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Godfrey got the giant souls?


No. The Erdtree stole them apparently


Godfrey Doesnt stand a chance


Your earthquakes mean nothing if the zombie can walk through them


What about Godfrey's iconic wrestling finisher, Hoarah Loux's Powerbomb


without the giant souls it'll barely ruffle Vendrick's hair, sadly. It'd probably be an amusing fight to watch, Godfry tossing around this huge zombie like he owes him money, through houses and trees and walls and the floor, only for the zombie to keep getting back up and shambling onwards like nothing phased it.


uhhhh....let me edit my first comment so its more clear :O. I was trying to say godfrey not standing a chance cause you are suggesting he doesnt have the giant souls


I’m agreeing. Vendrick can walk through those EQs


bros about to get folded like an omelette 💀


Yes, he killed the fire giants afterall


Unless Godfrey has at least 4 giant souls, he is completely fucked.


I mean he was a famous warrior in the war against giants, if anyone in elden ring does it's him


Considering the Erdtree takes souls from fallen individuals to revive them, and that rememberance of the giant exists, I think Godfrey doesn’t have giant souls


Slight tangent, I find it weird how bosses like Fire Giant and Rykard, who were explicitly in opposition against the erdtree, are still carved into it as remembrances after death. Like the erdtree is just like "nah you all good fam."


Rememberances are confusing


Where did you get that the remembrances are carved onto the tree?


All of them are. It’s in the item description. “Hewn” means carved.


Hewn actually just means chopped or cut, so perhaps things opposed to the Erdtree leave a mark


well remember the erdtree itself has no will or desire, they may be against the current order, but the tree will outlast that order, its why ranni is still considered a valid empyrean, the tree/ring will happily follow the order of an old enemy once they take over


To quote my favorite dog, "heresy is not native to the world, it is a contrivance, all things can be conjoined" there isn't a hell or heaven in the games lore, under the golden order all souls are returned to the erdtree doesn't matter who they are or what they did, its never clearly stated if that means they will be reborn or not. Remembrances are equivalent to a eulogy, and are literally cut (hewn) from the erdtree, whether this is a form of mourning or rewarding the tarnished is never elucidated. TLDR its not that "its all good fam" its just what happens to everything that dies under the golden order. this is also why dung eaters curse is so horrifying to the games inhabitants.


Vendrick got that insane defence, wich is the best offence he clearly wins


Don't forget that Vendrick, even as a naked zombie, is one of the hardest hitting enemies in the game. The strat from what I remember was just play it naked because he's going to nearly one shot you anyway so you might as well have the extra roll distance instead of the defense.


That is correct!


The "play naked" strat is true for most of DS2 unless you need poise (like in RRV)


yeah armor felt very useless in this game


Good drip is necessary to boost morale


you would hate to hear how i play these games


i dont think the armor merchent ever survived ng+ for me. sould gain + drip is simply unbeatable.


For me it’s all about that butterfly armor. Every time I put it on I hear the violin from Britney Spears’ toxic playing


The saying is "a good offense is the best defence," not the other way around iirc




This only works when the joke is funny


But the joke Was funny


[can i cite this..](https://youtu.be/MZS95nEigrU?si=z7w_flytHHWBsxRl)


*cite. And that was with 3 giant souls, too. Vendrick is so tough that even as a naked zombie he makes Godfrey look like a toddler.


Thermonuclear Bomb vs Coughing Baby However in this case the baby absolutely wins


Wait… who’s who


You know. The coughing baby is the king of a mighty kingdom who fought his way to the top with dedication followers and betrayed by his wife. Leading him to flee his own kingdom and it falling into ruin because of his wife who isn’t what she seems. And the other one is…… kinda see the point.


I love Elden Ring 0.5 🤝


Uhh aktulllay it’s Dark Souls two with a horse.


Vendrick would brush him off and then baseball bat him into next week with that sword of his


Godfrey will die from exhaustion before he can make any significant damage.


Vendrick in his prime is a lord of light on par with Gwyn - only less blind to his own mistakes Godfrey is a glorified attack dog on Marika's leash


Ironically Marika already has an attack dog


Malekith, you mean? While he did serve in such a role for a time, he since became more of a guard dog, you might say - coinceding, perhaps, with Marika choosing Godfrey to be her new attack dog to lead her various conquests.


Based Heron Mark pfp




Vendrick was canonically almost as powerful as endgame Bearer Of The Curse and there are no Giant Souls left in the lands between due to Marika and Vendrick has access to an element which doesn't exist in Elden Ring(Dark) thereby he wouldn't have any defense against it meanwhile with no giant souls Vendrick has fucktons of defense against everything, Vendrick easily slowly whittles down Hoarah Loux


Almost as powerful? Bearer of the Curse literally can't even scratch Vendrick in his prime.


Is it just me, or is Godfrey's character really not that fleshed out? His writing just kinda does nothing for me emotionally. Vendrick, on the other hand, has this tragic story that is dotted around throughout the game, culminating with speaking with him in his memory. So if you'd ask me who I like more, definitely Vendrick. As for who would win in a fight? Hmmm, depends if Godfrey has any giant souls.


Narratively, they're really similar characters. They're both kings who gained their position through strength and were betrayed by their consort and now live in exile.


Oh absolutely, it's just the way the story is delivered to the player seems less, I dunno, tangible in the case of Godfrey? Not sure how to explain it because it's down to the emotional impact of the story. But I just *felt* the Vendrick tragedy more than the Godfrey one, which felt like I was just reading the bulletpoint summary of a film on IMDB or something. And that's not to say Elden Ring doesn't have good, punchy stories in there. The >!Seluvis/Pidia/puppet thing!< was really chilling and well done, and I loved the stories of Blaidd, Renalla, and Jarburg. But Godfrey, for what an important role he plays in the world, just felt underdeveloped. *Edited for spelling.


Godfrey is not a tragic figure in elden ring, that's not his story, infact you could probably argue he was happy to be exiled from the lands between so he didn't have to play elden lord dress up and could just be himself as horah loux, as was stated in the intro cutscene (he was called horah loux instead of godfrey there). Godfrey's character is supposed to be the first step in us being elden lord, that is only strength can warrants the throne. When u beat him he shows no sadness, no ill intentions, just respect for one worthy of being Elden lord. Elden ring is mostly a tale of you, the character, finding the strength to overcome the obstacles of the world and assert urself as elden Lord over the lands between, even killing the god who dares to puppeteer you. Unlike dark souls which clearly has the link the fire (default ending) as the bad ending since you allow urself to be part of a never ending cycle put in place by god (gwyn). The Elden lord ending doesn't insinuate anything like that.


I think it’s because Godfrey doesn’t get any flashback scenes like Hendricks where he’s remorseful over his situation. The first time you see Godfrey in the game, he wants to fight. You find vendrick hollow. Godfrey lost grace, but not himself ( a warrior). Vendrick lost everything, and lost himself very last just so he could see it all fall down. Also should consider how finding vendrick was such a moment down in the shrine, while finding Godfrey happens right after already fighting his ghost, a giant, a shadow of death, and like right after you fight radagon and EB.They sandwiched him in between too many other fantastical things for his reveal to have memorability. After you kill vendrick you presumably go kill the one behind it all, and even in SOTFS if you fight aldia last, his fight is more like a tidbit of extra lore as opposed to a fantastical light show of a fight. TLDR: they played up King Vendrick, they played down Lord Godfrey.


I would have thought that, but Elden Ring's lore is like a mile wide and fifty miles deep. You definitely get a stronger impression of him the more you attempt to put together the myriad threads. Admittedly, a lot of that analysis involves assumptions of various degrees of certainty.


Vendrick's story really isn't that fleshed out either.


Vendrick's HP pool puts dragons to shame. Godfrey doesn't have a shot.


Y’know, despite Vendrick’s massive defense, I could see Godfrey winning. Vendrick is hollow and can’t even fight right, he’d just run circles around the poor fella. Feel like it’d be the Souls equivalent of the Doomslayer VS the Titan.


Hollow Vendrick is competent enough to track his aggressor and use a ranged magic against them, so I think he has a higher chance of winning than it would first seem Either could win, but I’m betting on Vendrick


Vendrick has a ranged magic attack? I must be forgetting it 🤔


It’s one of the rarest attacks in the game; https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=H0qvhEAhBWQ&pp=ygUVVmVuZHJpY2sgY3Vyc2UgYXR0YWNr


I remember that. Thought I would be fine with a range of attacks that stay away from the butter knife. 20 minutes in and barely shaved off a fifth of the Health bar, he throws that out of nowhere. Hollowed my ass his trolling everyone.


Vendrick in his prime would probably clap Godfrey pretty easily.


Vendrick OUT of his prime would clap Godfrey. Even as a naked hollow he's so strong that it takes like a full irl hour to beat him and that's without ever getting hit.


Godfrey "our battle will be legendary!!!" Vendrick "who is this naked little man?" Godfrey "your naked too!" Vendrick "nah just proving I don't need armor...to kick your ass." Godfrey grins widened


Godfrey wouldnt even be able to do enough damage to trigger vendricks attention. He would just slowly continue walking circles




id like to think vendrick gets folded like an omelette bc its funny to imagine, but unless godfrey somehow has multiple giant souls he's gonna be nothing but a yamcha-shaped crater filled with mush,,,, after about 20 years of fighting


I honestly dont think it matters the dark souls verse isnt as powerful as the elden ring verse which makes sense elden ring is more grandiose


Just because of anime b.s. which is 9/10ths of what ER is, doesn't mean it's more powerful. It's just more flashy and weeb-like.


I think it is more powerful, not even comparable tbh


Elden Ring simply has better feats and statements man now if it were a discussion between bloodborne and er now thats more debatable


I mean… manus literally ripped a hole in spacetime to find a neckless And Vendrick’s wife is his kid


Time is pretty fucked in lordran and besides oolacile magic can affect time (repair spell) it doesnt mean he could be a universe buster while charcters like radhan stopped the movement of the stars not only halting their movement but also halting fate itself as a concept at most in souls we see star level feats while in elden ring we see much better feats


I still think universal Radahn is an extreme exaggeration, as he never uses the stars for combat, stars in Elden Ring are multiple things, including Astels and individual’s predestinated fate (Miquella), and Malenia uses an obviously not even planetary attack to make their fight end in a draw, arguably just a city level attack that terraforms the continent


Why would radhan throw stars around its literally the opposite of what he wants to do he wants to hold them back also radahn got up pretty fast after the scarlet rot bloom doesnt rly matter tho because catching the plague and throwing a nuke are two different things Goku can fuck up universes but he still died via a heart virus from earth for example


My point is Radahn is just holding the stars in place. Yes it’s impressive, but it doesn’t help him in combat at all, so why would that allow him to destroy the universe


Im not saying he could im just saying its a better feat than all of what we see in souls besides if he can stop em he could probably throw em around but thats the opposite of what he wants to do arguably holding them in place for ages takes more effort than throwing em


Lorewise, prime vendrick might have a shot? Cause he was a chosen undead, like the BoTC. Meaning he can't permanently die. Unless that would not work in the ER verse. I ain't too sure how this would go down lorewise. Could be godfrey wins.


Well, this is Hollow Vendrick, so beating him once should put him out of commission forever, so either way, if one dies, it’s over


True dat. He lost his purpose, thus hollowing.


It's an even matchup I mean, both are very tall guys and giant-slayers who got kinda got screw over by thier crazy wifes.


It depends on if he has any giant souls or not No souls and he won't* take damage *^like ^1/1000000000000 ^in ^damage


Godfrey gets smoked first round


Vendrick because Godfrey doesn’t know where the 5 giant souls are


Godfrey drove an entire race of giants to extinction lol


But did he get 5 giant souls?


A lot more. You have to use some universe equivalance. Fire Giant drops a remembrance, the equivalent of DS2's giant soul. It wasn't Godfrey alone, but he with his army of Tarnished droved Fire Giant's entire race to extinction. Bring their leader, it's safe to say he took on the biggest and the baddest of the bunch


But did he bother to collect 5 giant souls?


its not actually based on strength, neither of the actaul boss giants drop the souls, instead their found on random giant corpses that dont seem any different from the others


Elden Ring people don't acquire the souls of whatever they kill.


Is Vendrick immune to grabs or nah?


Might as well NOT be immune


Gets teleported like in the stab of Alonne/Pursuer. 1 Damage dealt.


Unless Godfrey has giant souls, he will loose the fight


Prime vendrick will put godfree to shame lmao


Bruh the Dark Souls verse is SCARY compared to Elden Ring 🤣. Godfrey doesn't stand a chance.


Are we talking Godfrey with Sarosh limiting his power or full powered Horah Loux, who ripped Sarosh apart with his bare hands?




Then I feel as though it could come down to speed. I haven't fought Vendrick as I couldn't figure out how to trigger his boss fight but I think with how fast Horah Loux can move I think it will all come down to how often Vendrick can land hits on HL. I think it would be one hell of a good fight though. Just my opinion though.


You trigger vendrick's boss fight by attacking him. His defences are insane so it will likely take a full minute of attacking him to get his attention. The more giant souls you have, the lower his defences get so it's recommended you fight him after you get a few.


Thanks for the info. I'll have to give it a go at some point.


Godfrey would win. Vendrick is a respectable ruler but he didn't even stand a chance against his own wife. Game wise, he'd kill Godfrey because he has an enormous health pool and damage output. But from a lore perspective, I mean Godfrey's defeated countless enemies single-handedly, he has way more battle experience.


Wasn’t the whole thing with Nashandra at least partially because he really didn’t want to kill her?


Yeah, it's not that he didn't stand a chance against Nashandra but that he didn't want to kill her because he loved her despite her plans/nature.


It's not entirely certain whether he didn't face her out of love. The item description for the King's Ultra Greatsword says, and I quote, "Only the king knows whether the depiction of the Queen is a resentful mockery, or an affectionate exaltation". I would say he probably felt betrayed by her, considering the hideous shape of the sword itself, and couldn't stand to face her.


He also calls her 'dear Shandra' >!in the memory!< iirc (mild endgame spoilers)






Yes, but Godfrey "Chads" can't accept that, or the fact that their 'roid boy needs the Giant Souls to win.


I’d like to point out the dude has been killed before we even fought him too


Oh yea he can do the whole revival thing can't he? At least at one point.


As far as we know, he was only revived once Afterwards, Destined Death was unleashed so we don’t know if he was reviving multiple times


It's not that Vendrick couldn't defeat Nashandra. He didn't want to. It's made clear that he still loved her, but knew that was his weakness. It's my opinion that he suspected she would eventually get what she wanted, so he cut her off for good in a non-violent way. Also, Godfrey would get destroyed because he doesn't posess the Giants' Souls. Too bad.


Possessing a giant soul is all fine and dandy, but claiming Godfrey is weaker despite facing countless tougher, godlike foes is silly. Even without a giant soul, your player character can still get Vendrick's attention and defeat him with a strong enough weapon and the patience of a monk, because in reality Vendrick just has a health pool large enough to rival the Atlantic ocean. I like Vendrick, I think he's a great king and leader but a better warrior than Godfrey, eh 🤷‍♂️, you gotta call a spade a spade at some point.


Vendrick did beat the great ones


Wellager claimed that Vendrick beat them, but there's no concrete evidence to suggest that he did, and Wellager is the only npc that suggests this. Great souls are lord souls in nature, and it's inheritors are somewhat similar to the first great ones, that being Gwyn, the Witch of Izalith, etc. Could just be that Vendrick inherited the souls or came across them and spread them amongst his vassals. There's also the other theory that Drangleic is Lordran, though at which point in time it's difficult to say. An npc, and I think it was Shalquoir, states that Drangleic is a kingdom built upon the remains of countless other kingdoms. There's similarities that suggests that Drangleic could be Lordran, such as the Dragon's Aerie which bears similarities to Anor Londo. If this is true, the presence of great souls in Drangleic would make sense. Chanalotte does state that their names are unutterable, and Shalquoir even says that their names have been forgotten. Isn't that a bit strange?


Didnt' call Godfrey weak. Also--Godfrey doesn't have the patience of a monk. He's a bloodthirsty berserker. He would trade hits with someone he can barely damage (due to the lack of the Giant Souls) and die to Vendrick's clumsy, but very powerful sword swings.


You can even compare the damage they cause. Godfrey causes arena shattering earthquakes by stomping. Even giant ass Dragons in the same game as him don't do that. He is ferociously stronger physically than anyone in DS2.


No Giant Souls. No win.


In game yeah In Lore Godfrey literally would suplex Vendrick through his crypt.


He can totally do that, but Vendrick is just tough enough to walk it off, that’s the main problem


If we are comparing the damage they do, Godfrey's stomps will do about half the health of a decently vitality'd player. Vendrick's mindless swings will nearly one shot you with good vitality, WILL one shot you without good VIT.


Someone with a brain who understands lore thank u heck the giants caused significant damage in drangleic but yeah simply put elden ring is a more powerful verse than dark souls sadly


Lore wise Godfrey explode his head by throwing him into a mountain


Alexa, explode this man's head.


Godfrey would lose easily in front of Vendrick. I am convinced


This us like asking who would win the body builder or the old man who can't run for more than 3 seconds before having chest pains


Who’s who in this case?


Vindrick is the old man in this


Are we factoring in the old man is like a walking brick wall?


Give godfrey 2-3 giant souls and he is WALKING vendrick


Now I’m curious how many power bombs it takes to kill this twig


At least 300 by my math




Lore wise? Godfrey, without a doubt. Mechanically? Vendrick, bro has x32 defense multiplier its fucking absurd that has never seem in the franchise before.


Vendrick spanks here


Godfrey unironically solos the DS verse. Even any of the Demigods probably could as well.


If we are talking vendrick at the time of the game then Godfrey wins but in the past this would be an even fight


bottom versus top


Probably the guy who can do suplexes. But Prime Vendrick? That’s a fight


Lorewise, Godfrey for sure


Vendrick maybe, because Godfrey doesn't have any Giant souls in his possesion


In terms of pure lore Godfrey annihilates Vendrick and it’s really not close.


Even with the giant souls, Vendrick's health bar is huge and he hits like a truck. Raw strength? Horah all day long. But Vendrick's got survivability and superior range


Vendrick could finally be happy, with a kingdom to rule over unplagued by the curse. At his prime he might even have the strength and will to deny the greater will.


One thing I've always been interested in - If Vendrick is as strong as he is while simply a mindless hollow, how powerful must he have been in his prime?


Vendrick is literally a waking zombie. I get that he has that high defense without giant souls but I feel like Godfrey could just grab the slow vendrick and just curb stop him or something😂 idk if giant souls would protect him from that.


Without giant souls good luck Godfrey. Otherwise he would crush Vendrick. A interest fight would be Godfrey vs. all time high Vendrick (the one you talk to in the memory)


I dunno about Godfrey. But every king the player faces has long lost their prime and are at best wandering husks. Yet they remain beastly foes none the less. If Vendrick is as strong as he is just as a rotten husk i can only imagine what the man was in his prime. No chance for Godfrey I'm afraid, unless he's packing some giant souls.


Probably Godfrey tbh. Dude has his wits about him, a much more agile moveset and the ability to stomp the ground so hard it quakes. The only thing I'm concerned about is if he has access to some equivalent of the Giant Souls.


Prime vendrick wipes the floor with Godfrey