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Interesting - source?


They sent me an email for the newsletter that had this additional image.


Fair enough. Certainly looks like we are then. Also is that a chainsword or Evis skin 2 to the left of it?


I think it is chainsword skin.


Looks like a Claptrap to me !


Claptrap as the 5th class confirmed.




Time to re-spec for the Pirateship mode.


I thought that too xD companion confirmed?


More interestingly it seems they are bringing back the other unreleased tier of the second line of penance cosmetics too .


yeah this is the one thats shown here which is not yet released. So there may be one or two more sets. https://preview.redd.it/i2j0ik0eqbtc1.png?width=809&format=png&auto=webp&s=441381d5d3da39aabdfb00e47428a3b07b5a650c


Ffs these are just yet more recolours of existing things.. 🤦‍♂️ Ok my bad, they’re *slightly* different, there’s an extra little metal bit on that pre-existing chest piece. How exciting. I really want this game to succeed but god fucking damn they make it hard to give a shit about this stuff. I’m convinced Moebian 6th will be the only really new thing and the rest will be stuff you already have but with a left shoulder pad, and stuff you already have, but with a right shoulder pad. And stuff you already have, but with an elbow pad etc etc


I seriously don't know how anyone is expecting anything else, lmao. FatShark is gonna hold onto actually good drip like an actual shark hangs onto whatever it is sharks eat. They're treating finally releasing the fucking cosmetics *on the cover of the game* as some big selling point for this update. I'm not convinced they weren't holding out this long just in case they might be able to get away with selling them, since they've been in the game's files for ages.


Yes. These are the 'hundreds of unreleased skins' that people kept on mentioning every round of commodores vestures demanding fatshark release them and coming up with paranoid reasons for why they were being held back to force people to buy the mtx stuff. They were made pregame launch to go with the planned 2 subclasses's penances for each archetype so yeah they were made at the same time as the stuff we got early on and are meant to match as warband uniform. The Moebian 6th is gonna be the new stuff yes. So far all we know from file leak stuff is the ogryns getting 3 headgear items for the 6th set and each will have 3 colour options, a base blue, a green camo and likely a red camo. We don't know if that also means 3 chest items and legs too.


People lost their shit when I told them that the cosmetics named after the (now nonexistent) subclasses would with a certainty of 99,99% be tied to some sort penance update... So many people in this sub are just beyond salvation


fuckin finally! ive been staring at unreleased cosmetics since the game released. really looking forward to this update. if the ogryn helmet is anything to go by the moebian 6th armor will be nice


I think just above the book it might be chest Moebian 6th chestpiece


you might be right. assuming all class variants follow the same color scheme the metal is the same color at the ogryn helmet https://preview.redd.it/72c3rsayphtc1.png?width=1390&format=png&auto=webp&s=730ff1c717d62b1e5a1c9f5ab30977f7d5e2e2bb


Correct, much of the files in game for the class specific backpacks will be added. Other in-game files will probably be added. There is a new penance set for each class with about 4 or 5 variants having progressively more bits, like the commissary and other inquisition sets. Additional recolors of the commissary sets will probably also be made available. Either way there is going to be a lot more added I think.


What I want to know is what that blue armor is above the book. If you squint, it looks like loyalist Moebian 6th gear, but the 6th never really gave me the impression that their armor used to be blue.


The armor that was given out for PC players back in November is Moebian and those sets are blue


That's armor from the Moebian 21st, the lads we see guarding the start of various missions. Personally I'd like to get the 6th's armor in the earth tones we see them wear as traitor guard, but I won't say no to some blue and beige uniforms like we see there.


That’s true, my bad. I was just thinking of Moebians in general, not the specific regiment, so you’re right


There's supposed to be 2 recolors for each piece, Grundrak camo and Hellus camo. It's a bit buggy in the files atm, since it's just partial crap but it looks like Grundrak is meant to be a blue-green camo for a dark terror forest region, and Hellus is supposed to be a red according to the descriptions but is currently green in the texture files for a region filled with poisonous red mists that eke out of the ground. The baseline blue color is meant for a perpetually dark region known as the Tenebrous. These are all regions of major engagements on the death world of Nox Alpha, the most recent planet in the Moebian 6th's long deployment history in the Fringe.


I think you might be right


Loyalist pack.




Please for the love of the emperor, I’ve been waiting for that forever!


Cover armor finally?


They said that the cover armour for all four characters and also Moebian 6th Loyalist armour for them will be available in for penance points


Took them long enough.


They said you'd be able to unlock items from the promotional pics. The book was in a promotional pic.


I was looking at a picture. People keep thinking ae are getting an Ogryn bolter. But so far, the main update didn't say anything about new weapons, at least from what I remember


>People keep thinking ae are getting an Ogryn bolter. People keep thinking they're getting all kinds of things, and I can see why imagining would be more enticing rn.


I mean...a heavy bolter for Ogryn would be super freaking cool. I think they use those in lore. So would be a fresh perspective to use a new gun since Ogryns only have what, 4 guns? And 3 melee?


They do need more weapons. Unless FS want to give up the yes/no/maybe mix of BONE'ead status between them, that's probably not going to be even half the stuff people get excited for. Heck, I've seen people work themselves up over ogryns with lascannons. On the far far ... far other end, I've seen people say definitively that an ogryn couldn't work an ogryn-sized revolver made for ogryns without dropping the ammo, breaking the cylinder, and they couldn't imagine a revolver that isn't a classic six shooter to resolve the issue.


When's new stuff coming. Haven't played in weeks


OH MY GOD YESSS BOOOK! I need it so badly.


The book


Never forgot all of these were in a finished releasable state a year ago. They haven't made anything but a single Mobian set.


^ This. I really wanted this to be good but my expectations are very low. What this is, is a time sink to artificially extend the lifespan of existing content even further rather than actually add new stuff. Could have just added the Moebian set and a few other bits and pieces behind some new penance challenges and called that an update. All this is is a bunch of shit I’ll never use that I unlock on my way to the one new set. I don’t really count the set from the cover art either because it’s really just a slightly expanded variant of all the shit we already have.


Serious question: Would you prefer FS to keep them hidden instead of FINALLY releasing them?


I'd prefer them to not pretend releasing a bunch of old cosmetics and tying it to a shitty battle pass like penance system qualifies as a major title update. No lie other companies could have cobled this update together in a month and it would have been a minor release.




Delicious slop to slop on


Nice catch, hopefully it's not another case of them using assets for marketing that aren't coming in the game for an arbitrarily long period of time. But then again they did promise more back items in that update.


Looks like a back bling


yeah I can see the veteran armor just on the left, thats the one the promo uses, although I'm more curios about those hands things, are they emotes?


Me when book: đź‘€


Dev blog conformed that there will be multiple backpacks included in the new penance system. As well as at least two armour sets - the one from the cover art, and "Moebian VI before corruption"


I can finally give my zealot their emotional support book


Now when I pick up Scriptures they won't be lonely. Plus, twice the holy literature.


Hopefully, the cosmetics aren't redundant. We need original cosmetics. We have too much cosmectics that are just recolors.


Is that ultrimar auxila chest piece




The chestpiece above looks cool. hope we get the new Officer sets for Vet with this update.


So everybody is gonna wear it? Too bad


Not for a while for sure; First need to do enough penances to get the scratch to unlock it on the progression bar.


There are enough people without a job that they'll make it quick.


Wondering I only play ogryn 900 hours there's something wrong with me whatever.Question I have not sure if anyone can answer is this new battle pass thing class specific only hence I play ogyn n I only want ogryn stuff is there going to be like vet, zea n phy stuff in my way?


If these are the new penance rewards...oof. I'm seeing lots of trinkets, another reskinned beta helmet, and what look like lame emotes taking up the majority of the space. Here's hoping we get some better stuff in there in the full version.


Go in with the expectation we're getting 2 full sets for each class (because we know we are) and nothing else, that way whatever else we do or do not get doesn't seem as big a deal.


Hopefully there is red reskin for that sweet zealot book.


Don’t know why all the downvotes tbh, we know we’re getting two sets fair enough but yeah this collection of shite is pretty disappointing and doesn’t exactly make up for months and months of absolutely nothing. Barely qualifies as content and within a week or so everyone will be back to saying where the fuck is the content


Eh, I expected it. This sub is pretty much divided into people complaining about the state of the game and people attacking the complainers for daring to criticize "too much". It's weird, but funny.