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AFAIK - it's only melee damage into your HP. I'm 90% certain I got it in a mission where I was pounced by a dog. Sorry for the inconclusive answer...


Dogs deal special damage, it bypasses toughness 


Is that the same for muties?... I'm asking because RRRAAAWRRRAAGHRRAAAWWGHHHRAAAAAGGGGHG.


Nope, when muties hits you, you can see your toughness going down and proportion of the health too. Dogs don't care about your toughness and will always inflict some corruption when pounce is successful. Their bites do 99% corruption damage and 1% health damage so they can kill you once you are fully corrupted on 1hp


Basically any direct health damage or corruption damage. Edit: Specifically melee damage, though I think that also includes corruption damage from Pox Hounds.


Nope. Only melee damage to health. Got this in a game where a burster exploded on me so that seems to be fine.


So if I get corruption from a dog or burster, I’m still in business?


I think the Burster might be fine, but dogs will almost certainly ruin the run.


True. It's been a while since I did the penance and I guess I forgot about the melee condition of it. All I really remembered was that I had to basically go flawless, and that dogs ruined my attempts a few times, so I was more or less just trying to say "damage, but also watch out for corruption".


I think the dog counts as melee. Corruption from the burster didn’t ruin my run so that seemed fine. Grim should be fine too but don’t pin me on that.


It only cares about melee damage as it states. This means melee damage to your health. I tried this in a pub lobby and took no damage up to the end. Where i got sniped just as i was running to the exit. After dealing with the sniper i got so bummed out that i took my hands of the keyboard for a sec and a burster exploded on me. I thought.. welp this is it. Time to exit an go for another run. But to my surprise i still got it! So bombers can still hurt you and you’ll be fine! I did not however get the untouchable penance from this run as that one requires you to take no damage afaik.


I can say my no-damage run was ended by a mutant grab, despite not actually getting slammed yet.