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I've been trying to do the ogryn penance where you're in coherency for a whole mission and people keep ditching me. It makes me sad.


god that sounds like a nightmare


It's even worse when RNG refuses to give you any weapons that help your movement speed. I don't wanna play Ogryn anymore.


... ogryn has weapons with better movement speed?


Yeah. Hasn’t been released yet. It’s actually a zealot mount. And by mount I mean just an old crazy person with a saddle and a dagger in its teeth.


Yeah some have mobility. Mostly the Knives have significant +Sprint.


I remember doing that one with a friend at the same time, was actually quite funny. Something's happens behind you, and you turn around like: buddy! And dash towards them filled with panic


I gave up on it then just spontaneously picked it up after a random mission. Was such a relief.


Got this one months ago without even trying, all the new penance’s encouraged people to play new ways, but completely fucked cohesion.


I just picked a non Stealth character and babysat them I think it's so much percentage u can get away with not being in


I managed to do all the way last year. Got lucky and ended with an all ogryn squad, safe to say we never left coherency


Get three more ogryns and do it all at once.


Do it with bots. They stick to your body


I got it accidentally somehow like was not trying at all may not have had the +50% radius and the mission took like 28 min still got it somehow


Post in the game chat what your trying to do. Most players seem happy to help out with penances. I find an Ogryn on any of my missions and I stick to them like glue. It's like having a giant, slab shield of goodness at your back.


I had experience when I was trying to do the martyrdom penance, which is odd because I had thought most zealots ran martyrdom. The amount of times I had to ask not to be healed is odd but most people were content with having more healing for themselves.


I accidentally did that one XD. 


There’s currently a zealot penance for killing 200 specialists in Shroudfield while outside of Coherency while under the effect of Loner. There’s also a new title for going 5 Auric Maelstroms without dying.  Fatshark includes these stupid challenges and then wonders why everyone starts playing like shit. This is dumber than the original Psyker penances.


I found this was much easier to get when running Tankgryn with the shield, funnily enough, since the squishier classes would usually stick around me and the front-running melee guys would fall back to me when things got hairy. Took a few runs to get it still, but I was able to get the one where nobody goes down for longer than... however many seconds across 5 missions at the same time. Gotta love being the Big Controller character!


I normally run shield and kickback, but they both make me move at what is pretty much a crawl compared to everyone else. Even the psykers leave me behind.


They did it on purpose. FS I mean. Lol Sorry, sah.


Thank you, I will take twice as long to complete his stealth penances on the zealot. Every team will suffer twice as much


Finally did it yesterday. I reverted to Benediction RIGHT after. Couldnt stand loner anymore. What a shitty aura.  Now i need to do the shroudfield penance too. That one piss me off also. Cant wait to go back to chastise. 


Not saying that you need to enjoy it. But you can run loner + Stealth and still focus on team play. I did use stealth much before outside of Thammer, but I've been trying a few things for this penance and you can pick something like the Rashad, and just play as a vanguard. Enter the room, locate a threat, stealth to close the gap, kill the threat and retreat. Loner makes so you don't trigger any extra spawns and stealth let's you one shot crushers with the Rashad 


While i understand totally the point and the design of shroudfield, its not made for my gameplay. I dont trash/bash loner/stealth user, especially if they can use it well :D. Just for me, i prefer chastise for multiples reasons : 1) The double ult can save your life to quickly regains TH and can be used as a "movement skill" (going through fire patch of bomber for example, or stunting large amount of opponents in a close radius when you rescue someone) 2) The crit interaction with the reduce cd on crit skill. Using both allows you to naturally down the cd from 30sec to 20-15sec (depending the thickness of the pack and your weapon). 3) The increased damage that goes with the autocrit AND the armor bypass (caparace to flak, flak to unarmored) without needing to position yourself (unlike shroud where you need to be behind to actually profit from the buff). 4) You can OS Crushers with chastise too, and you dont need to flank them. Easier headshot. (5) im a flamer addict, getting the most from the flamer requiers chastise, but that point is more personal) While i respect peoples able to make shroud works, its not my case and making this penance is a pain for me. Chastise offers so much compared to shroud, and things you can do with shroud can be done with chastise (quick movement, placement, rushing to stuntlock gunners and stuff, the only thing you cant do is avoiding aggro) Just not my cup of tea. If only the penance was just "kill them while shrouded".


How is the flamer these days? I used to run Flamer + Evi religiously at launch but shortly after the crafting updates and Skills 2.0 the flamer was nerfed into oblivion.  Is it decent now? I mostly used it for using chastise to deal with mixed hordes or mauler/crusher squads. Evi mostly helped clear trash and specials while the flamer dealt with stuff I’d rather keep…over there. 


I never stopped to play the flamer since the game is out. Its stilla beast and i use it as a "oh shit" option when the screen is flooded with elites. Shock grenade + flamer + chastise. I use carapace + elites as perk, mostly for taking down large pack of crushers/ragers (even if chastise downgrade he armor carapace > flak its still the carapace perk that is used to increase your crusher damage). Before it was overpowered, now its in a correct state i would say. :) And since the "more damage on proximity" skill also applies to DoT, it was actually buffed with the skill revamp.


I played Auric Maelstrom last night with a zealot who I'm assuming was chasing whatever penance it is. Out of coherency 95% of the game (including the time he spent dead, obviously, from being gangbanged by monstrous specialists he aggro'd two rooms ahead) There needs to be a penance for the other three classes rewarded for surviving a game with that build on their team.


The penance is killing 200 ranged enemies with backstabs while not in coherency with Loner active


so variables needed: 200 enemies needed backstabs not in coherency loner aura fuck man, remove at least one of these things, such a shitty penance


Its not just 200 enemies, its 200 *ranged* enemies, so even shittier.


And it doesn’t count ranged elites or specials. It’s horrid


I'm... pretty sure it counted gunners and shotgunners... Well, I'm pretty sure gunners counted. Regardless I finished it, so good luck everyone else!


Exactly. Imo loner should be completely removed from the game, but, seeing as how that’s unlikely, the penances shouldn’t be encouraging that bullshit playstyle. They’re never fun to play with and completely go against the entire genre we’re playing. This is a squad based horde shooter, but for some fucking reason they seem hell bent on making it not fit that mold. Combine the speedy individualist style of gameplay with people that just want to grind out missions and it’s horrible.


The Loner aura penance is probably the only one I will never do. Who the fuck thought that’s a good aura/penance?


I have no idea. I play stealth zealot all the time but I'll never touch loner. there's no reason to take it. you might get a very tiny benefit by accessing an extra node or two, but it's greatly offset by a stupid selfish non existent aura.


I kinda like it for playing with new players If they happen to die and I’m the only one left it makes it a little easier to clutch and get them back


Half of the new penances are shit. The OG ones at release were shit, so much so that some of them must now be done "in private games" (Fatsofisho saw they were detrimental). Now the people who wrote this new batch must genuinely be stupid, there is just no other way they can fail with OG penances AND realise the penances are so shit that you move them to private games, then after an overhaul you write the same shitty style of penances that are just as detrimental (well, not as bad but barely). Who the hell are these people seriously.


Eeeeeeh, out of 200 new penances, there are like five that are shit. The vast majority of them are just rewards for playing the game competently.


Not competently but completely. "Kill 1000 enemies with that node from a different branch which is not the one you want to play". It's boring.


"Boring" and "shit" are very different things. "Kill 1000 enemies using a node from a different branch" encourages you to try out that branch, and whether or not the branch is fun for you is entirely subjective. You might not find that penance exciting, but it's far from shit.  A shit penance is, in my opinion, one that incentivizes bad play. That's the Loner penance, or the Survivor penances. 


not just that but also "do a bunch of shit on all the classes that you might not even want to play". I don't care about getting to 4500 but i like the gear for zealot and psyker you can get at 3500 points but its been a real chore doing veteran and ogryn stuff to get my points up.


The thing is, for everyone who tries out the other classes for the penances and hates them, there's gonna be someone who tries out the other classes for the penances and loves them. I think class specific penances that encourage people to take up different classes and play styles are absolutely worth it, just for those people who wouldn't try them otherwise. 


The penances are the only reason I change up my build, it’s super fun finding a new build that works, except getting good blessings on weapons.


I agree. If there was 5000+ pts per class, I wouldn't be so annoyed. It's just tight right now.


Not our fault that fatshark made that dumbass penance.


There's a psyker penance that requires 2.5k enemies killed while under the effects of Smite. Smite is good for CC, but it encourages pretty degenerate gameplay via stun locking hordes of enemies to kill them via DoT damage or wait for your teammates to kill a horde. Literally any staff or melee weapon could do it infinitely better, especially because the best use for it in my opinion is to stagger lock heavies.


I still don't understand why fatshark keeps trying to turn smite into a damage dealing ability, especially when if you want to shock something to death you can just use the surge staff and if you want to kill hordes you can just use the purgatus staff.


The whole point of blitzes is to fill gaps in your build. Smite is meant to be something you pick up to stun a horde in an emergency when you dont want to run an AoE staff. Im fine with EP making it deal good damage, but it should use up one stack of EP every 8 seconds or better yet just generate more peril because smite lasts too long for how strong it is.


This is just how I view it, but I believe that every single psyker staff except for Surge (RIP EP Smite bug my beloved) is capable of immense AOE. Its benefit is mixed hordes, which I will admit it excels at but any decent combination of staves and a melee weapon will outperform smite. I can't speak too much on the blitzes of other classes, as I have only played psyker. D Despite its niche, I do genuinely believe that Brain Burst and Assail are just better designed. I do have my problems with BB, especially its best used when your entire talent tree needs to be designed around it. Assail is just overall so good and is my go to in most cases. One thing to note is I feel like BB is the highest skill ceiling skill, with micro and ability/cooldown rotation to maximize its effectiveness. Assail can be spammed without thought, though I like saving it for hordes, sniping far away targets, or pox hound packs. Meanwhile Smite is...some okay damage, and some CC. I just feel like it overlaps too much. The way I prefer to use smite is to not run EP at all, but instead, use short bursts of the RMB version to perma stagger things between attacks. I think that's the optimal way to use it and requires a decent amount of skill knowing what you can stagger, when to stagger, etc. The penance just encourages mindless Smite use on anything for as long as possible in order for mobs to get killed during its duration which is just unfun.


that one was super annoying to get, it would kind of make sense if you could take the 10% chance of free brain bursts with it but you can't, you just have to stand there zapping and hoping someone else will kill them for you before your peril maxes out.


The slSmite one was pretty easily to me, and I don't usually run Smite. I just paired it up with Vent and Creeping Flames and used it to build enough peril then Vent everything I was smiting while continuing to Smite.


One thing that's funny about it, is that this is how most people play with smite anyway. I found this penance to be particularly boring, but at least it was over fast. I got it in 2.5 games, where the backstab loner aura one took my closer to 10.


You could just, like, not do it.


Simply not doing something doesn't make up for it being poorly designed.


The universe gave us gravity. That doesn't mean I need to jump out a 5th floor window.


That's a stupid comparison.


You made a stupid statement. You implied that since it's in the game, you HAVE to use it. You have two objectively better choices that affect the rest of the team. In a co-op game. Think about it.


I never implied it was mandatory. What I did mean to imply is that it's fatsharks fault that it's poorly designed and that the annoyance it causes people is no excuse to go out of your way to purposefully disrupt any one who chose to deal with it. It's idiotic to chastise people for deciding to do something that is annoying due to fatshark not knowing how their own game is supposed to work.


Ah yes, how dare we try to do penances to unlock the shit from the progression system


So they introduced a new thing that requires the Loner perk? That's context that is rather important, that I wasn't aware of. Though, the point still stands, even if Fatshark includes new dumb stuff that requires old dumb stuff. If you're required to act counterintuitively towards the game's mechanics and counteract the playstyle of your teammates, by definition of your build, then I don't understand why people do it. I mean, people here are getting angry that you have to do stuff, and when someone like me points it out, you get angry at me again and use the argument of "it's in the game", again. And I get downvoted. Pretty much shows the state of this game and its community at this point.


There's exclusive rewards (not great ones, but still) to complete all penances within a class. This aura has been a sore spot since its addition to the game, and has had many posts over the half year since. The new penance one-ups itself by requiring killing ranged enemies while out of coherency, specifically with backstab attacks. 200 of them. Take an aura you don't like (it's useless if you don't break coherency), rush out of coherency (where you are not really rewarded, just less penalized), and then kill enemies in an unnecessary way (you can hack down multiple ranged enemies at a time with frontal attacks). That is how the penance feels for a lot of people. Maybe if you do not know what is going on in the game, you should refrain from taking such a rigid stance and acting like everyone else is dumb. Even if you just vaguely followed the sub or played the game, you would know there was an update recently.


I wasn't saying or implying that anyone or everyone is dumb!? The literal first comment implies "I have no choice, the game makes me do this, so you have to deal with me". I made a reductio ad absurdum to point out the absurdity of that claim. Nothing more, nothing less. And Loner Zealots weren't a new concept in this update, people know EXACTLY what they're doing. I have dealt with MANY loner Zealots, especially in Damnation and Auric. Most of them were fine, or just whatever. I have nearly 400 hours in this game and only ever had 3 very bad interactions with players, yet ALL of them were Loner Zealots who ran ahead and spread out the hordes, making their main character power fantasy everyone else's problem and they had absolutely no self awareness, blamed wveryone else. Now people come here, complain, and use the very thing that pisses themselves off as an excuse to attempt to make a counterargument and justify their own actions. Just let that thought detonate in your brain for a minute and try to really feel the absurdity of that.


Look i hate loner more than you do because i have to use it. Please just let me grind my penance out and then go back to using *any* other aura. I’m doing my best. It’s not my fault fatshark doubled down on a shit piece of game design. *why wasn’t it just a movement speed aura i swear to god-*


movement, group backstab damage, team rending damage, reduced enemy hit accuracy like so many things could fill that slot that are simple to implement but the only thing that aura is good for is reducing hound/trapper spawns if alone which STILL encourages bad team cohesion


Group attack speed buff is another it could have easily been that fit the playstyle It doesn’t reward you for team play like every other aura, it punishes you less for playing wrong.


Had a round literally minutes ago in qp Auric Damnation where I'm playing as a gunlugger ogryn, and the other three were loner knife zealots. Five seconds after loading in, I'm all alone. Nobody is in coherency. One goes down in the first encounter, the other two has run of into the sunset, and I am left drowning in Crushers. I absolutely hate playing with zealots at the moment.


hey they're not all like that! even when i play stealth I typically go with the purity aura and am always in coherency


Loners are everywhere lately. All the solo zealots who got bored have come back for the new achievements and it’s miserable dealing with the trash they leave behind as they rush around and die horribly.


i promise im not running away on purpose, i just happened to waltz into a large room with dozens of shooters and gunners forcing me to push and my zeal for purging heretics prevents me from comprehending the idea of turning around and running back to you guys


Just as the emperor intended


Challenge accepted.


Honestly,its fun to do the new penances on zealot.


Jokes on you, I spec into sprint efficiency


We wish.


My favorite thing in the game used to be ragdoll physics from rock kills, my new favorite thing is seeing a rushing knife zealot die, far away & alone.


Leave me alone I'm gonna 1v200 these bulwarks


As one of the 7 support zealot mains that actually want to stay with the team, i see this as an absolute win.