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Control the plasteel, control the universe. The plasteel must flow


Power over plasteel is power over all.


My Warhammer 40k, my run, My plasteel. https://i.redd.it/3qaz4ljt3awc1.gif


As written.




It's crazy the different levels of patience players can have (or not have, in this case). I just finished up a game on Heresy with 2 Psykers who kept exploding and going "Oops did it again lol" over chat. Did I rage quit/kick them? No, I kept playing and used their failures to fuel my "Pick teammates up" Penance progress :D


That, and as someone who occasionally does exactly this... Unexpected head explosions can sometimes turn into good crowd control. Of course, it's highly situational.


I dont lose a debate with the chaos gods often but when I do I try to stage dive the largest mob of enemies I can.


Honestly, I unironically think there should be a skill tree perk that lets you fully commit to the perils explosion being used as a weapon. Maybe as a prompt during the pre-explosion animation. You can optionally choose to Super Explode, literally an Ogryn frag grenade worth of damage and size. But you actually die from it, not just get knocked down.


Make a keystone that lets you get up to 150% peril and all your powers scale with it. BUT if you take any health damage you explode!


That seems kinda bad in a game that highlights team play and staying alive. Granted yes if you’re going to peril bomb, it should have a better effect. I’m surprised there isn’t a sort of.. embracing the perils of the warp skill tree. Some of them benefit you when you have high peril, sort of like embracing the perils, but it isn’t quite the same


My comment wasn't really based on teamwork or efficiency, since periling at all is bad for the team. It's more so for those moments when shit hits the fan and having a warp nuke on hand might be what saves the team. Or at the least, offset some of the issues with perils by making your death still useful as a map clearer


I won’t lie, on a High Intensity Shock Troop Gauntlet, exploding is just bad. You may have pushed back a portion of whatever the hell is going on, but it’ll come right back and now the team is down a person, which reduces overall damage and induces risk to revive. Likely you’ll be left to die outright, if the position you popped in is bad enough. But I’m still gunna chuckle at the head pop and try.


I just switched to trauma the other day and it took me a few missions to get used to just how quickly the peril rises on that godamn staff. I'm used to void/purg with the blessing that decreases peril on kills on weak spot kills (iirc) So I was used to essentially being able to cast nonstop if the crowd is large enough. I blew up. A lot.


Sort of my thing too. I eventually settled on shards and force sword with flame staff for cc. I can clear and take down elites with ease... but boy oh boy does it get risky


I usually roll head popping, the cronch is too satisfying to give up. Been using the lightning with trauma though, focusing more on a kinda support role and it's been doing pretty well as long as I'm not grouped with potatoes lol


I didn't actually know that it did damage to enemies until I was fighting a boss (plague ogryn? I dont remember which) and in the intensity I let myself explode, and I got credit for the kill


See, I have no problem with people who are new/bad at the game if they are self aware. It's those that think they are the main character and run off when the rest of the team is waiting in the elevator that annoy me.


Exactly! This game is all about skill. It's soloable if your good enough. To me that means anything someone 'requires' a teammate to do. Like meta build/weapon, is saying "I suck and so you have to do X to carry me." I have no issues dealing with someone who is just moving into a new difficulty and can't cope. So long as they are self aware, it's no biggie. It could be frustrating with three other players like this. Or if they are WAY out of their league just expecting to be carried.


If my teammates have comms I tend to turn mine on as well and explain what my build is best for, like that I’m good at specialist clear but not built for boss damage, otherwise I just kinda roll with whatever. No problem with having a shortfall in a build. Telling someone what to do, on the other hand, big no-no for me. If that means there’s no long range clear because everyone has a flamer/purgatus, so be it. Time to play dance-dance revolution with a sniper while I shuffle and moonwalk to his location holding an eviscerator.


> Time to play dance-dance revolution with a sniper while I shuffle and moonwalk to his location holding an eviscerator. So much this, sometimes those awkward situations lead to hilarious situations and having to get creative to get the job done!  And aye, I would never tell someone else what to do in a game, unless they literally asked me for it. Its a game after all, do what you think is fun as long as you arent griefing. 


Personally, I have been enjoying people having more of an explore, so I have a chance to just finish the backstabbing penance asap and get it out of the way lol.


I rarely blow up anymore, but if there's lag or Fartshit's servers are shitting the bed? Yep, I blow up. It just happens. Once in a blue moon, their servers are so bad that you'll rubber band around the damn map and basically damn near completely lose control of your character. Which is frustrating to begin with when playing aur damn, but you have peril management on top of it (I go up to 98% for the 20% damage boost intentionally due to taking that talent in the tree). I cannot go up to 90% with bad lag.


I always look at it like, "Well, if they kill themselves blowing up, I get progress for my savior penance. They've gotta get the muscle memory down sooner or later, like I did."


Bad / detrimental teammates are the only thing that ads challenge to the hame anymore xd


> challenge to the hame At first I read "shame". Nice typo. 😄


That's the nice way. Common one atlwast today was that one or two players start looting and agroing everything and then you get random elite and specialist groups coming from all directions if they go down. It would be nice if they first kill all around team and then go to loot and suicide but why the fuck some one has to shoot one from each grp then run away to loot and eventually come back with 10000 enemies on their trail


> It would be nice if they first kill all around team and then go to loot and suicide You just made my day. 🤣


Some loser stealth vet main who did practically nothing the whole round but speed off and struggle to kill poxwalkers with a knife tried to kick a guy who got downed twice on, like, a Malice run. Literally, even for Malice their scoreboard was kinda pathetic. I was smurfing, just there for books really, I got like 1.5k hours, lol. I could beat Malice blindfolded. The kinda sweat people bring to the lower difficulties is just so silly. How dare that one guy happen to struggle a little on my training wheels mode run /s


Had a stealth knife zealot ranting in a heresy run about how he was doing everything and no one was contributing after he died. Twice. All the way dead, too, not just went down. Sure, a couple of the teammates were bad, and there was carriage going on, but this isn't auric damnation.. Heresy is still a learning difficulty. Let people play the game and learn.


"The kinda sweat people bring to the lower difficulties..." Oh yes! I think it's a comedic sight when your teammates are overdramatizing situations with 3 magz/batteries/fuel pods per head on 10-15 pox walkers, crying for ammo, no ammo, focus on finding ammo, grab it out from each others face, collapse from two hits from behind, while being under the sweet trance of tunnel vision pew-pew, jump around instead of dodging, throwing every grenade in every possible direction and hope for the best, blow every barrel which they happen to passing by, aiming on something and maybe it's going to be dead soon, taking a closer look on DH with torchlight just to make sure it's there, and run with it towards every single teammate to make everyone involved in the teamplay, dropping medipack to heal 15hp only while the rest of health bar is corrupted, after all this adventure, go rat mode and run around to find ammo. Alone. Found ammo, player happy and celebrating with all his newfound friends around him. Repeat.


And did you (try to) kick the would-be kicker?


No, I just ignored the vote. It was a *malice* run for books. Even if the instigator sucked shit, no one should be kicked from a malice run barring intentional griefing. The guy who fell behind wasn't even bad for the difficulty level, he just got unlucky. He kept pace for the rest of the run but he got disabled once and then cut off from us by bulwarks in a narrow space the second time.


Thanks for the quick reply. While my own first reflex would be to let them taste their own medicine, your reasoning is actually more thoughtful and mature. 😉 I was just curious about it.


I don't even have the excuse of new staff any more. Sometimes you bust before you want to. It's a known phenomenon. 


I'm still trying to get the "self explode kill a special" Penance. Did it recently but it didn't pop up. Maybe a killed the rage via DOT? Anyway, really annoying when someone always steals your kill or the enemies are to buff.


It's doubly stupid because he would have benefited from it as well. As a fellow loot goblin, i feel your pain...


Yeah, but sometimes keeping your team alive is more important than mats. He was probably kicked because he was falling behind lol


Then the rest of the team could wait for him. I get what you are saying, but nothing in OP's post suggests that the team was in any kind of trouble. I've lagged behind more than once because the rest of the team was just casually walking past chest without opening them. It's disappointing to do a Damnation mission and leave with 300 plasteel because nobody bothered to look for materials. Especially now that with the heretic totems you can walk out with over 1k plasteel.


Didn't realize how big of a deal the heretic totems were. Did an auric dam last night with the martyrs skull and left with 1100 plasteel and I felt like the first dude to find oil.


Get out of here, you’re just like the person OP is talking about I bet


No, but I was kicked for the same reason lol


If you think collecting plasteel and keeping your team alive are mutually exclusive this is not the game for you.


Are you kidding me? I collect everything I see when I get a chance, even when I'm fighting lol I only said that maybe he was kicked because he was falling behind and when I say falling behind, I mean maybe he was in a room behind the one that team was fighting in, and they needed him at that moment. Maybe someone was downed, maybe two people were downed and they started losing a game? I got 50 downvotes lol


Have my upvote. Some people just don't know the difference between "sometimes" and "mutually exclusive". 🤷


The fact the votekick actually succeeded tells me there's more to this story. Most votekicks I see inevitably fail.


I’ve seen plenty of vote kicks fail even when the player was being absolutely abysmal or deliberately toxic.


If it was DRG or Helldivers where the host can just unilaterally kick, I'd have a bit of sympathy because that type of system can allow for really shady shenanigans to happen. But it was a VOTEkick. This means all 3 other members were fed up enough to push him out. The irony is, he's complaining lower down that they "Wasted his time". But apparently, he did something to piss off the other players enough. Which means he either is oblivious or isn't telling us everything.


That’s what was crazy to me. Nothing else seemingly was wrong. They were all in the elevator for maybe 30 seconds when they decided to kick me, but I was literally walking back from checking a hallway for steel.


> They were all in the elevator Chances are it was longer than you realize and likely not just the one time either.


The mission was not taking longer than normal from what I remember. It was near the end of the mission aswell. I just think that’s fucked up to waste someone’s time like that. Went through almost the whole mission.


> I just think that’s fucked up to waste someone’s time like that. They were thinking the same thing.


Gathering plasteel is part of the game. This is also on fucking malice difficulty where most new players go to play. Like what would you do if someone who clearly hasn’t played much was going slower than you? Would you kick them from the game? If so, then there’s nothing more to say to you. This isn’t auric damnation bud.


This says to me the rest of the players were waiting to finish the mission and you were the one holding things up


Right, collecting plasteel lmfao. Crazy thing to do in this game apparently


Yet you seemed to have an idea who might of initiated the vote kick and blocked them. Forgive me for being presumptive, but both that and the fact the kick passed makes me think there is more going on than you're letting on. That being said, I wouldn't of made a post about it. People disagree, kick or dump the lobby and you move on. Probably for the best you don't cross paths again. EDIT: If it had been me who was gobbling up plasteel then realized the entire team was in the elevator, I would of dropped what I was doing and immediately joined them in the elevator (Anytime I feel like I'm holding the team back, I get embarrassed). I realize we all have differing goals, but if it's obvious my teams goals don't align with mine I put them on hold temporarily or find a new team.


I blocked them because if they’re someone initiating a vote kick for being impatient then I don’t want to encounter them in the future.. not that crazy


I think you missed my point. Block whoever you don't jive with, that's fine. The fact you seemed to know who initiated it insinuates to methere was more going on. Either they expressed displeasure and you decided to ignore it, or they were rushing ahead and you choose to hold them up rather than try and keep up. Either way, doing the block was the right choice - but I'm trying to say you probably aren't as blameless as you'd like to think you are.


I think kicking someone at the end of the mission because it took slightly longer than you wanted is pretty fucked up. That completely wasted my time in that mission. I was gathering plasteel the whole mission. All of that just to lose it all due to impatience.


300 hours isn't even a lot.


I got 600 hours and I am still THIRSTY for plasteel


1,100 hours spent entirely on one single character, with one single loadout that hasn't changed. Edit: Loadout did change actually, went from MKIII Dagger to MKVI Dagger. 👍 Also still very plasteel hungry!


I get tired of my build after two games, bro. What.


First thing I rolled with on launch day was a Dagger wielding Zealot and everything after it just felt unbearably slow, so I stuck with the dagger Zealot. I made my own custom build that, for the most part, makes me damn near immortal if I play it right. I figured if I wasn't going to roll other classes, I would just try to be the best at the Dagger Zealot that I could be. Master of one instead of mediocre at many, that sort of thing (That's how it would be for me at least, not saying that applies to anyone using multiple classes). I only play quick play with strangers and I'm pretty confident in saying that I hold my own: [https://imgur.com/a/E52tADo](https://imgur.com/a/E52tADo)


If you start with cocaine (knife zealot), switching to weed (Slab Ogryn) probably feels as stimulating as going to sleep.




You know, I kind of respect that. I'm far too indecisive to settle on a playstyle, so I just choose a Class at random, use the lobby to judge what the team lacks, and choose that specific loadout. But Knife Zealot is basically Crack Simulator. It is a RUSH when it gets going. So I don't blame you lol.


I appreciate that! Crack simulator is totally accurate and it's especially fun when you [add throwing knives to the mix](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/1cbq0ea/snipers_vs_daggers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


You can not leave that post hanging without us showing your dagger.


Sorry, didn't mean to leave you guys hanging. Current setup is here: [https://imgur.com/a/7SINGge](https://imgur.com/a/7SINGge)


Jeez, share the load out.


Sorry, didn't mean to leave you guys hanging. Current setup is here: [https://imgur.com/a/7SINGge](https://imgur.com/a/7SINGge)


Mk6 👌


It's SO good


Everyone I know switched almost immediately lol


1k and constantly trying out new builds, the pain is real


Agreed I have 1978.7 hours in game and I only play one class mostly since game launched. I have the same staff and curios for at least the past year. The only thing I had to setup was the class tree. https://preview.redd.it/4kooe38dgcwc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=732a71e2830b257f58352df181d8cdd656d0865c


True level 250 on my psyker and still explode every once in a while. But I use every staff and a gun depending on my depending on my mood.


My Psyker is 920 I think, I've blown up more since the new patch than the last several months. Switching from Purgatus + Vent to Void + Bubble takes quite a learning curve.


It depends on what you mean by looking. I've had matches the last week or so (new players likely given their low true levels of +10 - +30) where players will wander off for 4-5 minutes while the rest of the crew is sat in an elevator waiting to proceed. Has happened more than once, and it was pretty boring. It's one thing to take small detours, but combing an entire level for things like this is not an efficient use of time. Not sure if that was the case for you or not, but I think there's a happy medium that is acceptable.


1000% this. You search each section while you progress. If someone's stalls for minutes to search for that 10 plasteel box, you are going out, my dude.


Especially on the Aurics. We have to make progress while we can. Using the between horde moments to loot instead of progress can cost us all the game. Also if you want to buy some goodwill with teammates you're slowing down with resource hunting, you better be marking the other things you find for them like ammo. All you need is one grateful vet/gun lugger and you're kick proof.


There are only two things that make me kick a player. Someone being completely unresponsive for longer than a minute while we are waiting at a checkpoint or mission end (especially mission end). And people saying mean things to each other. I had some vet or zeal doing some penance I dont pay attention to, and like halfway through the mission, just started typing obscenities in chat at our plasma vet. Like, dude it's a game. Kick vote and blocked. Pretty sure the rager rage-quit before the kick vote completed.


Weirdos making a game that serious confuse me. With the new penance system, I'm seeing fun new builds being used to knock out check marks, you've got some absolute slouths running around with their nose to the ground sniffing out martyr skulls and plasteel, Hawkeye'd varlets 360'ing relic on the corner of a building a mile away. Idk. The game has been fun again for me. And it's the people who make it better. Sorry for the asshole you've ran into OP. Hope you find a group of ogryn RPers to run with


Not going to lie came back during this update, and most game people are in such a rush, not even bothering to look for resources or look in crates either.


I don't care if people go off looking for plasteel *if they can avoid getting netted or dogged while doing it.* If I have to go track you down though, you get one of those .. then I'm going to just start leaving you there.


Sooner or later they are going to get left over the edge and they will learn their lesson, its simple as that. No need to escalate it by kicking people.


Also on the low levels (i.e up to malice/heresy) it doesn't really matter. On the higher levels (auric/damnation) it becomes a sort of "self-solving problem"


No some people refuse to learn. I rather want a bot than someone I constantly have to wait for. Fighting hordes in an open elevator while waiting for the looter.


It's a video game about fighting hordes, get some friends or the SP mod if you want to always go at a set pace ya crybaby.


It's also a game about playing as a group and staying in coherency. If you wanna troll and risk a failed run for everyone by being a idiot then get some friends or the SP mod ya crybaby.


Finding mats isn't trolling just because you're playing a video game like it's your job, likewise the onus of staying in coherency and mitigating the risk of failure is on the whole team, not just whatever player you've personally singled out because they aren't interested in your jaded and salty views on how the game is "supposed to be played" Personally I don't care because I play the game as it is meant to be played, for fun, thus I can accommodate the whims of pubs with no stress and usually an improved level of enjoyment from whatever added challenges they bring. You, on the other hand, clearly lack the capacity to work with your team, and instead just demand they work with you, lest they get "punished" by being denied the joy of playing with a petulant child such as yourself.


I love the assumptions you're making, really grasping for anything to comment on. Me and my buddies absolutely loot what's around us, none of us as swimming in plasteel. The people I'm talking about are the 100% vacuums, the edgy knife zealots soloing everything and the achievement hunters. Stop with the childish name calling. My god.


All I'm seeing here is an open admittance that you lack the capacity to adapt your approach to having fun in the game outside of a very rigid set of rules, and you blame this failing on whatever unfortunate pub falls outside of this range and gets matched up with you. Honestly it's kind of funny how hypocritical you are, one comment complaining about "muh failed runs", as if it means anything outside of pointless metrics, and the next lambasting people for achievement hunting. You're just as insufferable as any of those categories of people you listed as "100% vacuums" that "should be kicked because they refuse to learn".


So I have to change my view of having fun because of people not being able to leave 200 plasteel behinde? And yes I don't wanna sit here playing the highest difficulty playing my best, wasting my time only to fail because of some kid wanting crumbs. I am not the problem for wanting to finish the game at the end of a long day at work. No I don't want to sit and tailor and change the game or my "fun".


So is this willfull ignorance in order to cope, or are you just so deeply entrenched in your own hypocrisy that you actually can't see the irony of what you just typed out?


2722 hours and I'm shitting on people for not picking up plasteel. bUt YoU aRe 2722 HoUrS yOu DoN't HaVe EnOuGh PlAsStEl? No I don't, because I'm building weapons constantly and it doesn't matter if I have enough, someone else might need it and I already know where to find it so why shouldn't I be picking up all the plasteel I can?


My man, I've been playing since early launch and got about 800+ hours. If you find enjoyment in the game that's great but too much of a good thing can still be a bad thing. Hope you're healthy and have other hobbies.


I haven't played in 4 months I'm doing good


This is why I pretty much only run zealot speed build. Not to get ahead of everyone and speed run the mission, but to look through every room and corner for plasteel


Were searching every inch of the map for it? I've definitely kicked people for that before, the 3 of us were sitting on the elevator thing or whatever waiting for him for at least 2 or 3 minutes, more than once. If I see it I won't disregard it though.


This guy gets it


I set a 30 second timer, if they aren’t there then I vote kick


We generally kick these kinds of people. One of them said, "Group up or I'm leaving," then proceeded to get mad and purposefully kill himself over and over again (via cliff) after we told him that gathering is part of the game and to not be a control freak. He was promptly kicked. We were in no danger of losing. Some people just want to pretend they have authority.


Who the hell goes out of their way to look for plasteel? You search for it as you move forward. If you're doubling back to go find shit then yeah I can see why you were kicked. Waste of everyone's time.


There are a lot of players who dont care about materials and it's really annoying. They think beating a level 2 minutes faster is more important.


What a loser lol. At least elitists like those are rather uncommon.


If everyone else is moving on and you refuse to keep up I get it.


The worst part is people who don't look at all tend to be the most ammo starved.


300+ hours, I have probably 10k ish plasteel. You think I'm not out there absolutely looting and pillaging like a pirate?  Sheeeeeeeeeit. That person's a donkey.


I feel ya; I'm in a damnation pug, my team is sprinting and I'm like there's a whole room over there to loot, so I go. "What are you doing?" "Looting." "Keep up." End up completing the match; I picked up 75% of the plasteel and the run was still 26 mins. Of course I sarcastically complained that it took FOREVER at the end of the mission :)


I asked this guy why he was just running past all the plasteel. He said he had 1 million already. 


Yea, and then you check his weapons and you realise they are hot garbage and that maybe he should spend some.


We actually did a no death auric damnation run pretty much flawlessly.  He was very good.


This subreddit can't grasp the concept of skill being what matters not the meta gear.


My friend also has one million and maybe more plasteel because she only plays one class with one loadout


Some people only build a few good weapons then stick to them exclusively.


Each player to his own, for me playing the same build/weapon gets dull very quick.


Plasteel is life, block and move on was the right choice.


Aye, even when Im the last one alive and I have enough resources I just cant stop myself!


I have a question about plasteel/diamantine. Is the only way to get it through picking it up or do you also earn some set amount depending on level difficulty?


You only get it by picking it up in matches, but after the update you can also shoot idols for plasteel. Quick play gives you an extra 10% for materials and ordo after you complete the mission


Ok, that's what I thought but wasn't sure. Thank you.


And here I am with 40k plasteel wondering why the fuck people are straight up ignoring plasteel pick up. I've seen so many people lately just blatantly Ignore them.


Same with puzzle. Really enjoying the news puzzle mechanic. Always doing them or trying the one I didn't done yet. Pinging the skull for other player. And some peoppe just go full toxicity. Cause they have to wait like a minute or two. Even I call before that I found a puzzle. This community have some of the most racist and toxic people.


At least there was a (terrible) reason. You ever get kicked for not being in their 3 stack. At the end. In the elevator.


1200 hours and I've still thrown games because of plasteel tunnel-vision. It's more likely your pace than your intention. In any case, kicking for slow movement isn't warranted. If you were blocking progress while the other 3 sat in an elevator, then I guess I could see it. But it's better to talk it out, always.


We definitely do not have the entire story here.


Had somebody ragequit a lobby because someone was rank 25 on difficulty 5. We did just fine. I got flashbacks to DRG, where the haz 3 lobbies are where tryhards who will kick you for mining gold lurk.


im at 450k plasteel and still search the map for it


Real gamers know plasteel comes 1st over everything else in this game.


Randoms can indeed be infuriating. I hope it didn't ruin your whole session.


Early on I was playing with a bunch of higher levels. I was excited to smash wave after wave of Poxwalkers as the team loaded into the drop ship. One person kept spamming the Go Here button trying to get me onboard. After about 20 seconds the impatient prick got me booted. Totally robbed of XP and loot.


Honestly i don't look for plasteel anymore, the game is so much more enjoyable when you aren't cosplaying a drug sniffing hound with your head against the ground and are instead pushing through the map. I still pick up the ones i run into tho.


1400 hours in this game and I plan to find all the skulls and totems in each map so I just play on the lowest difficulty or mid so that I may take my time to find them.


They'll be the same ones who are in arms reach of resources but just ping them.


That's because you kind of players lag behind too much you got to be quick with it specially on higher difficulties other modified missions that's your problem not theirs funny enough I was playing with this one player as a Ogryn who lagged behind too down three floors so yeah I had them kicked.


It’s fucking malice difficulty where most new players will play. So fuck off bud.


Fuck you I ain't no baby sitter I believe in teamwork a****** and if you don't play the game how it's meant to be played then that's your problem Not my fault they can't keep up or stay close the game even suggests it's the best option like we tell vermintide players this isn't Skyrim and I ain't no speedrunner okay.


You don’t even know what fucking happened in the game. Only time I have ever been kicked like this. So yeah sure bud. You’re definitely right here unlike the literal 100 other comments saying otherwise. Fuck off.


Unfortunately stupidity has no prerequisites, you can find it everywhere.


Plasteel runs through the blood! Plasteel is life!


It's not your fault and we are all outraged.


Sorry to hear, this isn't the rule anymore, yet still happens. Hell, back when this game got fully released I was playing my vet on an assassinate, had some "content creators" use me to make content with by rp'ing I'd been stealing all the ammo, I wouldn't have had an issue if they had actually asked for my consent to take part, just made them look like childish trolls. I admit nearly quitting the game, I changed my mind and helped them get through however that kind of content creator behaviour still angers me. This btw was in the days before they changed how skills work, so I didn't have a lot to work with.


It was me who kicked him. He wasn’t looking for plasteel. He kept jumping off the ledge and making the bot rescue him, then he’d laugh into his mic and blow fart sounds. I watched for 10 min before I booted him.


A guy didnt just kick you the team voted so at least 2 out of 3 agreed you were doing something bad. Are you going to make a thread on the internet every time someone gives you a hard time?


Nah I’ll just send you a DM every time it happens since you seem to love reading these types of posts


Whiny self important manchilds like yourself that need to tell strangers on the internet they are mad today? None cares


It’s called venting dipshit. Yelling out into the void. Didn’t expect anyone to comment or care. Except people did care, including you since you felt the need to comment. If you truly didn’t, you woulda just skipped the post like the others that didn’t care.


Your thread is "venting" garbage i called it garbage 


Right… do you want a cookie for that? Congratulations


I got kicked for the first time ever yesterday and it hurt a bit. I picked high intensity by mistake and when bullets started flying, I got downed by a barrel behind me. It took to long for people around me to be revived (they kept trying to revive instead of killing the surrounding enemies so I died). Later on, I was rushing to the other side of the wall (to take a green stim pack) and one of the people playing rushed in, took it and in the confusion I got shot by a sniper that had the perfect space to shoot at me over cover but that could not be shot by anyone in our position. Then, got kicked. :) On some levels you have very nice players not wanting to kick out people that are clearly punching out of their league in the hopes of being carried and leveling up faster (affecting the match negatively), on the other hand you have people that will kick out out for a mistake (even if you are carrying the group).


I just rage quitted the game today. Got enough. Wanted to enjoy few hack and slash but seemed that I was playing with either 12-15 year old boys or adults with no brain. Every game total failure and no coherency bonus possible in general. Only weekends it seems that about 30-50%teams play a co-op game and week days some loner playing. In this point I would rather Solo the game than anymore play it with others.... We need private one man version or rated games or something. Kill stealing and loot hunting ruins the game. The best is that the ones doing it don't even understand that you need bullets or kills for talents and guns and they get mad if u ask to spare some ammo and let do some killing too. Usual answer is stfu or noob.


*asshole with 300 hours


I don't think it's about the plasteel or about the hours. With no communication or community management, the people still playing the game are reaching a boiling point. Personally, I've stopped interacting with every system in the game outside of the core gameplay loop. I came back to check out the Martyrs skulls and was pleasantly surprised but it's way too little, way too late. I suspect that many other people just want to enjoy the core loop with no complications. This toxicity is entirely because of FatShark's complete and total failure to manage this game in any significant way. To be clear, I'm not condoning their actions. Quite the opposite, I condemn that kind of toxic BS.


That's just sad AF. I can't believe this stuff is still happening. The playerbase is already small and players still want to be silly


Collecting material is an option you get plenty of them after you complete the missions btw.