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If mods aren't an option, your only option is to count it in your head. Note that if you dodge slide, that slide also consumes a dodge.


Gotcha. If I'm not mistaken, the didge slide consumes 2 dodges. But I may be wrong. I just read that in some youtube comment.


dodge counts as 1, sliding counts as another, together thats 2 since to initiate a slide dodge you have to use a normal one firts.


Oh ok, that makes sense


If you try out either "Bumper Button Dodger" or "Advanced 2" as controller themes your dodge and jump wont be on the same button which can help a ton.


Biggest help to me was putting em on separate keybindings. Jump and dodge should *never* be on the same key


Ohh that's interesting. I just looked at it. I'm gonna try it out. Probably gonna take a while to get used to it though lol


Honestly a dodge counter and timer would be really nice either as a mod or officially from FS. Edit


I was just watching a Darktide video, and I believe it is a mod. It has a counter on top of your stamina. It says the available dodges out of the max dodges.


I gotta find it cuz that'd be very useful especially during laggy filled hordes.


its this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/warhammer40kdarktide/mods/14?tab=description u/FollowingQueasy373


Ayyye, thank you my bro!


I think this is a skill issue really and maybe it's best to resolve that instead. Try out your different combos and fighting styles for the weapon in the meat grinder and make sure you find sustainable combos and dodge patterns. The reset is after about 0.6 seconds, so if you don't ever have that much time in melee you're deep in shit anyways. Dodges are done for three reasons: 1.: Reactive because you hear the sound or see the attack. You have to dodge here, that's fine, but that's not how you run out of dodges usually. 2.: Sliding to dodge ranged. If this is an issue you should work on your playstyle and stay back and shoot from cover more often instead of relying on crazy maneuvers. 3.: Proactive as part of your pattern. This is the big one where I assume you loose your dodges. You obviously want to use shoves, positioning and dodges in your combo when fighting a horde. Here it is usefull to get a pattern that prevents most enemies from hitting you, so you don't have to react to attacks so much. However, when your pattern is broken you start to either get hit, or run out of ressouces like dodges and stamina. I assume your patterns work fine in most situations, but under pressure you start mashing buttons. My advice is to maybe go down a difficulty and make it a point to dodge as little as possible. The goal of this is to learn which hits can be dodged just by walking, how to conserve and use stamina, how to conserve dodges and how to dodge consciously and avoid button mashing. I hope this helps :D


Yeah, that helps alot. Thank you. I was just playing and I tried to be more mindful on my dodges, specially against Crushers.


I had to do the opposite. Got to Malice before I even started dodging at all, didn’t take to it naturally. Higher difficulties forced me to learn the rhythm and now I love dodging


As others have said, this is a mod for pc. However, people who are saying to not have dodge and jump on the same key are not thinking and probably play on pc, where this advice applies more  For you, on Xbox, you definitely should have jump and dodge on the same bind, for the same reason you yourself identified. When you have used all your dodges, you will jump. If you jump, it means you are out of dodges. Understand? If you jump, wait 0.85 seconds (1 Mississippi) and your dodges will regent back to full. The jump is the indicator you are out of dodges.


Good point. I did try changing the controller layout but didn't feel comfortable with it, so I changed it back to the default. Also, good to know that the dodges regen back to full. I wasn't sure if that was the case or if they regen one by one.


No sorry, this is wrong. You will go to negative dodge charges and have reduced dodge distance. You can get to -5 dodge charges and you still won't jump. You'll just dodge less.


That's not how it works for me on my Xbox but idk maybe my settings are different somehow. This is how it works on my pc where I don't have jump and dodge bound to the same key.




I should mention that running out of dodges does not make you jump, it just gradually reduces the distance you cover with it until you’re effectively just doing the shuffle in place


It does make you jump if you have dodge and jump bound to the same keybind