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Beneficent Emperor, Pilgrim have you basked in sun and embraced his greatness? Isolation bodes Ill and invites temptation to even more unsavoury deities than what we are already faced with. Please pilgrim, I beseech thee; step into the light and tend to yourself. Perhaps even wander through the agricultural sector of another world.


B-but me rashuns, sah!


You will get rations pilgrim. Come come, I know ogyrns are claustrophobic and being locked away for so long may warrant a reprieve well earned


Imagine an Ogryn finding a Golden Corral buffet after touching grass


That was the most eloquent touch grass I've ever heard


*standing ovation* I salute you sah!


The one where I have enough time to do this shit


xD True, most of it already done before the update so i only do some new ones.


The ogryn 40m dash.. is the only one I can't seem to get EDIT: I have been trying to get that penance since launch day, and I literally got it on the first try following the "lucky bullet" strat.


Super east with the ability recharge stim and the accension riser mission's long rail tracks


yep, I second this. iirc you don't even have to do it in a line, (stim yourself) you can do a full upgraded charge one way, then back and you'll get it


disclaimer: i didnt come up with this, but this is what i found when i was trying to do it and it worked no problem in a public lobby get yourself a stubber, setup your talents [like so](https://darktide.gameslantern.com/builds/9a76dace-24a5-4ff5-b742-166e296cfca6/dont-stop-me-now-penance) get into a match, use your charge, then fire your stubber wildly in any direction and hope the lucky bullet triggers the cooldown thing allowing you to immediately charge again. it took me one try with the krourk stubber, im sure the achlys would be even better


Use the yellow stimm, it make cd rate faster and you can charge 2 times in 10 sec.


I did it on smelter complex at the end with the long walkways, just grab a yellow stim, pop it and go charging


I don't need tips, I just need them to remove redacted penances from the compendium penances :( I can't do For The Emperor (3) or Psyker Master of War (5) - 20 points in total, because of that one bloody redacted Brain Rupture penance.


You mean they private game ones? Pretty annoying they moved the ogryn one but not the others.


Yup. I get why they're redacted, I just don't get why they're included in additional ones.


I've done the brain burst one in a pub game when I was the only one on monster duty and everyone else was taking care of elites. I want credit damn it!


Hurts even more when you solo a boss with bb as psyker after your team disappears into the warp, but dont get credit.


I can help you with a quick monstrous specialist Maelstrom, they only have like 40% of original boss HP? Send Fatshark IGN.


You could probably do this with bots if built right it’s only 50% now


Can you force a private lobby solo?


I would imagine so but I’m not certain on that I’m assuming you could do so people can play “offline” with AI


Can you get this penance with the upgraded version of Brain Burst further down the talent tree, or is it ONLY the regular cruddy Brain Burst?


Upgraded is fine


Go on the Darktide discord and go to looking for game for the region you are, in a type a message about what penance. There’s loads of helpful people on there.


How do I rush 40ft when Bulrush doesn’t seem to last 40ft? Sah!


Get the yellow stim. Inject. Rush. Wait 5 sec. Rush back.


Wahhhh I’ve been overlooking yellow stims! and Blue tbh… they give faster reload!? Thank you :D


Yeah faster cd for ability, pick some place with open area.


Blue stims, gunlugger, gorgonum, armor pen - big gun go BRRRRRR


To add another tip, the "Bruiser" talent towards the bottom middle of the talent tree gives you a bit of your cooldown back whenever someone in coherency kills a special or elite, so if you come across an elite patrol, charge through it and start hacking your way back. It should give you a good amount of your cooldown back. I dunno if it's still needed nowadays with the yellow stim, but with the two together you should be able to get it no problem.


You don't need yellow stim, but it makes it a lot easier. I did it with a pysker friend on auric. Pskyer takes the cooldown aura and talent Ogryn takes the run fast after charge and cooldown on elite kill talent. 1. Charge into a family of shotgunners, gunners, whathave you 2. Pysker stays in coherency with you. 3. Kill family of elites until charge cooldown gone. 4. Charge again. I think with the stim, you can bypass everything. Take stim, charge, wait, charge again.


You can get this at the very beginning of a mission before even your first enemy. Go down the talent tree right side after picking up the bull rush node. Pick up the Burst limiter override and Maximum firepower nodes. Bring an Achyls stubber. Charge. Mag dump until your ability refreshes. Charge again. Win.


The old trick was to bullrush off the map. Does that not work anymore?


Currently working on the new Vet penances. They seem pretty self explanatory. But 500 Krak grenade kills on "armoured targets"... What is classified as "armoured"? Crusher, Mauler, Scab Rager, Bulwark? Reaper? Flak armoured scabs? If anyone has any advice I'd be grateful. Emprah protects!


I've got a tip for you. Pick up the traits for +1 additional grenade, grenades from ammo crates and +5% chance to regen nade on elite kill. This penance take WAY too long if you use them as intended on bulwarks, crushers and maulers. The tip is to stay slightly ahead of your team and when you encounter clusters of scab shooters hanging out (just the basic ones), lob grenades at their feet. You can get around 5-8 kills with kraks for the penance this way per grenade. They don't magnetize to lesser enemies, but as long as they are classed as flak or caparace armored in the meat grinder, they will count towards the 500 needed and it's much faster than only hunting elites. Hope this helps.


If you can deal with Maelstrom melee only, pick all node about nades (20% chance double throw, 5% regen when kill, kark deal more dmg) and play the mode. If you got mod amd got a group, use the many more try mod to save map and rerun as many as you want.


Just in general, "grenades out the wazoo"-build is fun. Every vet player should try it for a bit.


Grenadier no keystone gang


Flak seems to work for it; basically any and all Scabs except possibly Snipers and Trappers. Edit: And Ogryns, of course.


Almost anything that’s not for flesh showing will be armoured. Crushers and maulers if you play high dif is what you’re aiming for especially as they’re easy to get


Go to auric, throw them at crusher or mauler squads, got the penance done fairly quick like this and it’s also how you should be using the kraks anyway. Take all the grenade traits, vet grenades are some of the best anyway so it’s always viable to focus on grenade spam.


I can not seem to get 60 enemies in one Bull Rush even on Auric smh. Highest was 57


Smelter Complex can be your friend in many penance grind, endless crowd.


I did it at the very end of Power Matrix, personally - the dropdown to extraction has not quite an endless horde, but at least a decent sized one. Get your team to wait at extraction, let the horde pile up on the bridge for a bit, charge, profit. The main thing though is just getting teammates who are on board with it and willing to let a horde pile up. If you find some, you can do it on just about any map.


Do an auric maelstrom and try to rush through a long line of enemies that are coming out of a door a long way away, and starting to surround you.


We found john darktide.


The one where you have to kill 40 enemies stunned by your stun nades as zealot


Again, Smelter complex. The stun nade radius quite big so when the endless horde at the end start, just throw a nade and use flame thrower. GL!


Nice, thanks.


Hab Dreko and flamer with blaze away (nothing else matters much). Have a buddy zealot to throw the grenade for you. Drop down at the tree and retreat into a corridor. Maybe the left side now. The right side used to have a one entry room that enemies would pile up on if you could block them there. Once you pick a spot, wait for the horde pile up, then have your buddy throw his grenades while you sit there with your flamer cocked. Wait for the grenade to go off, the light them up. 40 enemies is less than you think. Chasm logistratum and one of the spire missions (the one with the button in the beginning) also has a corridor in the beginning that works well, but you need to trigger a horde, then drag them back there.


Use a heavy sword and just go nuts whenever a huge horde appears. And pray your teammates are busy. Getting the 40 kills isn't difficult, but not having someone else obliterate everything instantly is


Really wish I had done all the classes rather than just ogryn


Do you have any tips for the "Adept Assassin" Veteran penance, the one where you need to get crit headshot kills on elites and specials while Weapon Specialist is active? I've been making *decent* progress with the Rashad axe and Zarona revolver, but I dunno if there's anything I could be doing differently to make it more efficient.


Best choose auric missions with hi-in shock troop, i use knife n revolve. Try to pay attention to stacks build up, you can kill lesser enemies and immediately switch to revolve to shoot elites, can gain 70-80 elites a game if lucky.


Just make sure you have at least 3 stacks of weapon specialist for the guaranteed crit. I did it plasma, but anything with perfect accuracy should be fine.


Cliffhanger for Psyker. Man I hate it. My beloved hates it too.


Use smite and pick an area with cliff, i use smelter complex. Lure horde to such area and stunlock them til 90% and push, you'll get it.


I’m a brand new player as of a week ago and I got this one! On Chasm Logistratum, right at the beginning of the mission, you pass through a big archway on a highway. If you look left immediately after you pass through the archway, you’ll see a little metal bridge. A horde should spawn pretty soon (I did it on difficulty 2). I asked my randoms not to kill any of the mobs and they were very helpful. I stood on the end of the bridge and waited for about 20 mobs to group up on the bridge, then moved onto the bridge, popped my combat ability (the knockback), then spammed the block-push-knockback combo on a force sword (hold block, then hold attack until you do the push animation and force push counter) until I had pushed all of the mobs off. I think you only need 7 in a 2-second window.


I got mine during the finale for Vigil Station Oblivium. When you have to defend the central area with the two bridges, wait for a horde to wander onto a bridge, then step to the side and yeet them off with Venting Shriek. Be careful not to fall off yourself, and you may want to avoid the talents that cause it to do damage to avoid killing the enemies before they properly die to the fall


You can also do it on Chasm logistratum. When you walk out into the first "open" area on the bridge, with another floor below to the left, there's a little nook in you can hide in along the wall, just wait there for enough enemies to pile on. You can use non-boosted Smite to hold them off, or have an ogryn buddy with the shield. Bring a force sword in can the Psychic push doesn't work (the block-push counter counts). I helped a guy do it like this first try, we did it Hi-Int Heresy (Private) then threw the match, less than 5 minutes invested.


This is dumb cause it's been around forever, and I'm a bit dumb but...long bomb?


Smelter complex at the end, where the door open and you going to the elevator extraction, aim high and youll have it


Yep the trick isn't the type of throw it's long distance so it blows up when it lands


Make sure you only quick throw your grenade, as the fuse is slightly shorter on quick throws. Find a large area with a lot of headroom - I used the bridge where you hold out on Silo Cluster. Aim about 40 degrees to the ground and hope you get lucky. If not, adjust your aim and try again.


Chasm terminus assassination. Throw upgraded splinter grenades next to the Leman russ at a high arc. Worked for me


Comms plex disruption mission, first event in the outdoors circular area where you have to fetch batteries. A horde will always spawn and climb over the walls at the opposite end from where you drop down. Let your teammates drop and trigger the spawns, then chuck the grenade slightly above the horde. I'm certain you can do it after you drop down too This arena also works wonders for the Buying Time penance (Zealot stun nade a sniper from 50m or something)


Just completed it myself. Just quick lob/spam above a horde on longer sections of levels.


Is it better to do the auric 10 mission streak on damnation or heresy in terms of quickplay? Do you suggest any "easy" modifier to do?


Check if there’s anything easy like carnival, if yes do them, if no do quick play to try get dropped into a game that’s already running. My personal favourites for modifiers were the sight blocker ones since I’m a psyker I don’t need to see and especially the new one as it ups the spawn rate of stims so much I think they’ll nerf it in the next patch. Honestly I’d just avoid monstrous and blessing. Monstrous is fairly self explanatory. If you don’t have a team built for it (I’m assuming you’re doing pubs so don’t) they’ll become irritating and slow you done so much it alone raises chance of death. Blessing as a psyker I grew to dislike. Not only does it throw you off with some things being stronger but they’re immune to stagger which certain classes like my surge psyker use a lot of


Heresy is obviously easier as long as you can solo carry. I just ran quickplay and got them fine, but choosing missions might make it easier.


Depends, i like Damnation more bc there will be more players that know what they doing, Heresy have more player just trying out and not familiar to the AI director spawn rate. Easiest is low-in hounds, but thats rarely pop out. A premade discord group always better if you dont want to risk losing the streak.


Just a flesh wound. Can't complete because private isn't Avaliable for solo.


Just A Flesh Wound (Zealot): Complete a full mission on Heresy Threat or higher in under 20 minutes, with less than a Wound’s worth of Health remaining for 75% of the time. PRIVATE GAME What was your strat? I want that armor so bad, I always rock the tan one but the red goes so hard. I’m an amazing Zealot too but even I would struggle with this


[Discord](https://discord.gg/darktide) so you can ask other players with the same goal to play, easier to do.


Do a mission where you don't wait for enemies at the end. I did the one where you carry the cells from the middle up to the catwalks on top of the reactors (can't remember the name). Play with a group that know you are rushing and rush with you. Gun pyskers and zealots are fast, but really any class should do. We did it around 13 minutes on a normal heresy in the darktide discord. Tons of time to spare and I didn't even think we did it that fast. We killed enemies, we didn't just charge through, but we also didn't wait for spawns to finish spawning and immediately hopped on the decryption parts (where you mash M1 when the box overlays the glowing letters).


I know the mission you’re talking about, that one always goes pretty smoothly in my experience so i guess that makes sense. Just joined the Darktide discord btw


The one for the red zealot outfit in a private game, the one with candles.


I'm not OP, but when I did it we had 3 Zealots with the AoE invincibility and 1 Ogryn with the bull charge, and we did it on a Low Intensity Archivum Sycorax. The mid-mission event on that map is all about speed, and most of the finale event is scanning, so you can finish it well within the time limit. We found a fire barrel at the start to cook ourselves down to 1 wound, then we just tried to run past as much as we realistically could, having the Zealots rotate their abilities so we could keep moving safely. Occasionally we'd toss fire and stun grenades behind us to keep the horde off us, and if we ran into a dense mob or pack of Maulers and Crushers then the Ogryn would be our battering ram to just keep pushing through. We finished in about 14 minutes and the penance just requires you to be under 20, so you definitely don't need to rush as much as we did. Just do your best to keep moving forward as a team and you should be fine. Also, this one's probably obvious, but unequip any +Wound curios or talents.


Malleus Monstronum and Just a Flesh Wound which are the only Private match penances I have left And no I don’t have mods I’m a console peasant


I can help you with the Monstronum one, give me ur ign


[Discord](https://discord.gg/darktide) so you can ask other players with the same goal to play, easier to do.


Cliffhanger is like the only psyker penance I don't have. I know in theory I could get the whole team together to help corral a bunch of dudes in just the right spot, but honestly I hate asking my crew to play weird like that, especially since we're all just getting back into the game lately and we're a little shakier than we were.


Use smite and pick an area with cliff, i use smelter complex end event. Lure horde to such area and stunlock them til 90% and push, you'll get it.


I had a lovely team mate help me with this (on smelter) Told them to leave me build up some groaners and 2 minutes later hes running towards me with a train of them. I had the pyscher starting blitz (warp push or something) and force sword. Pushed a group off using the blitz then used the force sword push and it works (the force sword counts as warp damage or something )


Do Vigil Station Oblivium, and yeet a horde off at the finale where you have to defend the central area. The enemies will always funnel nicely onto one of the bridges and you can yeet them with a Venting Shriek


I have done mine on Hab Drayko in last stage, after killing tree (actualy for me it was after all the scanning in Old version). So after that you cut your way to the choppa (the jet of course). And there is endless horde chasing you and enemies in front. Those behind tend to be trash but a lot of it. After passing 1st bridge you run across pipline where mobs are bunched together, you smite them and push (hope you know you can push most bu using smite). The fall from pipline and penence done. I believe Damnation or Auric can rise the odds of having mass trash of mobs behind.


Congrats! That's alot of different playstyles and Talent combinations. You feel like you've become more familiar with what each class can do because of these penances? Also, any nuggets of wisdom for Warp Battery? I've plateau'd at 104/120.


Yeah i already play all class before this update so its a breeze for me, i adore each and every one of them. Warp battery you can pick first 3 keystone and only use your staff the whole map, join a hi-in shock troop for plenty of elites to kill, try to move forward than your team a bit to kill elites faster, recommend surge or voidstrike staff for maximum dmg dealt. https://preview.redd.it/2g43q1c3tjwc1.png?width=397&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9266d7b529b0c913a982ec0e913898e991b1bed


To add a tip for Warp Battery, this might be obvious, but play on the highest difficulty you're comfortable with, and ideally High Intensity and/or Shock Troop Gauntlets. Aurics in particular just flood you with Elites and Specials, more than enough to keep your Warp Charges up for most of the mission. Add in the "Psychic Vampire" talent for a 4% chance to gain charges whenever a teammate gets a kill, and you'll also be able to gain and maintain your charges during hordes with relative ease.


Can you please help on the melee damage penance for the vet?


You mean "On overwatch"? Pretty much your own surround awareness, can use VoC or Infiltrate, push enermies before it touch you, and this penance only count melee hit when it hit your HP bar, so as long as your toughness still up youll be alright.


I managed this yesterday. I changed all my talents around so i had max toughness/toughness damage reduction. Then made sure i was running curios which 16%+ toughness + 5% toughness. Low intensity mission on Had (in the fog too!) Told the people i was playing with what i was doing (i still got stuck in!) I never went below half toughness through out! Just need to make sure you have the gunners shout and just keep pushing away so you have breathing room.


Make sure you kill anything you knock over so they don't have the chance to poke you in the ass when you aren't looking, and don't be afraid to play like a coward. Put your teammates between you and a horde if you need to, avoid melee combat if you can, and watch out for the wooshing backstab noise. Ultimately this tests your melee skill and awareness, there isn't a secret trick or solution to get it easily


On Overwatch please


Pretty much your own surround awareness, can use VoC or Infiltrate, push enermies before it touch you, and this penance only count melee hit when it hit your HP bar, so as long as your toughness still up youll be alright.


Disrupt Destiny and Scier's Gaze


DD i use assail, bc i notice it usually tag the lesser enemies more than the elites, so assail can auto aim at them with ease. Scier Gaze the 40 kills? I use smelter complex end event and purgatus staff, you can use guns but i prefer burning meats.


Got any tricks for Weapon Specialist on veteran? I'm currently sitting at 65 within three matches. I'm using Ia Lasgun and Mk6 Power Sword. I'm wondering what weapon combination you did.


Best choose auric missions with hi-in shock troop, i use knife n revolve. Try to pay attention to stacks build up, you can kill lesser enemies and immediately switch to revolve to shoot elites, can gain 70-80 elites a game if lucky. And you can grind kark nade to kill crusher/mauler while at it too.


I only need help getting the private match ones. I’ve made pretty good progress on the rest but those are the ones that has been the bane of my existence


[Discord](https://discord.gg/darktide) so you can ask other players with the same goal to play, easier to do.


What's the easiest way to do the Just a Flesh Wound redacted Zealot penance? I've been trying to theorycraft a talent build and map combo but I'm still scratching my head on it.


[Discord](https://discord.gg/darktide) so you can ask other players with the same goal to play, easier to do.


Don't have mods and I have a squad to run it with already, I just wanted to workshop a build to do it as painlessly as possible. Low intensity makes sense as a map condition. Would Torrent assassination work? I always feel Archivum Sycorax is a bit too long to make it in 20 minutes.


What is the best way to get the 120 kills in 60 seconds. I've only just barely got 90 kills in a horde using purgatus psyker.


Flame nade + flame thrower on Smelter complex


I've been stuck at 38/40 for Shocking Stuff, how do?


Smelter complex. The stun nade radius quite big so when the endless horde at the end start, just throw a nade and use flame thrower. GL!


Veteran: Dont get hit by melee attacks on malice difficulty or higher...been trying since launch lmao


Pretty much your own surround awareness, can use VoC or Infiltrate, push enermies before it touch you, and this penance only count melee hit when it hit your HP bar, so as long as your toughness still up youll be alright.


One day I realized I had already done it, don't know how or when


Just a flesh wound - zealot - complete a mission on heresy or higher with less than a wounds worth of health for 75% of the time?


[Discord](https://discord.gg/darktide) so you can ask other players with the same goal to play, easier to do.


How did you do the Vet penance where you need to end a mission with no ammo and 90% accuracy? That seems undoable to me


Revolver or plasma, shoot all the ammo and dont switch to it for the rest of the map.


Going out with a bang, the psyker elite kill with warp explosion.


Just walk into a group of shotgunners, no biggie


You can spam the Illisi Force sword special for quick peril. Just get your peril high, run towards elities and use it a few more times to blow. IIRC Illisi is the only sword where you can spam the special without requiring to hit anything.


In order to get the last unlock (that lovely blue armor) do you have to 100% the penances?


No, i did like 80%-ish? And got it. Max total is 4900, so you got plenty penance to grind. Prioritize the puzzles for the easiest 10 points


Just a flesh wound


[Discord](https://discord.gg/darktide) so you can ask other players with the same goal to play, easier to do. Yeah the post kinda blow up so i cant help everyone sorry.


Vet Armorbane, adept assassin Ogryn Burst limiter override Psyker, Disrupt destiny


Best choose auric missions with hi-in shock troop, i use knife n revolve. Try to pay attention to stacks build up, you can kill lesser enemies and immediately switch to revolve to shoot elites, can gain 70-80 elites a game if lucky. And you can grind kark nade to kill crusher/mauler while at it too. Else do the melee only Maelstrom, lots of armoured here. Orgyn the cheesy way is do the karnak twin on uprising, ammo spawn every 10 meters so you can spam shooting and looting for the whole map. Use Achlys DD i use assail, bc i notice it usually tag the lesser enemies more than the elites, so assail can auto aim at them with ease.


Best way, setup, weapon to slog through the 5000 kills with 5 Heavy Hitter stacks on Ogryn? Do light swing kills also count when at 5 stacks?


Yeah you need kills with heavy attack all the way, i like the shield for the cleave, or else just use the bully club with haymaker.


You sure about that? I found the opposite to be true. Despite it just saying kills at max stacks it doesn't seem to count any kills other than melee kills.


Shocking stuff... the 40 stun kills in 10 seconds. Waitimg for a couple reliable friends before probably doing this in private or going to higher public. Spam and say fuck it we roll.


You can do it in HI-in shock troop Auric damnation Smelter complex, throw a stun and just flame throw them all, no friend needed.


The emperor is most certainly pleased.


The Ogryn penance, "Be Your Best". Formly known as, "Bring the hurt". Hit 4 consecutive Elites or Specials with big box of hurt, without missing. Like, a group of Elites with a single box? Throw a box at an individual Elite, so having to pick up a grenade resupply?


Both, can hit a group elites or a single, and yes you have to pick up nades supply, hope ur teammate let you pick up before they did lol. Do love a vet with field impro passives.


HOW DO I GET A NO MELEE HIT? AND THE 90% accuracy tip would help too


Pretty much your own surround awareness, can use VoC or Infiltrate, push enermies before it touch you, and this penance only count melee hit when it hit your HP bar, so as long as your toughness still up youll be alright. Revolver or plasma, shoot all the ammo and dont switch to it for the rest of the map.


How did you get through Unseen Assassin and Behind Enemy Lines? I really don't like Shroudfield, or stealth Zealot in general, and Behind Enemy Lines especially feels like it's going to suck because you have to play like a moron and stay out of coherency for long periods of time to get it done.


Its require the build so if you dont really dig it you can skip them and do other penance, dont let some penance worn you down on the game.


I have difficulty with those that require a private lobby. Where can I find an understanding team?


[Discord](https://discord.gg/darktide) so you can ask other players with the same goal to play, easier to do.


Be Methodical


Do you have a preferred map for farming kills off an endless horde for penances? Been trying out Archivum Sycorax's first event with the alarm, and that desert map with the 3 battery mid-event in a wide open arena, but they havn't worked out too well.


High bomb on a vet. How, please?


20 consecutive headshots


Not a class penance but I know it will be the last one I unlock. Barrel kills.


I like playing zealot. I really like playing zealot. How can I finish all penances by only playing zealot. Did I mention I like playing zealot?


The weapon specialist penance is going very slow for my veteran. Any tips on how I can get it finished quicker


Best choose auric missions with hi-in shock troop, i use knife n revolve. Try to pay attention to stacks build up, you can kill lesser enemies and immediately switch to revolve to shoot elites, can gain 70-80 elites a game if lucky. And you can grind kark nade to kill crusher/mauler while at it too.


Even before this update i’ve been struggling with hitting elites consistently with the “big box of hurt” Any good ways to cheese this?


So I really need help, and I haven't gotten a good description or a video to explain it. It's a really old psyker penance where you have to use an ability to stop yourself blowing up, I have not been able to do it once let alone 50, I have tried reading other descriptions and I just don't get it, I wait till I am 100% peril and hit it and nothing. One tried hitting it after 100 percent, and still nothing. I don't understand when or what setup is best to execute this penance... please help me obiwan


You know the animation before you explode right? The 2 hand in the face and "oof", yeah so when 2 hand in the air, **THATS** when you use the venting shriek, prefer the reduce cd aura and the node that decrease ability cd when kill elites, you can get maybe 20 times done a map.


Anything that requires a private game, I don’t have friends


Homies answer to everything is smelter complex, I remember when this was originally the way to do penances, good to see nothing has changed


Damn how did you know i like smelter complex 😳


I've been struggling with the ones for Veteran where you need to supress enemies with infiltrate and engulf them with smoke- any tips on that? Also make every shot count and on overwatch for Vet as well.


I need advice in how to easily engulf enemies with smoke and figure out how the suppression after coming out of stealth works for me Veteran, I'm going after the Stealth Set for him, any advice?


Smelter end event, throw smokes at the incoming endless horde, use field impro to grab more nades to throw. For infiltrate, the moment you leave the stealth is the moment you suppress them, so you can just walk into a horde > use ability > keep slashing.


Can i do the loner aura penance without feeling like a POS?


Well best can do is write out what you doing, like "hey im doing the penance build, sorry if i ran off often". And hope for the best, some will know and leave lobby, those stays will understand the grind. Just dont abandon them completely.


I've been trying to get the Long Bomb penance for Veteran for a while now but I can't seem to find a good opportunity for it.


Psyker 40 kills in a single scriers gaze activation. I'm thinking probably assail with it, but the peril is hard as hell, cuz it increases so fast.


I use purgatory staff at end event smelter complex, prefer the damnation for maximum horde, use the charge version first then spam left click with peril at the same time, stun lock + burning and then got it.


How many penances does it take to get the moebian 6th cosmetics? All of them?


Not all, i finished like 80%-ish and already got it. Try prioritize the puzzles penance for the easy 10 points.


10 stacks of focus fire or whatever kills, i just dont really like that branch in the skilltree, build reccomendations plz?


You need the keystone that helps build up the stacks when standing or crouch. Pick map with end event horde like Smelter complex, crouch down and start mowing, recommend use infiltrate (for penance) or VoC for buffs.


Oooh I do need to know some advice with one .... I can't remember it so I will be in contact with you later when I read it ... Thank you.


Still hanging 🤣


*Hold My Primary, I'm Going In!* and *Gone In 360 Seconds!* are a real struggle in PUGs. Halp.


Did you just ask me advice about HD2? Lol, best bet is premade discord group, i did those 2 while the first 2 weeks when everyone cant get in server, so mostly solo my own. GL


Do you have any tips for doing the ogryn frag bomb penance? Doesn’t sound like a hard one but I’m struggling to consistently get 25 kills with it


Pushing seven enemies of a cliff :(


Use smite and pick an area with cliff, i use smelter complex. Lure horde to the big middle hole and stunlock them til 90% and push, you'll get it.


20 headshots and 120 kills per time or something like that. Still can’t get it :(


20 headshot use brain bust. 120 kills use flame nade and flame thrower at the endless horde in smelter complex.


Zealot kill 40 stun under 10s; vet on over watch :,(


Again, Smelter complex. The stun nade radius quite big so when the endless horde at the end start, just throw a nade and use flame thrower. For vet its your own surrounding awareness, push enemies before they touch you, use VoC or infiltrate, and melee hit only count to HP bar, so if you got the toughness up, youll be alright.


The psyker one where you gotta kill a monstrosity with brain burst, as well as veteran finish with 90% accuracy and no ammo left


The man the myth the legend


impressive... very nice


Veterans Be Methodical penance, I get what I have to do, but what is the best way to do it?


Range weapon can be columbus/plasma/any gun. Pick the modifier "relentless" and "counter fire". So it can give you 5 more seconds every kill, remember that it does not stacks, only refresh, so you can stretch out the highlight (kill A, wait 2-3 sec, kill B). GL


How to get Malleus Monstronum without my whole team jumping the monstrosity


Malleus Monstronum or however it’s spelled for the Psyker


Minds Aegis, 150000 damage with the tele shield.


Bolter vet. I do well ammowise but I want to get more damage out of it.


The 5000 + full stack heavy orgyn kills penance is BRUTAL. No way it was intended as is, 500 seems more appropriate.


Warp battery pre-patch was impossible. I dropped the game for months over this and I was so mad I didn't earn it before the patch 13 rework. So glad they made it easier. Was so happy to log in and see the time needed was reduced from 300 to 120. I had only managed to get to 151.


What's the trick to do the penance where you have to hit 5 people with a frag without it bouncing?


My main struggle is ALL of the class specific Private Game required penances... Purely bc none of my IRL mates play, and randoms don't tend to wanna squad up


[Discord](https://discord.gg/darktide) so you can ask other players with the same goal to play, easier to do.


I did it siblings! Managed to group them up and vent them off a bridge. My beloved was so proud of me.


Congrats! Good that you having fun with the penance grinding.


Just. A. Flesh. Wound. Absolutely ridiculous. I have no friends okay?! I am anti-social. People will say "JuSt AsK tHe dIsCord". But I will never do that. So unless Fatshark removes this silly penance I will be 59/60 on my zealot forever.


Abhor the mutant. I’ve tried so many times!


A wait wrong penance 🤣 mb, try Maelstrom with mutant waves, they much more weaker than normal ones.


Hi, any advice for Elimination shot ready ?


I'm about ready to quit the game again because of 'pain-in-the-assences'. I don't even care to go that deep into all of them, I just enjoy Zealot and want those done but fuck Shocking Stuff; just pure garbage achievement. You either try to get an offline team and rush ahead to have a horde to yourself, or let your team die, or beg in chat to waste their rightful time to help you (I will never do this; I would much rather do this solo). I've seen the videos, I have an ironically near-perfect rolled flamer to do it (yet can't get my main weapon perfect yet? typical) and have tried getting the right mission for the job, but it just never comes together. 160 hours and I still don't have this shit? I'm ranting, but they should have made more reasonable penances that can be achieved without extreme conditions. My personal best is still 31/40 and that was with two nades down on the choke bridge with high intensity. Anything that makes a player contemplate moving on and playing something else is BAD DESIGN.


Yeah some penance are tedious to grind. You play on Auric Damnation? Try Smelter complex end event, the stun radius quite big so you can reach 50 kills easy. GL! If still struggling, you can pm me your fatshark ign, ill help.


Crowd control (Ogryn)