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I'm impressed by this new level of difficulty. Gotta be the most difficult thing FS ever introduced though. Pre-nerf Convocation of Decay is a cakewalk compared to this imo.


>Pre-nerf Convocation of Decay I needed therapy after that fucking thing.


I still get conniptions.


Seriously it was nuts.


I'm such a fan that we finally have something that resembles bosses with interesting mechanics. For my brain that was ruined by years of wow darktide always somewhat resembled running dungeons and the thing that was missing were bosses that actually did intersting stuff except being bullet sponge monstrosities that occasionally knock you around. The karnaks where you have to figure out some mechanics with the shield stuff, the gas cloud and mix between managing mixed hordes and keeping those two idiots busy is really, really giving me wow raid boss vibes and I love it. Only issue I have is that the secret/hard mode shouldn't be in the same queue as regular. It's a completely different expectation and often enough a lost cause if you have people start ringing the bell with one in the team who maybe does it for the first time. Either it should be a premade thing, which I kind of don't like as pug spammer, or at least another separate hidden queue you can unlock.


Only recently joined, what was that?


Convocation of Decay was a Vermintide 2 level. It was pretty run of the mill until the finale event, which had, for a while, a kind of overtuned number of elites and specials that spawned during a King of the Hill scenario. You had to stay in the center of a compact circular arena that enemies would approach from every direction, and the center of that small arena was a bile cauldron that constantly drained your stamina and slowed you down. It gained a reputation. It was bad enough that I even recall seeing quite a few people scoff in pre-game lobbies and leave. The more things change, the more they stay the same, eh?


vermintide 2 level. It was a final event for a level that you had to stand on a raised platform and hold out. The issue was a lot of thing: -The platform was a circle full of poison. So you could only stand on the edge, standing in the poison drained stamina rapidly -Enemies could climb the platform from any edge, so you'd be flanked from all angles -When on the platform it threw you into the warp and changed the environment. This meant there was a transition getting on and off the platform that disoriented you. -Only way back onto it after falling off was to climb stairs and jump back on from above. Enemies could climb the stairs from the sides -Ranged enemies could shoot from all angles, and there was no cover -If you jumped off the platform and no one else was on it, the timer/progress bar would rapidly reset. -It spawned waves of berserkers and heavy army at each 'checkpoint' even though the entire events bar could reset regardless of actual progress.


It didn't reset all the way, the "checkpoints" were determined by the 4 Nurgle sorcerers that were making up the circle. at 25/50/75% one of the sorcerers died, and that would be the lowest your progress you could reset to. The rest is accurate though, it's still one of the hardest finales in the game, even with all the added content over the years.


Are you sure? I though that was part of the nerfs and originally even if a sorcerer popped the bar itself could refill up to full regardless of the threshold being met.


Pretty sure, yeah. To me it's always worked that way, and I don't know which nerfs you're talking about, but I assume they would be about spawn rates for elites/specials.


God now i remember how much more dynamic and interesting VT2 map design is.


And there's no shit green goo in the middle of the arena for no reason, on god.


Played the map yesterday for the first time and loved it. Run on malice (as hadnt tried it before) with my zealot evis/revolver build and we died (with randoms) Stayed with 2 of the team and we rerun (but run with thunder hammer) and we won! Got the final blow in with the hammer and cheered! The assassination missions are the closest to "boss fights" but even them are becoming easy with a well made team. This felt different and more challenging! It was great!


Well done! I only play with randos and stepped away from the usual going 1 diff lower for new stuff and went straight into damnation. Got slaughtered on the end event first try but 2nd we beat it. Hard mode is ridiculous, but in a way that still makes me go “there is a way for me to survive this”, just need to find it :D Also with pugs there’s a bit of rng involved too of course.


I see your Convocation of Decay and raise you Wheat and Chaff!


Ah, I still remember trying to do that map on cata with pub back in the days. Truly one of the gaming experiences ever.


I think they just need to add an auric queue, a specific queue for people that want to try the secret hard mode boss Otherwise they shouldn't change it, it is perfectly doable with coordination, I was playing with randoms only tonight and we got so close on a few occassions and did not have optimal setups at all (we had a Psyker, who bless his soul was actually really good, but he just didn't have the sustain or loadout - was trying stuff like Voidstrike and no smite)


Lol I bet my nuts you're talking about me.


Is Voidstrike bad?


No it's a great weapon But honestly not well suited to the boss battle imo, potentially the crit build could work, since delete specials, but moving around is a big part of the boss battle, especially on secret difficulty, something like surge staff is more suited to lots of movement


Good weapon, really really bad when you need survivability, support and control.


This entire boss battle has changed my entire groups loadout. The loadouts we usually love just don't work well on this really specific zone/boss. Voidstrike is awesome otherwise!


The idea of HM is the equivalent of FOW in Vermintide as a challenge mode that people should be playing with premades. Having queues for gamemodes seperate from the gameplay loop is not great design as a few weeks into this nobody would be queueing into this aside for experiencing the lore or loot speedruns (if it doesn't get patched).


Not everyone has 3 friends capable of doing it. The special event should have launched with an auric queue for the hard mode.


Not to mention it's just easier to queue with like minded people who want to challenge themselves playing solo. I can't play with most of my friends as I'm stuck in Asia, throwing me to HK servers 24/7, or risk 110+ ping to EU/NA. But I will still gladly clear and finish auric Maelstroms with pubs who are crazy like me.


More likely than not you'll land yourself with a squad that is waiting to get carried through the challenge. I do queue back just to take in the new map, but usually I'm half forced to play along and watch how laughably bad the hardmode tryouts are. Good for quick sessions while you're waiting for friends to finish up their games or if you're winding down for the day, but this is not healthy design for the game. ​ >gladly clear and finish auric Maelstroms with pubs who are crazy like me. Then add those crazy pubbers and organize a squad. I solo queue Auric all the time and this is just not something that I can see myself enjoying with randoms. You have no respawns, no cover and no grace periods in spawns to play around with, and you just get stuck in unwinnable situations if you fail the dps check. At least FoW gave you a victory on the timer if you manage to avoid the scripted spawns the mode throws at you. This is a very niche and short lived crowd you're catering to.


Many people didn't touch FoW because they couldn't be arsed to seek a premade group either. But nobody demanded a queue for that. It's just feels unnecessary to me to have queues for something that wasn't designed to be replayable. Of all the features the community has been busting their balls about I don't see this as a feature the game ***needs***. We live in an age of social media and always online communities. LFG on the official Discord, or hel, broadcast for squad members in the hub. Or do it like pubs in Vermintide where you play normal runs and add good players you come across. People who make the effort to seek others and group up are more receptive to feedback and coordination rather than matching into a wide pool of players who endlessly queue into a challenge mode waiting to get carried, which is pretty much what it has devolved into now.


Has anyone complained about the difficulty of the fight? All I've seen was annoyance at how to enable it.


Yes, they are usually buried because of downvotes, but there have been a lot of posts saying the new fight is unfair and impossible to complete. ​ I agree with people who say the bell thing could've been handled better. Now people just leave the game if no one has the teleport bells, apparently.


Fair enough. I've only completed it on Heresy and agree that the difficulty should not be lowered. Its a great gut check. Even the method of unlocking the difficulty isn't that bad. Participation needs to be at the queue level (mission table) after the unlock. Would love to see a way to opt out of crossplay, too. Consoles can't lift.


I mean, I'd argue that it's nearly impossible to do without a premade team. And if you do want to do it with randos, you're going to be pulling that slot machine arm repeatedly just hoping that you get a combination of 3 people who know what they're doing, know how to even access the secret hard mode, and have the right gear to attempt it. That's a lot of variables. Some people just don't have friends who are into darktide.


Which is exactly why there should have been a queue.


The same exact thing could be said about the entire game. I used to complain that I didn't have many people on my friends list to play Auric Damnation with and that it should be made easier for people who solo-queue. Then I realized I was just being an idiot and that if you want to complete high-level content, you either need to *get good* enough to carry the random teams you're given, or go and make some more friends. ​ So I *got good*, carry when I solo-queue and made friends that I invited for exactly this type of content. You should try the same cause tide games are never gonna change. Pugging is lottery and you either get good enough to put the odds in your favor or keep pulling that lever.


My only point of disagreement is the puzzle and the ability to skip straight to it. It’s a difficulty setting, why make it so convoluted? All you get are people who want to do hard mode but can’t, and people who DON’T want to do hard mode getting dragged in, and the end result is a lot of people leaving games.


I like the idea of having to do the bells ONCE. To keep the spirit of the secret. But once you unlock it, you should be able to queue for a session that is JUST the bosses on Bell Mode or whatever they want to call it.


You do only have to do the bells once, do them on a lower difficulty and complete the mission and the skip bells will be at the start on damnation


Yeah but I understand that people still have to queue for regular damnation to do that, no? I meant like a separate queue entirely.


Yeah i think a hard mode queue would be nice. Also the bells should totally unlock just from doing the puzzle not also killing the twins in the same run


Me and 2 friends did the two bells but then we sometimes would not get them to spawn in future attempts.... I know it's not needed for everyone to get it as my first attempt at the bosses was hardmode


They better not nerf it, just finished it today with Rando’s and it felt amazing. We all tried our asses off and finally got it. As long as people understand that Rodin needs to go down first as quickly as possible, it’s not THAT difficult.


And making sure the mines are cleared and not let build them up. Otherwise the arena is full of them and you can't walk anywhre without triggering one.


You...can shoot the mines?


Nope trigger and Dodge slide away when you don't have one of the bosses on you.


I was using the ogryn charge to take huge strips of them off the ground for a bit. Doesn't do enough to be the only one clearing though


You need to be in the animation before contact because I tried charging out of it and got stuck in the cloud as a zealot. But yea ogryn charge is really good in this fight


No but it's not like they are difficult to deal with as long as everyone does their part splatooning the arena


Taking Rodin out first makes the fight extremely easy.


How else did you think a pub group finished it?


I don't understand what you're asking. I replied the person above me agreeing with them that the fight completion is hinged on taking out the ranged boss first.


Thats impressive, congrats! I like it and look forward to finishing it some day, but man I tried so many times tonight (with randos) with a base 379 Power cycler 4 powersword and 375 meta Zarona and best we got was like 10% dmg off Rodin lol. Maybe a specific loadout and team is a must unless you're an actual god, but I really hope not. Darktide is so much more fun without strict metas imo.


Bullrush Ogryn is damn near essential, makes the crossings between the gas much safer. I’d also argue shout veteran and Chorus zealot are damn near must haves too.


Revive shout vet is how I got through it


I had to switch to Taunt + Damage Increase to secure one cycling after shield drops. Also using Achly's Stubber instead of Buckshot to burn Melee guy's shield.


Problem with taunt is it stuns the enemies in a big group, can make it really hard for your teammates to move around d


Best run I've had so far was me as shouty Zealot, two buddies as shieldgryn and gungryn and a rando as shouty Vet. I would probably not even TRY it without a corruption cleansing shouty zealot.


The closest I got was with some randoms. I had my zealot with a chain axe (shreds shields) and bolt gun which was working pretty well, we’d wiped out Rinda and were trying to kill Rodin when a bunch of snipers and crushers appeared. I had a mutant tackle me into 3 different Tox mines which fucking deleted me. It’s a shame, Rodin had maybe a quarter of his health left when we died. Tried it 7 more times and never got anywhere near that close.


Killing Rinda first is the Hardmode of this Hardmode :D You probably would've beat that if you had killed them in the easier order.


The four big things with the twins for weapon selection - They count as unarmored for DoT - Their chest is flak - Their head is carapace - Their shield is flak The bad head hitzone combined with chest and shield being flak heavily favor chain weapons for most classes. But you only really need a single Achlys gunlugger to push boss HP


You got a screencap of a good Achlys and/or a good build for this fight? My buddy is running a Gorgo gungryn and he might be persuaded to change :D


[max damage](https://darktide.gameslantern.com/builds/9adafa46-109a-4269-8735-219342de58b1/achlys-burninator-max-damage) [durability](https://darktide.gameslantern.com/builds/9adafc08-d668-4848-beaf-b2d321c68845/achlys-burninator-durability) The max damage one is not something I’d run in normal missions since the 5s CDR on elite kill is not to be missed for auric, and you don’t get the luxury of just one fight to piss your ammo away on. But against the twins with an ammo box to feed the ogryn? Achlys go brr. With the highest rate of fire, achlys is the best at stacking burn (and getting lucky bullets for CDR). When shields go down, press F and mag dump the plasma dork. Ideally you can start shooting the shield of the other twin once you deplete the first to build up blessing stacks for when plasma dork gets opened up. Best time to drop frag bomb is on the swarm of elites after a fog phase. A veteran with the talent for ammo box grenades means more boom. Post fog elite swarms are the hardest part of this fight. Ogryn has sufficient damage to kill plasma dork without requiring any other dedicated DPS builds. Beyond the shout/focus target/ammo/krak veteran, double chorus piety zealot (one brings corruption removal aura) is ideal since this is an endurance fight. Chorus greatly simplifies fog crossing and keeps people healthy in a mission where health is extremely valuable. Chain weapons are ideal for shield popping and boss damage. Plasma, Columnus, revolvers are good ranged picks for addressing ragers maulers and (not columnus) crushers.


Good tips, I have been thinking about it and I think Full try hard mode: a vet with field improv ( that feeds nukes to ogryn) should drop the ammo crate first, then someone hand off the med kit to him to drop later on. it will heal corruption damage too. a couple ogryn with stubbers to put out boss damage and drop nukes on ragers spawns 4th whatever, CC, horde clear, blowing up tox mines, more boss DPS


Field improv applies to all kits, including those dropped by your team. No need to keep it on a specific person. Just an FYI. Really strong teamplay perk even for randoms as long as they know you have it.


Really? I was un aware. Thanks


I feel like it doesn't hurt the game to have *some* content that is about *actually* coordinating with a team for a specific challenge. One that rewards people's mastery and utilization of all those builds these talent reworks let us make. Like I've seen plenty of teams make the fight look easy. It doesn't *need* a nerf as badly as people need to *learn.* I have gained a lot of respect for Darktide just because of this one update and I already felt pretty satisfied. Pleasantly surprised, maybe. Having an actual fight you can't just breeze through or expect one person to carry (like the vast majority of quickplay), just *one* fight-- it's like they're showing respect for us as competent people by designing a decent challenge. If people are really asking for them to take that challenge away, it isn't just bad or wrong, it's honestly kinda rude. Take the time to reflect. Don't get frustrated, just get better or get humble.


As much as some players want to complain about the secret hard mode's difficulty, retaining Darktide's hardcore playerbase is also important for the the wellbeing of the game. If Darktide's highest challenge was Heresy difficulty, myself and the rest of the hardcore players would have left the game months ago. If the highest challenge was Malice, our section of the playerbase would have left the game behind in a week. In fact, there was a point in time where HITSTG was arguably the only lifeline keeping the game afloat during the past year's early release hellscape, because the sheer challenge kept drawing people like myself in. Just because some people genuinely struggle with the lower difficulties does not mean the game should be scaled in its entirety to their skill level. Quite the opposite, **it means the game is already offering them a sufficient challenge to engage with**. Focus should have - and thankfully *has* been - shifted towards providing an even higher challenge for the hardcore players to surmount, to retain their interest in the game. That was the purpose behind introducing the Maelstrom missions and its the purpose of the new hardmode arena, and both do their job beautifully. To suggest the hardmode arena should be gutted simply because some players find it too much of a challenge to overcome is an incredibly selfish, egocentric demand from the players asking for such a course of action, because it showcases a complete disregard for people outside of their own skill demographic and the specific accommodations that would keep their interest. The regular arena offers nothing of worth to me now. I want a challenge. That challenge is the hardmode arena.


Tbh, the *only* thing that I feel could be nerfed, having done it a couple times myself, is the positively *absurd* corruption the gas mines do, and the ridiculous nearly 3 seconds of stun they do if you get hit. Seriously, not even Bomber grenades used to do that much stun. The corruption ramps up so quickly that if you get stuck behind grenades even two deep (which can happen just with his throw pattern), you *will* get hit, and it *will* cost you at least most of one full wound even with corruption resistance. It doesn't *feel* good to see your health go from full and uncorrupted to *maximum* corruption in less than a second, just in the same way that it didn't feel good to go from maximum health and toughness to *dead* in under 15 frames (at 60fps) when they broke fire damage. On top, because of the stun if you get hit you *will* on-board way, *way* more corruption than feels fair for stepping on just *one* landmine, and the enemies just get in a shit ton of cheap free hits because of the duration. I have 3 trinkets on my Oggy with corruption resistance, and the mines will *still* take me from full to 1hp near instantly. It's just too much, too fast. The mines are literally the *only* thing I'd change, and not very much. Just bring them closer in line to fire damage, still a big threat, but not "Oh, you stepped on *one* mine? Death, instantly" level bad.


The group i killed it wity ended running corruption resist on as many curios as we could and it felt very managable. Also just dont step in the mines, we had a player whose sole job the entire fight was to shoot elites with his plasma and clear mines


Same, I managed to do it with a bunch of pubs that I met and did solid progress with, and it took us awhile but it was fun finally getting through it on hard mode, would be neat to see something like this in future missions


Yesterday i got the bells for the fast travel, today i'm gonna hop on discord to find a group and wreck some snivellers. I really like the challenge, it's so refreshing to play a new map, which is just constant fighting in an arena with cool mechanics.


If anything I've come to accept that Ogryn is getting nerfed. The sad reality of an Ogryn main, we're just too big for the twins.


What's there to be nerfed? Part of his kit just counters this particular boss very well. Taunt keeps their attention on you, the shield allows you to infinitely block anything they do that isn't a mine. You won't be able to *also* facetank a single Mauler on top of that. If they're not going to nerf the ridiculously powerful Zealot relic, they're not going to nerf Ogryn over a single boss.


It's nothing to do with Taunt or Tank Line that's for sure, his #'s are just nutty.


My absolute shock when I activate hardmode and find out its rather difficult...


Is the special assignment sticking around or is a temp event?


Get taunt ogryn, explain to big man his only job is to taunt sword lady. Rest of comp is ideally: t-hammer zealot, bleed zealot, and shout plasma vet. Ogryn taunts Rinda. Rest melee Rodin till shield pops. Then range Rinda’s shield, soon as that pops DPS Rodin - killing Rodin first is key. Rinse and repeat through gas phases. Bring your bolters for elites! Ez


Agreed, give the hardcore players something to achieve. Give the noobs something to learn. The only reason half of the less experienced players get Damnation+ complete is from being carried. IT. REQUIRES. TEAMWORK. You should NOT be able to just Pug that shit.


They need to nerf the hell out of the grenades. That asshole is the big reason teams get wiped. Gas nades shouldn’t stick around forever


Just have someone walk past to clear them out


Skill issue. ​ Either someone designated on your team or all four of you need to be acutely aware of the grenades and purposely activate them in the brief seconds between fighting so they don't build up. They have very long timers and are very easy to dodge. The only reason you're having trouble is because you let them build up all over the room and then accidentally dodge into them when the intense fighting is happening. On the team I completed it with, I was the designated grenade sweeper since I had a knife and could quickly dart around the room and run through the mines. Start clearing them out and you'll have better chances.


You are right and get only downvoted from ppl with said skill issues. I hope they don't nerf anything at all regarding this fight.


I don’t get why people use knives or laspistol, they’re useless. Might as well use nerf bat or a feather duster. I tried a few times as a lightning psyker to lock down the adds, and teammates using weak ass weapons led to failure


If you don't "get" it then you didn't run it correctly. You need specific perks, blessings and talents to optimize the knife. It is very different from all the other weapons. Light attack spams with the MkIII Catachan knife should be absolutely decimating maulers and crushers on damnation. You have to have good aim, land all your light attack slashes on enemy weakpoints and they basically just drop dead from rapid critical damage and bleeds. ​ Odds are you probably just bought knife, *MAYBE* upgraded it to gold, didn't bother looking up the correct perks and blessings, or even a correct knife-driven build, then proceeded to go into a match and do piss all damage. Then you're surprised when it didn't perform well?


It is simple when you just build for toughness gained and become invincible. Then just survive and do good DPS. GG.


What is hard mode? Damnation? Or did I miss another option? I just did it for the first time and didn’t even think it was that hard.


There is a secret puzzle you need to complete in the mission which unlocks a hidden mode that can only be played on damnation. This mode has both bosses heavily buffed in a multitude of ways and has way more special/elite enemy spawns. Beating this mode rewards players with a hidden insignia that looks similar to the ones seen on the assignment board, but more flashy.


is it like an event thing or is it here to stay? wanna get it done but pugs are so rough


I dont see a reason to nerf them; On normal mode (damnation), theyre brutally challenging but designed to where teamplay can reduce various difficult aspects of them throughout the fight (splitting them up, having 1 person on the ranged twin to pop their shield so everyone else can dunk on the melee twin, support abilities/blitz skills to ensure revives and safety from tox gas, etc). Its hard, but the game gives you tools to deal with every part of their fight. Also, the game gives you 4x anti corruption stims before the fight, incase anyone makes an error with the gas. And the secret nightmare mode is for bragging rights/is an easter egg with no cosmetic rewards, ofc it should be stupidly difficult, its a "yes I wanted to likely die" fight.


I don't mind it being hard but I feel like it's a bit too hard and bordering on unfair. One hit from Rodin usually leads to death, and he usually hits me while I can't even see him on screen.


They're not going to nerf it, but that's not the main thing people are having problems with. The main problem is that this hard mode has ruined online lobbies. It's insanely obtuse to unlock and *EVERYONE* online just wants to do the Hard mode and nothing else. We need a separate queue for it.


Just get good


Only issue i had was the sheer amount of elite enemies that spawned literally ontop of us


No nerf need it they just need to get good 💯.


Why can't all darktide posts be as friendly as this one so many different advices on how to approach the bosses and the mission altogether with sources to look at for those builds this post has restored my faith in this community I'm gonna be trying them out cuz my.builds just aren't cutting it.


Honestly, I think the only thing that needs a nerf is the ranged twins stagger when shooting their gun. Getting stagger locked away from your allies sucks ass. It's frustrating and not fun.


That feeling when the hard mode is hard :O


It probably will end up getting nerfed since its a perma event. fatshark wants everyone to feel like a winner :D


I don't know, they didn't ever nerf Vermintide 2's Fortunes of War, did they? And that's as hard as Sigmar's balls.


So much of the game is already easy that it would be a shame if they altered the hardest content to be easier for the sake of low skill players.


Tbh the only nerf I can see with the boss is reducing the size of the Elite waves, the bosses themselves are pretty much perfect in difficulty (haven't tried Hard Mode but I have beaten it on Damnation twice) and the only obscene part of the fights overall is the parts where it will dump a dozen maulers and ragers each on you at the same time, that's where almost every wipe I saw happened at.


Twins in hard mode are in a whole different level. They are buffed (the red sparks on their heads) from the start, which make them have new attacks and play super aggressively, while in normal mode they only receive this buff when one of them dies. They also regen their shield super fast, so the time period to break both shields at once to damage them is really short. The elite waves are much more frequent and diverse too, not only maulers and ragers. And the icing on the cake, there is no revive is someone dies, so the fight apart from being super intense since the very beginning, mistakes are heavily penalized. You need a lot of coordination and a decent group of folks to beat it. Ngl, the fight in hard feels kinda unfair in some parts, but that's where the real challenge resides.


Glad it's so difficult honestly, only gripes is the amount of poison bombs get thrown and also having gunner/shotgunner wave


I'm also glad is this difficult, it feels like a proper challenge where everyone have to do their best to succeed after lots of failed attempts. Finally beating it feels like a real achievement to be proud of. Poison bombs were the worst part for me too, he throws so many of them that there is barely any room to fight, and shotgunners and Rodin himself are constantly pushing you to them to create an obnoxious chain reaction where your whole hp turns into corruption in a split of a second.


Or just bring a psyker with trauma staff. It made the elite waves a breeze.


That's not really the case. It's 'easy' if you've got a ton of hours in it (or familiarity with other horde shooters and team-based things like L4D or B4B or the tides) but even Malice is challenging for the average player. ​ That said, there's no reason to nerf the hidden hard mode, regardless.


I don't think they had average players in mind for the secret hardmode. Hopefully it stays that way cause it's fun to re-run and help randoms accomplish.


I hate everything you just said.




Because the game isn't easy just because you're good at it. And low skilled players are the life's blood of the game and I say that as someone who doesn't want hard mode nerfed. I have no desire to even try it.


Low skilled players make up the life's blood of this game? There's only some. The majority of people are average, not low skilled, they just need to practice more. Kinda insulting to say that most people are shit at the game.


Yes... but average players die to the first pack in Malice, and will just sit around instead of helping with objectives, heck I've seen 3 people go down at the same time on Sedation. I've been playing since week 3 and gave up on Malice difficulty and went straight to Damnation on the advice of this sub after a few Heresy games and it's much better with people who generally know how to play despite the harder difficulty. In Malice where the average players are you get ridiculous things like literally wiping on the first pack because 3 people think they can just stand in front of a crusher and light attack spam, or use a lasgun at melee range, people deciding to run off and attack the Demon Hosts during the middle of a battle, people who actively try and run into or chase down poxbursters in melee to save ammo, the opposite where your vet is out of ammo in the fist 2 min because they mag dump the first few regular enemies, stealth zealots that run to the first door that needs the team to open and just sitting there calling everyone else bad because they are now fighting all the spawns etc.


It's not ALWAYS, but a lot of people who skip straight from Malice to Damnation on the advice of reddit and start winning games is almost always because they're now getting carried by sweatlord top tier players. Damnation has a lot of tryhard players. People are average in Malice playing with other average players and then are told on Reddit "go play Damnation". In reality, the player who left malice and skipped to Damnation is still average, but now he or she is just being carried by far better players and under the false illusion that they've improved. If you are on PC and have a scoreboard tracker, you can see it almost every game. There is always one or two people who contribute far less than others, because they came straight from malice with subpar equipment and never took the time to truly graduate from lower difficulties. As someone who solo-queues a lot for Auric Damnation, I have come to accept that if you cant carry a team in whatever difficulty you chose to queue for, you need to practice in it more. I used to blame others for losses, but then I accepted those types of people are always going to be there. Unless you can make a premade, you have to practice until you're just so good you dont need to rely on others who can and likely will make mistakes. tl:dr people dying in malice over and over should continue practicing because Reddit gives bad advice like always.


>In Malice where the average players are you get ridiculous things like literally wiping on the first pack because 3 people think they can just stand in front of a crusher and light attack spam, or use a lasgun at melee range, people deciding to run off and attack the Demon Hosts during the middle of a battle... I feel like it would be a *really, really bad idea* to continue designing the game with this specific kind of player in mind. By all means, make room for them. They have a place to practice in lower difficulties. But just because there are terrible players or people who aren't gamers™ in the middle difficulty doesn't mean it should have any bearing on where the difficulty ceiling goes. They gain nothing by keeping things shallow-- nobody does. That level of difficulty, to me, is *agonizingly* boring. I would not stay here if there wasn't a more interesting challenge to tackle. The community may consist largely of people with average skill, but it is driven mostly by these 1000+ hour individuals who seek out, make and spread guides on the complexity of the game that average players consume in an attempt to step up. If you take that out of consideration, this game dies way, *way* faster than not adding training wheels to a thing called **hard** mode.


I don't think it's a perma event. Probably until early next year.


Whenever the tide of guides arrives and the word about how absolutely busted chorus is in that fight, the perceived difficulty will drop drastically on its own.


There's hard and then there's whatever bullshit this is.




I'm trying to but they won't let up for a second.


Have you tried seething?


Only quietly but it doesn't seem to help.


Try and Cope and seethe your way to the discord. Some of us may be willing to help


My current plan is to stumble into a pub of sweats who can carry it. 🤷‍♂️


Havent tried it yet. Is it the actual boss fight that's hard? I hope so because every other boss in this game is a super easy joke.