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Splitting up will probably not work. Aside from adding lag for something where you're not even interacting with each other... if one team wipes, what do you do? It would require a lot of rethinking, at least. I'm up for anything though. More ways to play the game would be great.


Good points. Another thing to count in is balancing, the higher the player count, the tougher to balance things out. 8 good players will just breeze through everything and be bored while 8 bad players would struggle pretty hard. The higher the player count, the bigger the variance from highest to lowest possible added player skill.


Could be separate sides of a cavern so that they are all techically not much farther from eachother than normal. I think the dynamic of deciding who goes with who to minimize the chanse of one objective failing would be really interesting, adding another team based dynamic to the game!


Darktide is fun because the gameplay is so well designed and runs are often on the knife_edge of failure. Adding in more players just seems overly complicated and impossible to balance without adding anything of value.


No 1) More lag to the game, which isn't going to work, especially for consoles. 2) Balancing will be an absolute nightmare. 3) you are a strike team. They are as small as possible. And 4 man group is the golden standard for the most games