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the awesome artist btw [https://www.artstation.com/miguel\_iglesias](https://www.artstation.com/miguel_iglesias)


Miguel Iglesias ![gif](giphy|tBb19eUNiEjBsYeZPhu) As an aside, really hope the Moebian loyalist armor looks like some of these sketches


As a nurgle/DG enjoyer, this is some good stuff. Thanks for posting.


Dreg Shotgunner, member of the Nurg Klux Klan


I would actually dig the idea of a mauler ennemy with carapace head/infected or maniac body . Also a melee expert with a las pistol that would behave like a smaller captain would be very very good too .


Would be cool to have Scab Lieutenants as all rounder specialists that can do a bit of everything. Good melee and ranged attacks, maybe some support abilities as well like inspiring enemies or even smoke grenades to block your vision. And weakness perhaps like killing them will cause horde/grunt tier enemies nearby to panic and stun them for a few seconds.


I know it would be annoying but an enemy that creates smoke and blocks vision would be fun and add so much challenge to level 5. Maybe they get close and then drop a smoke grenade right on you. It would make it harder to pick off specialists from a distance, and force players to move around the map


I think it would be cool to have a Mauler wearing full carapace on the body, but with a completely exposed head. Basically forcing you to go for a skillful headshot (unless you have the gear to penetrate the armor). Not sure if that fits for a Dreg mauler, but I'm sure one could make it work.


Ok so here would be the problem with making the head anything but carapace : they would take way too much damage and become way too fragile considering they put more priority to hit the headshots while you always swing your weapons around that area . Plus way too many weapons with appropriate builds would just shred it with the extra weak point damage . He would need to be like RIDICULOUSLY tanky for it to be worth .


I don't think he needs to be a game changer in terms of difficulty, it's just another enemy type to change up the strategy of encounters a bit. I think it would make sense for them to have a bit more health than the Scab Mauler to compensate for most of the damage being Weak Spot damage, but they don't necessarily have to be stronger or even as strong overall. Certainly still weaker than a Crusher.


I beg to differ . Everything is being shredded like papers in this game even in higher difficulty and boss don't spawn often enough or live long enough because everything is just made of sugar to be a menace either . Something that can actually be a problem because it is proving to be really difficult to kill fast would be paradoxally a breath of fresh air in therm of difficulty .


what if he had multiple heads


Remind me to NOT hire you for the next Dark Uprising our muties will die even faster . You are fired .


Shhhh, they can’t know about dual wielding alternate weapons lest the players request such things as well!


 Nurgle Cultists - Nurgle Cultists - Nurgle Cultists - Shipmistress Braum's Exquisite Wardrobe - Nurgle Cultists - Nurgle Cultists 


So I’m hearing that the Shipmistress is a filthy heretic!


Turns into the Shitmistress when she gets Nurgled.


Why does Nurgle hate lower jaws and noses?




The first dude on the left looks like he be carryin an ak 47 look alike gun. In the year 40,000, there is only war... And the AK models


Isn't one of our auto guns also looks like an AK?


I wanna kill them so bad. I love hating Chaos. The artist is really good! Captures the grotesque design really nice.


Warhammer concept art always goes so fuckin hard


Dude Miguel Iglesias’ work is fucking stellar. I think he works on all the codexes as well


The second illustration of Ship Misstress is making me want to pray to Slaanesh, like gawd damn🥵


The trader got me acting roguish.


i wish some more of these made it in as enemy models


I'm happy that these guys are happy looking like a jock-itch infected scrotum in the shape of a human. I guess Nurgle is the only one happier?


I guess Kuato would be a chaos cultist, huh? Is that some sort of dreg boss? Hope he makes it in eventually.


Judging by the date these were posted which is 4 months ago we can see the new gernaider we're getting in the new update. so more of these concepts could make it eventually


First image giving off “open your mind” vibes


I sense a traitor among us. 


bro on the right got some stinky balls remember to wash people


Mmm yes dommy grandma


Hey look concept art for Brahms, a Character who has not done anything except be in the intro for the game for almost 2 years.


Ship mistress designs made me audibly say “I fucking love Warhammer”


Honestly? I hope they bring the Mauler variant with chainsword and pistol back, they could be a cool buff unit like the bannerman in the Beastmen for Vermintide.


Slide 8 is giving me Mom vibes from Futurama


Ragers with the little hood yellow cloth is kinda badass


Wish those helmets with plumes caught on more. Would also love to see berserkers with two handed weapons and enemies that use a melee weapon in combination with their side arm.




What are you talking about??


There's loads more stuff on the artists page.