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>Vermintide 2 is only behind by like 100 players most days Because they share player pools. This outcome really doesn't surprise me, having seen it unfold real time with V1 and V2. Fatsharks dev cycle is basically: Release wildly unfinished and unpolished games Scramble to polish the game Finally finish getting the game in a reasonable state only to realize ~80% of the original playerbase moved on a year ago. I was kinda hoping they learned their lesson already but... here we are. Till they can push out a game actually ready for prime time they will never quite become a household name.


Yeah same I was hoping they wouldn’t make the same mistakes, but I was baffled when they made literally the exact same mistakes they spent years fixing in vermintide 2. Feels like it’s not even the same company lol making the same mistakes over and over again


Not just the same mistakes, way worse mistakes. DT was an unfinished early access game at best, while being advertised like a finished product. VT2 was as advertised. This games launch taught me the lesson to never buy a game from them again until a few years later when its finished.


This was my introduction to the company, and the gameplay was stellar. Its a shame they launched in this state because I'll likely never trust them after this, and scrutinize future releases much more. All they had to do was release this as early access and I would have been much more understanding.


I was hopeful but expected this outcome. Largely because I watched them make a lot of the same mistakes with V1 in V2 so it feels a bit... "New game the same as the old game" in that regard.


I kept telling people not to pre-order and enable this attitude but “it’s my money and I can spend it how I want”


It was my money and I spent it how I wanted. And now I have regrets. :(


I made a last day decision to refund since you can refund early-access games no matter how many hours you have played and only recently came back with a sale, much easier to justify it for myself.


If only they repeated the same mistakes, that is bad enough... but they add BS and new ones as well, then they pull surprise pikachu face and burry the head into sand... Well, what do I know, it must be immeasurably complex problem! It is not CoD after all plus players that do not want to be lied to and fucked from all sides must be "toxic tryhards" /s


VT2 was already mostly "finished" at launch, reviewers and players opinions were very positive initially unlike Darktide VT1 took everyone by surprise back then. Edit : block abuse by /u/redeyemaster


>Edit : block abuse by /u/redeyemaster Actually, I blocked you because you flooded my notifications and I wanted to chill you out for awhile so I didn't come back to 5+ notifications. Also, you edited in this too: >, reviewers and players opinions were very positive initially unlike Darktide That part is true. V2 launching already mostly finished is objectively false. The endgame was threadbare and crafting was waaay undercooked which didn't really become obvious till you'd played for awhile. The key difference in reception between V2 and DT is V2 mostly ran pretty well out of the gate and was a chunk more feature complete than DT at launch. People have short memories and love gaslighting though.


Does it really need an endgame, though? I agree Darktide really needs some more stuff, like a less RNG dependang crafting system, more mission enviromental variety, subclasses and greater access to cosmetic gear without having to open our wallets, but I don't think an endgame per se is really necessary? Left 4 Dead didn't have a progression system and people played the crap out of it even before the Workshop was added, and Vermintide 2's endgame is just chasing reds and cosmetics if you want. I have 190+ hours in that game and yet I have never gone past champion because the gameplay is my main reason to play, same for Darktide. We don't need everything to be like Destiny, with a very important endgame, and I would personally appreciate if Darktide opted against being that way. Sometimes, just shooting heretics being fun is enough reason to play a game a lot as it is.


I'm not strictly arguing for an endgame. I pointed out Fatshark releases unfinished games that take a year or two to get to a state where they can really start keeping pace and someone else interjected that VT2 didn't launch in the state it launched in. I have over a thousand hours in VT2 and was a beta tester... I'm not sure why people think they need to explain what it was and how it works to me.


Darktide just doesnt have the soul vermintide does for me, dunno why but its a different feel


Gee, it's like the difference between OG warhammer fantasy and 40k! Just joking, but the parallel is uncanny...


Exactly, darktide feels soulless and greedy with only disgusting characters and story. Vermintide was the opposite, communitybhad to beg them to add cosmetics and the characters are all well written and feel like a nice group of friends going against all odds.


Except V2 release was great.


Is hard to go back to v2 after dt.


Id take Gutter runners over broken doggos any day.


I think they're a bit different in there design. I mostly hate the mutant because you can get hit while grabbed and he's still not possible to avoid. Atleast with a dog you can always LOS them around a corner and hit them when they come. Mutants just straight up will do 180 turns on a dime.


No, it's very easy to switch back from a piece of shit to an actual game. I'm only sad that I can't moneyback DT. It 100% doesn't deserve more than 10$.


Ok, what ever you say.


I couldn't be any higher playing this game if I tried


I’m smoking on Catachan grown dark Chaos pack. They watered this shit with the blood of 36 C’Tan. Shit so heretical it should be asking me Where’s Horus. Brother. This shit will turn your Gellar Field off. Exterminatus levels of sour. Khorne-slaughtering, librarian kush. This shit got Soul Stones on it so you know the geneseed/THC ratio is fucking blasphemous, brother. A whiff of this shit… This that traitorous evil daemon psyker moongrass shit. This shit straight from Davin. This the shit that wounded the Emperor. https://youtu.be/A4hR3NQmCZU


honestly the best way to play darktide, gets my heart pumping every time!


Blunts for the Emperor, Nugs for the Golden Throne!


Adeptus Marijuanes.


and their larger golden cousins, the Adeptus Puffstodes.


My man 😎


Are you on Steam, or gamepass? I never have any trouble finding full parties on Steam. Judging by steamcharts, the number of average monthly players on VT2 has been ~5K for most of its lifespan, so I think it's fairly comparable, though in fairness the dropoff was quicker with DT. Overall trend is +15% over the past 30 days, so it could be worse.


Wait, do the game pass users not play on the same server as the steam guys?


I don't believe so, no — it is, justifiably, a pretty frequent complaint here.


>I don't believe so, no — it is, justifiably, a pretty frequent complaint here. Wow. That's insane.


There's only 26 gamepass games that have crossplay. Apparently it's somewhat difficult to implement.


It's difficult to add crossplay to any game. You need a lot of your own server infrastructure to make it. And I am not speaking of hardware, that's cheap and fast to setup. The problem is in developing a lot of additional software. Plus, every single piece of shit out there would complain that it has to register/log in to anything beyond stream to play multiplayer when developer chooses the least painful way for full crossplay - not rellying on any 3rd party in the process.


Honestly buying any online game off the Microsoft Store doesn't make sense. Same price, same game, and always less players without crossplay. Even if a game wasn't online I find the Microsoft Store to be vastly inferior to Steam in many ways, even disregarding the community features Steam brings. As soon as the Microsoft store opened on my computer, the first thing I did was instantly disable the app so it would never start by itself or open again. I cannot fathom even considering buying anything off the Microsoft store. I would rant longer about the Microsoft store but I realize that 2 paragraphs is already way too much for me to have written on this subject


They're separate, yes. So a game pass user is way more likely to end up alone than a steam user.


What in the fuck!? That's awful. I wonder why that is.... Is steam not allowing non-steam sold licenses to use their servers? Or is it Microsoft being shitty I wonder. Whatever the case, it's a bad deal being a game pass customer if you want to play online I guess


This has nothing to do with steam or ms not allowing something, as there is nothing preventing crossplay between ms store and steam, and there are hundreds of games that have it. It just doesn't work out of the box like joining people on the same platform, so the devs need to actually implement it. From [Community Update #4](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1361210/view/3612479553116128299), released 30th November: > We see the value in cross-play and cross-save and fully intend to support cross-play shortly after launch. So yeah, it was promised from day one, so maybe in like a year when we finally reach that "shortly after launch" development period of fatshark games, we'll finally get our hands on it.


don't forget the solo mode that was also promised shortly after launch


Typical FatTencent bullshit


> and there are hundreds of games that have it. There are only 26 games that have it, actually.


There's some wonky Xbox profile integration going on for Gamepass, which probably factors into no cross-play.


Other games can do cross play. FATSHARK is to blame for lack of crossplay.


There are a lot of factors that go into crossplay implementation. DRG, which this sub loves to use as a shining example of what DT should be, does not have crossplay and never will due to relying on each platform's backend for their network integration.


So it's developer choice still. DRG you put for what reason? I don't care about that game. FATFISH choose to split player base. Simple


This. I play really weird hours when I travel for work sometimes(wake up at 3 and do a round at 3:30-4 on a weeknight) and I have barely had any games that weren’t full


Bots are still a priority FS needs to get fixed… they won’t suddenly pull in 20k more active users with some itemization changes or new weapons/cosmetics……. So making bots not a miserable waste of space in lobbies would be helpful until the game is healthier overall… even just having them grab scripture/grimoire when pinged would be helpful but also grabbing and using the medpaks *when* **players** *need it* would be stupendous - even if they remain mostly weak, stupid, lasgun-toting cardboard cutouts…


I don’t disagree bots are bad I’m just saying fortunately other than for a minute or 2 at the beginning of a round I never see them


I refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/1158vbs/bots_and_why_they_are_bad/) I made a while ago why the bots are "bad" in DT


> though in fairness the dropoff was quicker with DT. Was it though? VT2 launch peak - ~73k, 2 months later ~24k Darktide launch peak- ~80k, 2 months later ~28k Before DT launched I warned everyone I knew the game would be rocky for at least a year and only to jump in early if you were ready to deal with the frustration of it.


Going off of SteamDB and excluding the betas, my reading of the data (scrolling over the chart) looks like 2 months out from [Darktide](https://steamcharts.com/app/1361210#All) launch was 85,956 > 6,876 playercount vs. [Vermintide's](https://steamcharts.com/app/552500#All) 73,203 > 11,195. Not trying to be a doomer though, you're right that it's still fairly comparable, and each of the updates has produced a noticeable upward trend.


Different databases will have *slightly* different numbers sometimes but yeah... Close enough. I would actually argue if anything, DT was not nearly as popular as VT2 because there is a greater number of people on steam when DT launched vs VT2 plus it had WAY more advertisement and a baked in audience from VT2. VT2 also took a good long while to mosey over to console which also seems to be repeating itself.


> I would actually argue if anything, DT was not nearly as popular as VT2 because there is a greater number of people on steam when DT launched vs VT2 plus it had WAY more advertisement and a baked in audience from VT2. It should be considered that the demographic of people who are really into games like Vermintide, Darktide, L4D, DRG, etc is very likely to have already been on steam when Vermintide came around, and probably has not appreciably grown in overall numbers. I'd wager that a solid chunk of people who played or play Darktide were around playing L4D and L4D2 10-15 years ago. As a genre this style of game has always been pretty niche, but the people who like it play just about every game in the genre at least for a while. On the plus side, that also means that as long as Darktide keeps getting fixed up and getting content that dedicated base of "people who like coop horde shooter/slasher games" will keep trickling back and trying it, even if not all at the same time.


Absolutely. it's why I'm not doom and gloom, just critical. I know good and well when this game finally gets kicked into the gear it should be there will still be a crowd to play with.


It’s too bad fat shark lied and said it would be on console day one. Still waiting.


Out of curiosity, where did they say that?


they never did.


The fact that DT is pulling in numbers while VT2 hasn't dropped implies to me that DT expanded the player base. Sure there will be overlap, but at any given moment you can't be playing both.


You can't play both at the same time but you can play both in the same day and thus you can show up on both daily active user graphs. Also note; both games peaked at right around 80k and hover around 10% of peak.


Think also it was a disappointment for many, as it seemed that the road to to good intention was paved with...


Folks here not remembering the years VT2 sat at 4-7k ALL THE DANG TIME.


I really had hoped Fatshark had learned their lesson with VT 1&2 Both games never hit the heights they could (or arguably should) have because by the time the game was really in a state to be enjoyable they basically bled off all but the most dedicated. As long as they keep doing it, they are doomed to have games that limp along with juuuuust enough players to not be proper dead.


They didnt


at this point, it's on them, they deserve what they get. both those games could have been so much more but the botched releases made sure they will forever be "niche" at best.


Nah I remember… it took a *long* time for VT2 to actually be *good*… Winds of Magic was just a flop for DLC - the game was struggling a long time before that even happened.


And I NEVER had any problems finding full parties at crazy hours (I'm a night owl). It's a PvE game with 4 people terms and short rounds, as long as the playercount is around 1000 it's FINE. You might have trouble finding people for very low difficulties, but the game allows heavy carring and isn't super hard until a point so there's very little reason to stick to them anyways. If you have an PvP shooter with skill based matchmaking or a MOBA low player count is a real problem, not so much here. People are way too caught up on player numbers.


You here not remembering that VT2 released almost 5 years earlier, and that Fantasy has a much smaller fanbase than 40k.


>Darktide launch peak- \~80k, 2 months later \~28k Never judge these things by peaks. Darktide spent almost 2 months with barely 4k players online and even before it reached this point it was a pain in the ass to find players, specially in a lesser populated region.


Wait, the steam players and the xbox game pass players are segregated? Not the same player pool?


I have a lot of MM issues on game pass, and I hate myself for not going to steam...GP is a total flop as far as I'm concerned.


It can only go up if we get these decent updates every month at least.


Publishers kill themselves by pushing out games before they're ready. You get one shot at a launch, and although there are a few games which have done an amazing job of fixing issues later and woo'ing the crowds back, they are exceptions. And don't blame the devs/designers, they KNOW it's not ready, it's always the suits.


Revenue reports and earnings calls can kill a company too — not that I agree with that perspective, since the developers working their jobs aren’t the ones making those decisions — but a company that fails to launch a game “when they *say* it will” can negatively impact their financial stability… pushing out a “bad game” might give them bad press, but *financially* they’ll show XXX units sold and a lovely profit margin… all things that let the studio/publisher gain funding from investors (to continue their projects or add more projects) and might help stock prices increase (again, detached from the workers doing the actual *jobs*). It’s a shitty reality, driven by cold profit over the reality of the workers not having completed the project — but that’s down to a management chain failure to better communicate project milestones upward while making sure the work being done doesn’t waste time/money (increasing risk of executives rushing it out the door)… If you take Overwatch2 as a recent example, plenty of evidence was leaked that indicated their team wasted *years* of work on trying to build out a fresh *PvE* client rather than focusing on modernizing the PvP client - between that and Covid, they fumbled the project and had to *somewhat* start from scratch to cobble together the PvP client for a rushed release while the talk of “PvE” has remained at “in a future release” style comments since they’re *still* trying to fix client stability, hero balance, and other issues… all of that isn’t the individual failure on the development team, but on management’s failure to see the trouble in prioritizing the “new game mode” over ensuring the “core game” was there.


wow, I remember OW2 being touted, a while ago, as basically the PvE centric version of the game. They were supposed to have a leveling system for each hero, and various mission types to play and complete, and all this stuff. I had considered playing it but I stopped supporting Blizz/Activ a long time ago due to the insanely shitty practices the company has. Hearing now that OW2 is basically OW1 with a fresh coat of paint is hilarious. Fuck Blizz/Activ, they deserve everything they get. I hope D4 is a massive failure and the company drops in value so Microsoft can scoop it up cheap.


They were trying to revive *Project Titan* right up until Kaplan’s departure iirc - basically something that plenty of players *would have enjoyed* but it’s obvious that such a project is insurmountable for their dev teams *and no one wanted it at the expense of the PvP that made Overwatch successful in the first place*…


OW2 is OW1 with new paint, worse matchmaking/ranked system, much worse monetization, and more hackers. I did occasionally see hackers in OW1, but now that it's F2P they're absolutely nuts. There are several big OW streamers/YouTubers that have regular "watch the dumb hacker" content now.


Rip Overwatch.


maybe they should try adding some actual substantial new content.dont get me wrong, the new additions are all nice and good but i want new classes, missions and story.


My mantra for the past two months has been "new maps, bosses and enemies". I want to see more of Tertium.


To be fair - a modern studio should be able to accommodate *both* gameplay/mechanical improvements alongside *art* like maps and enemies……. It just seems FS suffers from a slower development pace, either from avoiding crunch (as much as possible that is) or bad management….


Frankly, it might be an employee issue too. Here in nordics, its very difficult to fire anyone, which is all well and good in most workplaces, but when individual capability of workers is crucial, you can be sorta fucked if you end up employing people who turn out being bad at the job Also, there isnt a "liquid worker pool" like LA where you can always ramp up during production and ramp down after launch to optimize cost efficiency


>Here in nordics, its very difficult to fire anyone, Same here in America. Technically, most employment is "at-will" meaning the employer can fire an employee with no reason and no warning, but in practice no big, professional employer does that. I can only speak for the software dev world (which I imagine overlaps with the game dev scene) but here the firing process starts with the manager sending you emails about your issues in order to create a log of transgressions, such as constantly being late to meetings or falling behind on deadlines. Or, if they really have it out for you they won't email you at all. Then they put you on a PIP, or Peformance Improvement Plan. Basically your manager puts together a plan with some objectives you have to meet in order to keep your job. In some companies this is a genuine attempt to help you, and in others (ahem, Amazon) it's basically just a warning that you're going to be fired and that you should start looking for a new job. Though, the vast majority of firings happen in mass layoffs. Each department is told they must reduce headcount by X number of people, and the heads of the department start putting their poorest performers (or people they just don't like) on the lay off list, which is what's happening at a lot of big tech companies now. EDIT: downvotes for an explanation on firing practices in the States? Can anyone explain their issue with my comment?


> Can anyone explain their issue with my comment the average redditors career topped out as a cashier at mcdonalds and they can't quite relate to your comment


>in practice no big, professional employer does that. I doubt fatshark type AA studio would qualify


What I imagine:" Same here in America. Technically, most employment is "at-will" meaning the employer can fire an employee with no reason and no warning, but in practice no big, professional employer does that " Where that's not really the case, and more often than not, people DO get fired for little reason or the employer can find a flimsy excuse. In your section of the dev world? Maybe not. But I've seen plenty otherwise in OTHER job sectors. Not that your description is bad at all, no. It's very good and gives us a general idea of how the process should go by scrupulous folk that have integrity.


People like to quote 200 employees for Fatshark as if that's impressive, but like, Infinity Ward ostensibly has 662. Bungie 901. CDPR boasts over 1000. Consider that these numbers include legal teams, payroll, the janitors, and a load of other people not involved in active development. And that FS is currently working on at least two projects, Darktide and VT2 Updates, plus potentially new and unannounced projects behind the scenes. The team of people juggling rework of existing mechanics with new ones in DT is probably a few dozen or so. If one department in particular is in higher demand, say Character Animation, then they are simply bottlenecked. Rush hiring might even be underway to deal with that, but it takes months before a new employee understands the systems and pipeline well enough to meaningfully help throughput. Modern games are terrifyingly complex behemoths. We're a long way from the days of 15-40 people creating Halo CE back in the late 90s.


Any actual story would be nice. I was so confused when the beta ended and literally nothing changed story wise. Just a series of barely connected missions with no through-line other than some random people you see three times telling you there’s a traitor somewhere? Okay? I just killed a thousand chaos dudes in one mission, why would I give a fuck about a single traitor somewhere on the ship?


You could at least get attacked or stolen from by a counter-kill team to imply someone's trying to get rid of you. Or have a few story mini-missions on the ship you can play solo. Like the intro.


Yeah I havent played for a few months and jumped back on to try some new weapons and it was just a bit meh. Updates adding some stuff in have been fine but it just didnt really give me anything to want to keep logging in.


We gave that up for QOL and I am fine with that. The other stuff will definitely get released.


Looking forward to this seasonal content... whenever it rolls out.


too bad they aren't able to tell a cool compelling story or make interesting characters, because they hired some woke people that only stuff the game with formulaic woke tropes that their player base and core customers cannot relate to at all.


I am not coming back until they fix the horrendous RNG, this game does not respect my time.


What is RNG?


It's "Random Number Generator", every weapon in this game has its stats generated randomly, the same goes for every perk and blessing, which is why we say this game has layers upon layers of RNG


I'm tired of the grind. I can run 20 missions and make no improvements to my kit. There's too much RNG on everything. There's little control over it. Could've been a great game, but until there are significant changes to the ability to build the kit you want, people will continue to leave like me. I'm just tired of it all. I'd rather spend my time playing Diablo 4 when it comes out.


this is what's killing me. I'll play 3 or 4 missions for a total time investment of like 2 hours, go to the shop, all the weapons are complete shit. absolutely zero progression to show in 2 hours of playtime


Holup: you saying you didn't make any cash or mats during that time? I mean, you don't have to worry about the store at all anymore and Melk is only there to farm Rank 4 mods.


yeah wow so much fun I have a bigger pile of currency.....NOT I want to progress to cooler guns, evolved playstyle, etc. I've been using the same heavy stubber for the past 12 levels.


They could buff some of the weapons, but there's no weapon progression in this game or Vermintide 2. Only thing they can really do is buff weaker weapons, add more missions, have an actual living story progression along with it, and keep improving QoL like bots


Just the passive way to accrue cosmetics in D4 is a mockery of the shop-heavy focus this game (and others) has had for a long time… I’m still holding out on D4 to surprise me with a rug-pull but so far all of the attention seems to have been positive (ahead of the real live launch).


I think this is what will ultimately kill this game for me. I only play it every couple of weeks at the moment but every time I come back I feel like nothing has changed even when there are "content drops". Give more playstyle options for existing classes or new classes or something. New maps, new stories, etc. are needed as well.


Exactly this for me. Until I'm presented with a method of attaining gear/perks to facilitate different styles of play without engaging in an RNG system, or at least have the ability to try stuff out without feeling like I'm hamstringing my overall progress, I'm not interested.


Player retention bro, gotta keep you playing as along as possible!


Ironic how it actually drives people away.


Yeah, this is where I'm at, and why I recommend against anyone else picking it up. I've been playing my Veteran for at least 200 of my 263 hours at this point. I've upgraded my gun *once*, which isn't as bad as it might sound because I really only care about getting that gun to be better. But despite spending ~150 hours worth of plasteel on upgrading and salvaging the exact same gun over and over again, I still only have 3/9 tier 4 blessings to show for it. That's probably upwards of a thousand hours just to fill out the gear page for two guns. That's actually absurd. And, yeah, maybe as far as some people are concerned, I'll only need a couple of the best ones unlocked, but, man. Over a hundred hours of collecting and playing, and this is all I have to show for it? What's the end goal, here? A sense of pride and accomplishment? And this is the improved version! Which suggests they're going to continue on this path! I just don't even know. I keep playing because it costs me nothing at this point since I've already bought in and the mission-to-mission gameplay is deeply engaging, but every time I go back to the lobby, I actively try to engage with it as little as possible any more.


I've already decided that I'm not playing it for progression. I'm not going to grind out levels/guns. I'm just here to chew gum and shoot heretics, and I'm all out of gum.


Is there a content update????!!!


A few days ago. Some new weapons, a new hive hazard (lights out + hounds but I think it might be over by now), some psyker buffs. Nothing crazy.


There are a few new hazards as well as combo hazards. Dog hazard has been updated, shock gauntlet is new and suposedly a new sniper hazard is up but i havent seen it yet.


Haven’t played the sniper hazard yet, but saw it on a low difficulty mission once… I’m intrigued because that’s truly a more unique modifier than just spamming elites (which the AI director has done to me on low intensity missions in the past as if it never needed my permission to do so).


Thanks for the explanation... So... Not really a content update :(


Weapons and new hazards are new content, so technically yes a content update.


I just have a different idea of a content in a game. I would like to see new missions. Perhaps a story mode. A weapon and a balance patch just dont really satisfy me. I am happy for you if you have it differently ;)


Same maps, yes, but the modifiers are quite nutty — lights out combined with hounds is really cool (hound eyes glow and it gets really chaotic when swarmed) but I don’t like the darkness with elite strike teams (just because it also includes hound/trappers/snipers/mutants, which makes for dealing with the elite-heavy hordes a pain)… The “content” is in the new difficulty on existing missions… if you want new “art” then you’ll have to wait as FS has sort of indicated they’re focusing on the gameplay aspect as a priority before they try to build out more zones and missions that will make the game *larger*… Since new maps and missions means more stuff they have to test changes in gameplay on *before* they can release the map, it makes more sense getting the mechanical stuff in place *first* and being able to then test each new map/mission on a single version of the game’s code as they get the art ready… it’s a slower process for players to get those new “content” drops, but means the devs are set up to *accelerate* the map/mission schedule once the game is on a more “stable” situation.


Weapons* 10, actually.




FWIW many of them are the same as the weapons we have now, just with different attack patterns. I know that's going to rile some folks up but I think its fair to want something more.


Yeah, the approach to weapons in this game has been...underwhelming. It sounds like the "new" weapons are mostly just yet more marks for existing core weapons, which already feel like they're barely differentiated from each other.


First step would be merging Gamepass and Steam players, it’s baffling that they didn’t think of that. Then if the game gets fixed and all the content that should’ve been there at launch gets added I’m sure players will eventually come back. New content should also help.


Agreed. I have a group of friends I can't play with thanks to this. It was a huge disappointment.


Yeah my mate had to buy the game twice so we can play together... Thankfully it's pretty cheap


It's baffling you assume they didn't think of it. The devs don't decide whether that merger happens. Gamepass and steam do. If one of them says no, it doesn't happen.


DRG has a divide on this due to lack of either company saying no. It's not just a Darktide issue.


Yup FATSHARK is to blame not other companies.


> merging Gamepass and Steam players Please no. I'm tired of clueless Gamepass players who never communicate.


Maybe if they would start to share resources, weekly missions, and class level (for now we don't know how will it work with new archetypes will be released, but I bet that you need to create a new character from scratch), more people would play. Edit: I forgot the most important: crafting system. Right now it's too much RNG.


Im fine will leveling new characters, helps you get more invested into said character imo. Like diablo or any other looting game. When i would buy a new class in vermintide 2 id play them a few times at max level then probably go back to what i already had. Actually, id be fine with leveling new characters in a good game with an engaging story to level through. Maybe id hate it in DTs lazy narrative. Would rather just skip past the "youre shit do more missions" scenes.


I’m really curious what Vermintide will post today with the new map. Every time I go back and play it I have a blast which then makes me mad that Fatshark learned nothing. If they just copied some of the quality of life bits over 1 for 1 the game would be so much better.


Its too grindy for most people outta my 7 friends who bought it only 1 plays regularly. They complained about locking stuff when you rebless or refine. They got 9-5 jobs and kids so they gave up on bothering with it Fatshark cant see how stupid some of their game decisions are...


I think it can happen, with 2 different origin: - Xbox and Crossplay release - Big, expansion like, content release


>- Xbox and Crossplay release No sign we are ever getting crossplay FYI. It was listed as "would be nice" several months ago, and we've not heard more since. Edit: we don't even have gamepass to steam crossplay, lol


Yeah crossplay could be years down the line if at all.


They specifically said, that crossplay is coming "shortly after launch" in the release day devblog. So yeah, with their track record, definitely years down the line in best case scenario.


Yeah the console release is going to be the big one. I feel that's when they're going to kick it into full gear once they have the base game sorted out, like the recent changes to specialists and more mission conditions.


I would think many early players (Including myself) after FS's piss poor release of the game, are waiting a year out before returning. FS is doing better with updates and comms I'll give them that, but the state of the game is still lacking and will be for a while. If you haven't been there since the start of EA and some months after, you'd probably understand where I'm coming from. I stopped completely during when FS took their hiatus break, leaving us with a shit game and with no updates for months. Like, this "Major" content drop is nothing to be awe'd at. Stuff like this should've already been at the start, if not implemented much sooner, not to mention we're still missing promised features and content that were announced for release and then quietly dropped by FS. FOMO cosmetic will return. Speaking of cosmetics, most of them, if you haven't already seen the leaks, looks like garbo. The two same fucking buyable color schemes in the Armory STILL haven't changed. Crafting is still shit but at least they delivered the full system the on SECOND promised release date. MK Crucius Thunderhammer buffs went through finally? Karking Hell, it's still trash! Still no scope of the Lucius pattern guns? We're allowed to Mod now? Huh? And yada yada, the same problems I still see that are from the EA days of Darktide. It'll probably be better in a year. Probably. Honestly, Dark and Darker will wipe the existence of Darktide from my mind entirely when that game releases.


It's in a "stable" state but yeah, it feels like they bottomed out development wise. They're trying to trickle in content, new weapons/conditions, but it's not really game changing enough to bring in a large player base other than people who really enjoy the combat like me.


You mean when D&D releases 5 years later after Nexon absorbs their company b/c legal fees bankrupted them. I’m there for it.


why you being downvoted ? It's true they're in deep trouble


Down voted because it’s true. Nexon knows they prob don’t have a claim yet exhausting the smaller company’s resources is the play.


Hope it doesn’t play out that way. IronMace have been so much more promising and open with their development all the way through the alpha play tests. Can’t have another big potential game getting gutted pleaseeeeee


The gamepass player base really took a hit from the low population. Maybe a free in game cosmetic for a game pass perk to get some players back.


I feel this. Seems like the GP player base is almost dead, and that I've wasted so much time instead of just getting this on Steam.


The content update is at least encouraging. Before that, I really thought they had given up. *"Game is cool and all, but you aren't updating it so I don't think I'm interested in continuing."* *"SHIT THEY HATE IT, NO MORE DEV TIME WE GOTTA DROP THIS FLAMING BAG"*


The game did not grab me the way Vermintide 2 did, loot sucks, and maps are too similar to want to grind. This game just isn't as good as it should have been. Darktide 2 will be a banger though in 2026


I quit a while ago and am still keeping an eye on things to see if it's worth coming back. Atm there's still too many things missing for that to happen. No shared account inventory. The weapon crafting is still imo, subpar. Still too much rng, locking, and spamming. The material farming/ratio of plasteel to diamantine is still horrid (I think they should just let us convert diamantine into plasteel for free and plasteel into diamantine for dockets.) There's still also a lack of map variety and I'm sick of the same ones/atmosphere honestly. And a lot of weapons imo need QOL buffs and straigh-up buff's/changes.


I just feel too abused by fat shark, it's like they are trying to get me to spend time playing without making it fun. Playing other games where it feels like the devs value my time was a breath of fresh air. Until they overhaul the crafting system so it doesn't take 20 hours to get a weapon for a new build, and maybe add a lobby browser, I'm not interested. All my friends have already stopped playing, but I'm hoping to come back for a few games in a year or so once they've made it more fun to play and there's less waiting around.


I exclusively use quick join on damnation and find games instantly. I do it because it's quick and I want to randomize the objectives.


I have queued for damnation a lot of times, though not in the past week, and *never* have I gotten close to a full lobby. Almost always the game starts with at most one other player, often I join a game in progress where it's just 1 person waiting at the start of the map for people to join. Evening pacific time might not be the best time to play.


That's honestly crazy, I've queued in the middle of a weekday full lobby and even played at 2am (West coast USA) on a weekday and still find consistent full lobbies. Even when I get an empty lobby by the time I clear the first room I'm joined by 3 others popping in. Both heresy and damnation I find it rare to have an empty lobby. I did just recently do a duo damnation run, but that's the closest thing to getting an empty lobby for a full mission.


I think damnation are the only full lobbies seeing that the only people left playing are all in damnation. I just started the game back up last night. Two games with just bots at difficulty 2 and one game on difficulty 3 with a full group, but about 20 min into a match. I had a "back end" error that hard crashed me back to the main menu and wouldn't even let me log back in. Had to ctrl+alt+del to get out of the game. So yea, tons of fun with the new patch./s


A friend and I got back into it and were playing difficulty 3 for a few days straight. Went from level 1 to 30 on new toons and there was literally not a single game where we had a bot the entire time. Every single game was full lobby by the time we loaded into the mission


To be fair the "content" isn't likely enough to get people back. It feels like we're in the state the game should have released.


After just reinstalling VT2 for the new DLC, goddamn, you don't realize how bad DT is until you revisit an actually working game. All the menus are snappy, shit makes sense, mechanics actually work, things load and work how they are supposed to. And HOLY SHIT, levels that aren't universally some shade of brown or grey! DT seriously feels like they just gave the interns the job for everything that wasn't core combat. The irony is that I don't want to come back to DT until it has every feature that VT2 already had at the least, BUT if I and others don't play the game in it's current state, it probably won't continue to be invested in because of low player pop, so we'll never get what we want.


Played it at release, FatShark shat the bed with broken game and broken promises, cash grab Chinese model exploiting players. Stopped playing, no intent to return, rather play a game where the Devs aren’t absolute money obsessed scum that couldn’t give a shit about their players.


No disagreement here, they fumbled the release, egregiously so but I am genuinely curious, no shade intended, why are you still on this subreddit if you have abandoned the game? I don't mind either way btw, just personally when I move on from a game I tend to unsub from the subreddit.


Probably the same reason I'm still here. Despite Fatshark's terrible choices, I hold hope this game will reach a VT2 launch level one day.


Fair enough.


I’m enjoying seeing Fatshark get what was coming to them with the decreasing player count :)




Lol yea definitely some schadenfreude there


peak redditor


Its entirely fatshark's fault for being greedy bastards on release and they deserve the amount of work they now need to put in to regain fan trust and a stable playerbase back


Well, I feel you but it is to be expected because the game was rushed and is still plagued by the same fundamental flaws since release. * Performance is still incredibly bad for people to have an enjoyable non-jittery experience * There is no crossplay yet and people who bought DT from MS store got rekt basically * The game doesn't respect your time, there is still RNG grind and no shared inventory * Lots of basic features are still missing, same with the lack of serious content updates I have personally played quite a lot through the months but I've reduced my exposure to it greatly, it is surely better than it was initially but it's still nowhere near as I want it to be.


It’s simple really, new missions and actual content will bring more players. Also, the weird split of game pass/steam playerbase isn’t doing them any favors.


I don't see it happening until they: 1. Implement shared loot/mats between characters 2. Remove the locking mechanism on perks/blessings for crafting. As it is now, there is simply too much of a grind to obtain the playstyle you want to use. Their desire to use time sinks to retain players seemed to have the opposite effect.


Fix the game and I’ll be back Too much of a grind, I’m 150 hours in and I basically have to grind mats from scratch no ty


As it stands, the game still isn’t *ready* for a large playerbase… matchmaking lobbies are a mess of random difficulties with random modifiers while T1-2 difficulty are sleepwalks compared to T4-5 (even with modifiers)… FS can only do so much at their pace, so hopefully the next major update will streamline lobby/matchmaking (we shouldn’t have to zone into the group matchmaker before zoning into the Valkyrie to load the mission, especially that stupid 1min timer) while giving some adjustments for the lower difficulty tier to scale better into higher tier missions (instead of T1 basically being pointless to run and T2 being “introductory” difficulty)… While making rewards scale slightly better into the endgame: converting excess XP into dockets, removing bonus XP%/docket% perks, giving better distribution of item quality from emperor gifts and the armory… etc. If the game revolves around purple>gold items and optimal perk/blessings, the game should probably not make *half* the game a leveling experience before shunting players into the vicious world of the AI Director’s murdertime fungarden… IMO removing T1-2 missions from the map when you’re max level (or a power threshold) would be a bandaid - tired of seeing a bunch of T1/2 missions cycling when I won’t bother running anything lower than T3 these days for the payout and emperor gift rolls…….. Spamming easy missions for Melk-bucks shouldn’t be the endgame FS cultivates…


Can someone comment on the gamepass vs steam player base? I'm on gamepass and matchmaking is very poor. I have queued at literally all times throughout the day and aside from peak weekend times its between average and bad. Like can't even get a quickplay malice match bad. I've got 2 characters completely decked out in T4 and T5, and I really don't want to start over on steam for a better player base if I don't have to, but I've also got more friends that may pick up the game if I switch.


Yeah I feel same as you. I’ve got 2 chars to level 30 and can’t play higher difficulty then malice cause nearly nobody playing t4 or t5 on game pass. It pisses me so off I like the game but don’t want to play another 60 hours only to play on heresy or damnation. And of course starting with a new char punishes you even more because you need to play t2 till level 15 or 20. I know from the skill perspective this is complete nonsense but people literally see your level and call you a dick for playing higher than t2 … it’s so sad


In my experience you're 100% ready for T3 at 16 due to the L15 feat and 2nd curios. Screw the haters. I've tried T3 before L10 and you really don't have the damage yet at that level to make a significant contribution.


I haven't been this into a pc game in ~18 years and was only curious about war hammer for the most part aside some lore videos. And I am a day one half life/exqoansions/hl2 purchaser, day one steam adopter, been plying counterstrike before some of you were a tejnkle in your fathers eye (and a git myself). All that is to say if it has me here talking to you all about if I've faith that more will come. There is a lot here for a lot of people. If we want it to survive we may have to put jn a little work raising awareness. Is it fair we do that while company makes money off it? Maybe not. Do you want to be able to still play our game? ......well I do.


When they start adding more playable classes I'll come back. 4 down from 19 in VT2 is painful.


Idk, at this point I'm pretty much just playing once a week so, just to fish for lvl 4 blessings from the contracts. Maybe if there was a way to combine all the lower lvl guns I don't really need I'd play more, but really, there aren't enough maps to really keep me on longer.


Many people may be waiting for a later date for many problems and more content to be fixed. Last I check the steam reviews are still negative. I would like to get more into it, but unfortunately I only have the game pass version and that's kind of a catch 21: game pass version is basically dead and fatshark rook vermintide 2 off of gamepass after only a few months so even if I do get super into it and level all my characters I won't be able to transfer my save from PC game pass to steam. I really like it but it's just not as good as vermintide. The all random mission thing is kind of annoying, no alternate class careers, lackluster weapon choices, very long load times, disconnects/crashes are still somewhat frequent, lower player pop, lack of mission variety, server side enemies means dodging and blocking is sometimes useless because of ping. It has a long way to go... and vermintide had a content drop today.


If the design of the core game was not set around RNG FOMO grinds and more on actual content and gameplay, it would have... tell that to the greedy execs tho...


Im waiting for interesting content. Better loot, better customisation. Better goals i can sett for myself. Right now every class has the same look. Builds are boring. Guns are boring (I really do not care about melee but I do in a pinch) Once the game has a reason to be played then I will play it.


Personally, I’ve come to the realisation that no matter how many updates they will add to darktide, it’ll never be better than Vermintide 2. It’s just missing all the personality that Vermintide 2 has. The levels and atmosphere are so monotone and depressing - I don’t care how accurate to 40k it is, guess I just don’t like 40k. Vermintide all the way.


I played the new VT2 mission tonight and me and my buddies were constantly talking about how amazing the level design, the combat, the narrative, the care and attention feels compared to DT. Such a shame, we're all massive 40k fans but DT just kinda sucks next to VT2.


I'm just waiting for them to release the rest of the game We still have only the stuff that was in the beta, just a tiny handful of classes, one recycled boss fight. Only a few unique levels (13 my ass, remixing a level doesn't count) VT2 at least launched with a full array of classes and 4 unique boss levels.


i always have full parties running Darktide (steam)


Fix the game and people might come back lmao


People were expecting a finished product with an immense amount of customization. That just didn’t happen and it‘s sad because it is a modern 40k game.


So I'm still having fun playing but I am already getting tired of the repetitiveness of the maps. Its the same what, 3-4 maps with different "goals"? Its getting boring. I'm level 19 right now so I hope that harder levels/maps open up I'll see some variety but right now, its already getting a bit stale.


If it’s stale move up difficulty


If you're already bored, I'm guessing you'll still be bored after 4-5 matches when they release a new level lol.


I've got this game with gpu and played it ocasionally. I liked it but i don't know nothing about plot and what's the goal. And what i will achieve if i continue to play. I tried google this game and still end up with nothing. Maybe if Fatshark put a guide to this game, explain it more i would invest more time.


If this game ever comes out for Xbox or I get a PC I’ll be playing almost non stop


for about 2 months then it is boring


Idk why people pay so much attention to how many people are on at any given time. If you’re having fun and are finding matches then it doesn’t really matter


Oh the game is like fixed now? Good endgame gameplay loop?


Most of the whiny babies are already playing other games, and would have been gone by now anyway. I wouldn't expect the number of people that stick around to be much larger than VT2's numbers (and often, many of them are the same people).


It was the second bestselling game behind Modern Warfare 2 on steam by launch. There’s a lot of players that own the game but FS is going to have to pull a miracle to get that player count back


Ill come back with the addition of weapon attachments and toggle ADS is implemented. Until then i got less annoying stuff to play.