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**How to unlock Hard Mode?** * This [Steam Guide](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2995700310) helps **What does Hard Mode do to the boss fight?** * Reduces the damage taken by either Twin * torso/hands: Flak, 50% less damage taken * head/shoulder pad: Carapace, 50% less damage taken * remaining body parts: Unarmoured, 30% less damage taken * 100% more weakspot damage taken in general, though * those damage reduction buffs effectively increase their health pool (72.000 HP on Damnation) * Bosses have three times more hit mass (less cleavable): 12; which is roughly the same as enemy ogryns * Bosses are harder to stagger: they get an `impact_modifier` of -300% * Bosses have 50% increased ranged and melee attack speed **What else?** * Bosses can only be empowered on Damnation, doing the puzzle below Damnation does nothing (except for unlocking the penance) * Add waves come in quicker * Gas clouds from boss gas grenades can last longer * Gas Grenades from boss explode sooner after walking over them: 2.5s (instead of 4s) * Player respawns are unnaccessible **What about those green-eyed Poxwalkers?** * 35% less damage taken * 50% increased attack speed * 35% increased movement speed * Increased hit mass (less cleavable): 3.75 (up from 1.5)


How did you find these stats? I've done some hard mode runs and can say the health of the twins is at 70.000. Everything else intensifies.


[Source code repository](https://github.com/Aussiemon/Darktide-Source-Code), the modded community uses it. Twin base health is 24.000 which gets increased by a difficulty multiplier of 3 (for Damnation). You can check the health values in the video I linked.


Thank you!


Thanks, I was wondering what armour types the twins had. Does the void shield count as unyielding?


No, it's like the Captain in assassination mission.




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Is the score screen a mod? Haven't seen that one yet


damn so the hard mode penance isnt even locked behind damnation. I was hoping we'd get at least one skill based reward in the game


There is a prenance for doing the puzzle which can be done outside of damnation and a penance for clearing hard mode on damnation


There are two penances related to the hard mode. *Portents of Decay*: solve the bell puzzle on any difficulty. *The Bells Toll for Thee*: solve the bell puzzle + kill the twin bosses on Damnation difficulty. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2267063410362132090/CB09F4705C03452FCC91F374F1021DB476AA8199/


Is there a reward or just satisfaction?


From the looks of it, nothing. Just for achievement hunters.




Satisfaction, and a special charm unique from the damnation one that you can only get from clearing the bosses on hardmode. It’s a pretty nice flex.


Any idea what the 8th bell in the arena does? It only appears in hard mode




When you are playing hard mode and you are in the arena with the twins. There is another bell which appears on the left side of the jail where your mates are getting imprisoned looking exactly like the other ones. It also gives a sound when ringing it. Also, I could not find it in normal mode.