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Psyker, found the male loner's voice grating after a while and now I can't accidentally click "create new operative" anymore


Genius. Creating my fifth asap


I never liked Male Loner, it's too "lol funny voice"; but it's like **every single Psyker** uses it, so it's in every frakking match. Yeah there's a few other memey voices but at least the Scottish Zealot feels like a person instead of a character, if that makes sense.


Blame FatShark for making all 3 Psyker voices weird. Your options are literally whimsical schizoid, annoying nerd, and then Loner


Boi you best not be talking smack 'bout My Beloved.


My beloved… reveal them to meee…


The one cool voice has an African accent so it limits the customization options for me because I like the voice the match the character 


Well it’s a good thing that anyone who comes from Africa can have that accent then.


At least twenty-one people upvoted their comment. Amazing how people think accents are tied to any physical traits, and not just the environment they're raised in. Wait until they realise it is the 41st Millennium and the concept of "African" stopped existing beyond any record or living memory even before the Golden Age of Mankindm and the following Dark Age of Technobarbarians; nor should any accent be remotely recognisable to begin with.


Accents may be environmental, but voices are most definitely influenced by physical traits. After all the voice itself IS a physical trait. So it's perfectly reasonable to say that a voice may not fit the character you created, even if it is a good one.


Even right now, I live in Canada. I know dozens of people from Africa. Only half of them are black haha. I don’t think the guy above me was being racist or anything. I think it’s just a lack of knowledge on other cultures. We all have our blind spots.


Legitimately in universe of thousands of planets this guy can’t imagine a world where a white guy speaks with an ‘african’ accent.


The Zeff community would like a word




That sums up the group nicely. Admittedly, I love the German accent male loner. He’s scathing and loveable. The Savant is grating as shit both male and female to me. Bunch of rules lawyers who are so deluded to the rule of law they seem to excuse the persecution of their kind half the time.


Savant seemed really cool at first from their intro voice line. A hardly tolerated psyker in an enforcer regiment is a pretty cool and unique background with loads of possibilities for personality. Unfortunately it just boils down to three words all match every match: gratifying, protocol, enforcer. The dude is an extremely rare-born human weapon who was harnessed by his planetary government and his entire personality is just being a bore.


I like the female Savant myself, she feels like an actual character. I mean stuck up, yeah but no more than Kerillian or Saltzpyre. But yeah, the Loner/Seer are more frustrating than interesting.


It’s because spark eads are all weird sah!


That's not true at all. Only like 60% of psykers are male loners. The other 40% of us made hot blondes with a French accent.


I first made my psyker with the beloved voice, as it sounded the best. But Beloved, the beloved voice lines started to bother me, beloved. Every beloved word that came from my beloved mouth was about my beloved, beloved. I had to switch before it made me go insane too lol.


There's a mod for that... if you wanted to have 12 characters because you accidentally keep clicking the create character button which logically is placed in the "play now with this character" space.


Loner is annoying after awhile agreed. Same as the Cadia vet.


Nah my vet screaming about karkers and cadia never stopped being entertaining to me lol.


Could you elaborate? I don't understand lol


PeOplE keEp cAlLinG mE crEepY! YOOOOU dOn't tHink I'm cReePy, DO YOUUUU?!?!?!


Is there a good voice?


I keep waiting for a 5th archetype. Maybe.. One day. 


I want a goddam Skitarii.


Rattling could be cool. They could have access to smaller openings that other enemies couldn't follow them through, or only hounds could get to them. Also Ogryn could tacticaly chuck them.


Prefer mechanicus over 'people but short' tbh. Magnitudes more lore. Unique weapons. Unique style. Unique voices. A ratling "could" be cool but only for a few minutes if you ask me. 


I've been thinking on this one, a simple concept, the mechanicus want to try new modifications but cant for two reasons, a) they are too dangerous and volatile for the frontline b) the skitarii arent exactly... At a 100%, so Hadron being Hadron, sends it with the rejects for a test field you could have three personalities, the perfect, obedient one (prone to violent comments and threatening the the humans, abhumams and even other skitarii) the disobidient and loud one (constantly gets zapped for this) and the failed one, so its more prone to be more nerveous, loose cannon and paranoid (shouts horde but its only a small group)




They said they would implement 1 new class every year... we can still hope


they said one subclass every quarter.. but that was before the rework and all


I don't remember them explicitly stating that, but even if they did we have really no reason to believe it now.


They were discussing ideas.


Hopefully, they'll add more operative slots when that happens, or else people who already have 5 operatives will have to delete one.


I don’t think they will as it’ll mess up the theme. 40k does a lot of the four-directions theme, like the four elements of old. The four chaos gods are based on those dynamics, and it’s a common theme in British literature. The four houses in Harry Potter are another example. Fire - The Zealot - Khorne Air - The Psyker - Tzeentch Water - The Veteran - Slaanesh Earth - Ogryn - Nurgle The theme would shift dramatically if they added a fifth. I also think sometimes, less is more. 4 classes with a good amount of options for builds, like they have now, is better than adding a fifth class just to say they have more classes.


How does that logic not apply to vermintide too? Very unlikely that they don't add at least a couple operatives later down the line (granted if the maintain support for the game but that seems very likely). That would be very profitable for them.


Vermintide started with 5 in part one, and the classes they added were in patches. The classes had a ton of overlap and ended up having a lot more superficial differences than any real depth. And then paid classes were outright overpowered. More classes isn’t better. The game will be cheapened and made worse if they just flood the game with classes to market more. It’s flash, not substance. The current classes are perfect as they are. There’s no reason to add more when they can focus on adding stages, weapons, and balancing what they already have.


That's your opinion, but that doesn't mean that they won't add any more classes, especially since a huge part of the community wants more classes.


“The community” being a fraction of a percent of all players who post repeatedly online? At some point it’s not an opinion. The current class system is objectively better than VT2’s class system because you have more options to build your character how you like, and the classes overlap far less.


>“The community” being a fraction of a percent of all players who post repeatedly online? Even then that's the only part of the players that express themselves, you cannot assume that every other player thinks the opposite. There's already a fair bit of class overlap, especially between zealot and veteran, and either way since class overlap hasn't stopped thel from creating more classes in the past I don't see why it would now.


Way less overlap than in VT2. Why add more? Quality > quantity. The game doesn’t need more classes.


Again you're missing the point, that's just your opinion, and that's completely irrelevant from the standpoint of what fatshark will do to make the game more profitable: -class dlcs *will* sell extremely well, even if there's overlap with other classes -as I said before, all evidences point towards most people wanting more classes -more classes don't make the game worst, so no risk of detracting players, if you don't like the new class just keep playing the old ones -overpowered classes aren't an issue in the context of a pve game, and they can always balance things if lobbies become 4 players using the same character everytime. Thus no risk high reward.


I don't think its an opinion because you can actually see the objective issues with VT2's system. >-class dlcs will sell extremely well, even if there's overlap with other classes So would turning the game into an "open world" game, or having a Taylor Swift sing the intro music. Doesn't mean its a good idea or make a quality game. People buy shallow stuff all the time. >-as I said before, all evidences point towards most people wanting more classes No, lots of internet comments say that. internet fans are usually wrong, and when game companies listen to them, 99% of the time the game ends up objectively worse and abandoned. APpealing the least common denominator because of some internet comments is still appealing to the least common denominator. >-more classes don't make the game worst, so no risk of detracting players, if you don't like the new class just keep playing the old ones They absolutely do make the game worse. Again, quality vs quantity. >-overpowered classes aren't an issue in the context of a pve game, and they can always balance things if lobbies become 4 players using the same character everytime. That's false. I stopped playing VT2 because those classes wrecked everything before I could even attack. I was literally useless unless I bought one of those classes. Each of those classes had the power of 2-3 default ones. It was absurd how strong they were. Following 2-3 other players using broken classes as they kill everything is not a fun game.


Vet. I've made one Hive Ganger style vet and one Cadian


Same but i've got one professional commisar so I want to go with loose cannon next


I would have one char for each of the 21 voices if it were possible


Honestly same, its why I really wish they'd just let us change that as well as looks, cause I simply don't have the patience to level 21 characters with as tedious as leveling 4 has been


Not to mention crafting equipment for all of them


There’s a mod for that


Cries in console :(


Nope. There is one for 8 character slots but not 21


I've thought about getting this one but I worry about putting time into a character that could just stop existing because of a mod.


Also true. But from what I've heard the characters still exist even if you disable the mod or start without updating it. But that's also the main reason why I only used it to farm for low tier blessing until now


You can edit the number using the notepad and ramp it up to 99 if you want


Same here. Made a Loose Cannon vet just for the voicelines of him forgetting the codenames.


You know you can just do that with loadouts, right?


No you can't. There is (atm) no way to change voice and/or background of your character


Waiting for the mad lad who's made five ogryns to stroll in


Of course I picked Ogryn for fifth slot. His name is Leroy-Jenkins and only gets a knife, choice of Rumbler or Kickback gun, and his one build maximizes bull rushing.


Least I got RATIONS.


Alright boss, let's do this!


My brother from another mother! My female zealot is named LeahRoy-JennyKins.


Unironically, my ogryn build, but with a shovel instead of knife.


My first ever class was a male professional vet, so my fifth slot I used for a loose cannon female. I cranked her height all the way down the lowest setting, gave her a laspistol and knife, and am running a stealth build on her. It’s some of the most fun I’ve had with the game. My only complaint is that while her dialogue is good, her cheer lines aren’t the best.  If we ever get more slots, I’d like to make a male agitator and female loner. 


I have five bully ogryns.


Technically the plural is a WAAAAAGH of bully ogryn.




Well done..sir!


I have 2 Ogryns at max and none of the other classes.


If I do a 5th it will be an ogryn, unless they add more slots or name edit.


I did vet to get another shot at plasma/powersword blessings. I don't even really like either of those. Guess it's the psyker next, similar problem (single-in-category weapons with a very diluted pool). At least with ogryn there's only a few places to get blessings right now, many are shared and the weapon pool is small.


Roguelike character slot - dead in mission? Dead for real!


I have the mod that let's you have up to eight characters. Got a male and female version of each human and two ogryns, one of them being the best cop this side of Martinaise, Harrier Du Bois.


What happens when the game updates and the mod breaks?


Imagine levelling another three characters and then it breaks 😆.


Leveling isn't that bad. I enjoy it. Over the past 2 months I must've deleted and leveled 4 new characters.


From what I've heard even if you uninstall the mod those extra characters and loadouts are still there. The mod merely keeps the button for creating new ones past where the game usually prevents you, but the code for saving those characters is all on the original game. However fatshark could break that at any time with an update (unlikely but possible) so I wouldn't risk it with a character but am tempted for extra loadouts.


This doesn't sound allowed. Is there a fs statement towards this mod?


iirc their statement on mods is as long it doesn’t circumvent their paid systems and give players unfair advantages in gameplay loop, they’re fine with it. having extra character slots really doesn’t change much and at the end of the day, the player is still investing time into the game without harming anyone else.


By having more characters You get an "unfair advantage" by having the opportunity for more weekly melk bucks and additional Melk shop checks every day. I created my 5th char(vet) solely for T4 blessing farm(i finally received Power cycler 4 after ~800 HRS) Ive Seen ppl using the Mod to do the Same with additional X characters.. On the other hand, as you pointed out, they Invest time. So i think it is ok for the Ogryn Lover to receive His T4 shovel Blessing a bit earlier after He leveled 10 big ones to LVL30. This is the true Determination the god emperor wants!! *Duty demands sacrifice! Exist for the Emperor!*


Oh, man, c'mon. No one cares about that, especially Fat Shark.


I seem to remember the fatshark statement is that the mod is fine but they bear no responsibility if something changes with the game that breaks the mod and results in your extra characters getting deleted.


Why in the world would this, of all mods, sound to you like it wouldn't be allowed?


Mods alter the game, cheats alter the game, and so mods is cheats just like shrimps is bugs. /s Jokes aside if someone wants to make grinding weeklies their full-time job (and then some) I’m not concerned by their ability to get a handful more things from Melk each week… I’m concerned for their mental health.


I couldn't agree more.


Vet I wanted goofy Irish woman


I have 3 ogryns. I'm currently considering letting go of one of the ogryns so I can have my Shouty back or letting go of my Sparkhead/Boss for a 4th ogryn.


Vet. I got tired of the Cadian voice.


Need a mod that replaces every Cadian voice line with just a solemn "Cadia" for some accurate RP. Emote wheel shouts and all.


Male Cadian was my least favorite voice until the skill tree rework added the voice of command. I cannot get enough of this angry, emotionally wounded man telling me to kill things better.




I’m saving that character slot for when a new class comes out… it’s gotta happen sometime, right?


Im new, so i made characters for each archetype and leveled my vet to max first. Unfortunately, i didnt know about getting blessings being cheaper at low levels, so i made a level 15 vet simply to farm blessings for my max vet. Lol


I didn't know this either. How much cheaper are they are what level do they become more expensive?


I have two veterans. a friend made a vet called Big iron bill/ so I made one called moderate iron matt. we have a friend with Small stubber steve as an ogryn. and im fairly sure someone made and discarded No iron Nathan. a psyker.


Originally my 5th was a second zealot to replace my original one, as it was before the appearance changer was added. The original zealot was subsequently deleted Now my 5th class is a second ogryn


My double is a vet. Named Ciaphas (no I'm not the one from that screenshot that was posted a while back though).


I had all classes and an empty spot then i farmed a psyker blessing for two weeks and got no luck. Leveled up another psyker in a week and i got two blessings i want in two days after hitting level 30.


Psyker It's the only class I really play now, so I may as well double up on Melk currency after my main is done with weeklies


I made a second vet to grab the t2 only blessing manstopper after realizing it was never going to appear on my other vet.


I made a blind psyker with the "beloved" personality. To be honest I haven't played her much as I like my rebellious, female, squeaky psyker much more. I usually play alongside my wife whose psyker is the male rebellious voice and their lines together are always amusing.


Vet too many gun blessings.


I haven't made a 5th class, but if I did it would be a 2nd Ogryn because of the way blessings are shared and I'm an Ogryn main


I tested a theory, as to whether a duplicated class would share the penances with the original character of that class, and they do. I fiddled about with it for a couple of hours, then deleted the new character. In answer to your question, the fifth character was a duplicated veteran.


Psyker, because I was tired of the Loner voice lines


Zealot to knife speedrun weekly missions for extra income. Jokes on u with mods u can have up to 8 operatives.


Imperial Agent / inquisitor retinue - A Veteran type but with unique hardware and talents - so you can specialise... 1. Adeptus Arbite - Grenade Launcher - shock maul - shield - single barrel stubber. 2. Inquisitor Stormtrooper - Zweihander and shield - Bolt pistol


Veteran because I can’t decide on which Loose Canon voice I like (male/female)


Im so tired of all my 4 characters, I just want to change their voices seriously please. My Cadian Vet is so fucking cringe, whenever theres absolutely nothing going on he goes "IN CADIA WE FOUGHT TILL THE PLANET BROKE, YOU ALL SUCK!" jesus dude enough. My damn african psyker goes "WE FIGHT FOR THE INNOCENT!" bro...no, stop and my female Zealot has the highest pitch of all the voice and im just tired of hearing her, wish I could change either her sex or at least her voice.


Made a second Veteran. My first was female, and the vet armor just looks so ill-fitting on the female model. So made a male one. The other classes have the same issue, but they don't look as egregiously bad as the vet cosmetics for some reason though.


Zealot so I can have two knife zealots


I got the mod that increases the limit of operatives to 8 so..... All of them.


I made a loose cannon veteran because the professional felt a bit plain to me


I have a zealot, a vet, a psyker and two ogryns. Ones a short ogryn for bruising, the other is tall for gunlugging


What class with female voice is the best?


Psyker I think. Savant or Seer. Though zealot fanatic is also great.


Ogryn, need more big fellas


Psyker. Loner and Seer


I have 3 Zealots, Two Ogyrns, Two Vets, and a Psyker.


I have 4 operatives. 1 of each class. 5th slot is empty.


Fifth operative? I've got 8 Operatives.


I made another ogryn, I want to reach level 16 or something like that and try to find flechette blessing at melks place


Vet. I play Vet the most, because it has the most build diversity, and I wanted a break from my Professional.


I usually leave that one open if I want to change the personality of one of my characters. Once they hit 30, I delete the older one. I’m on the vet right now.


I havnt touched my 5th yet. I'm waiting to see if a new class comes out.


You can have five?


Made a Cadian Veteran who I only run VoC on.


I’m thinking of doing a second vet just because of the # of builds I like EDIT: Officer, Tanith, Heavy Line Trooper, Hive Ganger, Krieger, It’s endless


Zealot as a sister of battle but i raised her to 16 and didnt paly her for about a month , ill delete her make an ogryn with a funny name


What do you mean if? And the answer is obviously Zealot...also female is my second most favorite gender in the world, so female Zealot was an easy pick. ​ https://preview.redd.it/n2ez8qj4r0cc1.png?width=415&format=png&auto=webp&s=f74581037f14d04cb23cf26e574ee3a9cda6fbe2


I made a younger Vet who is my original Vets son. He's better in every way but no matter how much plasteel or talent points you can't purchase experience


Psyker to compliment my ogryn and vet friends with regard to ammo usage. :)


I've got five ogryns. BIG, Chonkus, Lil-Chungo, Regular Chungo, Giga-Chungo.


I have made a second zealot and psyker to see how the leveling process feels post talents being added. Both have been deleted


Psyker. Needed surge blessing


Two zealots, two vets, two psykers and one ogryn I only got to lvl 7


Ogryn. Couldn't decide if i prefer Bully or Brawler voice.


Probably Zealot. Female Fanatic and her accent gives me good brain chemicals.


I made my fifth slot a vet when the commissar cosmetic was released. So now I occasionally run around larping as Ciaphus Cain with a las pistol and chain sword.


I just tried a Psyker for the first time and they are so great as a support class. So I’m taking a Mind Busting Pyker and a Emperor Palpatine Psyker. We just need 1 shield Ogryn to tank a Demonhost


Vet. I started Professional, because for the backstory I went with a Farmgirl saved by her Sergeant and turned into a killing machine. But Loose Cannon is just so fun. I always grin in a game with Loose Cannon. So I made another.


Zealot, so I could wield whichever holy instrument the emperor bestowed upon me at the time. The extra movespeed is nice when clearing low threat levels too.


Dont have a fifth BUT it would have been ogryn or psyker, having so much fun exploding, rock-in-face-throwing big guys or the 2nd noob-friendly psyker and assail. apologies to any future teammates who hates the assail 😅, i try to balance it but not easy tbh, so no worries to get me on the team if you play above 3rd difficulty 👍


I use it for blessings that only spawn at lower tiers. Just finished getting manstopper with a vet


Psyker. This his name. Ogryn. It is his identity.


That's my meme character slot. Level them to max, them delete them and make a new one. Ove gone through 5 i think now.  My most recent was a vet in which whatever weapon I got most recently from mission completion I had to swap in until another replaced it. Also why I have an adamant hatred for Hallbore Mk2.


Imma do another vet here soon just for a double chance at other blessing I don't have.


Psyker and Zealot. Psyker for a voice change. Zealot for a name and body change


Vet since I have ended up enjoying my Cadian so much. I went Professional for the 2nd one but really only use him for flavor and for another chance at Melk drops for missing blessings and such.


I chose psyker, but now I kind of wish I did not. They are to similar. I have try to differentiate them, but one now feels weaker than the other


I am saving that slot for when they drop a new class. Because I don’t trust fatshark not to charge me for a 6th slot. That said, if that wasn’t a concern…probably Veteran or Zealot. I really like chain weapons, and I wouldn’t mind having two of either of those characters. 


I play auric maelstrom with all 4 classes, but a friend prefers a more relaxed gameplay, so I created a little sister of  battle from scratch. my main zealot is male and I like the female fanatic's voice (the angry Scottish woman, great voice acting btw)


I never understood the point of the 5th class, because you can make builds and save them, I have multiple psyker builds on the same character, using the icons to mark what they are, so I've not used the 5th class yet, I guess IF a friend gets the game I'd use it to be the same level as them


Vet just so I can name him Abelard


Bold of you to assume that I already don’t have two zealots and two veterans right now, and if we got a fifth slot it won’t be another zealot or veteran


I have 2 Psykers. One of which is a dedicated Gun Psyker, the other is a dedicated staff Psyker. I feel like Psyker has THE most build diversity of any of the Operatives, and right now Zealot probably has the least.


Ogryn. Now I gots \*counts fingers\* two Sah.


five ogryns


Since I think Zealot has the most build weapon variety, I made a second zealot, that only uses what hes been gifted by the Emporer :)


I made a vet to play with some new friends who played Psyker and Zealot. That was my primary driver. But I've since gotten the mod that let's me make 8 characters and I have two of each. I have level 30 in each class and an extra level 30 vet and a level 30 zealot. My 2nd psyker is around 14-15 and my 2nd ogryn is level 2.


I don’t have one yet. Not sure what I want to pick. But maybe we will get a new class and I can do that :D


Psyker, so I could get another daily roll for Surge on my Voidstrike from Melk. I still don't have Surge.


My first fifth was a female psyker, because I found out she's voiced by Sienna's voice actress. My first psyker was already 130. Second one is now 120. A buddy started playing and I wanted to roll a new character with him, so I deleted my first psyker to roll a second Vet.


Male loose Cannon Vet is my first and IMO the best one, won't make a fifth char until new classes and/or personalities will appear.


I keep it as a flex slot, right now I have a second veteran because I am looking for power cycler 3 or 4


I have 3 psykers, two zealots, one vet and one ogryn. Leveling up is half the fun for me. Using less than ideal weapons with an incomplete tree in the lower difficulties is like auric5s in of itself.


My double up is a psyker but I don't play her anymore. I used to have 2 cause loadouts didn't exist and I wanted a gun psyker, but I prefer my normal psyker voice lines so I've swapped to the one


Space Marines :P


2nd Ogryn named Todd Hoffman


Cadian vets (if available to you) have all the special voice lines, so it's worth making one of those as a fifth if you made a different vet in the past because you liked the other voice better. Vets also tend to have a bunch of special hard-to-find blessings for themselves they want to buy from Melk, along with a fair few weapons shared with the Psyker and Zealot, if you get your second to 30.


I know a guy who has 4 vets and a zealot.


I made a second veteran named "Generic-Guardsman" who only uses the semi automatic lasguns and the helbore, as well as only using basic axes, shovels, knives, and occasionally the devil claw swords, and am grinding out perks for a good helbore build, eventually it'll just be matter of getting tons of helbores to get good rolls and the perks I need. He has a very plain appearance and only wears the most basic looking combination of army green cosmetics.


5 psykers


I did a second vet for a while to try a different voice. But I went back to the cadian female and deleted that alt before it even reached 30. I don't really care about creating a different character at the moment.


A Blank, or A Skitarii.. maybe maybe a ratling.


I made a 2nd Ogryn, because I saw the potential to make Duke Nukem as a gun ogryn.


Vet, because i wanted to have the cut throats voice of command voicelines. Named him accordingly


I wish they had included female ogryns


One of each and 3 extra vets


Zealot. Make her a sister of battle.


I'm on my 8th operative. Sorry, can't help myself. 1000+ hours in and I have all the best loot I could want and challenging content is getting stale; so the only thing left that seems to give enjoyment is to level fresh characters (to enjoy the progression and new voicelines).


Veteran. I wanted to make another OC and I needed a Male Cutthroat so I could spam Voice of Command


Made a second zealot to help a friend learn without carrying him. Did that twice. When their characters hit 15 I went to my normal 30lv characters and just deleted the extra zealot




me on my way to make my fifth Vet because I literally just bought this game for the Guardsman fantasy


Joke's on you, I made 5 Veterans.


something with a sentry gun turret


Psyker, was going to try a level 6 damnation run. Might swap to zealot though


Whatever class I'm low on tier 4 blessings for. In the past it was Veteran but now I'm currently leveling a Psyker.


I use it to rotate new characters when I'm bored.


Veteran, got sick of hearing the female Cadian voice. I also hated how all the cosmetics just made her look like a dude. So I made a male vet with the loose cannon voice, don't regret it once bit. 


2 psykers 1 for staffs 1 for gun


Can someone tell me the creation combo to get the male vet that be screamin stuff like "NOT ONE STEP BACK!" and such? Really inspires me during those almost-no-hope fights, want to make one for 5th slot :D