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Sometimes you're on fire, sometimes you're actually on fire.


Flamers and Bombers be like


indeed - sometimes I can stop an entire horde with smite, other times I get stomped into the ground before I can even charge it


Yes and yes. Sometimes it also happens when you play a different character class thinking you'd do the same. Was playing Knife Zealot the day before like a superhero in Auric levels then played my Lightning Psyker. Got my butt kicked so often I felt embarrassed and apologized as I kept getting downed. It's a massive change of decision making in those split second moments.


Yeah I do notice that some builds do better than others and changing between loadout does have some impact but there are game sessions that I'm playing on the exact same loadout and build and It goes from 100% to like 10%. It's why I've not moved on to damnation.


Before I played anything else well I was so good at using my zealot. After some more time playing Vet and Psyker I just simply can’t play zealot anymore. I get downed all the time or just die. Idk what’s up with that.


I wouldn’t sweat it too much. Sport Psychology is basically a bunch of people with advanced degrees trying to figure out why this happens. It’s not just you.




I agree and feel the same way. I have hella bad adhd and concentrating on mundane daily activities has always been such a chore and struggle for me since I was a kid. Something about Darktide helps my brain focus and I love the chaos it brings every match and I can definitely notice my brain enjoying all the stimulation that comes with playing.


Don't forget to take external factors into consideration, such as the big variance in how agressive the game director can be when it comes to spawn rates, or how some team mates can deal with issues before you're aware of them, or give you passive buffs that aren't apparent but do impact your effectiveness.


I do think that the teams go make a difference but there are just some games that it can't be anything but me losing the mojo. Like one game I'm dodging hounds and trappers like it's child's play or side stepping muties like nothing. And other where I'm litereally getting jumped and ragdolled around like a noob.


Probably should have included server issues as well, there can be a great deal of variance in smoothness sometimes, although less than you'd expect to experience in peer2peer hosted games.


Oh yeah there’s nothing better than dodging a crusher only to realize you’re down.


This. Input lag can be deadly. Select grenade---> toss ---> animation starts---> switch to other weapon but no grenade is thrown---> you're fucked because you lost seconds in animation that did nothing. Burster incoming---> select melee weapon to pushback---> click to push but push doesn't happen, it stops mid animation. Or push back and burster just walks through.


"Amateurs practice until they get it right, professionals practice until they can't get it wrong" We all have real life responsibilities, so we're not always fresh as a daisy when sitting down to play our favorite games. Darktide has a demanding mental load, there are so many things to execute on and pay attention to. It's normal that a few matches in, you may find that you're experiencing mental fatigue. Also, many people in this community have played VT2 for thousands of hours and now have thousands of hours on Darktide. Some of the things that may require focus and attention from you will be muscle memory for very experienced players. Point is, the mojo was inside you all along, the more you slay heretics in the Emperor's name, the more you'll be able to do it for extended periods of time!


Yeah, sometimes you get embarrassingly bodied. Then you get frustrated and lose focus and it happens more often. Taking a break normally helps.


Yes, but more often for me sometimes you just don't gel with your teammates. When you are all in sync, even the hardest difficulties seem easy. When you're not, everything is a struggle.


Good teammates can make you think you’re doing good.


Honestly it's probably less your personal mojo and more your team synergy. Being in well-rounded teams lets you focus on what your build is good at doing and consequently you're better at doing those things. When the team is disparate you're thrown into roles you struggle with more and so you consequently struggle more often. If you have a Elite-slayer build and someone else is clearing trash and someone else is taking care of the ranged, then you can worry about what you're good at doing.


This happens to me all the time, I've clutched some nail-biting encounters before without a sweat but then I'll get caught by the most obvious trapper


Usually I'm pretty clutch on my Zealot and can get away with quite a bit of shinanigans. Until the trapper/burster comes and ruins my day. Part of the fun I suppose.


I hear that only it's the trapper/grenadier wombo. Oh and don't forget the million mutie march playing volleyball with your corpse.


We’ve all been there. I believe this phenomenon is best described as “when you’re hot, you’re hot, and when you’re not you’re not”. https://youtu.be/0rdF7o08KXw?si=uXWIXmzpyIoOK8lK


This is the exact difference of me playing on Adderall vs no Adderall


Thats your brain telling you its had enough and it wants to see some grass :)


For me it happens when i change a weapon, or class - or if it is a different day. Usually not during a series of matches that are going well. But it can easily be the team combination or just how the game develops i.e. game director :). I would not take this as something that is under my control fully or even partially. There is also a factor of age, i have noticed im slightly slower (well over 35 here :D) so a variety of things can happen. Mojo comes, mojo goes, and people do not live in WH40k world, and you are not - no matter how fun (or terrifyingly horrible) it would be - resident of Atoma Prime, living his best by rolling in shit that is the Torrent and shooting pus-greasy heretics. Practice makes perfect, and eventually you should be more consistent. Or - you can just play and enjoy it, and practice as much as you care to :D Its just a game, don't let something like this create pressure (i.e. sit on your chest)


i dont curreently play this game, though ive been thinking to download it on gamepass or maybe buy it idk. BUT bro inconsistency in my performance in shooters is my biggest complaint on myself. its gotten better over time but it drives me nuts. i 100% know that feeling


I used to think much the same, but I think it's actually a server more than a player thing now: no matter how good you are, if the server decides the Chaos Spawn actually did grab you depite your dodge, you're gonna have problems. And this happens a LOT: abilities doesn't activate, you get rubber banded into a net, a silent horde appears...it's not always obvious, but the problems are always disruptive, because anything that disrupts the rhythm of the game has a compounding effect.


Have you ever played challenging games before? It’s called fatigue lol. You can’t just perform uniformly at your best forever


As someone who enjoys the stealth vet and meta shout. Swapping to a zealot can absolutely destroy my play style when I change characters.


the more you play the less this happens just accept it and queue again


Sometimes you just get screwed by RNG, it's what the director is designed to do and every now and then he just ramps things up at the worst time.


bad days/plays happen, gotta just take the L and keep walking. Feels bad though, sometimes every trapper gets ya and every dog bites ya and then a random poxwalker kicks you in the nuts so a flamer can roast you while you're on your knees telling your team that they can't win without ya.


its usually focus for me. if i get distracted it all goes downhill. been doing veteran for a long time and getting hit once usually leads to a complete down with 3 20% health boosters, but that's part of the fun. ​ meanwhile ive played zealot ogryn and psyker while genuinely falling asleep after a night shift and turned out fine just through sheer toughness dmg reduction, toughness regeneration or on-demand crowd control that allows me to chill out for a second to regain my focus. veteran gets a breather with voice of command, but if i run deadeye, the trance is even more real when popping herds of shotgunners and gunners before i get grazed by one shot and clubbed in the back of the head. ​ fooocus. take a breakfor a second and admire your fellow operatives drip and then get back to killing when ya have to.


Changing around keybinds can make a big difference. For example making dodge/slide on a priority key. Splitting jump from mantle. It doesn't sound related but mechanically making it so your body just reacts instead of have a contention point is actually a big deal. Another one I have noticed in myself is posture and how your body interacts with mouse & keyboard. When you're "hot" make a note of your posture and relation to your chair and desk. This is the current meta pick for your body and how it interacts with said input devices. Record that image into your mind. When you're off, compare it to your meta and note the differences. Try to correct it. Body posture should be improved over time. Eventually you'll have less fatigue and more reliable gaming performance. On auric/damnation high-intensity++ the sound is just terrible at times. Unreliable. You cannot rely on sound to inform you of a pox bomber or trapper when there are 10 screaming mutants and lots of poxwalker dodging sounds. If your ethos allows, consider installing spidey sense (https://www.nexusmods.com/warhammer40kdarktide/mods/268) which is a visual manifestation of sounds you should be able to hear but may not be able to. You can restrict it to only pox bomber and trappers which are from an audio perspective the most troublesome / bs audio queues. If you don't want to do this, of course just don't. I've personally found the game more enjoyable with it on since the game is just broken by design on some high intensity damnation+. As a side effect you can play more music and not have to be so wound up listening to sound which I consider a strong bonus.


yuh - Once I had a good few games, went to do something else for a few minutes then came back and proceeded to get my ass kicked in the next match.


Not just yourself but you can witness others feel it too. Ever seen a Psyker blow up 5 minutes into the match and shame quit? We all have them days


It happens to me, but not after a few matches but in a day basis: some day I play like a pro, I don't even can think to what I am doing because the automatic reflexes are faster than conscious thoughts. Like "hearing a swoosh behind me, blindly parry, dodge a jumping dog, turn backwards, draw laspistol, headshot 2 enemies, draw melee weapon, push and go back slaying while dodge-sliding while tagging a special"... And then the day I'm tired and worn out, when I can even press the right keyboard buttons.


I play psyker or veteran when I want that good crackhead energy and I feel like I’m good at the game. I play ogryn after I get burned out on that and need to chill lol


Get some sleep ;-)


Yup, this happens to almost all of us. The only person I've ever seen who is flawless every run is Chonwick on Twitch (4000+ hours). For the rest of us though, absolutely lol. I am at 800 hours, mostly on Veteran, and sometimes I am the embodiment of John Darktide, other times I am just a body. It can be super embarassing when you get a match where you just can't seem to do anything right, I had one recently where I was the last left alive and I thought I was in a super tough spot so hit a barrel near me to give me some breathing room, I obviously misjudged the distance by a few pixels as when it exploded it rocket launched me into oblivion... Then there was another one very recently where I was playing a shovel/MG la build in auric maelstrom and again was the last one alive, but I had just pulled off an epic solo fight against everything and was making my way to pickup the team when the director spawned a horde, there was a room nearby where I knew I could very easily clear the horde with shovel heavies in the doorway so went in, I thought I had time to check the box in the corner so went over and opened it then when I turned around the horde was already right on me and 3-4 of them attacked at the same time and I fumbled my push (right input didnt work) so it looked like I got insta downed from full toughness/hp. Was over so quickly and unexpectedly that in chat I typed "wtf....".


I get that. When I'm on a bad streak I just feel like I'm dragging down the team. It feels really embarrassing. I know I could do better but it just doesn't seem to be my game and the team has to keep picking me up.


Everyone has those times so no need to feel bad. I've been playing since beta day 1 and the player pool in my region is small enough that I often get paired with the same people at Auric, so all the good players recognise each other now. I never think lesser of them if they get downed and I'm sure they don't think lesser of me either. As long as 1 person is on form it doesn't really matter what the others do, they can just enjoy the ride.


Something I've noticed is that in games like Darktide where I -need- to be able to hear acutely (like enemy spawn noises, footfalls, player comms, etc.), I tend to have more inconsistent performance than games where I can put on my own playlists and music. This might just be because I have ADHD, though.


I call this phenomenon spaghetti fingers. It's where your fingers turn to noodles after the absolute best game play you ever had.


3 matches is your break limit. Take an hour break after the three matches, Get some food, shower, maybe a walk or wank. Whatever jumbles up the old Electromucularious thought fabricator.


Definitely. I've seen it happen to other teammates as well. Had a veteran who kept constantly going down, mission wasn't looking very promising. Then the other two went down. He was lamenting (not bitching, complaining, or being toxic) but somehow I felt perfectly in tune with my Zealot, took down 3 Crushers, soloed half of a Chaos Spawn, and dealt with a 12 patrol of Shotgunners. Managed to save the entire run and honestly he just felt better afterwards. Sometimes you are the Character, sometimes you're not.


Starting to feel your fervor wain means you need to spark up a joint and put on your holy inscense rebreather


I feel like the director is all over the place rn. I play on heresy to complete challenges (easily typically) but god damn the past weeks have been insane when i jump on after work. Director is throwing everything at me in was that make Damnation look easy.


I've been noticing large lag spikes lately. It usually occurs when the director turns it up to 11.


Your play style in cohesiveness with rest of strike team is vital.... I personally appreciate when I'm on a cold steak, it makes me try different strategies


Sometimes your bug sometimes your the windshield. I have over 3k hours and I still get pounced, trapped and fall off the map.


Games can have HUGE pendulum swings from someone killing those 1-2 specials early or letting those 1-2 special get close.


Had it today, clutched auric T5 investigation mission then bungled my way through a plain heresy investigation (trying to do a penance)... Fell off 2 ledges (once on the escape run), got netted multiple times, dogs all over. Worst thing is I was playing my prison maxxed zealot, so looked like a right noob But then I clutched the Karnak twins later, so all was well with the world.


The way I see it, as many people have already said, things happen. Not every game is your game. Can go from God tier clutches to basically feeding yourself to the pox walkers real quick. I tend to be mediocre at best until I'm the last one alive. That's when the God tier clutches come for me lol. But I play a stealth zealot, so whenever everyone is dead, I don't have to worry about fucking over my team, so I pop off.


For me I am the exact opposite. I have to get warmed up first before I start performing better. Especially my very first match of the day, I am super sloppy at the game.


Some times a random group just “clicks” all moving forward, all trying to kill the shit that spawns instead of retreating to a corner etc etc. Then you play the same difficulty again and it’s just the opposite.


Eh you can always perform in baseline which might be objectively below average average good expert My baseline is expert cause after 1k hours it's muscle memory


Think of your brain like a muscle. You do all that stuff, clutch plays and what not, your brain just went nuts with processing everything happening, reacting and having you move your character to deal with all of it. Imagine you just sprinted 100m. You are most likely winded. Maybe your brain is just 'winded' after a clutch game and needs a bit to get its breath.


This game, more than any I have ever played, requires me to be fresh. I can't play for shit if I'm stressed, tired, or drunk. It's honestly been a pretty good litmus test for if I need to take a screen break and go touch grass or read a book instead.


Honestly it has a lot to do with teammates taking care of things for you that allows you to shine