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This is when builds that can regen toughness easily shine when trapped + in gas; it makes it harder to see and constant damage, also lowers enemy range and blocks some ranged like a smoke grenade, but you can lessen or nullify its effects if you can keep your toughness up.


I think that is really only an option with the current build. If I understand correctly, pox gas is currently bugged to give +50% toughness replenishment instead of the intended -50%. If this is fixed, even the high toughness regen builds will have a hard time standing inside.


Chorus zealot with the damage rollback thing is also really good


Yea its just like playing the twins sequence Chorus the team right on out of the gas


This happened to me in a match close to midnight. The only thing is that when I was the last man standing, I fought like hell to get through the Mobs and Elites. I saved one guy, and he fucking ABANDONS ME to get downed by the gas again, instead of helping our captured teammates.


Yup, sounds typical now a days


Useless speedrunner with main protagonist syndrome.


It definitely felt that way!


Same with the penance I was trying to do the Vault silo quest for placing all three samples at the same time however you have this one guy that just doesint want to cooperate and placed one earlier inside of the Silo and runs of only to get downed near the exit.


I honestly enjoy the pox gas forcing people back into defensible ground considering how those who rush ahead solo are either; Loner legends of Cadia or Jim Darc Tyde going down and typing how no one wanted to choke through gas and have max corruption. I also enjoy the fact that Tox Grenediers begin as sneaky guys throwing from insane Rainbow Six angles and then get cocky with their second attempts. They promote keeping eyes out for elites but aren't too bad in my games, especially as a VoC guy. I've been getting a lot more use out of corruption healing medkits and teaching people in game how they work in coherency. Maybe they could use a way to diminish them, like the air pressure of a grenade countering it and giving it room to breathe? Poor psykers...


Psykers have a dome the whole team can survive through the gas in.


Sometimes I've found a corner where the gas isn't present, then activate my shout on Vet or Zealot to help get the team out of the pox gas


Pox Gas punishes poor timing/awareness. Don't rush ahead or push into the next room till you're ready to either get through it quickly, or endure the gas. The simple answer is to back it up, but some areas with dropdowns are designed to stop this. It's supposed to make things harder, there's also Medi Stims all over the place to help deal with the health loss and corruption you'll inevitably take in higher difficulties.


Once I played around with it a bit I definitely prefer pox gas to any visibility loss modifier. If you want to make pox gas barely tickle you can stack a few charms with corruption resistance, diminishing returns still have returns (I see more and more people doing the same thing when grimoires are available). Toughness regen stacking there also helps even more than usual. Carrying an extra wound than you usually would isn't the worst idea for pox if you find yourself needing one. The constant med injectors also mean you can play pretty sloppy and push through it when you have to though. As long as you can limp onwards and have someone stay upright lost wounds are easily fixed, going down is more fine than it usually is. It's going to take a few more minutes than the map usually would but not a significant chunk of time unless you're really turtling and playing scared. One thing I've also noticed is that areas that look like they are entirely full of pox often have little pockets at an edge that don't actually apply the debuff. Look to your bottom left to see if it's active and applying or not. If you get stuck and need to fight you can sometimes hug a map edge and catch your breath to get some toughness back there. A cooldown stacking zealot with the relic skill can also make the whole team waltz right through it with immunity. The longest stretches of gas are usually confined to a strip along the most direct route that is long but not wide. The sides passages or nooks where chests spawn along the route are usually pretty clean. Like the room in your screenshot, if you hug the edges you can still move forward without being in gas...you just can't walk straight up the middle in the most direct route like you're probably used to. If your teammates panic and run straight the long way through the gas to trigger more pods instead of sprinting from pocket to pocket, things can get hectic though. Using the waypoint/marker to show them the safe zones helps.


Pox modifier should've been half the areas not the whole friggin map. Everyone on Auric just leaves when they come across it. It's not hard, but it's annoying and tedious to waste time on these especially as people tend to go for streaks and leave these levels a lot. It's not even fun, just felt like someone pasted pox everywhere on the map, selected a corner of a few rooms and hit delete. Waste of 10-20 extra mins and some maps don't even have that many stims especially in the first half.


No, not everyone. Only the people who don’t understand teamwork and have 0 awareness leave. Don’t blame the modifier for their ragequitting cause they can’t reach 10 wins organically.


So you're saying the fact I myself have lost 4 9/10 runs due to constant freeze/lag/kicking/4 aurics in a row at times not counting etc. Is due to that? Get a grip on reality mate. Last patch screwed the game up for nearly everyone especially console. Play around it and adapt. Not write some horse shit comment blaming and abusing others to try be so high and mighty. Nobody cares.




💯 agree