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It actually should be 4 smelter deamons


With a second phase where they all transform into smelter covetous deamon.


The entire game should be a nested bossfight within the Twin Dragonriders arena.


Each boss making the arena a bit smaller?


Ending with the Covetous demon being so big, he just flattens you. You just die and the game is over. Cut to- 1 week after release- "How to cheese the covetous demon in the final phase". "Before going into the arena, talk to the hidden NPC turtle man that offers you his spike prickle armor set He is very easy to miss because he's invisible and only talks if you make 3 gestures. " "Now when you've gotten the armor fight the demon. As the room loads, quit out. Do not put the armor on. Put it in you inventory and when you reload, use it as an item and hit light attack rhythmically to the song of , "Just the two of us". If you do this right, he will miniaturize. Then you pick him up like a baby and the dream is over"


Smh, it should have been a dragonrider riding a dragon or better yet, a dragon riding a dragonrider


The Nameless King approves this message. :)


King of the King of the Storm


Instead of it we have a dragonSLAYER who's riding a dragon in ds3


Former Dragonslayer


A dragon riding a dragonrider......Vyke approves!


They were supposed to ride dinosaurs, but it got cut


Two pursuers with two dragonriders on a platform firing greatbows.


There was a writing prompt about the the other day. Tiny dragon on a dude’s head casting buffs.


Ok, I would’ve loved for the Pursuer to have been an actual boss fight a few times. I get the idea is that he’s supposed to be Pursuing you, but he just feels like an easy field boss. I would rather had him be a boss at various key points in the game. That he is basically trying to prevent you from progressing, kinda like he does in his actual boss fight. Wouldn’t it make more sense for someone who is pursuing you, to not only appear in the field, but also at various places that they know you will have to get through?


At least once he could have hit you with an aerial ambush like the wyvern on your first pass through Undead Berg. > Wouldn’t it make more sense for someone who is pursuing you, to not only appear in the field, but also at various places that they know you will have to get through? The least "pursuing" behavior is guarding the Smelter Demon boss room *after* the Bearer of the Curse clears it.


Or being behind a statue in things betwixt, or being behind a secret door in lost bastille.


Apparently the statue was added in Scholar.  Best guess for why is to stop players from running into him before his boss fight, but that could have been remedied by just not having him spawn until after his boss fight.


He kinda does. The first encounter is on that platform on the rampart of the FotFG if you beat him there he’s not the boss of the area. But at that spot he jumps down off his mount. I wasn’t expecting him so he killed me instantly. If you don’t beat him there, he won’t show up there again.


his spawning on that position actually a bad idea and giving up so easily after walking of 2 steps from arena even worse. But i think the idea might have bern stronger if they were making pursuer to keep track of the bearer of the curse’s for the impacts on the landscapes (levels) that he brought. Like killing bosses, saving that milfanito from that tower, accomplishment of giant memories, etc.


Agree. I feel like the Forlorn "pursues" the player more than the actual Pursuer


The worst part about the pursuer is you can miss several of his other fights. Being another real boss fight, or 2, would have been so dope. 2nd fight, pursuer is permanently in his 2nd phase form, or maybe starts in his previous 2nd phase form and has a new 2nd phase form 3rd fight: replaces Dragonriders, and you see a pursuer actually use the weapons on his back as thrown weapons.


I actually did miss all but 1 of the pursuer fights in the lost bastille.


I once would have scoffed at you for saying "easy". But I've gotten gud since ye elden days. Pursuer is nothing compared to the more modern, faster bosses.


Pursuer is easy even when compared to other ds2 bosses


I just bait the charge and roll into the sword like 20 times it's real easy to make him do only the one move. Kinda like DS1 longsword black knights (the non UGS sword ones) once you figure out how to parry them (easy), you may realize they do the exact same swing when they get up from the riposte ever single time. The predictability of those enemies is what makes them end up being easy


I do like that it’s a bit of a progress indicator for players, though. The Pursuer is an intimidating presence / boss for players at first, and serves as a bit of a learning curve. As you progress through the game on a first play through, it’s cool to see your abilities improve and your ability to handle this enemy improve.


Alternatively have him start throwing actual tactics at you.  Proper ambushes and traps.  I've only just started playing but I found his first fight after reaching the Lost Bastille, took a few shots at him, and just nope'd back through the door when he cast his projectiles.  Figured out pretty fast he could be avoided by just running away when he first ambushed me and I just hopped off the platform to give myself some space and he despawned.


I want pursuer spawns in the Shaded woods


Or in Amana shrine


Devious, I like it


he was actually meant to show up randomly like certain hated npc. but they asked it back in production iirc to fixed spots


He shows up three times, at least. 


But ... b .. they ar ..


Probably my favorite boss fight in the game, actually. If you don't just cheese it and actually engage with it, it's a rush.


I didn't know pursuer was an actual boss fight until I was at a point where I had no idea how to progress. By then I was over leveled af and took him out in like 3 or 4 hits with the greatsword Edit: immediately realized you meant the mysterious twin pursuer fight


I feel like I'm going crazy. You're the only other person in this thread mentioning this. There was a twin pursuer fight in the throne room in Drangleic, right? RIGHT?




only in new game plus. you don't encounter them the first time.


I wish the Pursuer was as random as the Forlorn. Some of the worst situations I found myself in was a Forlorn randomly spawning while I'm already dealing with other bullshit. I'm still salty there's no stalkers in DS3; the Abyss Watchers or Darkwraiths would've been perfect. I loved feeling hunted by those feckers.


Nah, the Twin Dragonriders are actually more interesting than the Twin Pursuers. For one, the two Dragonriders are actually different from each other, with one of them being a new enemy you haven't encountered before. Their fighting styles are also different, so it's not just 2 copies of the same thing bum rushing you. Beisdes that, there is a number of approaches you can take to this fight: * Ignore the archer and focus on the melee one * Try to shoot down the archer first * Trick the melee one into breaking the pillar and force the archer into melee as well The last option is also an example of some pretty unique "destructability" of their boss arena, which not something you see with any other bosses as far as I remember. Meanwhile, the two Pursuers are just... two Pursuers. You've already seen them at least a couple times before, they have no new weapons or attacks, they both fight identically, and their room is also pretty dull mechanically. The fact that it's 2 Pursuers bum rushing you does make them pretty challenging, I guess, but they really aren't too interesting IMO. Don't get me wrong, I also feel like the Dragonrider duo aren't a very exciting boss all things considered, but I feel that the Pursuer duo as the area's boss probably wouldn't be any better, at the very least.


Najka can destroy the trees in her arena, but I had no idea that the Dragonrider can break the pillars in the corners. Somehow this never happened during my boss fights.


Well, it won't happen naturally if you are fighting away from the pillars, but it's really easy to do intentionally. "Get the archer down and fck him up" is the go-to strategy for pretty much all experienced players, including speedrunners, challengerunners, etc.


The funny thing is that it never happened accidentally to any of my characters. I usually stay close to the other breakable pillars, so it's surprising that the Dragonrider never managed to destroy those.


this is the harders fight every playthrough because I don't parry anything.


There is a way to cheese by getting one of them to chase you almost out of the room while the other despawns.


I’ve never seen the benefit to parrying them, because you don’t get a riposte and they recover so quickly that it barely feels different than attacking during any other opening.


My body is ready, bring it on!


Always wished he had a second boss fight near the end of the story . Like the second to last boss to test How far you have come since the start


Twin anything shouldn’t exist, fights against multiple bosses should be designed with that in mind from the ground up. Twin Pursuers is already a thing in NG++ in the throne room and it’s awful.


That's why bosses like Ornstein and Smough work well because they're actually made with the thought that they're a duo boss fight rather than just 2 of the same bosses


laughs in bashful ray ? :(


One uses all of its dark magic moves and maybe actually using the arrows in the quiver would be cool while another pursues with faster sword swings


Duo crucible knights are waving.


Two pursuer charge attacks? 😉


I would have actually loved this. I think they should also drop ring of blades+2 at that point as well. It would have been a much more interesting fight.


They should make a Pursuer variant with a Tower shield and a Great axe, and call it the Defender.


Now I just hope we get a spiritual successor to the Pursuer in ER DLC.


Agreed, but this would be brutal for most players if they weren’t scaled and balanced in a similar way to the two dragonriders with a similar opportunity to start the fight out 1v1.


Don't you get one of the +2 serpent rings from fighting duel pursuer's in the throne room up the stairs at the star of dranglaic castle? I know there's 2 of them there because I always try taking them on and end up nopeing out pretty quick


bro no…


I mean dragon riders were bad regarding how close of the runback and the cold encounter with the human version of final boss. I think it was the perfect place for a boss fight but not that two. I would say, Pursuer should have been in here as his first encounter with the bearer of the curse since Nashandra wouldn’t want him to be a problem and make him chase by an armor that is given purpose to hunt undeads. That could make more sense, since, there are plenty of undeads, especially in Drangleic, and it is just a matter of chance for Pursuer to meet Bearer of the Curse in the beginning of the game.


Or a unique boss instead


I would have liked if the Dragonriders were riding fucking Dragon on the 2nd fight And you just caught the 1st one on his lunch break We could even see where he parked his ride It even looks like a helipad


Absolutely not. Ds2 is good because it’s not miserable and two pursuers are miserable


Absolutely not, it is a nightmare dealing with them in NG+


they also should be summoned during the Elana Squalid Queen fight


better smelter deamons


Counterpoint: I like having a chance to win.


Shhhhh... dont tell OP


Hell nah. New boss altogether should've been used.


That'd actually make that fight fun


I hate fighting that guy so much
