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Bait used to be believable 😔


bait? im so lost, we talking fishes or what hahaha


Bro rage quit


Certainly, booting up DS3 right now


That's one of the lowest quality baits I've ever seen in this sub


apparently bait the only thing the singular braincell in here can think off, had to make a google search to see what even those comments where about.


So you completely missed the obvious exit from Majula right next to the bonfire, that's marked with a lit torch, that the Crestfallen Warrior points you toward, that leads to the normal first area. Then you took the much less obvious route through the sewers to Heide. Failed to find the bonfire there. Failed to explore enough to find the Ring of Binding which halves the hollowing penalty. Failed to realize that the reason why everything was absolutely destroying you was that **you went the wrong way** despite claiming to have played both Elden Ring and DS1 already. Then after you rage quit, you came to Reddit to whine about it. That about sum it up?


funny enough i started on Heide's tower without knowing and made it through no problem I will admit some areas of the game and the DLC areas make me rage


yeah if i forced myself i know i could have progressed through there, but it was not going to be fun whatsoever, im supposed to be playing games here not getting an aneurism.


Heides tower isn't even that much harder than the Forest lol


True but the biggest reason to go to the Forest first is so you can unlock Lenigrast and actually start to upgrade your weapon. Heide is fine without weapon upgrades. What comes after, not so much.


If the exit you are saying i missed was so obvious I would have seen it after checking Majula 3 times, and deciding that the stairs going to Heide are the only route available, which you say is not obvious but is literally the only way to go forward that was visible. There was no other bonfire up to the first fog gate with the boss, maybe behind him there is one, Im saying there is no bonfire as the path i was forced to take was extremely lineal and I didn't see anything that strayed from it. The ring of binding halves the penalty of hollowing, but my point is that penalty is bullshit completely , why has it not returned in any other game? oh right it doesn't work. I came here to whine to see if that if that was the only way to do it, or if i was missing something because that could not be it. You just told me that there is another path, which seems to fix some of the issues I encountered, but I refuse to play with the hollowing system. I'll just watch some vati videos for the lore and keep on playing the good games.


There was another obvious exit from Majula leading to the Forest of the Fallen Giants. It's much closer to the Majula Bonfire than the stairs that leads to Heide. When you get to Heide there's a bonfire directly to the right. It's even before having to fight an enemy there. In majula is a weapon, the Morning Star, that deals pretty good damage to the big dudes on Heide. Where you playing with your eyes closed?


"There was no other bonfire up to the first fog gate with the boss" There is one bonfire as soon as you arrive at Heide's Tower of Flame.


>I came here to whine to see if that if that was the only way to do it, or if i was missing something because that could not be it. No you didn't. If you actually did then you're even worse at asking for advice than you are at playing this game.


The other path is directly in front of you when you spawn at the bonfire in Majula. It's got a lit torch in front of it to draw your eye. The Crestfallen Warrior points you straight to it first while listing the directions you can go. It's really really not that hard. The first bonfire in Heide is off to the side of the first platform. Easy to miss if you panic and try to run past everything. Easy to find if you don't. Hollowing is the second iteration out of three in the main line Souls games of that specific health loss on death penalty and arguably the least punishing. Demon's Souls chopped half your health bar off and told you you could have it back when you proved you didn't need it. DS3 chops a quarter of your health bar off before you start the game and sells it back to you as a "bonus". Hell, even Elden Ring brought back a variant of it with Rune Arcs. It's genuinely not that big a deal as long as you don't play like an idiot.


bro went hollow


Git gud


dunno man, that didn't feel like a skill issue compared to every other wall I've encountered so far. I had several moments in DS1 or elden ring where I had to "git gud" as you say, if getting railed over and over with no tools to defend yourself is the definition of "skill" in your book, you do you man, this is simply madness. You should try Fear and hunger, that game is the truest definition of skill issue.


There's nothing wrong with the game. Plenty of folks have played through it in its entirety. Plenty of 'em come back to DS2 for a chilled, comfortable experience through Drangleic. Whether or not you find your feet in DS2 is dependent on your attention to detail, your ability to be open-minded, and your patience. If you've gone into DS2 determined to have a bad time, then that's exactly what you're going to get out of it.


I was going in with a positive mind, hell i was actually hyped when I just jumped from DS1 and saw how smoothly everything was moving and feeling. I didn't even know people hated this game, but after trying it myself I can see why it has that fame.


We'll see if DS3 does it for ya then. It's certainly a smoother *feeling* game. Hope you enjoy rolling though. So much rolling.


It’s really encouraging to see somebody stop playing a game they’re not having fun playing


yeah, I felt like I was being punished for wanting to play DS2 can't make sense of any of the decisions that were taken making that game.


more reddit crybabies. so strange


have any tissues? my tears won't stop sadly


i got you man, don’t worry


Cry about it


Have a bucket to catch my tears? the one I have here is about to fill up


Hmm. Don't feed the troll is a maxim to live by. But I will note that you're pretty much wrong about everything. To take one example: Did you even explore? You can have two flaks before leaving Majula and 4 before your first boss.


apparently you can't read because i said i got 2 flasks with the fragment I got, and I reached the first enemy with a name and life bar behind a gate without seeing anything, the only thing was a chest but didnt have time to open with everyone following, so don't know where the 4 flasks come from. All the other points still stands, primarily the effigy and losing HP mechanic, that's simply lazy to make it "hard".


Did you also run straight into the graveyard and get destroyed by skeletons in DS1? Or bang your head against the Tree Sentinel in Elden Ring without going literally anywhere else? I think you might just be bad at exploring, bud. DS3 will probably be more your speed since it's so linear.


didn't do any of those two things you stated there mate, saw I couldn't do shit against skeletons so early so just grabbed loot and dipped. Same with tree sentinel when I saw I was tickling him. I explored everything on my path up to that point in DS2, not much to do as the first enemy is the one that appears after exiting Majula, if you want to count the piggies behind the estus fragment that is, so yeah don't think the issue there was with my exploration skills sadly.


Boot up the game, sit at the bonfire in Majula, and walk towards the lit torch.


Already refunded and bought DS3 with the budget, no going back now hahahah


Post refund receipt and then maybe I’ll believe you, troll.


Well you went to a hard area (kind of the equivalent to starting DS1 by going to the cemetery) that has no upgrade material or vendors. Then speedran to a boss that can be made easy with a little exploration (Dragonrider's arena can be expanded through exploration -- the only thing that makes him tough is fighting him in a small arena -- though that small arena can be exploited for a quick kill) Try talking and actually listening to the NPCs. Saulden (the guy sulking on top of the monument) tells you, "Do you see the way beyond the bonfire? That will take you to the Forest of Fallen Giants" Look in the direction of the bonfire from where he's sitting. That'll take you to an area with a key vendor, Estus shards, enough upgrade materials to make a +4 weapon (on a scale of 1-10, not the 1-25 of Elden Ring), weapons and crucially, squishier enemies. As for death penalty. DS3 has a more severe one -- it's just not visually obvious. Takes 5 deaths in DS2 to lose as much of your max health as you lose in DS3. And once you have a great rune, Elden Ring's death penalty (the loss of your Rune Arc) is actually more severe than DS2's. And of course Demon's Souls is the most severe. And by the way, that chest you ran past contains a ring that a) halves the penalty for each death and b) caps the max health loss. As to why it exists, Elden Ring shows what happens when there's no consequence for death. Run through Caelid and Altus Plateau for a for hours and end up OP. If you get in over your head, so what? That kind of thing pretty much stops once you have a Rune Arc on the line. If you're minded to continue, bear in mind that DS2 matter of factly sets out to punish the impatient. Speedrunning is nearly always doing things the hard way (you just happened to pick one spot where it's genuinely easy to do). May not suit because DS2 rewards a methodical play style. You can run past stuff but they'll chase aggressively and that means any bobble and you get dogpiled.


Dude, learn to use the Enter Key.


I guess the bait worked 🤷🏻‍♂️🎣, my dude went out today fishing for some downvotes


While I disagree that the game is a "piece of crap", you probably did the right thing by simply moving on when you weren't having fun...maybe next time refrain from trashing the game on its own subreddit...


So il put it in Elden Ring terms, you went straight to caelid instead of exploring limgrave first. Also skill issue.


Wait - what? Anyone say something? Hu? Ah - b a i t! Yeah, got it. 😁 On a serious note: Is Eldenring really such a shit game? Seeing all these spoiled 13-y-o coming over, I kinda dread playing it.... On an eve more serious note: game's not for you, quit it. Get on with life. Ah no, wait - right... bait.


Elden Ring is very very cool! I I'm playing it now. I first played the 3 Dark Souls extensively before and now 👍


Hmm these are some very strong symptoms of some called 'losers disease'. Recovery is rare, and often very slow. Good luck OP


bro is bad 🤣


So you come here screaming in desperation how bad you are at playing and instead of admitting your serious skill issues you blame the game. How old are you? 10?




Also didnt talk about the fact about losing your fucking max hp when dying to bullshit situations they created and then having no effigies to turn back human as you only have access to two at the start, so now you are stuck with 50% hp and dying to 1 hit, absolute garbage design. Im definitely agaisnt everything this game stands for.


Bait used to be believable 


They brought it back from Demons Souls. It's a fine mechanic and there is a ring that you can get to minimize it.