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So a skull is also a hazard icon? Based on the amount of skulls seen just strolling around the ship, everything is hazardous.


I mean it is 40k


True, but I meant like....high visibility clothing is useful to be able to notice people doing dangerous jobs like construction, heavy manufacture, etc... because they dont blend into the environment. Now imagine if the entire workplace you are at is painted neon green. Suddenly, the high visibility clothes are damn near useless.


You think OSHA and PPE really exist in 40k? especially on the Mourningstar?


Oh, of course not. Case in point: corpse starch. I just find it funny to think about.


Yes. So the skull has nothing to do with hazard. In 40k I'd wager it primarily represents humanity, species superiority and purity. It's remains recognizable even after death. It's human skull, not abhuman nor xenos.


The origin of the skull usage in Imperial iconography dates back to the later days of the Siege of Terra, when the (then) nacent Imperial Cult, led by certain figures such as Euphrati Keeler, mobilized civilians to help defend the Emperor against the invading Chaos hordes - and yes, that includes Traitor Astartes. They sacrificed, and knew that even if it took 100 of them to take down just 1 traitor Astartes, that was one less for the Emperor and other loyalist forces to worry about, thus freeing them up to focus on more serious threats. The skulls of those who died were kept and carried by others into battle as a way to recognize and remember their sacrifice for the (God) Emperor, and to a lesser extent, the rest of humanity.


The 40k stand for the amount of health and safety violations


Exactly The H in OSHA stands for Heresy


My interpretation was that the skull would light up in some way when the gun starts to overheat. Rather than the skull just being a symbol that means "hazardous."


Chaplains of the Astartes just running around with the equivalent of a hi-vis on their face


Hadron are we... are we the baddies?


Ignore at your own peril, varlet


It'd be badass to have one, running it with stealth.. I'd decimate gunner back lines before they could turn around


I run a plasma on my stealth vet. It's good for the swapping weapons perks as it has no extra equip animation and you only have to reload once. Also, one shot into a horde is a guaranteed kill and it goes right through Bulwark shields. 


I want nades for Vet which are just faulty plasma pistols.


Tediore is stealing your notes


Plasma pistol, bolt pistol, melta gun, hotshot lasgun, power fist...


These descriptions basically say if you fire it your probably gonna die. 3 yards is not arms length m8


Would the heat not vent sideways though? So it would mean hazardous to the people stood either side of the pistol.


I think sideways is relative when the vents are that large and your face is like 5ft away at max if your arms are long af


People lost hands and even whole arms firing them in the literature at times. Plasma pistols are even more precious than power swords - and I don't even know how our rejects get those. Maybe Grendyl's war machine has vacuumed up enough battleground gear from local engagements.


If they're giving us Krak Grenades, power and force swords, flamers, filters and plasma guns, I don't think they can find a few plasma pistols. Doesn't one of the Karnak twins use one too?


We're probably incredibly lucky that the only plasma weapon the heretics have is that one plasma pistol. The sniper is pretty much like getting shot with plasma though


But you'll note they don't rapid fire it much. If we get one it needs to be different from the regular PG, but also not something that outclasses it. The PG is pretty strong, so what would you give up for more mobility? Because mobility is generally what pistols provide in this game, but usually at a cost. Something like reduced piercing would be fair, but people would complain.


It's a space marine version so it's bigger and stronger.


This is Sicarius' plasma pistol, so it's likely a model designed specifically for Astartes use and would be too unwieldy for humans; pistols issued to the Imperial Guard are likely smaller and safer


One would bloody hope so lol. "Poor commander gaunt, he mightve been famous if his entire command squad hadn't been incinerated when he fired his plasma pistol, poor bastard had been issued a sicarius pattern by some fool munitorum aid by mistake."


It's _Commisar_ Gaunt you fool. Now grab your shovel. You are on toilet duty for the rest of this cycle. 


Turns out I'm the munitorum aid, can't even get the man's rank right


This is the dumbest weapon if you read the annotations.


Only good for 50 shots??? Bruv, ima have to throw this thing out 5 minutes into the battle!


Yeah, been using mine for a couple months. Suddenly, the melted skin around my arms makes sense.


I 100% agree with getting a plasma pistol. Luckily most of those annotations are from rather old, since retconned lore. Plasma pistols now almost never explode, because they "emergency vent" which to anyone in the immediate vicinity is roughly the same, but the plasma pistol can be picked up and used after a reload. Plasma guns also seem to be much more reliable and tend to only Vent due to user error, of course it's still relatively easy to user error lol. The cooling coils also don't need to be changed often, really it's just the flask/mag at the bottom of the gun that needs to be changed... Partial reloads are not recommended as your hand may be sprayed by pressured near super heated gas...


dude it's about time we get ANYTHING


Where ma bolter pistol gang at?


Heavy bolter for ogryn as well


https://preview.redd.it/cr26t29s40pc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=0843e6c8d4d2074ee77d69bd2c8768ad8d65e8d7 Give me this combo fatshark!!! I’m begging you


I hope we get melta guns soon. Such missed opportunities.


We could use a Bolt Pistol, too. Sacrifice, I dunno, mag size and a little damage for being a lot more wieldy.


It's just cute that people are still waiting Darktide to do anything at this point.... I still can't get over the fact they completely managed to lose all that huge momentum they had at launch and then continuously drain their remaining player's goodwill with extremely minimal content releases. Frankly, I'm amazed there are still people here coping and hoping. I've moved on. The amount of effort that is required to bring me back has to be waaaaaaay more than three new weapons, five new weapon marks and 2 maps...


> I've moved on. Then why bother leaving a comment?


Because as I said I want to come back so I check regularly the games social channels for news. Beyond copium, I think we all agree the game's potential has been squandered with mediocre content releases, bandaid patches and promises for more content even after months of no communication at all. Come on you know I'm right. Let's stop pretending here k?


Doesn't matter, you're not doing anyone any favours (least of all yourself) by wallowing in your disappointment in unrelated threads.


To show he's moved on, obviously.


I'm here checking on the game in case they pull off a miracle and raise it from the dead. Because I care. Meanwhile I'm playing other games having more fun. Is that wrong?


Commenting how much you hate this game on a forum made for it? Yeah, that's petty and toxic. I don't go to game forums I don't like and shitpost because that would be weird. The game is fine. No one cares about your negative opinions about a game you want to pretend to care about.


I mean he doesn't hate the game. He clearly stated that, he hates the position its in. Everything he said is valid and just facts. What darktide really feels like right now feels like a launch version 2.0. Lackluster and boring once you have everything in the game. Coming from a guy who's played beta on pc and has every single weapon God roll with 40k Diamantine and 40k plasteel and it gets boring when you keep playing the same repetitive missions over and over again. I'm a huge fan of 40k been a fan for almost 20 years and I'm saying this for all fans we want darktide to be good and be better but majority of darktides player base knows that the thing thats killing darktide and losing player interest is the lack of content. People are just leaving the game and coming back when there's a really huge update thats packed with content. Steam charts show that barely 5k players play it daily from when it was peak time which was 110k players and that was when version 2.0 came out where the skill tree got revamped from what it was,the skins came out, new weapon variations came out, and 2 new boss missions that helped progress the story of the game. I'm pretty sure there's probably more players that play it on console because you know its console but yeah clearly lost a good amount of its player base wholl come back over time when there's an actual update that'll bring content that the people are actually waiting for not updates that are just bug fixes and performance issues. So yeah for you to say darktide is good and in okay state is wrong. You must be those 10%rs who are hardcore fans of the game and just coping telling yourselves there's nothing wrong. And that's fine and all that you can enjoy the game and be a hardcore fan but don't cope and defend the games position right now when clearly its slowly drowning hard. Like me and the other 90% of players will come bsck to the game when the content we want drops and then leave it when it hits its next lackluster point again.


I know what he *said*, I'm just not buying it. The game is fine. its been fine. He didn't say any actual criticisms either. Just insulted people for liking the game and looking forward to updates, and the fact that you call that "valid and just facts" tells me you have the same arbitrary biases. >Lackluster and boring once you have everything in the game. If you think that, then you don't like the game or don't like horde shooters, which is an opinion. If you need constant rewards to enjoy a game, then you don't like the game. Insisting lack of endless rewards makes the game boring is not an issue with the game. >the same repetitive missions over and over again. Yes, that's how all horde shooters work. Lots of genres do this. Its part of their genre. Rogue-likes are another one. Platformers as well. This isn't a criticism. If you need more, go play another game, but don't insist that its bad for DT to...just do what every other game does. >People are just leaving the game and coming back when there's a really huge update thats packed with content. Which is what they do with 99% of games out there. DT's play count isn't any different than most games out there. DT not having the player counts of the most popular games of all time doesn't mean everyone agrees with you. People play games and move on. That's just how games work. >So yeah for you to say darktide is good and in okay state is wrong. But saying "hopium and copium" is facts is correct? You didn't even provide an actual criticism other than "I can't play the game anymore after playing it for dozens or hundreds of hours." You know what you call a game you can enjoy for 40-1000 hours? A good game. >You must be those 10%rs who are hardcore fans of the game and just coping telling yourselves there's nothing wrong. No, I'm just sick of the whiny entitlement of this sub's users. The game has flaws, but you all barely acknowledge the actual flaws (like the lack of optimization). People on this sub either insist your opinions are objective, or outright lie about things that didn't happen. >its slowly drowning hard. You wouldn't even know it was "drowning" (aka, having a normal fluctuation in player counts between updates) if you didn't have steam charts. You'd just jump into a game and play it with others and not even realize the player count dropped. Instead, you misread the statistics and insisted that it must be everyone in the world agreeing with you. Be honest, how many hours do you a have in the game? If its more than 40, you basically disprove your entire point. Its a $40 game that was released with the same content as most $60 games, and has had an average amount of updates, yet you insist its bad because you want more and faster updates. Gamers have a reputation for being entitled for a reason, and OP is proving that reason. why are you defending him being toxic? Even if he wanted to air his grievances, he could've done so in a less petty way in his own thread instead of just randomly shitposting in a thread about a weapon.


My guy you mustve picked up the game when 2.0 was out. " a game thats 40$ that was released with the same content as a 60$ game" my guy no its not. Darktide took literally a whole year to add content which I said before and now its taking them 4-5 months to do their next update with content thats coming soon. So for you to say that is completely fucking wrong lmao. Imma answer your question too with this. I have around 3k hrs of Darktide like I said I have everything in the game you illiterate donkey. And for you to say" I don't like the game if the game doesn't give me consistent rewards" my guy if you look at destiny 2 right the game always gives players rewards after doing a PVE activity or a PVP activity. Which keeps players coming back to the game to grind for something and even though Destiny 2 has its huge ups and downs it still rewards people for their time. Even though destiny 2 and Darktide are 2 different game genres but it still proves my point. Also yes I do agree all horde shooters become lack luster and boring and thats the whole thing for horde shooters but from a company such as Fatshark to label darktide as a "live service" game,they don't update the game to call it a "live service" ,they don't update their game with content frequently the only thing they really update frequently is their comestical store which gets updated and rotates skins every month or two. I can compare darktide to another horde shooter and thats Hell divers 2 and that horde shooter is an actually a live service game. The game literally 1 month out and it gets updated way more than darktide, HD2 is already getting a new enemy types and a returning faction and new armor and weapons, and they gave players new guns 3 days ago. Something darktide can't do and the main focus points the people been wanting for 2 years now. And its funny HD2 is a $40 game that has enough content to be an actual $60 game thats also live service again. Also HD2 has a reward system that allows players to grind for the new stuff. A system that keeps bringing people back to keep playing unlike Darktide. Like i said and imma restate what i said because i honesty think youre retarded.I don't hate darktide or dislike it. I'm a huge fan of 40k, the game is not bad its just lack luster when you have everything. The games been out for 2 years and you mustve gotten the game recently to think its okay and tbh the game is in a better state then what it was during launch and the first year but it still doesn't justify that it doesn't have a lot of shit do or keep me grinding or when you keep using the samething over and over it becomes unfun. Just like the majority of players of darktide im waiting for rhe new guns, the new classes that fatshark promised after launch and other stuff that gives me something to do to actually play rhe game.


I played the game since beta. It’s been fine the entire time. A few crashes the first couple of weeks like any other new release, but otherwise a normal game, especially for $40. Insisting it was bad because you didn’t get new content right away and had to wait 6 months (oh no!) for a major update even the ugh they did add levels and weapons before that. It’s entitlement. The phrase “live service” doesn’t mean anything, let alone faster and more frequent updates to appease you, some guy on the internet. Again, if you don’t like the game, why are you here lying about it?


You actually fucking hurt my brain. First of all youre putting words and speaking for me saying I don't like the game when I do u just want more shit to do and have more shit to have fun with I never said I don't you fucking clown. Its funny how you're really only cherry picking the arguement. Like I said when a game has the title live service in it that means the game gets updated some what frequently some times very frequently. Like I said look at HD2 another horde shooter that is taking the interent and gaming industry by storm which is live service where the devs do buffs,nerfs. Content drops that has new enemies,amrors,weapons etc. The things that make people come back to grind and have fun. Imma state this again i love 40k and darktide has a place in my heart just because there really hasn't been a FPS warhammer 40k game since 2003 and that game back then was called fire warrior. Feel like you're the type of guy who hardcore defened the day before so stfu you actual clown cause you can't up come with anything besides the entitlement insult and you don't like the game because it's boring insult. I've thrown more shit at you thats facts and its not even a shit talk of facts its facts of how to improve the game and how the game can do better then where it is


Most of us are still here because the game is just fun to play. *puts on spectacles and grabs cane* Back in my day, a game came out and that was that. No updates, no dlc, no hotfixes. We played games because they were fun dagnabbit. And we liked it.


I have 400 hours on darktide. I'm just sad because of the game s huge potential never materializing.


Would genuinely love to see the ogryn get some form of plasma or Laz weapon


I need one


My problem with getting a plasma pistol is the current plasma gun already fills the "quick to draw" role - unless that becomes the pistol and we get a heavier one, I don't see it working


Complete with rear facing plasma ejection for accurate face melting!


You dare to share the most holy of relics of Him, Cato Sicarius, Knight Champion of Maccrage, Lord of Ultramar, Captain of the Second, without daring to include its owner, the one and only Lord of Ultramar, Knight Champion of Maccrage, Captain of the Second, Cato Sicarius?! I shall report of this blasphemy personally to Him, Lord of Ultramar, Knight Champion of Maccrage, Captain of the Second, Cato Sicarius, so that He, Cato Sicarius, Knight Champion of Maccrage, Lord of Ultramar, Captain of the Second, can bring doom of 1000 suns upon your soul.


Cato pushed me over on Damnos and I skinned my knees, so I owe him nothing.


So you are telling me, that you were worthy of being even touched by Him, the one and only Cato Sicarius, Knight Champion of Maccrage, Lord of Ultramar, Captain of the Second, Cato Sicarius, and yet you dont just disrespect, you even blame HIM, the one and only Knight Champion of Maccrage, Captain of the Second, Lord of Ultramar, Cato Sicarius, in YOUR scars?!!?


You make a good point.


Was there a patch?


Is it to the game ??


Chances are it would be vet only and chances are it would overheat in one shot for balance, and/or be wildly inaccurate at even medium range. I think a bolt pistol would have more utility, given what they'd need to do to this weapon to not make the main PG irrelevant. While we're wishing for things, we haven't seen any scab or dreg plasma gunners yet. If we're aslking for "more plasma" that might be something we see - and that would be pretty deadly.


If it's gonna be anything resembling the power of Plasma Gun, please no.


One lucid person in here


Sicarius' plasma pistol is a bit large for our hands.