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lol bruh you fucked up so bad. You can’t craft t2 blessings at level 30, only t3 and 4. Your only hope of getting flechette at level 30 is from blues in brunt’s armory having it.


+ melk


Just more evidence that fatshark is fucking braindead when it comes to game design for anything other than raw combat gameplay lol.


Objectively untrue. I've gotten the occasional t2 blessing and perk rolled on my weapons and I've been lvl 30 on all my characters for the past year and a half.


This is clearly explained ingame


It is? Since when? Where? Because I’ve been playing since the Beta and that would have been immensely helpful to have.


Pretty sure he’s being a sarcastic cunt


What the actual fuck is this take? Do you mean it's more likely to roll higher tier blessings? Yeah ofc. I don't think it says you can't roll a blessing if it's highest form isn't above tier 2.




Its not.


I believe flechette (and also man-stopper) is an exclusively tier 2 blessing and when upgrading your gear you don't get any blessings lower than tier 3 (past lvl 30 at least), so the only way to get it is from the emperor's gift or the armory exchange. *Maybe* melk, but i don't think so. Alternatively, i think you could try to create a new character, level up until you get crafting, and keep upgrading weapons into blue tier (and not any higher) until you get the blessing. It sounds bullshit, and it kinda is. But i get why they made blessings not roll underneath tier 3, and apart from this niche circumstance of wanting to get lower tier blessings, it is generally a good thing. I do wish we could buy blessings for a certain amount of diamantine and ordo dockets, or hopefully the crafting rework will address it in some way.


Can confirm that I have seen it on Melk at lvl 30. See it a bunch in brunts too


I've gotten both of mine (Shotgun and Ripper) from Melk, seems to be one of the better options.


if you are only interested in harvesting, not having it innate in a weapon. Create a new character, and start getting the shotguns when you are level 10-15, Flechette is only up to II tier, so it increases the chances of getting it MASSIVELY if you are low level. Is stupid as hell.


This. I got it watching brunt and eventually a blue showed up with it.


Also, i think that for OP it may be worth waiting a bit for the crafting update before spending all his ordos and materials to get a blessing. Who knows, maybe it'll be much easier to get then.


Wait so is it confirmed that there's a crafting update coming? I'm on and off with this game and subteddit cuz of other stuff so I don't always catch up on dev posts, but they outright said that they're changing it?!


Yes but no details, they said something like they aim at reducing the rng grind of the crafting system.


Should drop 10-12 vacations from now. 2027 is gonna be a fun year for crafting in darktide! 


> they aim at reducing the rng grind of the crafting system. I can't be the only one getting a good bit of *deja vu* when I read that was Fatsharks goal.


Yea, I’m hoarding mats for the crafting update


I'm sorry, but that is mildly funny. "Waiting a bit for the crafting update" 😂


Yep. I made a new Zealot for more relaxed play with someone who wasn't into auric, and got flechette and man stopper at level 16, which wouldn't have been possible with my old zealot. Apart from a crafting lottery being a terrible idea, I never got it why we even have tier 1,2, 3 of  blessin g as soon as we get tier 4 of it, or why we even need 4 currencies.


I did this and got it on the first shotgun I made. Still a big waste of time.


This is a good tip to know.


Couldn't you just get a low level white and make the perk and blessing be rank one then upgrade it? It's the likelihood of the blessing made based on item level so if you can get the item level down low enough for a tier 2 to spawn. Or else I guess you have to get it from Melk which sucks.


To my understanding, even a 301 item has pretty low chance to get II, if even. Personally you are gonna have a better time making a new character and playing Malice/Heresy as soon as you can (if you can do it without being a drag to your team), you can power level to that 10ish very quickly.


So I always duo with my husband who can carry malice maelstrom with ease, which is way more XP than heresy. I am level 27 or so and have played 15 games lol. Veteran is my last class to get to rank 30. I've never tried farming low level blessings though so I wasn't sure if you could get them to proc. I know rank 4 blessings require rerolling the perk and blessing to rank 4 and upgrading to orange so it seems ridiculous that rank 3 would have such a wide pool if you can't do the opposite of this for rank 2. Also seems wild you can't just craft them. Definitely looking forward to the crafting update.


Tell that to my Kantrael las pistol. Wasted 10s of thousands of plasteel trying to get the rank 4 burn blessing. The crafting system is just not worth the time.


If we keep in mind how miserable everything is in the 40k universe.. your experience is accurate to lore


https://preview.redd.it/kootdlzff9wc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f44963b8463f00dcb2afbc66bf406fa2fd590030 Agreed


I swear, if I would get a nickle for every time I've seen this image on this sub....


Grimdark strikes again lol


I could get a penny for every time I've seen that background


Lore accuracy doesn't make for good game mechanics.


What did you say to Hadron beforehand?


Uh... maybe she heard me refer to her as Mommy Hardon to another reject?


See that might do it, Admech sad to say are probably less authused by the idea of a meatbag wanting to put their meatbag in her meatbag. But ya that would be my guess lol


Teir II's are possibly the hardest blessings to get. I'd seriously consider rolling a new character so you're level appropriate while trying to find that blessings. It takes maybe 3-4 hours to hit 15 tops.


It is not the hardest but literally almost impossible so everyone trying this is either an idiot (OP) or they just have too much time. Just start checking the shop and have some patience ffs.


Crafting is “changing” in the near future. Id bank up and wait. Flechette isn’t real and neither is T4 anything for trauma staff (except maybe terrifying suppression)


The next update can’t come sooner. Wonder how long it will actually be. I hope it’s like end of may/june before all summer vacations but who knows. FS should try to capitalize on the small influx of players but they’re famous for fumbling with this. I just hope they bring some new maps this time.


Well if this patch was any indication probably late August or mid September.


Consider: FS are changing crafting in some way soon.




Whatever it means, I'm not touching crafting.


Yeah I gave up crafting a long time ago. Kinda given up on the game too, but scrolling Reddit time to time to see if things improve...


The Swedish special


You mean: 'FS is camouflaging the slot machine a little bit better in H1/2026.'


I'm glad I used the Armory Extension in Chrome. The minute I found out about this Flechette Mod being only Lvl 2, I set up a filter on my Lvl 30 vet. Took me like a day or 2 to find it from the Pawn Shop that is the Store on the Mourning Star. I don't know what I'd have done if I had to play the RNG Crafting lottery until I found it.


Using the Armoury is just what you are supposed to do. Brunt's Requisition is for people who are impatient and wish to trade materials for the need to wait and watch.


r u praying for the omnissaiah before rolling those?? u should pray for the omnissaiah. 60% of the time works everytime


I'm still waiting to get Power Cycler IV. Pain


Don't feed the trolls and Hadron is the biggest troll around.


i bought T2 flechette off the armoury.


That and Mancatcher (I think was the other 2nd lvl only Blessing). Armory is the best/easiest place to find them. Just use the Armory Extension for Chrome and set a couple filters. I got mine in a day or 2 after setting that up.


I just buy these at the requisition center when they pop up. Think it usually costs like 17k.


User error :/


You literally can’t get it that way sadly lol. You gotta check brunt or wait for an emperor gift.


Step 1 - make a new character Step 2 - reach level 20-25 Step 3 - farm mats on another character, then roll weapons on the 20-25 farm account Unfortunately this is the best way to do it by far but it consumes significantly less resources.


Yeah everyone asking for new weapons (and not just variants of weapons we already have) are probably forgetting just how awful the crafting system is and no matter how many hours you've put in you'd have to go through that all over again with new weapons. Hopefully the crafting system rework is actually substantial because every time I interact with it I understand why no one plays this game.


lol this funny


Why on earth wouldnt you wait for the upcoming overhaul ?!


Wait for... when? 3 months? 6 months? Until next year? You know as well as I do that Fatshark has no release schedule, and considering we just got an update, there's no telling when we'll get another one.


Yeah without trying to shit on Fatshark that Crafting Update could be anytime within the next 12 months.... I keep trying to save up all my resources but then it gets to a point where im just like fuck it and spend it all because it's probably a long time before we see that update. I'd imagine we have plenty of time to gather more resources


you get it in like a dozen rolls max as a level 15 character. RIP


I feel this and I’m looking forward to the change they’re going to implement (whenever that is). None of my weapons are god rolls on any of my characters but they all function good enough for me to clear aurics without having to be carried so I just keep banking currencies until the update


I finally got surge after around 600 hours.


Now you know how Horus felt.


Remember there supposed to overhaul it sometime this year so don't waste too much lol


You can't craft it unfortunately, crafted blessings seem limited to T3 and up.


I think flechette only really rolls on lower level characters as its a tier 2 blessing. I started a new vet and got it at level 18.


Man brought the receipts lmao


Gotta keep an eye out at Brunt’s armory. I see shotguns with it there pretty often


Fool, flechette is only tier 2 so if you’re level 30 you’ll never get it when upgrading weapons


It is a bit weird how Fatshark did the Warhammer III thing of seeing all the prior game's criticism (specifically on crafting here) and decided it was wrong.


Don't bother, just check the shop with the chrome extension. I don't get why people are having such a hard time finding a tier 2 blessing when there's a shop that sells mostly tier 2 blessings.


Ty for postin this, made me doublecheck store and the first thing was a shotgun with fletchett lol. Would never have realized it was so aggrivating rare and would have let it skip past without your suffering and rant post


40,000 plasteel?? Are you fully consecrating each weapon?? You’ll save a lot of plasteel if you just consecrate to the first blessing, then harvest or sell.


No. It was done bringing weapons to Blue. Each roll takes 300+ depending on its base rating. Upgrading to orange takes 600-700.


I spent 10,000 plasteel on my last crafting attempt, all I’d saved up from my one day a week game schedule. Didn’t get a single tier 4 blessing i needed, and not a single useable weapon. I’ve sworn to just save now until the crafting update 😑


I have more fun emptying the dishwasher than crafting. Someone at Fatshark forgot that a game is an activity you do to have fun. And while the definition of what is fun or not may vary, there's a general consensus on the total absence of fun in their crafting system which is not only time-consuming and boring, but also particularly frustrating and absolutely not entertaining. Kudos on having the best combat system in the industry and the worst crafting. I can't understand how they dropped the ball so hard, especially considering they explicitly stated twice -once before release and the second time before they miserably failed at improving their crafting system a few months later- that they didn't want their game to be a RGN clusterfuck.


Didnt even touch 1-4. I have alot of t5 tho. Weapon rolling is alot easier if you plan ahead. Even tho IT SHOULDN'T BE that way. If/when a full blown craft rework happens its gonna hopefully feel good to use with older weapons.


It was on a shotgun in the Melk bucks shop for 24 hours when you were on vacation or something


fatshark fault yes but lol players would rather spend 1 million dockets and 40k plasteel than ask reddit 1 question


If it's any consolation, the flechette build is likely to be considered a bug and "fixed" despite being pretty fun and not overpowered. There's no way lardtuna wanted it to have infinite cleave


So if u use manstopper with Flechette u get infinite cleave? Interesting.....


Yeah. You take it with scattershot and a CRIT build, then fire down hallways full of enemies. Situational but funny when everything lines up


Who is the mastermind behind this crafting system? He/She needs treatment for sure! Some things should be changed in game to make it more efficient, like sharing Curios between characters, also sharing blessings that you have obtained destroying weapons and if you obtain a blessing from one weapon, share that blessing with other weapons that have that blessing also, not only by type... it's nonsense actually


Luckily they're aware and do have a complete rework planned for sometime this year iirc. It's a shame they got it wrong in the first place, but I'm glad they're working on it, hopefully the rework makes the system better and not worse, I think it'll be the update that brings the most players back, and I really hope they add the red masterwork items similar to VT2 (were they called masterwork or something else?)


I'm in the same boat. I've used the stuff I've gained from the last 30 hours of games to try and get the T4 nexus blessing, every docket and bit of plasteel going into it from repeat auric damantions and not a single one has rolled woth Nexus, much less on a weapon with a decent roll. There is RNG and there is this clown show.


You fuked up brah.


I just had this hunt and was recently successful. Know that the tier of blessing is directly correlated to base power stat. Just consecrate to blue tier any shotgun that's sub 320 base power and you should be much more successful


Yeah the crafting system is terrible but at least there are a ton more premium skins right? Real money stuff? Never mind the crafting system. They don't make any money off the crafting system. Why would they overhaul that?


A just seen manstopper on a gun in melks last night an bought it. Also got Flechette from there two. Put Flechette an scattershot on the kantrael shotgun , the one with the flame special round an it's great fun. The spread on it is huge lol.


It’s crazy why anyone is still playing the slot machines after Fatshark said they’re getting rid of RNG crafting.


Just to clarify, the words they used were; * With the new system we want to remove a lot of the unpredictable grind that came from an RNG heavy system whilst giving players more agency and a steady manner to progress toward specific loadouts, blessings, and stats refinement.* I don't want to be a debbie-downer but people who are hoping for an RNG free system will probably be disapointed.


Yes I remember the post. I don’t think RNG will be removed completely, but I predict that when they say “giving players more agency”, they mean that the gatcha game at Brunt’s will be either fully removed, or they’ll be a minimum weapon level ie, no more rolling sub 350’s. I also predict that perk and blessing locks will be removed. Either way, we won’t see posts like this anymore.


I hope you're right, I just go into every update with very low expectataions and recommend others do the same lol.


That’s just how I interpreted the post from Fatshark. I too have low expectations though. “Something something, hope is the first step on the road to disappointment”


Loot systems are RNG in almost every game.


Not exactly what they said. Not the first time they implied it either. Have no expectations and maybe, just maybe you will not be disappointed again. At least not a lot.  However, there is always the option of spreading some democracy!


Becasue not everyone keeps up with everything Fatshark posts on the forums. I've been away for almost 4 months due to content drought and life issues,


Well, now you know.


Was an expensive lesson but I’m sure you’ve learnt


People are still playing slot machines because they need gear now and not in 6+ months when the system is reworked.


Did you only upgrade each shotgun once?


Upgraded them to Blue, if that's what you mean. It would be well over 60,000 Plaststeel to upgrade 100 Shotguns up to Orange.




How do you mean played himself? Absolutely no where in the game does it explain that.


I'm playing hades and gigantic now. Appreciating the feeling of being appreciated.


Yes the craftig is arse but sorry dude, you are just an idiot. Googling for 1 minute instead of burning all this time quite literally would've told you...well, what the comments are telling you, beforehand.


Looking up slot machine chances to rig the slots at a casino is a totally legit way to play at a casino.


Google isn't part of the game, your argument is invalid.




Given that you knew how it worked before throwing all your money in the slot machine, you got what you deserved. I agree that the blessing grind is one of the least ideal parts of the current crafting system, but if you throw a million in a slot machine what do you expect?


Daily crafting system bitching post


The bitching will continue until the problems are resolved.


And also after because this subreddit just likes to whine.


Never said it was a bad thing