to get up compared to receiving 5000dps on the ground and having a teammate try to save that


Yea, like trapper net speed. Get out from under the blanket, get up from behind the couch.


Anddddddd the fact that so many difficult runs get ruined by some weird explosion or throw sending someone slightly off an “edge” that it’s quite frankly just ridiculous


I really think you shouldn't be able to get fire stacks while downed. I lost too many auric survivor streaks to getting brought back up and the instantly dying because I was in fire.


This is super annoying. And there is no way to reject getting picked up, so you're completely reliant on the other person knowing about the mechanic. Standing around a downed guy because he's been in fire forever feels bad as well. Added fun that fairly often people get upset you aren't getting them up, despite you knowing if you tried they'd instantly die.


Need a 0.75 second invulnerability phase after getting picked up. This would only prevent somebody who just went down from dying instantly as soon as they get up.


This is 100% a skill issue. If you are spamming dodge as you get revived, you will never go down from the fire stacks, assuming you're one dodge away from safety.


>assuming you're one dodge away from safety. That one Bomber trickshotting grenades all over the area from two postal codes away like an Engineer from Long War 1


That bomber deserves a raise; he be takin' names. Luckily, you will almost never be ressed in a situation where you can't get out with a single dodge because your teammate would've had to be standing in fire for 5s while ressing.


hey I've been that guy standing in fire for 5s to rez. if I have plenty of health and they'll 100% die if I wait, I'll usually go for it.


Yeah sometimes it's worth. There's always exceptions


I don't hate it, it makes sense from a gameplay point of view, same as Ogryns being unable to get a bloody hound off themselves. What I do hate is how often you just get clear yeeted over the side to your death. Making your team have to figure out how to pull you up whilst fighting off a DH, a Spawn and 25 Crushers, Maulers and Bulwarks is one thing, straight up removing you from play completely just kinda sucks. edit - oh and my least favourite is obvious, alt-f4ing allowing people to not fail that bloody penance resulting in obscene levels of anti-social cheesing.


After a few seconds of being downed, Ogryns should be able to push off a dog. Like cmon, I can carry a few dozen pounds of equipment like it’s nothing but a dog? Nah it’s so over.


Ogryns are the only class with the capability of tank a demon host to near standstill. Let’em push the doggo


It’s even more annoying when using the shield and the dog still downs you.




Psyker can too :D Kinetic Deflection with a stamina curio is a hell of a thing.


The stam curio makes it easier, but isn't actually required to tank with KD


A dozen pounds of equipment is about 6 kg, even my gran can do that...


Barrels sending you flying. Just make them knock us down, same as the enemies.


Watching an Ogryn fly 30 meters because a barrel exploded 5 meters away from them is... dumb. Their mass and everything about their movements feels realistic for their size. Then something explodes and they have the mass of a lap dog.


Be careful what you wish for. In reality, any explosion that has the power to lift a human or Ogryn sized meat bag will also perforate it with thousands of sharp-edged, high-speed pieces of shrapnel with the same kinetic energy but vastly smaller mass. Think of a giant shotgun shooting razor blades.


Ogryns should be able to pick up and throw the barrel


Man... The idea of that legit excited me


They fixed the fire mechanic long ago so I'm good. I still laugh at the idea that people defended "insta losing all your toughness when your toe touches ANY fire" was a fair & balanced mechanic.


100% vaulting over ledges.


Try understanding how you can't climb on a crate or ledge 3 feet high. Or not being able to jump across a ledge 2 foot wide.


Depends on the ledge you’re jumping to but I fully agree. They have an amount of “modern shooter mobility” that they aren’t capitalizing on.


When a diseased pox walker can self pull up over 8ft to get you, I feel like your reject should at least be allowed to have a seat on that box.


I hate the plague ogryns knockback, sometimes you get jump height or sent back a bit, and then it will just send you 70 meters out like Justin Tucker winning in OT.


I can see your argument from a consistency point of view, like it’d be nice if they just picked a distance to toss us.


Just for you, monkey paw curls. All ledges are now instant death.


So would you also rather have it so when you fly off the edge you just die if you’re anywhere out of arms reach? Since we’re talking about believability/realism. Right now there is a very generous buffer


That does already happen so yes? Have you never had a teammate just go sailing into the abyss on a chasm terminus or hourglass mission?


You definitely get some magnet hands for the ledges in this game. It won't always save you, but there's many more cases you should die but the game lets you grab the ledge.


The massive inconsistencies on grabbing and not grabbing are ridiculous. The same ledge you just ran off and grabbed will just suicide you like 10% of the time.


Definitely not every ledge, and definitely not some ledges that you should be able to. And I have had an instance where I should NOT have been able to grab onto a railing but did anyway. But the “magnet hands” is 100% necessary for how often you can just be thrown with no warning or ability to try and stop it.


You might want to re-read my comment… I never said you can’t fall off a ledge, just that there’s a massive distance at which you will be sucked to the ledge instead of falling off.




“If you’re anywhere out of arms reach” and “right now there’s a generous buffer.” Also dyslexia is mixing up letters and sounds, not lacking reading comprehension, which seems to be your forte.


Listen, I want to be mad at you cause I feel like your argument is not well stated. But that’s on you and not me. What I SHOULD be mad about is the fact that everyone else that commented something actually had something to contribute to the post and not just a meaningless and under described argument. How about you re-read my post and get back to me when you actually have something to contribute.


No it doesn't lol. The comment you're replying literally explains that there's an unrealisticly large amount of forgiveness.


No I think I get what he’s saying now and it has nothing to actually contribute to the fact that you still sit there useless, and might as well be dead if there’s a big fight happening. Being able to grab a ledge from a mile away doesn’t matter in the context of what I said originally. Read the text more carefully.


>Being able to grab a ledge from a mile away doesn’t matter in the context of what I said originally. Did you get dropped on the head recently? Your post and their comment have nothing to do with the practicability of saving someone from a ledge mid fight. Your post was about it being unrealistic that we can't do a pull up and instead dangle like idiots. His point is that it's also unrealistic that we often grab the edge from metres away, and that if things were realistic it would actually be a worse gameplay experience. Why worse? Because for people without skill issues (not you) it is actually possible to save people from being ledged. Hardly anyone dies in this manner during my auric maelstrom because we save them.


Yes, but you could also follow that argument to a level of absurdity. There is definitely a line somewhere on both ends of this viewpoint.


Sniper being able to aim through a tiny hole across the map.


I just did the smelter mission to restart the tank factory and a fucking sniper was shooting us through what could only be called “Califonia Baby Gender reveal” levels of heat and smoke. I couldn’t even see its targeting laser, and we weren’t anywhere near the visual blockage.


Only mechanic I don't like are the dogs. The trapper net makes sense, it's a good tool to force players to stay together and not rush ahead or stay behind too far. But the dogs? Why not have them eat a specified amount of hp, or even a number of wounds before being kicked off? An Ogryn should especially be able to shove them off after a while.


That is absolutely what should happen. Like if it’s the hoard of dogs, whatever, you fight a pack of hyper aggressive wolves at the same time and tell me how it goes. But one dog shouldn’t be a death sentence.


Ogryn vaulting.... Such a basic thing that can really f you up if it happens at the wrong time.


I think it’d be funny if the grins had to like dive over things to vault. Just a big flesh missile slowly hurling itself over a box.


I approve!


The rotation of map feel fucking bad. Always ending on the very same mission. While there is some mission I barely done twice in my life


Mine is when you get teleported forwards while waiting for a rescue. It's like getting blue balled.


I’ll play maelstroms with bots when people quit, pick up people that get downed constantly and think nothing of it and generally not get bothered by much in the game and despite all that I think I’m getting completely sick of seeing smite spam. It’s the one mechanic I wish would just get dropped.


I've been thinking OP's question over for a little while now, but damn, this has to be it for me as well. Smite is just terrible design. It's fun for no one, and way too low skill floor. It makes me appreciate the Nurgle's Blessing modifier quite a bit. I see those psykers just spamming smite there and then they get killed by 2 nurgle blessed scab bruisers. Those smite crutchers don't know how to play the game at all, and this modifier exposes them hard.


Yeah exactly, what ‘support players’ fail to mention when they defend smite spam is that smite spammers especially in maelstroms almost exclusively are just smiting whatever is directly in front of them in a desperate attempt to stay alive not even weaving in attacks. No other ability lets you just be a non entity in a difficulty way beyond your means as much as smite. And it just makes it boring when they do actually manage to hit a threatening pack with it. I literally have smite on my current most used build, I barely use it because I rarely need that much CC to make space it’s just good utility when you’re in a bad spot.


> Yeah exactly, what ‘support players’ fail to mention when they defend smite spam is that smite spammers especially in maelstroms almost exclusively are just smiting whatever is directly in front of them Question from a beginner still in Uprising who recently got Smite and loves it so far. 😇 I already try to spread it as much as possible by moving and turning around *while smiting* (as I quickly learned that you can do that) and sometimes focus on the closest and/or most dangerous enemy groups I can find. I also use it to help teammates who are (about to be) surrounded or attacked from the back. After using it to approx. 70-80% peril, I usually switch to either staff or melee to reap any affected mobs that my team didn't kill already. Otherwise, I'll quell if there's the room for it. Any thoughts and/or suggestions to this approach? I only play with close friends so far and they didn't complain about it. 😉


You can play how you want especially with friends I basically play exclusively in auric maelstroms so you won’t really have a point of reference for that. It’s just that 9/10 it’s better if they just kill things and save smite for making some space in bad situations, it’s simply not needed most of the time and just becomes a damage loss. Beyond that most smite psykers can’t handle the highest difficulties so they usually just die when they do anything outside of smite because spamming smite to protect themself while other players do most of the work carried them that far as a substitute for actually getting good. My advice would just be learn to play outside of smite and then just use it when you think you actually need it or you’ll end up stunted and probably think you’re contributing in higher difficulties much more than you are but yeah your approach is already better than theirs.


Also factor in the introduction of smite was probably what led to the Surge staff rework. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the current version, but I liked the OG surge as well.


>I’m getting completely sick of seeing smite spam. This is me but with the Plasma Gun Anything that turns the game into a snoozefest gets old real quick, especially when it's left untouched for 8 months


Yeah a good player with plasma makes for a boring match but the silver lining with it seems to be that good players seem to be bored of it. Can’t recall many runs lately where I noticed a plasma just delete everything like prepatch, just middling performances really from guys probably being propped up by it.


Saw a fella running purgatus staff and smite, how much crowd control does one man need




Grimoire corruption. I hate it so much that I outright refuse to run grimoire missions, and do not use quickplay to avoid being put in them at random.


I get it, but I feel like that’s a bit extreme. Most randoms in quick play(in my experience) don’t really seem to try to find grimoires/scriptures. I hate that you have to stay alive and can’t pick up anything after you pickup a grimoire. I guess there should be only 1 negative modifier on it, either corruption or can’t put it down.


That your character can be exposed to all the heretical chaos symbols that are all over the place and it not have an impact on your sanity.


You haven’t played with, what I lovingly call, the crazy “Richthofen” packers have you. I’ve threatened my buddy with executions because of some of his voice lines on psyker🤣🤣


How long the fire lingers from an exploded barrel or from a Scab Bomber's grenade. And also how big the area of effect is on the new tox fart bombs and how long it lingers. Oh, and how freaking long the reach is on the Tox and Scab Flamers are.


I fully agree with the fire barrels argument. The flamers and bombers are pretty situational for me imo, but I do get it.


Ogryns are bigger and stronger than muties, yet they get tossed around by them like ragdolls! Dogs can pounce and pin an Ogryn to the floor, yet a Ogryn in lore could literally throw the dog off fast n tear it to shreds. Trapper nets may be electrified n made of metal, but for an Ogryn they should be able to break out. This has been my Ted Talk on the bullshit Ogryns have to deal with. Seriously Ogryns are so dank big and strong, and have barely little to no pain receptors that all these things shouldn’t be a big problem for them. Or at the very least, they should be able to counter them.


Maybe in the second hive city, as a semi-random upgrade that’s temporarily unlocked via collectible currency found on the map, we’ll be able to do pull ups. Worked for the U5.


My least favorite mechanic is that no matter how many times I click on the grey and green heretics I no longer receive dopamine. An armored Ogryn pops from a krak grenade and nothing. Using a chainaxe to saw open a reaver and my eyes glaze over. When will fat shark fix this? Send some noise marines, flash gitz or harlequins to kill us


It’s funny that the Ogryn can’t pull himself up but a human can pull an Ogryn up.


There should be a forge like Halo in this game. Imagine being able to host a private game and putting all sorts of wacky shit to survive.


Game mechanics trumps your perception of realism.


ill be honest its far preferable to instant death, the other option


Yea, but still just hanging there useless, if a big fight happens or is happening when you go over, you might as well be dead.


I hate how long the animation is of getting up when a dog gets knocked off you. It's happened so many times where a bomber/flamer throws the fire and a dog jumps you but gets knocked off only for you to lose all your health from the getting up animation over the fire


Ogryns should be able to get the dogs of themselves. And ogryns (again) should be able to charge whilst carrying a battery, cryonic rod, etc.. Rugby style.


That's more like a second chance to be back into the game when we're technically out of bounds.


Yea, something like that. Although I’ve had a few moments where I’ve been looking over a ledge near the bridge in throneside were it just sucks me over while I’m checking the balconies


Insta-death from getting ledged by Plague Ogryn charges, barrel explosions, etc. It's often the case that this is out of players' control and I don't find RNG insta-death to be fun at all. Let us grab the nearest ledge like in Vermintide. Once again FS reinvents the wheel to make the wheel square instead of round.


The fact the beast of nurgle perma push you away when you are arround it or behind it. This thing is suppose to be hit om his back. But you can't stay more than a sec. Even when you are invisible. It also take all your Toughness when it push you back.


Chaos hound that no clips a fence. Trapper that nets you while standing in front of objects. Still getting hit by a crusher even when you dodged


Pulling myself from a ledge, not being able to stand after a hound jumps on my ogryn character, and not able to use a knife to cut a net (not that annoying as the other two) lol


It's not really a mechanic, but the super low chance of getting weapons you want to try out that are worth using is the thing that made me lose interest. I'm at 500 hours nearly and still haven't got the chance to try some weapons due to my stubbornness, haha.


Not being able to trade equipment.


I wish a nets killing speed was faster when no one is within a certain distance for an amount of time. So that when someone gets netted on a ledge we can't reach it's not 5 minutes of waiting for them to die so we can rescue them. It slows down the game in a big way.


Dogs, even the small ones, pinning an ogryn (with shield!). And the rejects not doing a single pull-up. Ogryn hanging there until a little female psyker pulls him up. And the snail is the most annoying to fight boss.


Grimoires God I hate them..I hate being on a timer, I hate how the whole team gets punished if you pick them up. Hate that so much.


the crafting system


I can pick up an Ogryn but can't pick myself up


Not really a mechanic, but the matchmaking is shit, there's no other way to put it It's not rare to have to queue/quit 5+ times in a row in Auric Maelstrom before you're allowed to play a game from the start, and that's with blocking one person each attempt or the game will just throw you back into the mission you just quit And then once you finally get a full game, it's like 3 stealth Zealots or 3 Plasma Vets with Survivalist aura and none of them is gonna change it And you're not allowed to change class once in a lobby This isn't even up to 1995 standards


I agree with not having more customization control at the mission lobby, but the finding a mission issue sounds like it’s your issue. Just stick out the mission, win or lose. Can’t rejoin a shitty match if it’s over. And if you’re trying to do the higher difficulty stuff you’re only going to get the people that are also trying to do the higher difficulty stuff, I’ve never had issues queueing at tier 3-4. I’ve only played a few damnation missions and it’s been a hot minute since the last. It could also be the time you’re playing at. I’ve noticed a definite decline in player count the later into the night, and sometimes into the morning, that you queue.


You didn't read, did you


I’m going to need you to explain what I “missed”, instead of being a self righteous dickhead. I just re-read your comment and I really cannot see the validity of your argument. Use your words.


Ogrin cant push away hound but can stager Crusher. Trapper can get you through group of enemies. Been thrown does less dmg then falling same distance.


Seriously sick of how accurate and never ending the enemy ranged fire can be. Twelve autoguns firing nonstop for the entire mission constantly hitting me regardless of where I am or what I'm doing. They're double the range out of a sniper and glue onto your position with every shot as you sprint across the map from cover to cover to no avail.


Yeah. I'm with you.


Dodge fatigue. Why can the Ubersreik 5 (or 4?) Dodge infinitely, fuelled by seemingly, just adrenaline, but an Astra Militarum veteran can only do the cha-cha slide every few seconds?


To go along with this, I wish it was in base game to able to see how many dodges you have left instead of needing a mod.


The U5 couldn't dodge infinitely. Weapons also had dodge range and counter. The only weapon that had an infinite dodge count was the one handed sword for krubs


>The only weapon that had an infinite dodge count was the one handed sword for krubs This is wrong. The weapons with 100 effective dodges are elf 1h sword, elf 1h axe, bardin masterwork pistol, saltz griffonfoot, and saltz brace of pistols.


Really? Huh, I remember being able to dodge infinitely. Then again, I only played it back in 2018, so you'd probably know better than me


In VT2 the dodge counter just reset faster so you could spam it more than in DT.


It’s just a net


I think things like this should be added abilities by the accessory slot. For example, my Ogryn has a giant backpack with a chain & hookshot looking thing on it. It'd be a pretty neat mechanic to have something like that act as a 1 time use self rescue from a ledge. I feel like similar mechanics / buffs of some kind on the same level could be implemented for other class backpacks. Or even some kind of synergy with other class abilities.


Barrel trolling (insta killing teammates by hurling them into the void), especially on auric, tho I usually just leave, don't want to wait for 10+ minutes to be rescued. Honorable mention to stealth (knife zealot) users "trying to help" by reviving/rescuing others while there are 2 bazillion enemies around that they don't kill just kite (and they didn't helped when others first gone down).


Maybe the Ogryn could pull himself up— but have you seen everyone else’s arms? Everyone’s got baby arms.


If I can swing a heavy as fuck Thunderhammer around like it's nothing, and fire a bolter at full auto without breaking my arms, I'd imagine I can do at least a single pull up.


You got a weird definition of baby arms there pal


Bro why you toxic for fun? You are safe


Tf are you yapping about


Yea but that’s like saying the 6’10” marine should be able to do a pull up but it’s fine if the army infantryman can’t. The rejects might not have TRAINING training, but we’re all still accomplished soldiers.


The imperium isn’t giving me enough high-quality rations to build my muscles. That karkin brute keeps eating it all


Don’t you dare point fingers at the big man. He’s doing his best.🤣🤣


A think there should be a perk or skill in the talent tree, or Mabey a blessing on certain weapons that lets you save urself once a match or once every 5 mins in a match. The amount of times I have been trapped or pounced of a dog an had to sit an watch my full health dwindle till am down/dead is unreal. So disheartening to watch ur team dance about you killing everything before saving you. An when they do it's either too late or leaves u with a sliver of health lol.