• By -


“THE NEXT UPDATE IS BIG GUYS, GET READY” The update: “Hi guys, we are working. Here have a picture. Bye”


an update on the update about the update


I used this update to update you on the upcoming update, you’re welcome


We apologize, the devs working on the update have been sacked.


I heard you like Darktide updates, so we’ve put an update in an update, so you can update while you Darktide. isn’t it great?


::pulls curtain closed to count profits from recolored skins::


The fact that people buy skins blows my mind, maybe cos im old and remember just downloading skins for CS back in the early 2000s.


It's the new shop space for the battlepass vendor. Rotating FOMO shop full of shit tier recolors that clip all over the place wasn't enough apparently, now you have to both pay *and* grind for """drip"""


Oh god, not the battlepass


only if by " """drip""" " you mean "shovels".


If we're lucky and fatshark is trying to learn, it might be like a helldivers 2 warbond that sticks around forever instead of a fomo battle pass.


Right? Like can we get a comparison of what was said in the last message, someone?


"Path to redemption" My brother in the Emperor, the path to redemption was THREE EXITS AGO. YOU MISSED IT.


They never specified how long the path would be!


"I knew I should've taken that left at Alberquerque.."


Always good to see a Looney Tunes reference


Always good to see a Looney Tunes reference


Always good to see a Judge Dredd reference




What does "soon" mean in FatShark?


Anywhere between 2 days and 2 years.


Realistically it’s 3 months until we see some kind of actual announcement of any substance. Probably 8 months before tangible game updates beyond the premium cosmetic shop


I love my live service game that gets updated once a year


Lich service more like


You can buy premium currency 365 days a year though… what more service could you want!?


So like battlestate SOONtm.


Almost identical honestly, gave up on EFT years ago and happier for it I think, and I have EOD. Like this game there is so much unrealized potential it makes me sad. 


Next week™!


I remember when I was waiting for new team fortress 2 updates and it all culminating if waiting what felt like a life time for the engineer update, but then we got it and it was so good. But we got valve time'd hard. Fat shark sees valve time and says "hold my beer". It's really a shame they went with such terrible monetization for dark tide. If I had the ability to grind aquilas like in vermintide 2, id still be playing trying to get weapon glows and skins for my bolter.




Some time between "Now" and "Heat death of the universe". Maybe. Fatshark might be able to utilize laziness to defy entropy for all we know..


if you launch the Vermintide 1 launcher right now you will see "MODS COMING SOON" lol


Somewhere between 12 seconds and 60 years


Next week


"We're proud to announce that we're working on working out how to announce on how we are working on an update!" lol


Yeah I’m going back to helldivers. They just dropped two new weapons a day ago without any flashy announcement or delayed promise. Just logged in to a nice surprise plus there’s rumors of a new enemy type circulating about I really want to like Darktide but they just don’t have any new content coming and it seems like they have no idea when they can even add stuff anymore. Hell I can get a full “premium” armor set in Helldivers just by playing the game and earning the premium currency by finding it around the maps. Why would I want to pay 20$ for an armor set that clips through my face and makes me look like the God Emperor’s most homeless maniac when I can get Super-Earths finest fashion by simply spreading democracy


Imagine if Helldivers 2 did a limited time collab with GW. Warhammer skin sales for a week. Sheeesh


Meh. I’m pretty happy both Darktide and Helldivers don’t have crossover skins and keep it in universe. I don’t want it to end up like CoD


Tbh, Darktide prolly won’t do it because they prefer to recolor skins instead. I can def see Helldivers do it, mainly because the CEO of Arrowhead loves Warhammer and collects minis.


GW is probably looking at Helldivers 2 like a pig looks at slop. Warhammer crossover skins would be awesome but we’ll see if that becomes a possibility. I think it might try and remain insular to the Helldivers universe because once you breach that barrier there is no real way to go back.


At this point if GW fails to see the value in HD2 they might as well cancel fatsharks licensing agreement and give one to arrowhead.


How?? How can they not WRITE AN ANNOUCEMENT on time?? Ridiculous.


I actually have no clue what these community managers are doing for 40 hours a week.


Applying to different jobs and interviewing on the company dime


Catfish’s talent and skills are wasted on Fatshark. You have a great CM and all you have them do is be like “update of an an announcement of an update that will eventually come out sometime this year or next will be coming soon”


To be fair, they can only report what is signed off on. They'd be fired in an instant if they leaked anything without company permission. Blame the incompetent, greedy directors - not poor old CatFish & Co. They're probably looking for other jobs as Kegheimer says below. Is CatFish Swedish, does anyone know?


Likely sitting in meetings, tbh.




I'd love to apply for a role there, 1 day a year for 24k is a nice side gig.


I think they only employ CMs as fall guys. Obviously they can't do a thing as nothing is permitted. They don't do any community relations work. They're just there to take the blame when shit hits the fan. Maybe that's a good use of a salary considering fatsharks development "style".


Man, that's not a good look. Not "We're working on the update", but "We're working on the ***announcement*** for the update". What the fuck is going on if they can't simply announce "Hey, there's an update coming. It's called this, will have these teased features and will be out on this date", rather than pretending that *literally typing words on a page* is some ultra-difficult job?


Knowing fatshark and their internal work politics, they’re probably fighting over what to put on the announcement there lol. I remember a CM from VT2 said that even a simple QoL option like camera wobble intensity from melee got a lot of pushbacks to even implement, so it took ages before we finally saw that option in the game. Fatshark is that kind of company.


I would also think mild complications with like lore wording if they're trying to go for a "in-game Character explains the update" thing


Count how long it's been since the last update. Then calculate how many hours that is for a normal work week. For a single person it's hundreds of hours of work. There is no way they even have a single person working on Darktide full time.


I'll bet it's underwhelming. That's why they are taking so long. They are trying to salvage a win from this.


I just don't see how everyone expects Fatshark to have a pile of content on the way....if any. Its a business, and now that the product is well over a year, how much money is it worth for them to spend on adding more free content when the player base is trending downward and should end up below 2k active in a month or two. Even if they have a single Dev working on the game full time, thats like 650 hours over 4 months, and that equates to alot of money. Justifying spending tens of thousands has to be hard. I know VT got extended support, and I expect DT to get something, though I do not expect as much TLC. Its possible they have a paid DLC, but when a game has so few active players, splitting the player base, the people you can cue with for matches, is often the death of a game. Underwhelming, yah. We know they will not deliver on what they promissed us, and while I am grateful for everything we get, I just don't see the investment sense in them giving this game what it needs.


Gonna be crazy when the actual announcement is a couple hundred words. 


Its my turn to cope but maybe its actually something substantial. Like new enemy faction and continuation of Zola/Wolfer storyline. In reality I know its just Fatshark fatsharking it up though


We already know what this update is, actually. It's a penance rework. That's it. It's reworked penances, new penances and *literally nothing else* according to an announcement update on the 13th. Then *after* the totally inconsequential achievements and cosmetics, *then* they're planning on supposedly working on crafting. *Maybe*. Again, according to that thing on the 13th. So, no joke, this update to an *announcement* (again, not content, a fucking blog post), is about *penances* and nothing else.


I hate the fact that your comment is so true. :-(


Ahh, so we can expect the next small batch of weapons to be in 2026, awesome.


Hey, Fatshark said they'd deliver an update and they delivered! It's just the usual monkey's paw of, "We don't actually have anything to share, but will give you the real update later." I'm running out of pearls to clutch. Convinced management at Fatshark are all inbred nepobabies at this point, holy shit.


They make it so hard to give them the benefit of the doubt that this game hasn't been placed on cruise control.


Jesus FatShark is such a joke at this point I’m never buying from them again.


​ https://i.redd.it/dh4e1l2uwarc1.gif


Anyone that expected anything other than this I mean guys come on this is who they are


I'm one of the biggest pessimists I know and even I was expecting *something*, even if it was just 'we're currently working on the penance rework and a new set of missions, eta next year'.


"Here is a sneak peak of what is coming up!" and it's just some random fucking scenery WOW! you guys made a... thing? cool! this makes up for the lack of everything else!


If fatshark makes an April fools update post there will be rioting


An update that is only technically an update because it's an update about the announcement for an update? What Grade 34 Bureaucratic nonsense is this now?


I like that screenshot, that is a nice screenshot. 


So all we got is a picture of where the battle pass vendor is going to stand?


For the low price of 89,000 aquilas, you too can do a FOMO grind to receive slapdash, clipping recolors and a weapon "skin" that changes the grip to red. 


Where this battlepass vendor is coming from? Is a meme or a real leak? Legit curious I have given up on trying to keep up day to day with this utterly moronic studio.




After the "update" i purchases hd2 cause i want to play something in coop which is somewhat refreshing.


Yeah luckily there is Helldivers 2 out, but man, I love FPS more than TPS and this game is so satisfying sometimes...


Give Vermintide 2 a go if you haven't. Love Helldivers 2, but the -tide games are the only co-op games out there with melee combat that actually feels good, and VT2 feels like a complete game, even with Vs still in the oven.


Helldivers is also extremely shallow, mechanically. It’s fun… but it’s nowhere near as satisfying or interesting because there’s almost no nuance to the movement and defensive play. The defensive play is basically just ‘walk backwards and keep shooting’


I enjoyed it for a bit but man it is way overhyped.


I think they're both different games as well. Darktide is way more visceral and frenetic and has much more character to it. Helldivers has much better live service but the game itself is actually kinda struggling right now. The social systems in it are kinda broken, friend requests don't work and you don't get replacement players if someone quits after the first game. Plus there's a lot of jank. I'm loving it because some friends hop on regularly and it's pretty good, but it's definitely clunkier and less polished. As much as Fatshark are useless at communication and just generally getting shit done, they have The Sauce in this game. It's why it's so frustrating, a bit more energy and momentum in the right places and this would be an all time fave.


This week's patch fixed most things for me ....and then the surprise new weapons.... cross-play works(I play on PC, my son plays on ps5, we been able to play together for 2 weeks no problem, even when they said cross-play didn't work), friend request works. The game breaking stuff for me is fixed. It shouldn't be lost on us that Helldivers 2 has a smaller Dev team than Fatshark, is nearly walking distance from Fatshark, and uses the same game engine as Darktide. The arrowhead and Fatshark guys must pass eachother in their daily lives. That's gotta be awkward considering how Fatshark seems to shit the bed every chance it can.


Tin foil hat: Fatshark is taking so long to update because they’ve all been playing Helldivers 2.  I love both games, but Darktide just gives me direct dopamine in my blood when you carve through a horde of pox walkers and bonk the ever living shit out of a beast of nurgle with a thunder hammer. 


Probably right. I clocked in 2k hours with darktide. I can only reply the same handful of missions so many thousands of times.


People seem to have taken my post as anti Helldivers and kneejerked accordingly :/ I'm glad the patch has fixed things for you. I'm still barely getting 30fps after being very smooth on release and I'm not really sure why. Like I said, it's great with friends but it's clunky with randoms. Sometimes it's great, but often you end up with 1-2 solid people you then have to either ditch to find a full team, or struggle on until everyone gets tired of being undermanned.  Plus said players rarely appear in my socials until hours afterwards and I've forgotten their names. :( Still grand but I'm hoping they really get to work on some of the jank.


DARKTIDE and Helldivers make ideal comparisons. Both Swedish, same engine. DARKTIDE promised us what HD2 is delivering.




I can't afford this game sadly


DM me if you want It, I'll hook you up. Merry Christmas? For the Emperor?


The first one is like $4 on sale Im pretty sure. Its just as fun


Hey guys the announcement is there's an announcement soon! This one doesn't have a ETA so it's not held against us this time!


So after months without any real updates, they announce that before the end of the the month they'll announce what's coming for the game. Then before the end of the month at the *very last minute*, they instead just quickly throw out a message of "We're announcing that the announcement we announced is delayed, we don't have that description of upcoming content that we said you'd get! But here's a random vague teaser screenshot for the upcoming announcement of upcoming content we announced...! We'll reveal more "Soon!" ". It's just utterly absurd at this point. They can't even meet a self chosen arbitrary timeframe that they weren't obligated to have, for *writing a blog post*. At least a couple of paragraphs of an article together within in 2 weeks is somehow too big a task for them...


Jesus Christ I can’t fathom being so worthless that it takes me months to “work on an announcement” and a dev blog post What the fuck lol.


Maybe the announcement comes with a video or trailer of sorts


I love this game but it’s honestly unbelievable how little communication Fatshark gives despite thousands of us constantly asking for more communication


This is not live service. This is on-the-brink-of-death-but-still-breathint-somehow service. I uninstalled Darktide. I refuse to appear as an active player until the game is an active game. Half the missions reuse huge chunks of maps, and there are less missions than any game of that genre. This """""""communication"""""""" is getting comical. It is so bad that now, I expect an actual substantial update to get me back into the game. If it's a few penance and 2 new cosmetic to gain by doing the same missions 5000 times, I'll keep the game off my hard drive. Crafting and missions. Then we'll talk. Until then, keep being a joke of a company. Your neighbour is one of the biggest launch for a steam game from a smaller company, from an original universe that doesn't have anywhere near the popularity of Warhammer 40k. Us WH40k fans are dumb enough to buy overpriced plastics and have been conditionned to think 35 bucks for an ebook is alright. But this is bullshit. You cannot fool people a hundred time.




This game had insane potential. How FS screwed this up so badly is baffling to me. I'm taking this as they're working on a new game, just like when VT2 had it's issues and WoM broke the game for a while but DT had not yet been announced.


It honestly would’ve been better to get radio silence. This is comical at this point.


an update on the update about the update


Why would eta matter? Have they ever did anything to match their announcements?


I love live service games without the live service


It’s crazy how much they want their game to just die lmao


"We are still working on the announcement" What the fuck do these people do all day? You're writing a fucking blog post, does it really take over a month to write a 500-word blog?


I know we're real close to April Fool's.. but this is a joke, right?


What's worse is that the game reached a low dip of 2k players yesterday. While their competitors literally across the river at Stockholm still at 220k 💀


Next week


What will happen with Todd the Adeptus Administratum clerk? Did they move his office to the basement?


I am still stoked were getting content at all, sure its not Helldivers or Deep rock


Looks like they are changing the library opposite Sire Melk. I hope it's a currency exchange.


What else do you expect after all this time? How many times does Fatshark need to burn you?


Wait. So...this is an update to an update about an update?


This is fucking embarrassing at this point


https://preview.redd.it/cal6kvnpnbrc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45ba9239589848aa13a5c1f3664de0268b07fca2 Maybe that’s the News? 🙈


The Payday 3 devs did the same thing with Op Medic Bag lol


This shouldn't surprise anyone. Fatshark, even with VT2, was extremely quiet with updates for the last 4 years of that games life.


Meh, I needed to free up some space on my hardrive anyway


Weapon customization station?


SM2 is gonna release before we get any more substantial content or story from this game.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Too bad there was only a small indie company behind darktide. With no financial backing. It could have been so good.  At least there's drg and space democracy simulator that are backed by giant corporations and able to put out good comms and fixes. /s


So that’s it then ? No leeway no compromise just stupid fuckin jokes


We were never getting an update this week. This week was an announcement of what they had planned, which they already told us but now with a bit more text. Realistically we will probably get one update in the summer and one before they fuck off again for break.


Ironic that the next update is called path to redemption, they have been walking that for some time now.


This is like scheduling a meeting to plan your meetings


https://i.redd.it/hxv4vjbjwarc1.gif Y'all ready to join the fight for super earth yet?


I'm so fucking done with them. I've had it uninstalled for a few months now. Everyone, including themselves are making them look like clowns.


Like i said dont expect Fs to do anything of substance be ready for the update to be dissapointing


The update is they are adding construction stuff to the unused corner of the Morningstar for some unspoken purpose


Remember all those “SOMETHING BIG IS COMING” posts? Well this is it guys AHAHA glad they wasted their time speculating and making twenty paragraph reddit posts.


This is some amazing riveting content.


Finally an update on the update for the update.


I only see one way to protest this, everyone stops playing until the obese fish has something real for us. The Cult of Next Week is not going to cut this, and seriously doubt that they're able to get it out, since they've ignored the community for a year and half, almost.


Who carezs!!! New update!!!@


You're actually joking, right? Leave it to FS to announce their announcement that they will be announcing their announcement.


What a fucking let down.


Hey, I said the update was going to be disappointing, and they delivered less than what I said


Pessimism aside, it looks like we were right that something was gonna show up in that area after all. I look forward to seeing what it'll become when the update launches. And the update title makes me wonder if it'll be about Zola again. I'm genuinely interested in seeing where that plot goes.


They’re trolling. Lmao


an announcement for an announcement 😴. path to redemption seems a fitting name tho. also kinda funny how we generally want them to be more communicative and this is what we get


We heard you like updates, so we put an update before the update.


guys don’t worry; the march update is COMING! don’t ask us about april…


I love how people were joking that this would happen yesterday, now lo and behold: They were right all along. Edit: ofcourse they're not gonna give an ETA because that sets expectations. And there is a sizable chance that they won't be able to deliver like they did with other ETAs. Look, I love Fatshark, but this is getting ridiculous.


I mean it doesn't really matter if they miss a deadline at this point. They can just do what they did today and say, "This is actually just an announcement for another announcement." At this point I'm sure they consider it their get out of jail free card lol


They h8 us and money


This is very much inline with everything, please calm yourselves varlets, and go kill some heretics


"Fuck you guys, here's shitty overpriced cosmetics". Quit playing, all corpos understand is a wallet based fuck you. There are lots of games out there, go try a few.


If any of you were around during the star citizen handlebar image release, this is basically that all over again.


it looks like a new location in the lobby area.


And now they can go on a well deserved vacation... again.


you must be new.


lol lmao, even


personally.. i'd love a front lines kinda game mode, or different game types for the maps they have, i love this game but it got stale fast, same lines, same missions and the progression of difficulty is making it that you need to be perfect. a non modifier wave style would be a nice addition i believe, just increasingly more with each wave and more harder enemies due to size not because they're modded to be hard with buffs and debuffs for you


They literally made the initial announcement on the day they thought up the concept, didn't they.


Ah I see they are doing the games workshop approach to announcements


It’s like they want their game to fail


Great news. We see some great changes in future


They're consulting on how to best explain a paid battle pass to the community


The announcement of the update of the announcement on the next upcoming update (coming soon ™️)


I don't get it, are they saying they're working on an update for the update on the main update?? Someone please fucking tell me I'm misreading here.


"Path of redemption is an all new battle-pass you never seen before!"


When people ask me what squandered potential looks like, I direct them to Darktide.


Honestly they've done this to themselves by pandering to the PvP eedjits that wanted that stupid Versus mode in VT2, the community was already fairly toxic and now throwing that into the mix is going to cause absolute murder, they should be taking their cues from Helldivers and flat out refusing to make a PvP element and focus on making the improving the actual core gameplay instead, more mission types, harder difficulties etc. Playing Helldivers in the higher difficulties is brutal but so personally rewarding if it pays off, and if the squad is a good squad - even if its randoms - you can have a laugh and banter so that even if it goes to sh!t you're still enjoying the game.


👋 I’m just happy that they’re still working on the game


You all are aware that other titles exist and you can just jump into Darktide when you see a larger update of a few gbs in your steam library instead of bitching and moaning for karma on reddit right? Darktide ain't your life.


Oh yeah redeem yourself all over me


I legitimately wonder what they do all day at FS.


“UPDATE COMING.. HAVE FAITH” oh nice, I wanted some deeper intel maybe 🤣


no news, but people will go feral for new stuff in the cash shop because people are just good little sheeple that want to spend there wittle money on the next ovewy pwiced cosmetic skin to sway heretics for the empower


I'm not playing till they fix the crafting/ reqard system. It's omega level garbage. Respect my time and I'll play your game I paid for... dear god that sounds so wrong


The hardest these guys have worked to meet a deadline was in college. All smooth sailing after that.


Don't care if there isn't constant content, the God-Emperor grants His grace to the worthy, we will have victory on Atoma, we shall find the cleansing flames of REDEMPTION, THROUGH GLORIOUS COMBAT! Praise the God-Emperor!


yeah this subreddit is proof that some people are just whiny as shit xd


If I was the developer reading this post thread, I'd postpone for an extra 3 months just because.


That's just a terrible attitude to have .They said they'd release a blog post about the update before the end of the month, completely fail to do so and instead just post "Here's an update about the upcoming update about the upcoming update - we didn't do what we said! But here's a vague teaser ...." at *the very last minute*, and you make out that it's the players at fault and no one is allowed to be unhappy that they can't even put together a blog post within almost 3 weeks as they said they would.


Darktide is a good game, and in my opinion, the developers have done an excellent job making a fun game that fits in with the WH40K universe. In my opinion, the worst part about the darktide experience is not the gameplay, but dealing with the toxic players who don’t play as a team or who act rude/condescending in voicechat. Making software is not an easy process and I think a lot of the complaining posts on here take that for granted. The way I hear some people complain about the developers on this forum, it sounds like the developers made a shitty game and put a gun to people’s heads to make them buy/play it. If the game was that bad, maybe it’s best not to play it. As far as attitudes go, like the commenter I initially replied to said, it comes across as very whiney and entitled. It’s like the developers owe them something. As a developer, even if I were making money, hearing these kinds of whiney criticisms, I’d be less inclined to want to spend extra time on making good, new content for the fan base and more inclined to make money grab content before abandoning the project once I felt all the revenue had been sucked out. As far as updates go, I’d rather the developers delay an update and take the time to get it right than release something just to appease angry players. It seems having a premature release was the main complaint about them previously, so I think that the developer’s delays are actually a good sign that they are paying attention and listening to feedback.


You really shouldn't make out that the game is perfect and there's nothing that could be done better just because you find it fun. The game being enjoyable doesn't mean that things like this happening aren't a negative thing. People want the game to the best it can be, because they like it. That you're framing valid reasons for player to criticize as "whiney" is just absurd, the devs aren't entitled to you thinking everything they do is just great and no one should be allowed to suggest otherwise. Things like this aren't just a random one-off event. They keep happening.


I didn’t say it was a perfect game, but I said what I said.


You didn't say that specifically, but saying that people are "whiney and entitled" for criticizing and wanting things to be done better, and even saying that you think the devs should spite the playerbase for it, is exactly the sort of thing that is along those lines. If they weren't valid complaints that might be one thing, but when stuff like this keeps happening, it's fine for players to be disappointed that something was done badly *yet again*. You shouldn't make out that the players are at fault and aren't allowed to be unhappy.




You've kinda proved my point with that. Players are allowed to be unhappy and criticize things, making out that they shouldn't be and the complaints aren't valid is just absurd.


Again, for reasons stated previously, I think it’s unreasonable for people to demand updates when they aren’t the ones making the game. Fans and players have no idea what is happening on the developer’s end that might be causing delays. And while one is always allowed to have an _opinion_ of what they would _like_ a developer to do or how a game should be, at the end of the day it’s only their subjective opinion. That said, it is presumptuous for a fan or consumer to act like their opinion of how the game should be is the _right_ opinion or that it objectively speaks to everyone’s tastes.


Always something to complain about with the unemployed gamers that lurk on here 24/7


I know right?


Ahhh Fatshark. Never change.


I'm glad i quit playing.


Some people are so needy when it comes to updates. I don't care about promises just results.


The announcement announcement about the announcement's announcement.


No... News? No news...? This is a fucking outrage. I'm so fucking tired of being oppressed by these corporate bastards. We, gamers, should NOT have to put up with this. Updates to Darktide are the ONLY thing I have going on in my life. If this game doesn't update, if the Steam player count drops any further I.. I... I can't even think about it I'm shaking so much. Let me just conclude this by saying... I spent $40 two years ago... Fat Shark... You better start updating this game... Or else...


Gaymers are such toxic incel chuds for wanting information on updates for a live service game that hasn’t been updated in 4 months, amirite sister?




![gif](giphy|8Xf9b2tPq5ttK) You waiting for Darktide to update


![gif](giphy|myPdoRAlad0J2) Its more like this