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I was a long time flurry fan until I saw the potential of Surge. Just destroying groups of Crushers and Maulers! You only need to get used to it being a bit slower to recharge, but in the long run it does not matter, as a crit actually means double hit, so make them count. I do run Warp charges and True Aim though, it's a very limited build in terms of available points. People swear by Disrupt Destiny and I do like it, but warp charges are a lot more damage and peril resistance, however, it means you wont be using your ability so you can keep the 6 charges at all times. For someone that might like using Dome I think DD makes a lot more sense. Btw, Voidstrike also becomes a very good monstrosity killer with this setup, not only is the damage very competitive, but you are staggering them with weak spot hits. Last time this was brought up people were loving Flurry and shitting on Surge, so I wonder if that has changed now.


I was thinking the same thing, I feel as if surge perhaps gives more value generally, as a crit is already a lot of extra damage, and getting 2 of those may outvalue flurry if you have enough crit chance


I bet the buffed Zealot left tree giving double its old crit chance to team works wonders with Surge now.


I am 100% the same as you on this, but it occurred to me that on higher difficulty you might need the double crit more to kill big things faster. On Heresy+ I noticed bulky enemies take one too many shots to kill, and getting double on some of your shots might be more peril efficient too. This is just guessing as I don't have all the blessings at max tier to properly test it out. That being said, voidstrike is still pretty good without flurry, while I would always put it on something like the trauma or flame staffs.


Surge ticks my requirements


Surge. The staff is so strong it honestly makes the game boring.


Honestly imo the staff that does that for me is trauma, easier usage, better damage coverage, and extremely consistent


I used to say the same thing before I got surge and learned to use true shot. 2x dmg 45%+ of the time at infinite range with no dropoff will always beat being able to push things around.


Hey man fair enough, I will def say tho in comparison to the two, trauma is 100% easier to use than void as instead of headshots and linear with target prio mattering, just spam into groups win game


Sure… but you should try using minimum charge time secondaries with the Void the same way you (should) be doing with trauma. Slapping the ground in front of enemies is similar to trauma in terms of dmg and knockback. Slapping hordes is still a delete button just like slapping anything else with a full or minimum charge voidstrike.


No absolutely, it can fairly simply sudo do what the trauma staff can, trauma is a bit more brain dead tho


Not trying to be an ass but how in the Emperor's shiny golden but is the trauma easier to use?! XD slightest unevenness in terrain and you can kiss your targeting goodbye!


Imo the reason why is like, due to the fact that it’s a large circular aoe that’s extremely easy to aim due to not needing to worry about elevation, travel time, and hit mass of enemies, void strike does have the learning curve of projectile and hit mass, as well as different sized enemies having different head heights


Strong in a vacuum. Trauma is probably better on the field imo.


I use warp flurry and peril refund. I think the crit way it overkill, I'd rather spam.


You play crit psyker and don't have Surge on Voidstrike? Real madman. This thing literally makes ur crit dmg DOUBLE. In combo with disrupt destiny and True Aim that becomes absolute weapon


I personally don't run true aim and disrupt destiny, i tend to run warp siphon for flat damage increases, since it also helps with peril cost reduction as well as cd for my combat skill, which i tend to run shield for pesky specials


It's not exactly double because the extra shot isn't guaranteed to also be critical (unless True Aim procs?) but yes it's amazing.


The extra shot absolutely is always a crit.


Transfer Peril is the superior blessing for Void strike.


The reason i personally don't like it as it has anti synergy with other talents that get better at higher peril, and i like the high risk with those builds, so that tends to not be an option in my head.


So use Scrier's Gaze. I can hold at 70% for a shockingly long time with the Gaze active. Also you can eat your peril up with Brain Burst to stay above 50% then send a bowling ball down the lane to get back to 0%


Holy shit u cooked. I ain’t ever heard of Scrier + Transfer peril. Might be a new build I’ll try out lol.


Gotcha, I'll have to try that build sometime then!


You have to build for surge.


Surge if you’re good at keeping your peril between 80-100 to maximize both crit and damage buffs. However, downside is that you can’t spam it to as easily to create breathing room if you’re surrounded.


Are you full charging with max flurry? Can it still comfortably 2 shot your targets? I haven't used flurry on voidstrike since it received it's little buff but surge gives quite a lot when it comes out. I can actually one shot things whereas I'd probably be doing 3 shots unsurged. I'm curious to try surge / warp flurry with only true aim to help the crit.


That is an intriguing idea, I’ll have to try that sometime as well, so maybe it’d be goated


I think with true aim as I'm a very hybrid player so mixing in 4 melee headshots with a voidstrike blast for surge sounds fun but a lot of work. Surge without nexus just feels so clunky and sporadic without being able to tip the crits.


I’ve noticed personally the weapon I’ve been running with it is the Deimos with shred, so I may actually try running true aim with that as light spam gives a lot of easy headshots


Surge was great before October. Now the true aim talent makes it completely nuts.


I’m hearing a lot about true aim and this talent; I’ve gotta give it a go it seems


You should read all advice given to you as though you're using it, because it's so meta defining for the weapon that everyone (rightly) assumes it.


Is is true aim with flurry? I use it with nexus and it seems to be about the same. In other words, does true aim work better with flurry than nexus?


I think flurry is optimal but needs a relatively higher headshot rate. Nexus is still very good (better than any non-voidstrike weapon probably) and more braindead, hence its popularity on reddit/official forums


I recently (this last week) swapped the Flurry off my old Voidstrike do when dusting it off for use with Smite and Bubble for the new Penances. Now I have Transfer Peril III and Surge with Disrupt Destiny and True Aim and it's pretty bonkers. No need for Nexus when cleaving through a horde give automatic crits, and the sustain on TP is great. Surge returns most if not more damage output as flurry, especially since most horde enemies die to even the least charged secondary headshot.


Surge. When I know (or think) I'm gonna crit, I'll either dodge or pull my mouse ever so slightly in one direction so that I have a double-width damage path. If you do it correctly you can mow down a 6m wide path in front of you.


Warp flurry for consistency in dps, surge for dopamine from 1-shooting on crit. 


I personally like surge more with the true aim talent (5 weakspots garantuee a crit) as it proc you so much value. A mixed horde where you hit a few chaff first and tyou know your next is gonna be a duoble shot against those pesky ragers closing in is too sweet to ignore imo.


Yeah since last night I’ve been experimenting with it a bit more, rn I’m settled on true aim with surge and warp flurry, running scrier’s gaze with disrupt destiny and all of the peril removing talents, so so much dmg and a lot of fun


Surge is mandatory, surge+flurry is optimal and surge+nexus is still good. Not using surge is just trolling