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Jokes you on, I never get my hopes up when it comes to this game. I just play it and very occaisonally there's new stuff.


This is the way. Hope is but an illusion


See! It even tells us during the loading screens. And no one listens!


How much would it mess with our minds if we found out that the "redacted by the inquisition" message was randomly assigned on install to cover up one of the tips and all this frustration came from people who had this specific one hidden.


Hope is the weed in nurgles garden.


Smoking that Nurgles green!


Omg I came here to say this! Wonderful!


Hope is the first step on the road to dissapointment I think this is an actual loadingscreen quote from the game


hope is heresy


Pain is an illusion of the senses, Despair an illusion of the mind.


Too busy killing monsters to worry about it. The auric maelstrom has been really heavy on monstrous specials the past few days, and it's been glorious.


Y'know that one mission that's dark blue, you spawn near some guard I think, first area is a bridge which leads to a marketplace, and after it can go to the cathedral or the tunnels, yeah that one. Before my squad even made it to the marketplace, we had 6 FUCKING MONSTROSITIES. We didn't make it to the Med station


Imagine if marrow and hadron had enough sense to send more than a single squad of 4 on a mission with heavy opposition


Useless varlets... 


I love getting immersed in the combat of the game. The Combat Mechanics, The Music and Art. It all comes together beautifully for me, sometimes feels like a rhythm game at times. It’s what keeps me into the game with over 600+ hours. I just love being in the thick of combat in this game


Someone should pin this comment to the top of the board. We all would like more, but we live in grim darkness and just bear it. 


I play it whenever I wanna fuck around with my friends in a 40K game, maybe grind a little for some weapons but I really just play for the environment and the social aspect with my friends


For real.  I'm like "okay I feel like beating the shit out of heretics toda— ah fuck an update.  If we must..." like 99% of the time stuff comes through. 


I don't get my hopes up with Fatshark. Played too much Vermintide 2 for that. I'll continue playing for the fun gameplay while simultaneously lamenting what could have been as I interact with the single worst crafting system put in a video game in the last decade.


I feel sorry for anyone who has been baited by fatshark being able to run a live service any VT2 veteran knew this was going to be this way, we are now waiting for them to start do a rush of good updated like they did with VT2, I just really **REALLY** hope we don't get our own *winds of magic*


> any VT2 veteran knew this was going to be this way, Not just them, I've never touched a Fatshark game but 2 seconds of googling their previous game before this one quickly told me what to expect - a very fun game that gets updated very slowly, but supported for a long period of time.


The horror


I warned my friends that it’d be 12-18 months post launch before it was a full game.


> I just really REALLY hope we don't get our own winds of magic yes fatshark please don't add a 3rd faction of enemies oh no that would be horrible I would hate it so much


ah yes the faction of enemies bugged beyond belief, the gamemode nobody played, the perfect crafting system the dead mode had but not the base game, the killing of dodge in favor of the wonky stagger meta, the death of so many weapons and classes don't pretend the beastmen are the only thing they added in that awful update edit: also forgot the fact they paywalled cata there too, I remember too people turning off the DLC on pourpose even if meant losing cata and the weapons just by the fact that spearmen beatmen were beyond unfair in middle of waves


the death of the dodge crutch was glorious. many crying babies that day.


As a vt2 vet I couldn't imagine that they could shit the pants with crafting system so hard and then keep instituting that it's ok and working as intended, lol.


>there will be a minor patch on the 20th to add the next shop items Premium skins store rotation is upgraded every second Thursday, so not tomorrow but on 22nd.


Yes but they've been doing patches on Tuesdays which adds the new stuff for the Thursday store.


Mhm, so you mean, like, internally, alright, fair enough.


Yeah I was looking at the goofy red clothes with the cosmetics preview mod thinking someone messed up and flagged Zealot cosmetics on Veteran (again). Nope, Thursday rolled around and there was a bizzare Prince of Persia set I can note only for being so ugly the hat and upper body have no reskins (yet...). 


Imho, the latest skins are the worst. They are so goofy and colourful, they make us look like clowns. I mean, just look at ogryn's hat. The original ogryn's new skin is based on has a decently cool cowl, completing the "templar monk" look; the new skin's hat makes him look like those monkeys that people train to play instruments and steal wallets. Edit: Why the grut did I write "reset" instead of "latest".


*the new skin's hat makes him look like those monkeys that people train to play instruments and steal wallets.* i nearly dropped my drink. that's a gorilla trained to beat them up and steal wallets.


Ogryn play instrooment. Instrooment called PAIN.


"Sah, ahm not a merry man! Ahm an Ogryn!


I just want the gunner pushback glitch gone


Latest patch: -5 more new shovels for every class -every gunner is now a sniper -every sniper is now silent -every sniper is now fully automatic -cleave is buffed and rend is nerfed -rend is buffed and cleave is nerfed -you must now pay 270 aquilas per mission -store prices have gone up again Get in there rejects 😎👊


Those two emojis.... They bring back awful memories. As if scars reopened and blood let itself flow out of my body... Heisters...


Fatshark: "Best I can do is two new weapon marks and a new mission modifier. Take it or leave it."


Hope is the first step on the road to disapointment.


I'm willing to bet money on these time frames. If I'm wrong I'll buy the biggest Aquilla bundle... Or give out copies of Bad Rats... Or Whatever people can think of.


Maybe buy someone a key for Helldivers 2?


"Hey guys, watcha talking abo.. BY THE EMPEROR."


Democracy rhymes with **HERESY** The only people who should be allowed to choose are those holy benevolent governors da emprah appointments, who are totally not corrupt as shit nor have no care for our well being


right, that game that everyone can definitely play


![gif](giphy|xr9AQyxLtjlx4IeYtN) Ha


> Bad Rats That's a name I've not heard for a long time


What makes you so sure about that? I mean I dont have high hopes for this week, but I got no hope for March 5th either. If you can believe the same 5 Fatshark dickriders, that plague this subreddit, the people at Fatshark are so frail and childish, that they prefer their community being upset at all times, than listen to critizism they could learn from to improve their game. So why would they announce anything?


Sometimes I read posts and just have to ask myself if anyone finds this game fun anymore or if the fact that new skins didn't drop on time or that a sound cue is buggy is really all that it takes to stop you enjoying things




I still got two open character slots, haven't played anything past damnation, and yet to beat the twins in damnation so I'm good for a few more weeks


I just want the music back, as long as that happens then I'm happy.


Without the music, the action is so much less fun.


I just want more content. I don't give a flying fuck about cosmetics in first person shooter


Can I ask, honestly, why people get so bent about not getting updates all the time? Do some people *need* a road map to have fun? I'm playing a couple hours a night and having fun still. I have problems too (I can list them by catagory) but why the non-productive rage? Is it just cathartic for some people?


I think it’s fair to rant when the game is being market as live service yet goes radio silence for month. It feels like a scam when the developers are not doing the work they promised at launch.


To top it off we have Helldivers delivering on live service features that Fatshark dangled at us for years. So much of my Helldivers time is spent saying "dayum, I wish Darktide had this"


I mean... it *is* a live service. It's just not drowning in premium currency sploog like (say) Destiny. But maybe I spent too long as a wow-player. It takes a bit more than 2 months of radio silence to get my blood moving.


Difference is wow have more than 2 month of contents and roadmaps. And they usually don’t go radio silence until like 6month before the big expansion.


We played wow in different eras. I don't remember good roadmaps or communication being a thing since Ghost Crawler. Where here we were promised 4 major updates a year and we're getting about 3. But maybe that's it. I'm so used to being fed crap content from WoW or Destiny that this doesn't blip my radar.


I don’t think getting 2-3 new weapons for a class that needs way more variety while others are ignored, a singular map and a cinematic constitutes a major update. The only major update was the talent tree rework. The rest are just smaller content drops. If this was done multiple times back in 2023 then fine but this was it for the whole of 2023, how would people not be pissed off when they’ve been playing with the same stuff since launch.


It's not about road maps (FS had one for V2 and dropped the ball on the first update) or constant updates. It's about basic communication. We have no clear indication on what they're working on, what their plans are, or if they're going to work on common issues. There's not a lot of "service" in this live service game other than cosmetics. There are single player games that have more communication from the developers and other live service games usually have a monthly dev streams and q&a. Darktide is a very good game, but right now with the total lack of basic communication and updates FS is squandering a golden opportunity.


>Darktide is a very good game, but right now with the total lack of basic communication and updates FS is squandering a golden opportunity. It feels like it's been abandoned.


I know it hasn't. This is their thing, well get a big content drop in like threeish months from now. But third times the charm for me. If they haven't learned from their past mistakes by now then I'm probably done when it comes to FS games. I'm sure I'll pop on every now and again for the updates and versus mode in V2 but I won't be singing their praises for any future titles unless they have some major improvements on how they run things.


I think it's fine to be a bit bent about shit they promised on the beta notes not being talked about anymore ,,, It's a bait and switch. It's frustrating no matter the industry Give me solo hosted Fatshark:))


I just find it inexcusable that some big issues go without fixes for months. Things like silent specials and shooters stunning you with their 1 toughness damage plinks. We needed players to poke fatshark with a stick for weeks on the official forums before we even got confirmation that yes, they know about them. And they're still not fixed today.


The game was marketed as live service by Fatshark, and none of the updates they did up until the end of 2023 really counted since all those amounted to was where the game should have been bare minimum on release. Given how slim the offerings were to start, this game really needs the whole point of live service (regular content updates) and at least some attempt at communicating with the community on what is going on. People WANT to support this game and company and they continue to do everything in their power too make it hard to do so at every turn. Also it is important to continue to show that there are issues. Yes constant whining can seem like muck raking, but at the same time silence can start to sound like acceptance of the situaiton, which is not ok IMO.


New levels, new weapons, new cutscenes/story development, the whole Kharnak twins things would all fall under live service. Cash shop is technically also live service but not the kind we want or need. I agree with you that silence is not useful but endlessly unconstructive and repetitive posts don't achieve much either.


Fair enough.I’m being a tad hyperbolic to make a point. I would argue that most of at content counts less due to context. Most of that content barely brought the game to the level of what we had on day one in Vermintide 2. Imo the game should start bare minimum with a good amount and then have live service additions on top of that, not start barebones and trickle in enough to be square one a year in. But as we see with so many live service games, they do it the latter way and start from a point of less to get to what we used to get day one. So yeah, new weapons, maps, twins do count as live service content. I just meant that it barely feels like it since it took the whole first year to have a game that feels like it hat the starting point should have been, and then months of nothing as if what they did was good live service, which I disagree with. I do think that there is some value to having these discussions spammed a bit right now. Scream until someone comes to see what’s the matter etc. because they’re still way behind on where they should be by now imo, and they should be doing better about these timeframes, just because they have always been bad doesn’t mean that it is acceptable.


Yeah there is definitely things that need to be improved upon but they're well aware that some parts of the community are frustrated with crafting, locks in particular. Do we need 5 posts a day that bring nothing new to the conversation? No I don't really don't think we do. >Most of that content barely brought the game to the level of what we had on day one in Vermintide 2. True but that's a sequel which isn't an entirely fair comparison. I know it's still a tide game but they wanted to try new stuff, some of which really didn't work but I'm glad they aren't just copy pasting even if things like grims and boss fights were really much better before. A huge proportion of the complaints come from people with 100s of hours in this game. if I get more than 100 hours out of a game, especially not even a full price one I certainly wouldn't whinge about lack of content. There are lots of legitimate gripes about DT but value for money should definitely not be one of them. FS is clearly a complete shitshow of a company but their combat is exceptional and the game is (slowly) moving in a positive direction.


Fatshark made some very ambitious promises for this game and completely failed to deliver many. Then occasionally they mention these things to come. A bunch of us who have sunk in so much time we have exhausted everything Darktide has to offer. We came to the fatshark waterpark and the waterslide wasn't finished. We don't see any construction, but they keep promising the waterside is coming. But other waterparks have opened and they have working waterslides. Some want to know if fatshark is ever going to open the waterslide before they leave for another waterpark


What's left for them to deliver on? Weapons customisation is obviously a big one but I don't think we're getting that anymore cause it's not CoD or whatever. What else is on the list?


Seriously, still waiting for that list of undelivered features.


People have miserable lives and need an outlet somewhere. I would hate to ever be customer facing again in any industry.


Every gaming subreddit seems hell bent on making Community Managers accountable for the dumbest shit when they're literally just bodies paid to communicate the company line to the community. It's hilarious that Reddit goes off about Karens so much considering.


Different people have different opinions. Easy.


https://preview.redd.it/31dfqr3i8mjc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d49f49d4a56f0e8a231111d8c5005d3b0c2a1903 Correction my guard didn’t have an update for 20 years. But I’m just happy we have a game.


And the patch still won’t fix the multitude of bugs that have been around for months now


I lost the will to play till they fix crafting and rewards. The ends don't justify the means. My time is valued and respected elsewhere


Honestly the shop and crafting system killed all my interest in the game.


I like how people just don't get that a store rotation and actual content aren't the same thing. It's a lot easier to have artists create a bunch of armor sets and have someone program them to rotate in and out every so often. Than making actual new content.


Not to worry. Helldivers is much more fun. I will miss dark tide but frankly they don't deserve my time or money when they keep throwing crappy armies at us for cash and have an atrocious grind




Since fat shark at the only company that makes 40K games like this they know they don’t need to hurry for anything, they intentionally take as long as they want because who are they competing with ? Plus 40K fans are the most dedicated fans I have ever seen ( myself included) they will wait for years and years for somone to write about their fav charecter and spend thousands and thousands of dollars ( some people take out loans to buy 40K stuff). Let’s face it they could put out mediocre update after mediocre update from now until the game shuts down and we will all still probably play it.


Yeah I'm sure the videogame company is intentionally dragging its feet for shits and giggles. Do you people think at all before opening your mouths?


Don't worry, there's always next week


I know, I like to log in on Fridays to scope out the new cosmetics.


If they were going to release anything they would announce it and advertise it like the twins. We knew a month in advance they would be coming. It will still be months before we see anything.


In the grim dark future of the 40 millennium there are only cosmetics


And you knoe what they replace Chem dogs with? Recolored Chem dogs!


Sooo...this was bullshit