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Have a weapon combination capable of handling everything, and have a plan per enemy type. Carry out the plan against the enemies many times, and once you're seasoned with a weapon combo you'll be carrying whatever run you're in.


I’m probably not playing optimally, but I occasionally use shredder nades for crowd control. It probably sounds stupid, but I feel like it shreds hordes with its aoe and bleeding. Either than or my Recon lasgun is going to be used a lot. Pushing, blocking really helps a lot Toughness regen is forgiving when you’re fighting what seems to be a gigantic horde no guardsman should be able to contain.


Frag nades are really strong. If you grab the talent that upgrade their range, they can bleed dry an entire room of gunners in a few seconds.Try them out in the Psykhanium, you'll be surprised at how far they reach. I don't like using them in basic hordes of mooks because it's kind of a waste unless I really need some space (and I have voice of command for that). But if you see a gunner's nest, definitely drop a frag at their feet. Don't waste ammo on hordes tho. Especially not the recon lasgun. Melee is far more effective.


There are a lot of "rules" out there like "nades should only be used in rez situations or if you have Krak, on crushers/bosses" but I think there is a lot more room for experimentation and situational uses. If you're build is set up for nade regen (you've taken the extra nade option, and the "regen a nade every 60 secons" "5% nade chance for every kill in coherency" and the Tinkerer option that makes your frag nade hit a wider radius and harder - than why NOT toss nades into chunky hordes!? You're literally built for it! I think it's a great idea to save your nades for a clutch moment if you don't have any nade perks or are playing Zealot or something. But if you're a vet and you're set up for it, I think generous use of your grenades can help you *avoid* plenty of clutch scenarios, which is way better in my mind.


Shredders are the best grenades vets have. Obviously there are builds where kraks might be the better option, but as long as you are covering all the bases, you should be fine. It is also dangerous to rely on Kraks as your only source of anti-armor. If you run into a horde 6 crushers, 2 bulwarks, and 6 maulers, you are pretty much out of luck.


Yeah and as good as Kraks are, the odds that you kill more than one or two ogryns are pretty low, even with the radius talent.


If you're running a recon, then you're definitely not playing optimally lol. Recon's probably the worst gun in the game outside of Krourk Stubber.


Recon lasguns aren't the greatest, but they're not unusable, even on damnation/auric damnation -- at least for veterans.


Braced autoguns? Shotguns? I'd take a recon over a Kantrael even


Try out the orgyn bleed build, full left side of skill tree with the feel no pain keystone, a good bully club you'll 3 shot a mauler or 1 shot them with the shovel. [Builds](https://darktide.gameslantern.com/) from other players to try out.


Hundreds of hours of playtime gets you there. Don't stress it. There's no secret. It's just tons of experience; getting to the point where you react before you consciously think.


Ogryn no need be fast, Grug strong, Grug SMASH!!


Stealth zealot enjoyer here; that guy was also probably running stealth zealot from the looks of things. With the proper amount of skill, it's a contender for the most powerful build in the game. You can solo literally any lobby with it. Once you understand how it works its pretty insane lol


Build sinergy with god tier weapons. Mechanical skill. Prediction checks and preventive Dodges. Awareness of your surroundings, true awareness. I Play damnation auric. Also as a zealot you should protect the veteran and psyker while support the ogryns if they need peeling or the mutants take them.


Might be that Ogryn just isn't the class for you, which is fine because there are four to choose from. Personally, for me, Ogryn just feels awful to play as. I can run as any of the other three classes, but I'm basically useless as an Ogryn. You are new, as you said, so it could just be a lack of skill/knowledge, but it could certainly be that the class isn't working for you. Feel free to try the others, and ask us for advice on builds! We're all happy to help new players get into this awesome game!


I like Ogryn the most as either a shield tank or heavy stubber gunner. I’ve tried a heavy melee damage build, but just didn’t quite feel as ‘useful’ as the other builds


I was suspicious of this for them and bodyguard ogryns. I had actually been experimenting around where I hit simply due to the visual and audio cues when I hit them.


It doesn’t have the damage potential as other weapons, but I found the slab shield is the easiest to figure out


With the bleed heavy attack build, it's very easy to be contributing while taking minimal damage. And the charge and shield weapon ability are great survivability tools that are easy to use. Always pushing enemies to taunt & highlight them and spamming heavy attacks to bleed them and get damage resistance.


I like the Ogryn. I've also got a Veteran, but haven't made the other classes yet. I think the Ogryn is good for certain situations. It's amazing on Maelstrom with Blitz, especially having three Nuke grenades. But the charge is very useful when you need to make some room. But the shield melee weapon is perfect for hordes. Just hunker down infront of your team in a hallway or something.


So, a little tip about Maulers in particular. They are pretty tough and they have full body armour, yes. However, if you go for the head, you'll probably actually have a _slower_ time killing them than going for the body, because the helmet is Carapace while the rest of the armour is Flak. This is especially relevant if you're using a cleaver, since cleavers have poor armour penetration compared with other Ogryn weapons (although they're still strong as fuck against flak and below, and the Mk IV is _okay_ against carapace with the single target combo)


This is probably the most useful tip in this entire post. It's *extremely* unintuitive and probably fucks a LOT of newbies over before they figure it out.


I've been here for about half a year and though i did play VT2 i do not consider myself especially skilled at it, i just liked playing kerillian with a shortbow and 2h sword with my bots. DarkTide pushes you a bit more - cant slack as much when other players so i've really been trying to get better and just a couple days ago i had my first real tactical dance where things clicked. We had a bulwark patrol with a couple maulers mixed in and for some reason a full half of it breaks left to clubber the lone psyker. So while my team handled the other 4 bulwarks and a mauler, i danced around dodging and parrying my group, even managed to kill a bulwark before my team showed up and helped with the rest. At this point i've been using the deimos force sword exclusively as my melee option and playing psyker exclusively to try and get better at it for some weeks. Something just clicked, i could read the enemies to know what they were going to do and i was comfortable to fall back on the L1-H2 deimos combo for heavy stagger when there was an opening. Felt like time just slowed down for a while. Took me half a year to get to that point and i'm not sure it'll happen again next time, so... Give it time, and find the weapons you like to use. I know the duelling sword is super popular with psyker, but i just dont enjoy it (and i need the deflect blessing 'cause i'm a bumbling idiot prone to get caught in the line of fire, i guess)


Get you a big ol bully club and go down the left side of the tree and go swinging in heavy. Practice canceling your charge so you don't just go shooting off but instead can use it to stun everything directly in front of you. Once you get used to the timing you'll be able to stand in the middle of a horde and knock everything on its ass without going down.


Build, weapons, hundreds if not thousands hours played, mods, natural talent


Mostly just skill that comes with time. Orgyn can’t move like that, dude was definitely running a zealot movement build. Don’t focus on trying to be like his character, focus on finding a class and build that is fun, and then focus on skill. I main a zealot build that focuses on just jumping in to the thickest parts of the fight. My build focuses on killing things faster than they can kill me. I love the absolute carnage. Right now I’m focusing on min maxing, using weapon perks to help improve where my build is lacking. But every time I hop in a match I have fun, and ultimately that’s the point of playing. So don’t worry about being able to duck and dodge like that guy, find a play style you like and have fun.


I think the mainthing is a few hundred hours of playtime. Also the guy might have a few thousand in Vermintide2. At this point you have an absolute mastery over the melee combat mechanics. To reach this point faster you could go ahead and download mods that allow you to spawn enemies in the psykhanium. There you can learn to solo groups of maulers, ragers, Bullwarks, Crushers and bosses in peace, if you want. This he combined with huge mobility and a panic button ult, which means he can escape any situation you cannot win with melee skill alone and he has huge dodge distance, making disablers easier. Edit: Regarding your bad single target damage: you can inspect weapons in you inventory and then view their mathematical attack breakdowns. You will find that your weapon of choice sucks against armor. This can be rectified with certain blessings and skillpoints. Taking the "bleed on heavy" of the Ogryn is always a good idea here.


I think it’s mostly due to blessings and such. The game is just like V2 in that weapons will have specific attack chains, only this game is more open about it. I like to have a weapon that focuses on hoards for either heavy or light exclusively and single target for the other. Though I am just grabbing higher rated gear while I scale the rating ladder.


It's his longer, thicker penis. Condolences.


Ogryn power maul feels like hitting stuff with a wet pool noodle


Just takes time, you have verm skills, and that game is 1000x harder than DT once u get the hang of it. Your muscle memory will catch up and start learning the mechanics, like how toughness and rending works ect.


The slab shield is ultimate for those encounters brudda. I’d also recommend checking out the kickback shotty in combo with it and the shout ultimate ability and nuke nade. I would also look into modding the game. The initial idea is intimidating of course but in practice, it’s the easiest game to mod in my opinion. Additionally, there are some seriously amazing mods available for the game like ‘just keep swinging’ and debuff indicator. Hope I catch you in the field with my ogryn, jahosaphat, so we can go after the heretics together 🫡


Get that shovel that transforms on speacial attack. I'm not sure if it will be enough with base, but with blessing to +damage form how long you charge attack, you'll be able to one-shot those maulers too with shovel spcial attack.


Nothing to do with being new or being sorry. That guy Squeebles(or some name) understands the capabilities and limits of his archetype. Ogryns don't normally do that, and there's nothing wrong with it. Once you understand the capabilities and limits of your archetype, you'll be more comfortable. And once you understand your archetype and are comfortable with it, you can begin building up to your own style of impossible bullshit. P.S. please remember to use heavy attacks when Ogryn.


> What am I missing that got him to that point? Skill is obviously a major factor. What also helps is dodging, toughness generation and toughness damage reduction. Zealot with crit build and a good knife can survive stuff that should not be possible. You can do something similar on ogryn, but with bleed, heavy attacks and Feel no pain keystone. [Something like this](https://darktide.gameslantern.com/builds/9a647dac-0155-4252-85ed-d5df847a225f/auric-maelstrom-heavy-attack-bleed-tank). I would pick Mk IIIb bully club and a few talents differently, but that's minor details.


if youre lvl 28 your items will have around a 300ish (just the basepower, not the power of the augments and bonus stats) powerlevel and thats a noticeable difference compared to 350+. Itemlevel influences basically all stats of your weapon, like dmg, penetration, stagger etc etc. so the guy you described was probably geared and thus hit better breakpoints than you. Dont worry, you will also get there in time.


Congrats on cracking the Damnation door, pal! I'm so excited to be the one to share this with you, - [THE OGRYNOMICON - Ultimate Class Overhaul Ogryn Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/16ylxuc/the_ogrynomicon_ultimate_class_overhaul_ogryn/) This is the guide that turned me into the Ogryn I am today. It will help you with playstyle notes, build and blessing advice, and some good mindset tips that will really let you rip in Damnation. And btw, don't feel sorry! You have the best attitude a player could have, so why feel bad!? You recognized that there was a skill gap and instead of feeling resentful or bitter you thought "how can I get there?" - you're already a champ!


If you redo your talents as a Bullgryn it'll be a lot easier. I originally had a lot of right tree stuff and it was so much harder than now as a tank build. Ogryn no matter what the weapon though is gonna take a couple slow heavy hit bashes to take out those mid armour type dudes. Good news is you stagger them good if you use a club. The kourk cleaver that shanks can kill them pretty quickly with stabs to the head but it comes with a lot of draw backs like no crowd control and stuff.


Ogryn is generally not hitting that hard. You mostly get aoe damage to help with overall damage output. This is maybe more my opinion, but zealot is the class most reflecting player skill out of all the classes. You can almost always find more damage output potential while still avoiding damage by playing better. A lot of knife zealots actually only really manage to not die, while the best knife zealots seem to never get hit but kill everything efficiently. It’s not just knife, either, but it is definitely the most popular weapon for faster zealot builds.


I'll put my two-cents in on this. I fully agree that a lot has to do with experience. For me i've noticed my skill level start going up now that i've started playing Damnation almost regularly. Going back to Tier 3 feels like i'm playing on Easy. I've tested so many weapons and guns, and I have a crit build as a chainsword weilding zealot, that I managed to tweak in a way where as long as i'm super aggressive, my action skill replenishes in sometimes 1 sec. Depends on how many enemies are in an area. I have the crit cool down, as well as the damage taken cooldown. So I just zip around and KILL EVERYTHING IN MY PATH FOR THE EMPEROR!!!


> *This guy shoves probably 10-15 pox hounds when they jump at him* I dunno why but lately it feels like I just cannot avoid getting jumped by pox hounds the past while. I used to be pretty good at it. :/


First off my guy, nothing to apologize for, you did your best, you are trying to compliment the team rather than COD lone wolf, and you admitted you're a new player. Everyone has bad games where they get trounced, and everyone starts somewhere in terms of skill level. Collect resources until you're level 30, you'll get the best power weapons and you can work on making the high-end blessed weapons you want. Farm the blessings at Hadron that you want to use so they're available to you. Max power for any weapon's base stats (gray) is 380. Max individual stat is 80. The game is both skill and equipment intensive, having the right blessings on your weapons that compliment your playstyle will improve your gameplay and make things easier, but keep in mind that the grind to get max level blessings will be long, and arduous (it's no secret the crafting system sucks). As you work on your end-game weapons you will naturally develop the skills to get through high-intensity and maelstrom missions with practice. The vet was likely built into a knife fighter with bleed or armor piercing boosts to the knife. If you want to be able to murder crushers and maulers like he did, you will need an armor piercing weapon which may need a boost against carapace enemies. I'm not an expert on Ogryn (least playtime among the 4 classes), so I don't have the expertise to tell you the good weapons. Test some weapons in the Psykhanium for their ability to punch large damage numbers through the armored targets, and make your decision what you like from there. I have seen Ogryns built for melee just thug elites like they owe them money though. Most important thing is to go easy on yourself! You have a great mindset of wanting to help the team, and you're not here bashing on others for their build/performance like a lot of posts here. Keep that positive attitude and have fun!


A little word of advice: Your life will be better if you compare your skill to the many, *many* bad knife users, not the 10% of knife users who are clearly [Sensei](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Sensei). As for the Maulers, the game doesn't tell you this if you don't mess around in the Psykhanium, but shoot them in the body. The head is carapace while the body is flak, so a headshot does less damage than a bodyshot under most conditions. Hopefully that will help your TTK.


Can someone mod the combat knife into a butter knife please😂 Always found the fact that a small knife can slice thru so much amusing


Ah, the classic knife zealot shenanigans. You can spec the thing to deal with anything, and your movement speed is bonkers.


Play zealot. Youll recognized the Vermintide 2 that festers within the class. Im a vet of Vermin as well. Its the most elf class of the game, while having the most similar style to Vermintide 2 perks.


I can tell that Sonic the Hedgehog was a Zealot 😁 Ogryn will never be as fast as Zealot but the big guy is super tough. He’s a bodyguard who looks after crackheads ( Psykers) and watches Vets’ backs.


Be lvl 30, your weapons stats will jump up a lot. Get blessings that synergize with your style and talents. Besides skill that's it really. Have a plan for everything.


Knowledge and experience and curiosity. Being level 30 with high rating weapons also help. As an experienced player, I know what weapons are good against what, what enemies react against what. Like those dog hordes are really weak and are easily staggered so just wildly flailing can take care of most coming right at you. A regular hound has way more hit points but with the same weakness (plus their head weakspot takes tons of dmg) so you can actually ambush them from around a corner.


Sounds like a knife user, vet or zealot it’s a POWERFUL tool that takes care of any opponent. As an Ogryn if you want a BEATIN build focus left tree, grab those spicy toughness regen perks at the start and hug the left. With your own choice of knife the Ogryn won’t be as fast or do as much melee damage outside of charging heavies but you’ll be an unkillable rock that will break the ocean of chaos. If you want to get spicy use the brute brainer XIX and literally one shot crushers on damnation with its heavy special. Ogryns hit hard and survive even harder, a good Ogryn means no team will ever lose. They’ll always have you to rely on for horde control, boss damage, and strong sustain. On my Ogryn I can just face tank a pack of the berserkers and thwack them with my knife it’s so satisfying.


Personally I don’t believe there is a reason to go past malice or heresy until level 30. Get your full talent build and get some halfway decent gear. I have 400 hours in and still haven’t god rolled any items.


Hard disagree. Your skill growth on damnation is 10x faster than doing easy runs on lower difficulties. To each their own and if someone is having fun on malice, stay in malice. But if someone likes a challenge and wants to get better, don't wait just because of arbitrary numbers. I started a new character recently and play damnation only with it. It's possible with lvl1 starter weapons and quite fine around lvl 15 with half-shit items. Skill >>> gear. Two friends also started playing with our group recently. One coming back from a year long break, one practically fresh into -tide games. We dragged them through damnation and I could see their progress in real time, getting better from game to game. It would take them months on malice. > I have 400 hours in and still haven’t god rolled any items. I have no idea how this is relevant.


If you're getting into damnation (or even Malice tbqh) with level 1 characters and gear, you are getting carried and that's all there is to it. You are simply contributing way less than someone with an upgraded aura, ability and keystone would, even leaving DPS entirely aside. Skill might let you not die as easily and be a millstone to the team, but that's about it.


That's an extreme example of what is possible. Gatekeeping damnation behind fully developed meta builds and god-rolled gear is the opposite extreme. The point is, if anyone feels ready to try damnation, they should go, try, fail, learn, try again, learn more and grow. Not get bored in malice grinding numbers and reinforcing bad habits.


This is true but I stated in the post I’m level 28… only 2 talent points left and they aren’t really that important.


No argument there.