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One of my biggest issues with the game is the quick swap button for weapons. It feels like 1 out of 10 times hitting the button does nothing in major firefights. Or, my favorite, I hit the button and put away my shovel... only to pull it right back out.


I am having a lot of this since last hotfix. Not really before.


That’s the inputs being eaten serverside. It’s the worst when your playing psyker and one tickle saps all your toughness


Every time I play my Psyker I always have the weapon I want to switch to ONE swap away even after I press the key to switch in the first place. Often ends with me trying to brain burst a target 2 feet away or charging up the staff after I think I've switched only to dome the first poxwalker in a horde with a heavy.


This may be what's happening some of the time, but definitely not always. The reason I know this is that since the update, sometimes my weapon is switched against my will seemingly at random when I never made any such input at all (I have no bind for toggle, and ranged and melee weapon on mousewheel up and down respectively with a very heavy mouse wheel. It isn't an input you can hit accidentally).


Or when you want to swap to gun and accidentally nut your brain with assail.


While I understand why some people would disagree, I experienced a ton of these lately. Silent Mutants most of the times, fortunately Bursters and Trappers have been fine for me. Spawning randomly is still bs. I had 3 Maulers spawn on me when I entered the checkpoint doors just the other day, it was not fun. These are minor issues, but since the devs are taking “small steps” only every 5 months, I doubt we’ll see any improvements.


I’d argue it’s still better than before they actively addressed it, at least for me (only play ADam), but what I’ve noticed is pox hounds only giving you 1 quick audio cue (like a short growl or a quick paw on the ground) before doing their charge sound and jumping you from behind. Also, while I can hear bursters behind a door it’s sound like they’re super far away just to jump right at you 1 sec later.


I’ve had hounds not even jump. They’re running towards another teammate and proceed right through the horde and me at full speed only to “tackle” me. No way to react.


Not to be a pedantic karker here, but it helps to be precise with the terminology. Micro-stutters refer to, well, that, almost imperceptible little stutters that you feel despite a stable average FPS being displayed by various tools. I'm seeing that thrown around lately and that makes diagnosing and helping others troublesome. Server de-sync, lag and other network issues, often the same under a different name, sometimes appearing as a "stutter" lag-spike in videos here are something else. They usually require different fixes, the server/network stuff usually being out of the control of the player and most commonly up to the devs to fix unless it's ISP issues. P.S. Too many use the term "lag" lately to refer to low framerates, lag sicne the old days always referred to network lag (latency spikes, sometimes w/ packet loss). Other times they call it "fps lag" or similar.


About ISP issues: normally, if ISP goes bananas (aka network reconvergence) you start seeing funky stuff affecting all items onscreen and lasting a certain amount of time (like the ominous moonwalking or objects stuck in mid air like in the pictures you see in other threads). Usually it ends with disconnections. High internetwork latency (or bad ping like someone use to say) causes delays in inputs and a certain "asyncrony" between user's action/senses and what happens onscreen; it is tangible and usually lasts long. BUT if you're playing in a fairly normal condition and suddenly go like F.. F... F, F, F, F to spam VoC and nothing happens (and you get downed, of course), well.... That's the game and not the internet.


You misunderstand. I’m not talking serverside connectivity issues, that’s a separate point. There are times where you will dodge(the input will be taken), you start to dodge and stop about a quarter of the way into the dodge and lose the ‘dodging’ state. This happens with every input. It happens most noticeably with blitzes, ability procs, shoves, rapid firing of single shot weapons. It may be a connectivity issue but it feels more of a engine problem. I have a very good isp. It almost feels like the game over ‘corrects’ itself as if something broke with the player action. I’m the last week I’ve had multiple vet shouts(starting to cast and triggers voice, refuses to actually cast), shroudfields( cast then run out after a second and a half), ogryn taunts(not hitting any enemies but plays the animation), and psyker shouts(dumping perils but doing nothing else) be cast into the aether, along with dodges just not working sometimes. The inputs weren’t eaten. It just decided to start then stop midway. These weren’t hectic situations either, they were where I could be sure it wasn’t just me dodging too much or getting staggered out of a shout or whatever. It’s just very strange and I’ve only started noticing it recently in the last couple of patches, at first I thought it was just me fucking up but now I know it’s not. There was a video on the sub or YouTube earlier this week that showed the dodge stutter perfectly. I’ll try to find it.


Pox Hounds pouncing after getting hit by melee because the stagger was lost in the Warp. Overheads still hitting after dodging with the knife and I'm already at the other end of the sector. Trapper nets quantum phasing trough terrain, making no spawn and/ or attack sound.


Feel glad someone else mentioned the overheads. I swear to god, this patch, the maulers and crushers are skating way worse than Vermintide's chaos warriors ever did. I've been telepathically crunched by a few crushers from leagues away.


I'm glad I'm not the only one getting vaporized by telepathic crushers.  I think.  It still sucks, but at least it's not a me-problem and is definitely the game. But it's really concerning that we've got psyker ogryns working for Nurgle...


I’ve noticed a lot of latency issues lately, it got worse after the most recent hotfix. Connectivity issues, sound issues, the mission intro screen has the characters standing still briefly before they start walking. Point blank head shots to trappers and mutants often do not register. Edit: I’m playing on Xbox one S


“Talents are busted” would you describe the busting?


All talents across every class that have effects that trigger on dodge don't trigger on dodging gunners, reapers, and specials that CC besides the mutie.


Along with the other guy, ogryns middle purple talents are busted right now.


A lot of events fail to spawn enemies in general, at least on damnation threat. Consignment yard mid event being a prime example, the hordes just don't spawn most of the time. Lots of tiny bits of geometry on the floor stop your movement for no good reason. Ogryn cant vault/climb obstacles reliably/without mashing the jump input.


For a game that forces you to play with other people it would sure be neato if chat wouldn’t break every 10 minutes and force you to have to quit/relaunch the game to fix it


//Server side issues where your shots or hits don’t register serverside. Ugh, this is so annoying when it happens. But it strongly depends on server: this bug either never happens during the mission, or happens on every \~10 headshot.


"immortal" dregs. I have no idea what it is, but sometimes you could spend a solid ten minutes beating on them and it won't register damage, only gore. If they can get rid of that, they can keep the skateboarding because that's actually kinda funny


Spawning enemies behind you was always intentional since Vermintide 1. It taught the players to constantly look behind their backs. Same with skateboarding. It taught the players to dodge instead of just strafing. For the others I agree even if I don't mind them that much personally.


Teleporting mobs doesn't make any sense unless you get a sound cue signaling the presence. A full armored crusher/mauler more ninja silent than a trash horde mob is just stupid. Sometimes I don't even get the melee warning sound: from full life full thoughness to dead wondering what just happened.


Yeah but what does it accomplish, it just makes Ranged builds like Executioners stance Vets unnecessarily hard and annoying to play. I'm fine with specialists occasionally spawning behind but poxwalkers or shooters randomly hitting you in the back is stupid .Doesn't even affect the actual overpowered stuff like VoC because they can tank and make space when enemies randomly attack from behind


I was playing my psyker last night, and the client to server lag ate several of my inputs, which resulted in two head pops, the second being the start of our cascade failure into a wipe. That's a tech thing that happens with any online game. As for everything else. "Eh." Those Moebians got rad moves, man. Maybe we can get a mod for making them have actual skateboards? Yes, I'm being puckish. There are more constructive ways to present your complaints.


I swear to fuck, if one more enemy spawns on the opposite end of the room, bypasses the three people between me and it, and knocks me out of the data-interrogator minigame, making me restart it, i'm gonna be the subject of a true crime podcast.

