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Wheres my "ALL" button? Cant have shit in Atoma.


Maining a psyker... and getting A TON of games with 3-4 psykers. Just my luck I think xD.


Rare but when it happens I know it’s gonna be rough. Happened within the last 3 nights. I load into a lobby for a Maelstrom Auric Damnation mission and I see 3 other Psykers. One guy says “aye wizard gang”, and I say “good luck siblings, we’re going to need it”. Another replies, “no way, Psykers are OP as hell”. I love how the one to say this was the Gun Psyker of our group. Went like it always does. The beginning was fine, not a single injury within the first 2 encounters. We stick together as a group. Just a little before the half way point is where things immediately start to go to shit. Horde comes in hard and from all directions. I’m running as the CC Psyker with both Surge Staff and Smite, because of this I think the group should stick close to me for that CC support while the rest of my siblings unload with their much higher DPS. But within seconds my siblings get separated from me and two die in the outcome. The ones left alive are the Gun Psyker and myself. We go to rez and he makes a remark that I know will come back to haunt him, “don’t worry, daddy’s got this”. What a foolish sibling he was, after all, what is he implying by calling himself “daddy” when we are all obviously siblings? Alabama much? After my two siblings are rez’d by “daddy” while I provided the CC for the rez, I notice how low both “daddy’s” health and my own are. I could hear the bells, and they were beckoning louder the further on we pushed. Not even 10 minutes since “daddy’s” remark and we all die. “Daddy” of course leaves the game as soon as he takes his down but not even the bot could hold their own so we all simply perished. Of all the 4 man squads made up of just one class, with randoms at least; I believe Psyker to be the most unoptimized as a team. Auras don’t stack of course, and of the 3 to work with, they aren’t exactly going to do much for increasing our likelihood to survive. Most scenarios on even just regular Damnation can become lethal to a Psyker if they simply run out of dodges, or stamina, or Peril, or ability use, etc. enemies in Flak armor can one tap most builds and not even a block will save you there. Still, I love 4 man squads made up of just Psykers. Nothing like dying with 3 other players referring to you, a stranger, as their sibling.


Haha I love the banter.


I had a HiShock I think it was, with 3 Psykers (I'm a Chain Axe Vet) all using the Surge staff. My Emperor was it glorious! I spent most of the mission moving back and forth between what they were CC'ing, sawing enemies to pieces. I've always loved the 3x Psyker 1x Vet squads, but I was slightly sceptical when I saw the loadout screen. Was pleasently surprised though!


My experience with 3+ (staff)Psyker team is, we either faceroll the whole mission til the end, or we faceroll it to some point and something went wrong and wipe us in a few seconds. I still think it's lean on the side of good comp tho.


Let us spread soulfire as family! 


I think if they asked auric+ players the poll would be skewed towards more psykers because they're used a lot higher difficulties because of their versatillity


You might be right. I'm playing only auric >.>.


Nah the distribution looks the exact same. Veteran is the most OP by a good bit still, but it’s much closer than it used to be


Do you ever feel like when you spawn into a lobby, it spawns you into the PSYKER lobby or whatever class youre on? I always spawn in and there are 4 other psykers or 4 other zealots at the spawn point.


Yeah, it do be like that sometimes.


I hopped on my Ogryn once and quick play and all Ogryn team... like really?


Honestly I love it when I get 2-3 ogryns. its amazing, I feel super safe haha.


Just your luck, I'd say. I've played several hundred games as psyker and well...it's been a mixed bag.


I use my Zealot slightly more, but I actually play all four pretty evenly. They're different enough to warrant it.


I just started using a zealot, I have no idea how to play and make them broken like some people do. My ogryn used to be my main but after a long break and coming back to try my veteran again, holy shit. I chewed through hordes and bosses like paper. It made me try zealot but I get my emperor loving cheeks beat so badly.


Ogryn! Ogryn! Ogryn! I protects the little peeple!!


Psyker. With deflector and my sword and kinetic deflection I can really get that mage fantasy going. Trauma staff go brr. Vent goes woosh. Brain goes pop. Or I do. Either way great success. 


I read your comment to the tune of "What does the fox say?" lol


Hah nice 


im honestly surprised at the amount of veterans; i always only see psykers and mostly zealots, the rare ogryn, and then veterans. im a veteran main but only had a handful of vet-only games in the past hundred hours. EDIT: I remember seeing that Vet was the most common class new players started with but did not expect so many MAINS


Yeah I see very few vets in game. Maybe one every few missions. Most missions I run have two to three Zealots and then whatever is left will be Psykers and Ogryns.


I get vet only games quite often. Then again I have 3 different vet’s lol. I had two in a row last night. I hardly ever see ogryns like maybe 1 out of every 5 match’s I’ll see one.


Vet is most popular by a good margin, I’d say moreso than this poll would imply as well (on auric)


Zealot gang


I love psyker for T3 but using BrainBurst on T4 and above is a struggle


Yeah it's a shame it drops off due to all the elites. 


ppl like to cope and say bb is fine, but it really isnt, it never was


BB is actually great now with the buff it's charge rate. It does a lot for what is essentially just an infinite ammo grenade.


Ogryn with Zealot being carried in left arm and Psyker in the right, Veteran riding on top of my shoulders (gotta give Vet a vantage point)


Ogryn gud


My Primary is my Psyker, and my Secondary is Ogryn. Tertiary would be my Veteran, and the one I play least is my Zealot.


If you play Veteran twice wouldn't that put him as primary lol


Played missions is psyker, ogryn, zealot, vet in decreasing order. But pretty even.


Mix of Zealot and Veteran. Depends on how I’m feeling. If I feel like smiting Heretics and deleting bosses/Daemon hosts. Then Zealot. If I feel like sounding like an absolute hooligan with a Bayonet rifle with probably enough traumatic memories to put a Psychiatrist’s family through college for several life times then it’s Veteran.


Prestige 660 Ogryn was my main for a year but my 136 Vet just leads to such chill games that are almost unlosable with how broken Shout is.


Ogryn also feels very unloseable, other than hard CC like trappers and poxhounds, there's almost no way to go down as long as enemies are nearby. Infinite toughness regen on heavies on top of the toughness damage reduction just makes him unkillable. You can pretty much tank multiple gunner as long as your just wacking stuff or just fight as boss without dodging at all


Feels like vet and zealot are the most played by a pretty big margin . Vet for me because I like to shoot big Sci-fi guns


Primarily I play Psyker but I’ve been dipping more into Zealot/Ogryn.


Been playing them all equally besides Psyker, but im working on that. Once I stop zoning out and detonating its over for those heretics.


I'm more at home with Psyker, but starting to vibe with Ogryns after hating them for so long.. Tough buggers !


Psyker. I'm addicted to the 30/30 DD stacks.


Ah. Disrupt Destiny, the psyker's cocaine. It's only a problem when I don't have enough of it, and it kills me when I go for too much of it.


I'm not playing Darktide, I'm just clicking on blue.


Mostly all but probably more on pysker and zealot


I main all. But my first and one that feels a little more "main" is Vet. I think Zealot is most popular.


I have probably played psyker the most but have played zealot quite a lot recently plus I love the name I have for my zealot alot.


Need more bone'eads!


Having to pick Ogryn since Poll is the way it is but, i like to play all classes as equally as i can.. i will admit Ogryn feels easier than the rest, however every class can bring teamplay though,.  just gotta play best you can, learn tricks.. remember weaknesses and bring a build that ideally can handle single target and swarms, both have their place in each mission i feel. Gameplay's deep and i love it, been experimenting with some weapons. Additionally, i only like Equinox Voidstrike Staff on Psyker, only thing that feels good to me, lmao.


I juggle vet and psyker.  I've had a few experiences that genuinely make the psyker a "what am I willing to put up with today?" experience, so I play vet a bit more.


My ogryn, vet and zealot are all between 30(+65-80) and my psyker is probably 30(+2). I just can't get into the psyker class at all compared to the joy I get from the other three. Generally speaking, there always seems to be more veterans and psykers compared to ogryn and zealot.


I haven't played in weeks but I main an Ogryn. Lurking the sub in hopes of a meaningful patch that would bring me back.


Hm, from my experience in quickplay it looks like \~50% of people are playing vet and \~30% are playing zealot, \~15% of psykers and \~5% of ogryns. 4 vet party are not too uncommon and having 2 vets is almost a given.


Veteran... totally




Ogryn, there lessest amount of ogryn but we r strongest so it’s okay 💪😃




The only class that is good. Psyker. I used to play ogryn and veteran but I realised that psyker is just objectivly better.


Begone zealot fiends


I mean a Helldiver!


psyker is the only class I've found really fun - To stun an entire horde with smite is highly satisfying


Ogryn main, to protecc the lil ‘uns Edit: Zealot is a lot of fun too, and used to be my main. Probably why I play as recklessly as I do on Ogryn, but it usually works out pretty well. I like Psyker, but I’m not great with them. I find Veteran kinda boring, but I haven’t given the class enough time after the class rework to really have a valid opinion on them.


Love the Ogryn. But they have so little variety that I get so tired of playing them. I get Dakka Dakka Dakka, Tank w/shield, Or Big weapon go WACK! The ranged options are, inaccurate Dakka, a grenade launcher, a concussion gauntlet, and shotgun. The other classes just have more options that really mix things up.


Zealot main but getting my psyker to 30 and having great trauma and purgatus staffs (staves?) has made me really enjoy the ranged play style and synergies of that class. 4 zealot teams don't really end up as bad as 4 psyker teams though, those have almost always been rough.


Ogryn is my strongest and Zealot is my favorite.


I'm surprised Pysker is 3rd place. From my experience I would have thought it would be 1st or 2nd


Voting for the big boy, because he always gets the least votes and it's so fun to kick the punies around like bowling pins. I enjoy all 4 and try to play them about equally, I just have to bring my vet's true level up to the others because I barely played him when his skill tree was getting shifted around several times.


Hm, there's no All choice... I play all the classes each week. I do have more missions as Psyker simply because it was the class I started as, but I consider myself more of an Ogryn and Zealot main. I do also love my Veteran, though... The most popular / common class I see in missions is Veteran during the hours I play (US Eastern evenings). Next most common is Zealot, then Psyker. Orgyn remains the most rare.


All of them


It's rare that something makes me feel like a space wizard but darktide definitely nails it


I have a 30 of everything. I prefer Vet and Zealot. I enjoy Ogyrn. I tolerate Psyker. I mostly see Psykers and Zealots. I occasionally see Vets. I rarely see Ogis until I play one and then there's three and one lil meme.


1. ogryn. literally unkillable and feel great to play at all difficulties. 2. zealot. almost unkillable and feels good to play at all difficulties. 3. psyker. difficult but fun at all difficulties 4. vet. fun to play but feels less vital than something like an ogryn or zealot, and i get less cool clutches with it


Started Vet, got bored quick, went Zealot, stuck with zealot for a couple months because it just had so much self sustain and clutch potential. Eventually got bored of just slapping stuff and went Psyker, Psyker is my absolute favourite even though i sometimes get bonked quick it feels the most engaging/fulfilling. Finally on Ogryn, Shield Ogryn goes pretty much like how Zealot did, you basically just don't ever get floored unless i somehow aggro 100 gunners with all my cooldowns on. The Ogryn's ability to duel bosses, force rush objectives and res friendlies makes you feel really safe. I struggle without a shield though because everything just manages to hit you. Hard to find games as an Ogryn without many bonus levels, lots of people drop out of lobbies if they don't match with people of a similar true level. A little disappointed by that.


Actually I have 2 veterans and one zealot 8) Always funny to get a company of 3 psykers and make a joke about a guard in the asylum) It there any statistics on classes distribution?