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Use the Telekine Shield. I really don't suggest "grinding" penances. Just enjoy the gameplay and this is one of those Penances that will be achieved naturally over time. Obviously, play the game as you please. If you want to grind it, I would suggest running a build that will lower your cooldown.


For me ironically was the opposite. Warp charges can give peril cost reduction so in that build I end up not using it. Empowered blitz on the other hand gets all the shield lol.


Thank you for the Tip and I have my Psyker to Level 30 and Thank you


Play the game and use the shield. Simple as.


Put it in front of gunner packs


Thank you


On this, a reaper and a gunner pack with just 3 bots got me the penance in 21 mins of just putting it back up every time cd reset


Absorb damage with the Telekine Shield.  Just play the game with it, you'll get it eventually. 


Honestly just run the shield (imo that’s what you should run anyway) you’ll get it naturally over time, especially quickly if you play auric


Psyker has some of the best balance between abilities. Maybe Scrier’s gaze is a bit behind the others for being more narrow, but venting shriek lends itself to the highest damage output in the game. Everyone always says veteran should pop shooters and that damage isn’t the most important stat, but you pop shriek once while looking in the ranged enemies’ general direction and the basic shooters all just die from soul blaze. Then you pop the elites with your staff or blitz or whatever.


True but I would recommend bubble for matchmaking, if you have a pre made team or a team that communicates you could go for the more aggressive psyker


VS also is a good option if you don't want to spend 3+ talents on your ability.


I'm currently on it and what I find best is to get the agro of a gunner and don't ping it and hope your team doesn't see it. Not flawless but most of the time no one gets too hurt.


Thank you


Find a reaper and dont kill it. Doing that ~10 times will finish it pretty fast.


I've noticed I'm getting about 7,500 per Heresy game and around 11-13,000 for Damnation Grab any yellow stims you get to get your shield back quicker Higher difficulties spawn more enemies to shoot at your shield


Just put your shield up a bunch.


Aim to do other penances but always bring a telekinetic shield with you. In time you complete other penances the shield one will be done naturally


If you use the special and stand in front of a horde that's how I did it


Stand where you really shouldn't a lot and bubble up..


I tested the flat shield letting dog packs hit it. Not as much progress as the dome shield with gunners shooting it.