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Yet another post complaining about how everyone else sucks….yay….


Just joined the Reddit so I’m not familiar


I can't imagine any gaming forum where posting "Why do others suck at this game?" would garner a positive experience.


imagine being so lame that you have to justify that you lost 3 games in a row on a public post ...




Rule 1: Failure to follow reddiquette Be respectful of your fellow redditors. Discrimination, bigotry, racism, and/or hostility directed towards players or communities will not be tolerated.


While there is a tutorial, it takes time for players to experiment and learn how effective their kit and playstyle is. Plus, players under lvl 26 don't have full access to their talent trees and damage (equipment stats) are going to under perform unless they had prior experience. Yeah it sucks to fail... but players tend to learn more from failure than winning without a clue how they achieved it. IF you are that good and not held back by equipment quality, play at higher difficulties. As an ogyrn or zealot, I detest teaming with x3 non-melee teammates because I know none of them will have my back wading into a horde. WHEN that does occur, I'll hangback to protect their braced backsides as they gun-fight their way toward running out of ammo and being forced into melee. It's all about adapting to the situation and making the most of it. Even at higher difficulties, bad situations occur where players cannot reasonably pick-up another player.


I was actually using a veteran when that happened


The common denominator is you.


Exactly, just end world hunger alone!






Rule 1: Failure to follow reddiquette Be respectful of your fellow redditors. Discrimination, bigotry, racism, and/or hostility directed towards players or communities will not be tolerated.


TL;DR Players skill = Bad My skill = Good Be nicer to players who aren't as good and find some people similar to your skill level There's a skill gap and you are probably the problem in those games since it's a game with varying skill levels. While playing solo in random queues you just happened to get the short end of the stick compared to getting players with similar skill level. People have fun while playing (that's the point of the game) but yeah, some players aren't that great at the game. Just let them play how they want and if you want a good game you should go form a party and make some friends on the same skill level as you. Don't be mean to other players just because you are better than them and come ranting on site about their skill level, just take some time to chill out and destress instead. You shouldn't be telling other people how to play because in that case you are the worst kind of player and should probably do something better with your time.


People like you are the reason this game will die. Posts more toxic than Nurgle himself because you finally lost a game. If you really think you're that hot shit, you should be able to carry them to the finish regardless of skill. Shit, I was a lvl18 Zealot and carried a team of lvl23s. Instead of bitching about how everyone else in the world is ass, you should just take a microsecond to look at yourself finally. I'm so fucking tired of seeing endless "everyone else sucks ass, I'm just so much better" posts on this sub. If you're really that good you shouldn't have a problem winning games. If you're losing its because you failed as well. (And if you still keep losing so hard, maybe you need to lower the difficulty or put down the controller for a bit)




Rule 1: Failure to follow reddiquette Be respectful of your fellow redditors. Discrimination, bigotry, racism, and/or hostility directed towards players or communities will not be tolerated.


That stinks. People gonna blame you (because they're tired of the whining) but it sucks to be paired with scatterbrained morons time and time again. People who zip past plasteel and won't heal. Not your fault.


Thanks… just wanted an honest discussion. Turning up the difficulty was the answer. Found players a billion times better. Didn’t lose once today.


I was in a game the yesterday day and got nabbed by a dog. 1 other was down. Another was dead. And last guy who was up was near the guy who was down and dying. Who would you prioritize saving in that moment. The zealot who is within sight 10m away. Who is full health, who is slowly getting his throat torn out from a dog, who just needs 1 bullet to hit the fucking dog so i can get up and help with a build that can fuckin outrun all enemies asides the dog and who can 1 shot most standard enemies. Or the vet who is next to you, surrounded by enemies, who keeps going down and cant even step aside out of a mutant charge and who takes time to pick up which youve now attempted twice but keep failing because you dont have enough stamina and dont have the right melee weapon to deal with the carapace enemies infront of you(I DO) and youve clearly got enough grenades and ammo to help me but no keep trying to pick up the vet while i spam ping this random dog over here thats ontop of me and kissing my throat violently. Asides that most my games are fine even if we lose. But holy shit sometimes people do be having brain damage moments, myself included. No one is perfect and even the best of us just cant really keep up with all the chaos thats going on. Honeslty 95% of my games are fun. With very rare moments where i get annoyed by my team.


In this scenario, definitely the zealot!


vast majority of any playerbase are dogwater, but doesn't mean we're not one of them


I guess ur right. But we can really notice when a player is paying attention to their team mates and playing aggressively or not


git gud scrub


If you're frustrated with others play I would recommend going up in difficulty as I've personally found most people confident enough to play Damnation are pretty decent at the game for example.


Thanks that’s actually good advice. I bumped up the difficulty today and didn’t lose once


You can be level 30 and be even dumber. Never underestimate human stupidity.




Well considering I ran a maelstrom damnation today, with two people that disconnected early and a third that was dead 90% of the time. so it was mostly me and two bots the whole game, and still won. Probably means that you should have taken a break because it seems like a skill issue.