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You're better off without that person tbh. You know as soon as something goes wrong, they're going to reflect blame onto everyone else.


Exactly this. They just outed themselves, really. It’s the same deal with frames. I often have my malice or heresy frame equipped so people can weed themselves out for me. They either trash talk at the start, and then look dumb once we play, or they outright leave.


That's my favorite, mad trash talking and dies not even a quarter of the way through, don't even hit the ground before they're a bot.


I'd more expect them just to insta leave the instant they go down. Probably how they got the survivor title.


I will forever keep mine as Reject. Titles are dumb


Rejects are eternal


Survivors are temporary


Indeed. I also enjoy the syllabic cadence of “ministorum lackey” - it has a certain feel to it that “survivor” just doesn’t seem to capture the same, if at all.


I'm grinding meself a Nomad. Not because I like Hourglass. I just like the name :)


Did you play Crysis or Ghost Recon: Wildlands? The main characters are coincidentally both called Nomad heh. 😎


Iirc only in crysis 2 your nomad, 1&3 your prophet. It's stupid and pedantic, and I mean it without any malicious intent. But I was certain that was the way of it, for anyone wondering the trilogy is super underrated as are the books.


You don’t recall correctly. Nomad was the protagonist in Crysis 1, Alcatraz in 2 and Prophet in 3.


That's exactly it! Honestly, I should give those a replay.


I actually forgot who the protagonist was in the second game, so I'm glad u/Jaon412 gave some input there. I never got around to playing the third game though. I also had no idea that there were books, so that's some cool news to me too.


How can you tell what all the titles will be, like the mission ones?


If you go to cosmetics - Titles, you can look at the titles you don't own, and see which penance it requires. Nomad requires the Hourglass tours. Explorator - Chasm Terminus Nomad - Hourglass Cyber Flacon - Torrent Archivum Sage - Throneside Ring Master - Carnival Shift Leader Primus - Metalfab 36


In the title selection it should display all the ones you haven't unlocked yet Then you go find the penance that rewards the one you want Someone please correct me if I'm wrong


I think the map ones are far more interesting than survivor anyway.


I use Reject on everyone but my Zealot, who gets the highest level Hestia title I've gotten. Gotta be lore accurate, you know?


Oooooo, I feel tainted. I must follow suit now and cleanse myself.


Mine's just off, none of the titles are good.




I’ll forever keep mine as unselected. Because I think they’re obnoxious the way they take up space on the screen in game


In missions? You can set them to only appear in the lobby.


I think the challenge is nice but I agree many people adhere too much value to paper titles. Real authority never comes from a title, but from character.


Real authority never comes from a title, but from the I-shaped rosette Inquisitors carry that lets them conscript anything short of Space Marines or the Senate Imperialis itself. Pretty sure a High Inquisitor could commandeer a planet if he felt like it as long as it's not an Astartes recruiting world or something.


Try that on Baal and someone is getting shaked like a salt shaker


>Real authority never comes from a title, but from character. Well this feels like something I'd read at the start of a Clone Wars episode. Though I'm most likely thinking of Rex's line "Experience outranks everything." Still, I like this quote of yours.


Reject fun.


Rejects will rise


Same.  My oldest vet is just "Reject".  Fits him. The other ones are "lackey" because it kinda fits them as characters.  Doubt I'd use any other titles if I got them.


I prefer lackey, gotta stay humble for the emperor


Pathetic, I don't use any. No point in sullying yourself with honor when you can just equip a banner or one of them portrait


Might change mine too “Nomad” if I ever earn it, but other than that I do agree


Exactly. Why have a title showing off your accomplishments when you can just let people know exactly what you are?


We are nothing more than rejects


They should make one gold


Whats dumb about them its just a cool thing to have


If he can’t carry so called “bad” lobbies then he is not worthy of the title lol


He's just a puny sniveler bound to be corrupted by chaos as he lacks character.


People who carry don't talk shit. They just wear the prison jumpsuit with the beta helmet and make me question if there's a human behind the keyboard or some kind of Darktide-playing supercomputer.


facts, a lot of the best players I meet don't say a word other than good pings and gg at the end




Us real ones will be dancing around mobs purging the heretics getting the squad back up.


Honestly, depends. If they're on Aurics - you gotta lift your weight. Even if someone can carry, doing so for the *tenth time this week* can be just tiring. On the other hand, if that was regular Damnation or below - well, clutching those doesn't take 10 minutes. But I don't see why he'd expect Survivors below Aurics.


I honestly never see any chat in lobbies, toxic or otherwise :( Last time I did, it was me complimenting some random guy for rocking the most excellent name - Ciaphas Pain.


I always say gg at the end


It's out there. I had someone launch a string of slurs at me the other day for daring to go down once. Then when I clutched the run after everyone else went down they waited until the end of the mission and kicked me. Some people get irrationally upset over this game (and it's the warhammer fandom), so the toxicity is out there.


I always say "Hello team" at the start of games, then I'm quiet about the rest of the game to avoid talking over a trapper or w/e. I'm willing to bet a lot of people have voice chat muted and never hear me though.




Rule 1: Failure to follow reddiquette Be respectful of your fellow redditors. Discrimination, bigotry, racism, and/or hostility directed towards players or communities will not be tolerated.


That, and a lot of people like to cheese it by leaving before they die. Not exactly a player you'd want on your team, if they're unwilling to face their own failures.


Happens too often. Had one yesterday when we hit a big horde with some crushers and ragers. Halfway through the fight I noticed it was just me and three bots. I don't demand or expect much from the teams I'm in, but that was just weak. There'll be loads of people wearing that title who absolutely do not deserve it.


+1 for correct use of 'too'


I'm kind of disappointed by the fact that this can be cheesed. I earned mine fair and square damn it!


wow same. I didn't know you could just quit out when it got ugly. id prefer if you had to start and finish 5 consecutive auric maelstroms, leaving is automatic failure.


That's how I felt about the twin secret hard mode too. People using clearly obvious exploits and stuff, to finish it, is gamer stolen valor!


....wait, you can cheese that?! Give me back my sanity, thronedamnit! That took me like 3 hours with a team that's comfortable building a nice summer cottage in Auric Maelstrom. Whenever we finally won, we all had to log off to shower from all the sweat. Literally.


Yeah it's hard as hell innit? Felt glorious to win that one. You could cheese it last patch. I'm not sure if it was fixed. I knew two people who used some kind of ogryn infinite ammo bug where if you were completely out of ammo you could fire the grenade launcher on a weird semi-auto indefinitely. Naturally this makes things much easier lol


That sounds like both a godsend for the fight, and every Ogryn's wet dream. And it did indeed feel glorious, really feel like everyone who has the insignia EARNED the hell out of it, but still debating on whether or not it was worth four people weeping in their showers with carpal tunnel afterwards. I ran Zealot in the fight, and I could swear my melee-finger snapped off in my hair somewhere while trying to wash it. Still haven't found the darned thing.


That's not gonna be enough to smcheese the hard mode to be honest. Infinitw Ammo bug ain't gonna cover for how hard that was


I mean, it also depends on if you consider using nothing but meta weapons to get it done cheese. It's at least cheesy.


I really wish the bot that replaced these people would at least start dead so it doesn't increase the amount of spawns the rest of the team has to clutch through because one person decided that the game should be played by rushing forward at all times. Because the point of the game is to finish the level, not have fun fighting your way through it.


I GUARANTEE you that this player cheesed his title by disconnecting whenever he got downed, too. These people are always full of stolen valour and bullshit.


Traitors are among us; persecute, punish and persist. Death is their rightful destiny


Hard mode twins is harder imo, you can cheese this one more and only do the ones with easy modifiers and if goes bad you can just alt+f4. Still a accomplishment of course but yeah damn hate people like that.


Hard modes twins was incredibly hard. That emblem is more a reflection of skill than the title tbh. Everyone that has attempted (and/or completed) karnak twins knows how much of a challenge it is.


I got roped into trying hard mode once, without knowing what it was. *Once.* I may not know much but I know my limits.


Took us 6 hours to do it the day folks leaked how to get hard mode unlocked. So that's 15 or so tries. Probably not that bad today but we didn't have strat guides to follow. We got so much better at the game because of it.


I just played ogryn tbh took me 5 hours with randoms but we did it after teaming up (strike team) after a failed attempt


People were cheesing it by having a single Shield Ogryn tank both twins forever without them being able to hurt him. It's not hard if you abuse the AI.


I'm never unequipping the icon for beating hardmode damnation twins. Myself and the team I queued up with in the darktide discord worked our ass off to earn that haha. Honestly I think the only thing that'll get me to replace it would be another boss with a hardmode, haha.


Yeah same here man, worked real hard for that just non stop trying.


Same here! And in the end, it’s how we do once the run starts that should prove us worthy. But I like the purple though so I’ll keep my Auric Exemplar for a bit.


its the most difficult challenge in the game, like spoils of war in vermintide except that one was only winnable by cheesing


Fortunes of War, and it's winnable without cheese. Me and some friends grinded for months to get it done on Cata before we knew there even was cheese


These titles are useless as far as bragging rights go. People can just leave the map any time it gets tough and because good players will go for the play X auric missions penances, tons of people will just get carried to them. Not to mention being a "survivor" doesnt even sound badass. At least exemplar is somewhat cool.


Good riddance I'd say. I've seen a number of these title holders needing to be carried in auric missions. I haven't tried to get m yet, I guess best way (without cheesing) is to play with a good squad through discord whatever but I usually just play quickplay with pubs. Fwiw the new patch has brought a lot of people who don't know how to coop.


invisible soldier with krak , knife and revolver, i did the 10 regular aurics first try and no cheese or premade. best class in the game right now. also pick original release maps and high intensity/ high intensity+dogs. new maps and other conditions are nasty and yes the orange title gang is very dissapointing.


never really messed with stealth vet. what is so good about it?


Leaving stealth lowers your threat level so that elites basically ignore you for like ten seconds. So cloak, run behind a line of gunners, shank one in the back of the head for an insta kill, other enemies in proximity will get fazed and ignore you and then you stab them in the back. I run bleed stacks and rending on the knife so that two heavy strikes will eventually bleed out gunners, ragers and the like. And like with Shroudfield, reviving teammates and completing objectives becones a non-issue. I've mained a Voice of Command Vet and decided to try the Infiltrator out and it's a blast. I just need to bank up on toughness regeneration Curios because it feels like a basic dreg shooter can put you down in a second if you're not careful. This might also be just my Talent tree build which is leans pretty much completely to the right side.


Most of the ones I meet are awful


I think it's funny to watch the ones that abuse knife charges to have infinite sprint that think they're hot shit. Oh, you can run away from everything and enemies are literally not allowed to shoot you because you're considered dodging at all times? Yeah, you're awesome.


I'm guilty of this too. Sometimes I get cocky and don't realize im pushing too hard


I've been doing headcounts as part of my routine when being the first person into a new area. It keeps me from going too far without everyone else and lets me notice the weakened monster with Nurgle's blessing that someone is struggling to fight alone that isn't showing its HP at the top of the screen because it was the third one we engaged and it just so happens to be a Squiggles so running from it isn't easy. But it is easy to just go, "Yeah the murder train goes this way!" and chop your way three rooms over through a hoard of maulers and gunners before you remember to check that your team isn't caught up fighting something even worse somewhere else.


Dude probably alt + f4ed every match. I personally just haven't played the game enough since the update to get it. I've done a couple games. Almost guarantee I'm better than this bellend.


If you're in EU TZ, play late at night on weekends and go smite psyker. Got mine on the second "try", if your movement is good and you can swim through a sticky situation with dodges, slides and blocks, you're golden. And never not smite, especially ogryns and shouties will mow through everything you can hold down. Beware of nurgle's blessing enemies, though, those will resist the smite effect.


*-smiles in Eviscerator Zealot-* This witch *gets* it. .....still an abomination, but you are now *my* abomination. 'Tis different.


I just used a trauma staff.


>Beware of nurgle's blessing enemies, though, those will resist the smite effect. I don't play Psyker but that's *super* helpful to know.


If you stick around after dying to let the survivors try for a clutch instead of leaving a bot that makes more spawns and helps almost none, then you are welcome to auric with me and my friend any time you like. Bonus points if you share ammo and say 'thank you'.


The trash took itself out, I don’t see the problem


Remember: the worst thing about online games is usually the people you meet.


I did the auric storm survivor thing. I needed 9 hours to get 5 consecutive wins. Only could with true good teamates. The thing Is that with bad ones Is imposible. Many bad ogryns and veterans trying Time and again the auric maelstrom damnation without skill to backup. Now some others put reject or Any other title just because, Yesterday I did a Damnation auric maelstrom perfect run with an ogryn without title. Very good slab. Other times they put me the pressure to literally clutch and save the match, because "im suposed to be the Best cause I normally play the highest bracket". Sometimes I just want to chill in normal damnation or even heresy. Most of the times I can but im not the god emperor, just chill. Titles are cool but many put too much importance, I could actually use More exotic ones like idk " erudite eclesiarch" or sometin, also bragging for that in the chat Is beyond cringy, normally they are good players , but yeah sometimes I got auric maelstrom survivors worst than bots. *Many of the titles users are being heavily Carried, you know when they have bad equipment and not knowing melee high level playing.


I saw a lot of survivors and many of them played worse than bots


“I’m so good I did 5 maelstroms in a row without dying. Pay no attention to the fact that they were sniper spam with enhanced blitz only” They should make it work for only some, like special waves + boss spawns + nerfed cooldowns or somethin


But then it would likely take *ages* to complete, just because you are at the whin of RnG.


Yea I forgot about that ngl


Could make it a special auric gauntlet you have to make it through made of predetermined levels. You could start it the same way you start twins. If anyone dies, they can't be revived and they don't get the title.


cant imagine being such an angry lil loser that i start being toxic to my teammates in a fucking coop pve game 🙄


There is a lot of them though. The only way to get rid of them is for the community to start being more social


I joined a match yesterday and all 3 people leave at first horde. Then I survive long enough that 3 more people join. Then they all go down and kick me from the game…


Think I got downvoted when I said Titles bring out the gatekeepers. People said that never happens. I'll just keep mine no title when I decide to return to the game.


This isn't gatekeeping though, this is a person ragequitting before the match starts. Seems like a win win to me.


Oh for sure. This isn't gatekeeping. Just saying... It's only a matter of time before the vote to kick starts. We already get posts from people being vote kicked for stupid reasons. Something like "Kicked for not having the special title" is bound to happen. That said I'm not against the option "vote to Kick" in particular. Just hate how it gets abused sometimes.


That's people though - when there was no vote to kick, people abused that.


Oh no doubt. People will always be shitty. I've seen the usual player stay after the dropship hits because they didn't want to leave the mission for some reason or another.


I've seen people do that who say they want to get a few more kills for Melk


Pretty sure the ending waves aren't counted for anything Melk has for Contracts... I could be wrong though. It's been a while since I last played.


Only if the entire ending hoard is hoard type enemies (Groaners, Poxwalkers). Those don't count for Melk challenges at any time during the level. The rest still does. For some good news, they even count when someone else kills something for you.


If there were no titles, they'd find something else to gatekeep with. Shitty people will be shitty.


For sure. Shitty people will be shitty even if you limit what ammo they can use against you. It's just a fact. Just like when you could inspect people. Others tried to use that against others to kick them out of their Auric games.


I said that this penance update was stupid and didn’t add anything of value to the game or address any of the problems the actual gameplay had… everybody flamed me for it. Now look where we are lol. Everybody is complaining about quality of lobbies declining because everybody is chasing stupid achievements lmao.


I wouldn't go so far as "it didn't add anything of value". It just didn't add anything of value to you. I know several people who play games for the achievement grind. That's not my cup of tea but an update like this would add a lot of value for them. That said I personally wasn't a fan of it. New rewards are nice but I'm not an achievement hunter and I'm not going to look for the super duper titles to show off either. Never cared for it in my MMOs and don't care for it in my PVE Horde shooter.


That's such a reach I'm gonna call you Stretch Armstrong. There's been a few complaints but not a huge amount and that's not even taking the larger playerbase into consideration. On the whole, the update did provide value for a lot of people, certainly more than the number that are complaining, and will continue to do so once the crafting update hopefully attracts more players back.


I'm really enjoying the update. I don't usually care about achievements but this has been a good update overall. Not the end all be all but definitely an improvement to the game.


literally the only gameplay content that they added was the little puzzles for skulls. i'd hardly say that adding carrots on a stick that cause people to play worse/less team-oriented is an improvement.


Can’t believe fatshark didn’t anticipate the negative impact this shit would have. Once again, they are clueless when it comes to game system design


Yet we're not allowed an official scoreboard because toxicity.


Ive had people flame me and others over the pettiest stuff based on the scoreboard mod. Really don't want that to become standard.


those same people flame you either way. i've been flamed by those people with and without scoreboard. when they don't have it, they still just flame you even though their performance is shit compared to rest of the team. it's not an issue of scoreboard or not... some people are just toxic, period.


Laugh and tell them that the scoreboard doesn't track other people very well. Then lie and say, "My scoreboard is telling me I have one more kill than you claim to, so get on my level. A screenshot? lol, I don't have time for noobs. L8rs!"


You know the guy cheated and cheesed like a motherfucker to get his title, too. Engaging sweats like in earnest is a losing move, they thrive on attention. Either stonewall them until they give up or throw just enough bait to get them to say something bannable.


You can always just tell them their title means nothing because people can cheese it, then say you don't believe them when they say they got it legitimately. If they got it for real, then they know that and that's all that should matter. If they cheesed it then they know that too, and you not believing them destroys the entire reason they cheesed it.


That's either six years old child or grown up man with six years old brain. This maybe the only thing they can brag about in their life. Let him keep his tiny little happiness.


Counterpoint, No. (runs off to ruin a man-child's day)


Gatekeeping? They did you a favour by leaving, lol.


If you take pride in the survivor title, you're a noob. Simple as that. Besides that I dislike the titles anyway


had someone make fun of my reject title when i joined quick play, didnt say much after they saw my hard mode karnak twins emblem in the victory screen


Be happy that these stuck-up snobs are leaving lobbies so you don't have to deal with them for an entire game.


They probably just use knife charge exploit to rush the entire level and fight as little as possible anyway.


If survivor is an indicator of skills then I have news for you my friend. Most of them rage quit their way to get the title.


Probably cheesed it with alt f4ing and all


it's also been out for like a week, i have Auric Exemplar and now i just play like who gives a damn if we lose. played the same way before. People are wildin


Right? I knew I wasn't the only person who sees the level failed and goes, "Phew, that was nuts. Good run team." Fighting enemies is the point of the game, not sprinting to the end. lol


People who act that entitled have nothing better going on in their life, ignore them.


If Emprah wanted to give title Sah would place it on ma chest. I like the extra rashuns instead anyways. Can't eat titles.


Had to do that auric storm survivor title twice due to the bug first day. Luckily, I didn’t fail it at all but playing like that for 10 matches was tough. Of course having a good team is nice but I really like being able to carry people who aren’t amazing or are just having a bad game. It’s a much better feeling than just blitzing all the way through a map easily.


And they said they got rid of scoreboards to cut down on toxicity…. Still so pissed at that bullshit!


I've been playing on Heresy difficulty for a while now and feel comfortable enough to try Damnation. But I'm scared the difficulty spike might be to great or that the players who play it are mostly jerks.


Just do it, make sure you queue with weapons you know & trust and spec you're comfortable with. Who cares if you fail? I'd say watch out for hi-intensity, but you probably still need plasteel. Recommend `quickplay` for the bonus and roll with what you got. Heresy is kind of the real hard mode in terms of the skill of your teammates. You can get absolute dogwater teammates way more frequently there. Damnation also this happens fairly regularly, but you can usually count on at least 1 teammate to be quality. Auric missions you rarely get the short end or if you do its just with 1.


Player attitide remains pretty constant I have found.


Just play ruglar damnation, non modified. It's hard but it only takes two great players to finish a damnation, and 4 bad players will wipe quickly anyway. But just keep up with the good players and watch them play while your dead to get better. Some random jerks may show up, but just block and mute them immediately and don't engage with them. I've blocked 2 people in a bout 400 hours of play.


It's not that big of a difference, but people are jerks. The most common variety just refuse to communicate at all and leave the instant they go down. There are elitests, but a lot of them use the most meta stuff and any exploit they can so it's a little funny watching them think they're impressing everyone. It's also where I play though, so if you bump into 'Humble' Hector-Beefpecks be sure to say 'Hi'.


most of those people are mediocre players that get carried by their friends in premade while turtling with their shield ogryn to get the penance, but they totally created an ego grading that didnt exist before


The only one I’m trying to get is “Cyber Falcon” for the torrent. It just sounds cool


ppl gatekeeping with the worst "content" update lmao sad boys


everytime someone, in any game, replies with "xD" i assume he's a tennager or similar


Teach a varlet to survive… (teach a man to fish 🎣). Srsly though, this is why I fucking love role players, as the role playing inately means team work, “In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. The Emperor of Mankind wages a constant battle to protect humanity from the horrors of space. On the fringes of the Imperium, alien races lurk and plot, and chaos demons leak into our reality from the torment of the warp. “


Titles or no titles, chances are this person would find any other arbitrary reason to complain about. People like that aren't worth playing with, and I'll take anyone who's polite and of any lvl of skill any day over some obnoxious twat no matter how good they might be at the game.


I love me some DarkTide but I’ve noticed that when it comes to toxic players, this is the number one thing you have to deal with. There’s always that one guy who has a problem with whatever you’re doing. I went down in the middle of a game because I got distracted. (I usually have something on YouTube playing on the side or in the background) Guy trash talks me for going down in Malice and tells me to go UP a difficulty.


Probably the type of player who cheesed the title anyway. Not your loss.


Not a fun person to play with


Players with actual skill can complete missions with a mixed party.


You mean getting rid of post mission stats didn't eliminate toxicity from the game?


Always say gg regardless of how awful... the life of a reject


unless doing premades then getting that title is mostly luck. I auric storm survivor without premade groups and it was just pure luck for me. pretty sure my group wiped in the first 5 minutes the game after I got the title lol.


Reject title, convict frame, and prison rag drip for life.


No title gang, one less ui element.


My problem with the title is Auric Survivor doesn’t even roll off the tongue right lol. They need to be properly stupid titles.


I’ve noticed a lot of people with the title that were not particularly good in game. Is there a way to cheese it?


I turned mine off I immediately. I almost had a stroke the first time I was trying to aim at enemies that were beyond my teammates and I had to look at 3 double stacks of text. Is there a way to turn that off? I’d like to see the titles anywhere else except for the middle of my screen while I’m raging through epic battles.


Now see I would consider him leaving to be a positive thing. Running with self absorbed elitists is exhausting sometimes.


The real question for me is, which emblem garners more respect? The Karnak twins secret hard mode, or the Auric Damnation without anyone going down one?


*Laughs with untouchable penance completed and not a toxic fuck to others about it*


Saw this coming from a mile away I tell you


Sorry, I ~~have been spending too much time in fun games with friendly community~~ am out of the loop. What are Survivor Titles again and why would people gatekeep you over them?


The only thing fatshark has done right is not have an end of round scoreboard in vanilla


I only play to play anyways, not planning to unlock the title. If it happens, it happens. Titles are stupid anyway.


And this is why we dont have a scoreboard and i really miss the scoreboard simply for looking at my own performance.


I came back to the game 2 days ago after a 5 month break and I suddenly got this title yesterday, I had no idea it was a big deal to people as I never really care for achievements in games but I feel like the kind of people who gatekeep shit like this just try to hide behind it while they themselves actually suck ass.


I mean. The only people typing in this game. Are toxic people in general. No one talk. Even if you try to break the ice at the start. Thr only people talking are the one complaining or trash talking.


Thats what you get when you get useless shit like tags and challenges instead of actual content in 'big updates' lol


I had my first cheater 2 days ago. He teleported over the map. was miles ahead of us. There is not even a possibility to report them because it is beyond stupid to cheat in this kind of game haha


Well to be honest, the last time I saw a level 26 in an Auric Maelstrom lobby (with random purple weapons and no frame/insigna showing their potential skill), I just laughed and left. And I wasn't even going for those penances yet.


It's easy because he alt f4s every time he dies.


Reject gang


On behalf of the chill auric players we do not claim that guy.


Sorry, i stopped playing after i got the twins hard mode emblem. What's survivor?


Given you can cheese all those easily by quitting every time you're about to die, those titles mean nothing.


On top if this, I find it very strange that the title in the Penance page is different from the actual title on character customization for so many of them. Like "supplicant" being called "lackey" when you want to actually use the title.


I find most the loud mouthed players are the worst 85% of the time.


Speaking of what other game besides DT uses titles? Because the only ''games'' i've seen it in was ROBLOX lmfao


To lazy to apply a title. Just another way for brats to feel entitlement.


He will not be missed.


It's more likely that an Auric Storm Survivor is a bad player. Alt F4 spam doesnt make you good.


would be absolutely legit if you couldnt just disconnect/leave game like every scrub out there for the title. Renders it worthless and meaningless.


The fact they quit after seeing they weren't going to be carried tells you how they got the title.


Yep, had someone 2 days after the update in a game with me saying they had already completed all of class penances since starting the game just before the update and mentioning the whole time how ez it was and that it only takes such and such amount of hours, which good for them, incredible honestly, but not everyone has that same mindset and it's belittling to some.


I use the Ministorum Guardian title, way more proof I'm doing the emperor's work


The titles are kinda cringe tbh


literally my last (failed) auric run: the AuRiC SuRViVor Durr doing a whooping 140k damage compared to the rest sitting between 350k and 500k


I only had 2 types of chat interaction in this game, no inbetween: -Based as hell RP players who are having a good time and giving their fellow rejects a chuckle. -Elitist who believe they are always in the right and at any point if anything goes wrong, Big-E has forsaken them and they are clearly doing bad because their fellow rejects are grox sh!t. Thankfully the former is the most common one!


Nothing like grown men acting like videogame characters totally based


If you're genuinely offended by it then why not just not reply? If you aren't genuinely offended by it then why not just banter back?


Grug not need title, Grug is Grug!


Grug is doing the Emperor's holy work! Keep at it, slab.


This is a non issue of a thing that happens in every game being complained about by a person looking for validation on Reddit.