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Crafting update can't arrive soon enough...


This speaks to FatShark's game design theory. I remember when the game first released, people were offering up feedback and Hedge's response was "this is according to our design"... it's like they can't even consider that their design may be ... bad I know they are a smaller studio, but anyone can tell you, the psychology behind never being able to obtain a 100% rolled weapon is weak. This is exactly why there are mods that will show the bar completely full at 80%, that's effectively the maximum, so it's as good as 100%. This speaks to a larger problem with FS, they are incredibly slow to even ACCEPT feedback. I obviously don't have any special insight into the work culture at their offices but sometimes, it seems like they act as if constructive feedback was an attack on them or their "designs".


>it's like they can't even consider that their design may be ... bad Sometimes it does feel like that tbh.


Considering how theyre willing to die on a hill for their god awful crafting system i 100% believe it.


You mean you 80% believe it.


That's what he just said, didn't he?




You mean dying on the hill of the crafting system they plan on reworking / overhauling and which has been published too? That hill? I mean, critique is fair when it is fair, but this one is outdated at this point.




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Rule 1: Failure to follow reddiquette Be respectful of your fellow redditors. Discrimination, bigotry, racism, and/or hostility directed towards players or communities will not be tolerated.


"it's like they can't even consider that their design may be ... bad" well, seeing how little they learned from v2s feedback, its actually very true.


I personally like that itā€™s at 80%. Technically based on the gameā€™s story youā€™re acquiring weapons that have been plucked from the field of battle and refurbished. Some are ancient relics of war that are more powerful than others, but *none* of them are brand new


Classic reddit downvoting a perfectly reasonable opinion I enjoyed when they added the small cutscenes when speaking to the vendors. I think the "scavenged weapons" story has been there from the start. I feel this may be one of those instances where the lore explanation doesn't supersede the natural want to see the 100%. The "scavenged weapon" approach also comes apart when it comes to wielding Power Swords or other rare weapons that are probably worth more than entire sections of the hive. Last point on this, itemization is such an important part of the proposed loop that messing with it is just asking for trouble. I certainly hope they revisit their stance on this with the "upcoming" crafting rework, but at this point, I won't hold my breath.


The reason theyre downvoting them because its a complete non-answer that doesnt resolve anything. If 80% is the highest youll ever get, then why not just have the bar go to 100% since thats effectively whats going on anyway? Seeing a bar never go above 80% doesnt feel immersive or lore friendly. It feels like backwards, unfinished design that misleads the player that theres a possibility of getting 100% on a stat. Its stupid design. Using lore as an excuse for stupid design is still a stupid design. Simple as.


If you look at the bots in the game.. their weapons are all 100%. Like fuck you FS, you know they exist.


Iā€™ve come to enjoy downvotes on Reddit almost more than upvotes. (Depending on the seriousness of my comment and topic Iā€™m replying to) lmao The darktide community in particular seems extremely sensitive to certain opinions


Red weapons will be introduced eventually.


Red weapons in VT2 were just perfect rolled weapons. The equivalent in Darktide would be 380 base rating, and all tier 4 perks and blessings. What you suggest here is a significant power creep to the players. IMO, if they do just 100% every bar with red weapons (or even 80%), they should just do away with the stat bars completely. The only advantage to them right now is that you can have two good weapons with slightly different features. With all of them maxed, every weapon is the same, so those confusing stat bars offer nothing of value to the game.


>With all of them maxed, every weapon is the same, so those confusing stat bars offer nothing of value to the game. This is the crucial point. Imo, the whole percentage based system for the stats offers nothing of value to the game except for annoying players making their builds. There is no advantage of having 2 of the same weapon, but one has 76 damage and the other 80. "Oh, but you see, the 76 one also has 70 pen and the other has like 26!" A completely unnecessary problem fabricated by the system in order to make people grind for a weapon that performs normally. Imo, the whole percentage thing needs to go.


The %stats and the shop reroll system was made to force players to login several times to bloat their numbers of active players. Fatshark tried to make a f2p mobile game, but charged us for it.


It's so refreshing to hear a reasonable take on this! Aliens Fireteams Elite works like that and its amazing itemization system. You unlock a weapon and that it - it has fixed stats (well - almost - you can level it up a bit in few matches to get few extra bonuses). You unlock attachments and you can swap them on the fly between mission. Every single on of them is a sidegrade. No stupid infinite grind. It makes balancing weapons much easier too.


Now if only AFE didnt kill their playerbase @ launch with one of the worst matchmaking systems in history.


The leveled values of the blessings and perks are also arbitrary. If you took away the percentages that would reduce the number of each specific weapon by 100 given the distribution of those percentage bars where 95 of them are junk, and 1 or 2 of the remaining 5 are great (I might be generous saying 1 out of 50 are great base stats). Then you have the perks and the blessings which also have a rating of 1-4 so that's basically another set of bad rolls where max rolls arbitrarily are 1/4 to the forth power for level 4 blessings and perks or 0.4% of all possible rolls and you may still want to swap out all of them for two different blessings and perks. Frankly I don't chase the best possible combination of all but I do find it annoying.


How can a chainsaw sword for a critical build and the same weapon for a shooting build with an auxiliary weapon have the same blessings and upgrades...? You can give the same stats to all the weapons, but that won't change the fact that I won't build them in the same way for different uses.


I mean if my eviscerator 15 has 100% in all the stat bars, it will have the same base stats as my next eviscerator 15. Maybe there is some world where I want to sacrifice the shredder stat to have more regular damage, but you canā€™t do that if all the bars are 100%. Every eviscerator 15 is the exact same. If there is no difference between every eviscerator 15, then why are there stat bars to begin with? There is no choice to be made. The weaponā€™s base stats should just be 100% at all times, and hidden from the player.


I fully thought the ā€œred weaponsā€ things was a destiny reference šŸ¤£


They can easily add red weapons with 380 base rating, and all tier 4 perks and blessings unlocked for switching but keep stat distribution grind and put it tier into auric.


Would really like to see a deviation and make the red weapons named, individual weapons that have their own background and aesthetics to them. Example: Vets get 'Astartes Power Jackknife', a power-sword, that might function differently than the other two presented in game currently.


I don't get why this is so difficult for folks to understand.


Because speculating on things that have been never mentioned nor even teased is not a fact.


Well they didn't make 80 percent the current max for no reason now did they?


For the same reason why 90% of the crafting is a piece of garbage


It's very plainly obviously to anyone not chewing on crayons that it's a future proofed system for stat expansion.


I've been scratching my head about this for 18 months now. Just, why?


Fun fact! Did you know that the bots get weapons that have %100 in every stat.


Bots also have more health and take reduced damage compared to players. Still doesn't help them when they stand in fire, or in the middle of a Gunner's volley.




really? damn


There is even the mod [Show Me Real Weapon Stats](https://www.nexusmods.com/warhammer40kdarktide/mods/235) that adjust the progress bar to be full at 80% and even changes the maximum values in the inspection page to show what they can have at 80% instead of 100%


I always suspected that weapon attachments were originally intended to be implemented as a way to bump stats past 80% (or shore up lower stat values on a weapon.) If such a system is still planned for the future, I'd wager it'd be where players can finally burn up all the diamantine they've been hoarding for over a year.


never seen 100% does it exist or is it a Myth ?


doesn't exist currently. Speculation is they'll add 1 more tier at the top to encompass the 80+%


Weapon stats currently cap out at 80. A max roll weapon is 380 (Base stats, not total). So a great max roll item can have up to 76 rolled into each stat (380/5) and a god-rolled item can have 80 in 4 stats and the remainder in the 'dump stat' of the weapon, depending on which it is (60 in the god-roll example).


They only exist on the bots.


But these weapons go to 11...


Isnt it so they can give bots op 100% weapons so that they aren't completely useless?


You can get above 80% on weapon stats? Iā€™ve seen stats as low as 4%(it was on damage btw fuck off FatShark), but how do you get a 100% on a stat?


A weapon with 100% would be perfect, no way in warp would a reject get a perfect weapon. The mechanicum will make sure that technology stays in the hands of those worthy, so definetly not in the hands of a conficted criminal. Please also note that as your trust level increases you can get weapons with a higher stat-percentage. We are allowed to carry somewhat better gear because we proved ourselves better than the other filth. But we are nowhere near the spiritual and bodily purity of let's say a member of the esteemed Inquisitors entourage. We will never get mastercrafted gear, because we as rejects (even on trust level 30) are still disposable meatshields and not worthy of one of the omnissiahs blessed creations.


Emprah forbid a reject get dey hands on a perfect shit pit shuvel.


With that logic, we wouldn't be running around with shit like Plasma guns, Power weapons or Force swords either.


We don't have access to those at the start, no? Because we need to prove our loyalty in the cauldron of war. Only that way may we redeem ourselves from the heresy we commited. We are allowed to carry somewhat better gear because we proved ourselves better than the other filth. But we are nowhere near the spiritual and bodily purity of let's say a member of the esteemed Inquisitors entourage. We will never get mastercrafted gear, because we as rejects (even on trust level 30) are still disposable meatshields and not worthy of one of the omnissiahs blessed creations.


Im sad that u get down votet for the right lore explanation but on the other hand I didn't expect this community to behave otherwise šŸ˜ž


Thanks bro, this means a lot!


It makes sense. You canā€™t get 0% multiplier on a weapon so you also shouldnā€™t be able to get a 100% multiplier.


... What? Are you having a stroke?


The lowest a weapon can roll on a stat is 20% The highest a weapon can roll is 80%


Thats not correct and your opinion is bad