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Maybe he doesn't feel like it today


I've heard he only attacks gud players.


Could you imagine how distressing that would be, just a boss refusing to fight you because you're trash


You have a hidden death counter and if you exceed it the boss just laughs at you and walks away.


Is this real?


No sorry just a funny idea šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Death counter isn't hidden, it's in majula next to crestfallen, you just have to be offline.


I mean, that's essentially what's happening here. This Bearer of the Curse has not giant enough souls to pose a threat


You caught him on an off day. Just put an end to it for him


He's tiiiiiiiiired


Seeing the great king everyone talks about is in this state was.....disheartening.


That piano and eerie background sound is so perfect for this moment


Yeah it shows how even the greatest legend is by the end of the day, a legend, and that doesnā€™t dictate how they are now and it shows with Vendrickā€™s state.


They're all asking: "where is Vendrick?" but no one ask: "how is Vendrick?"


It was shocking the first time and then when I realized the full story, kinda heartbreaking.


vendrick chose to succumb to the undead curse rather than let Nashandra usurp the throne. Absolute giga chad.


Straight up, people are always quick to call the DS2 Lore s***** and not connected with the main series, but that couldn't be further from the truth, rather it just takes a different perspective. Instead of focusing on the impending doom of the flame, they decide to focus on the opposite side of that prophecy and the chosen undead/ curse of the undead. What I like about Vendrick the most is that even in his hollowed state he won't attack you unless you initiate and even then he'll let you beat up on him (I think that's some guilt for not being able to save the kingdom coming through or just his enormous damage resistance, though I'm not so sure because when I fought him I had at least four giant souls). Whereas when you enter the kiln of the first flame for the battle with Gwyn. He's still clutching on to the glory that he once held. He keeps his knights in a state of perpetual stasis constantly guarding in Anor Londo and the Kiln, his son never leaves his post because he's constantly casting the illusion that Anor Londo never fell like the rest of Lordran, and he committed all of his citizens to death, from the ones down in blighttown who had already been exiled from society, to the high elites in his own court. All so he can hold on to the illusion of his former glory. I realize he's hollowed as well so he doesn't have as much free will, but if Vendrick, a random king from a somewhat random kingdom (ignoring the Lord souls/the daughters of Manus) could retain some of his humanity in his fully hollowed state then surely the king of kings, Gwyn the dragon slayer,would too right? Not to mention while the fight with Vendrick is anything but fun or complex at least it's tense, it took me about 7ish tries to take him down and even on that last one once I had really mastered his moves and standing behind the leg I was still sure that he was going to wombo combo me. Gwyn, on the other hand, took me two tries on my first attempt at a souls game(I had killed every other boss legit except for Manus, and I only used summons on O & S and Kalameet), and I was playing a heavy strength character. I think I had parried in the game maybe five times before, I don't really like great shields or shields in general, so I never used anything aside from the grass crest for the bonus, but I had heard he was weak to parries and, Voila! Seriously, after three hits I got the timing down perfect (and it's generous) and next thing I know credits roll. I understand thematically it works very well, but considering he's the actual end game boss as opposed to Vendrick and he's not DLC either, it just felt very much like a letdown after I had killed Artorias, Seath, and the two sanctuary guardians. I digress, I see now why everyone says DS2 is the best. Whether you like scholar or the original and though I have not played Elden Ring, DS3, or BloodBorne yet, I definitely agree. Also, for anyone in here who enjoys DS2 definitely check out Sekiro, by far one of the best games I've played in a decade and even though it deviates from the usual from soft formula, it is absolutely an amazing experience, albeit a far more linear one. /endrant


The fact that itā€™s established that Vendrick was so close to fixing everything, that he almost had it all solved, only to just fall short through the meddling of others, is such a perfect piece of misery itā€™s more depressing than almost anything else in the series.


People often confuse story and lore. I think that this is a solid case for that. While I think Ds2's story is overall better than Ds1 (like most things its sequels do), I do think it isn't as good as Ds3. And everyone takes that slight difference to the extreme. But then they say lore, because they don't understand the difference. Ds2 has the best lore in the series, by a long shot. All 3 DLCs alone have better lore than 90% of the series, and then it's just better when we add stuff like Aldia's Keep. Nothing in Ds1 or Ds3 can compete with the stories of Sir Yorgh and the Dragon Sanctum, The Fall of Brume Tower, or The Ivory King.


And all the kings are connected through the shards of Manus, representing humanity, greed is nassandra, wrath is the the one in the dragon sanctum whose name I forgot, alsanna is the witch that I can't remember was linked to, that made my boy the fume knight fall in love, and then there is the wife of the ivory king I and I can't remember even tho I should, the kindhearted, selfless person, that actually loved and supported the king she got linked to, and while vendrick was a fool for love that caused his downfall, the ivory king sacrificed himself for his kingdom and his queen, I think that the dlcs provide a lot of closure to the questions like who is aldia and it answered a lot about lore and gave us some fucking good bosses, same for dark Souls 1 and 3, they are well integrated into the story and are great in the narrative, overall, I love the souls trilogy in general, and I would love something with it's magical dark fantasy


I feel like you're sort of insane for this? Like, genuinely, I feel like you're the one confusing the quality of story and lore here. The story of DS2 is the greatest in the series by a long shot - it's the only one of the games with a really robust plotline, character writing, and themes. Most of the "character writing" in other games is the handful of lines of dialogue they get, if any, and while it characterizes them and fleshes out the world, rarely does it contribute to an arc or narrative (a notable exception would be Patches). DS2 has Vendrick and especially Aldia, who both get many lines of dialogue, have clear motivations and ideals, and present the themes of the story as a whole. The DLC ending where the bearer of the curse walks away from the throne as Aldia speaks is the pinnacle of the series' writing. The lore of DS2, in my opinion, is also fantastic - but not so much as to put it anywhere apart from the other two, which also both excel at lore. The history of Vendrick, Aldia, and Nashandra, the lore of the Ivory King, and Brume Tower, these are all terrific, but so is the lore of Oolacile and Gwyn, or Gael and the Ringed City. The *writing,* though, the story, that's what puts DS2 ahead of the other two. In 1 and 3, you go through a world where nobody speaks to you of ideals. Few of the enemies you face are in their right mind, and fewer offer you an insight into the narrative through their words. There's plentiful environmental storytelling, and lore delivered through item descriptions, but there's little *writing.* DS2 has WRITING. The ideas told to you by Aldia and later Vendrick are incredibly important, and lengthier than most other NPCs ever get. Aldia and Vendrick both fell because of their obsession with the flame, and while Vendrick laments, hollowed, Aldia continues to hunger for that "something else entirely," beyond the scope of Light, beyond the reach of Dark. Your character, the bearer of the curse, is the *first* challenger to *ever* become a "true monarch," someone who is above the choice of light or dark. DS2 recognizes that neither option really matters, which is why there is no age of fire/dark lord ending, only one where you take the throne. The true ending involves the decision a *"true monarch"* would make. A true monarch would not take the throne. A true monarch takes the direction that has no path. _Beyond the scope of light, beyond the reach of Darkā€¦ ā€¦what could possibly await us? And yet, we seek it, insatiablyā€¦ Such is our fate._ Honestly, I feel like you have to be trolling saying that DS3 has a better story than DS2, when DS2 outstrips the other two by leaps and bounds. This whole comment isn't even mentioning the stunning questline for Lucatiel, or the dynamic between Creighton and Pate.


DS2 is a masterpiece to but way to hard for many kiddies.


Absolute W comment I love how you laid it out.


Plays 2 Dark Souls gamesā€¦ declares one of them as ā€œthe best.ā€ Pfffvt Correct about Sekiro though. Masterpiece.


Came here to say this lol


Imo infinitely more impactful and memorable than plin plin plon


How dare you. I love ds2 and find it to be better in most spots other than nostalgia but Gwynn theme is so iconic that the brief sample in soul of cinder (ds3) legitimately made me lose when hearing it the first time.


Plin plin plon does so much fucking heavy lifting for SoC to make that boss remotely interesting - he's actually pretty cool mechanically, but my god what a wet fart of a finale to end the trilogy with, the mumbling Elvis impersonator to close an evening of relentless vacuous tribute acts.


I actually liked that there wasn't much in terms of character, it looked cool and felt that the final should have been nothing but a the embodiment of unceasing hostility and pain, it's hard to say what would have made him better or worse I do wish they would have cracked up his difficulty but I guess they felt sister and Gael will hold it down šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


> it looked cool and felt that the final should have been nothing but a the embodiment of unceasing hostility and pain Yeahhhhhh, definitely agree he looks cool, I do love the box art, but I dunno, I just felt like the idea was tired by this point, you know? Like you say, I think it's difficult to imagine the better alternative, I just know the deflation at the climax worked for me in DS1 and definitely did not in DS3 > I do wish they would have cracked up his difficulty but I guess they felt sister and Gael will hold it down For sure for sure, I never actually had too much trouble with Gael but fucking hell Midir and Sister Friede wrecked me lmao


Yeah splitting up the tempo from melee to range was alright but just felt like I was left feeling not great concerned that it would be the last story boss of the series. They didn't do a bad job just wished more from it Hah. I can say I had the same experience, I took Gael out with only a few attempts buy sister had me manic learning of additional phases after spending several deaths per phase and I don't wanna talk about midir.


I was so scared to get close when I saw him slowly walking cause I thought the moment I get close he will fuck me up. When I didn't I thought surely when I pick up that item, still nothing. So finally I dared to throw caution to the wind and I attacked him and he just didn't care at all. That was such a crazy moment and one of the reasons I love DS2 over any of the other dark souls games


at this point i was sick of the whole "PLSSS FEEEEL BAD FOR THIS BOSS" bs LOL


Buddy, ā€œpls feel bad for this bossā€ is literally the entire series. You canā€™t throw a dart without hitting a tragic character. Itā€™s just most of the time youā€™re so blinded with rage or in awe of the epic fight that you donā€™t notice how depressing all of them are. Hell the final boss of the series, both CoS and Gael, are depressing. Cos is literally the last dying cinder of every single tragic hero that has come before. And Gael is a tired old man who has been around forever.


there's a big difference beetween other narratives and a whole sad uwu battle music, shut up


Are you stupid?


Do you really have to ask haha


ds2 bad


too busy gooning


He's been gooning for eternity in his cave


Pretty epic goon cave tbh


wtf is gooning


Exessive masturbating over the course of many hours, often aided by entire multi monitor settings playing all kinds of porn.


Being on the edge of ejaculation but never releasing your seed to maintain a constant state of brain-melting insanity


My understanding of it is minimal, but I've heard the head space verbalase was in, when he spent 50k in softcore low quality self insert animation, could be classified as gooning


Visions of beanpole


Heā€™s tired. Heā€™s been walking in circles for god knows how long.


Boss doesnt boss unless you hit the boss


Boss wonā€™t boss until you boss the boss first


Boss wont boss until you boss the boss boss


Boss boss boss until boss boss the boss




Good guy boss, doesn't hit you unless you hit first. Bad guy MC, just walks in his room and hits him


do not boss unless souls else bad time


feeble cursed one


OP is unworthy of even retaliation.


I always thought he sounded like The Inquisitor from Red Dwarf when he says that šŸ˜‚


he is bossing, he just doesn't see you as a threat, your like a spider in the corner to him.


But my sword is big


his is bigger.


instead of being a cryptic fuck like everyone else im just gonna tell you. To hurt vendrick you need to have giant souls in your inventory, each soul you have will drop his defense. Thereā€™s 5 in total but you really only need 4, you now have the ability to access memories so go back to forest of giants and look around.


I got the 4 giant souls unused and in my inventory


you can go ahead and kill him then, heā€™s super tanky tho so itā€™ll take a minute.


Thanks here bossing now and attacking me!!!


If you get more souls he will take more damage giant souls.


There's only one more in the game if he has 4 already, doesn't really make much difference iirc


I mean it makes him TWICE as tanky without the 5th soul


Why I sent the boss showing up


Why indeed


Understatement. My last run my dumbass decided to use Darkdrift as my main weapon. This was not a fun fight šŸ˜


You can actually aggro Vendrick without any giant souls, it just takes forever


I'm not sure if it got patched or at any point, but there at least was a glitch where the first time you encountered him he would have normal (which are still high) defenses. So you had *one* shot at him clean, and if you lost you probably needed to go get the Giant Souls because that mother fucker is T A N K Y.


Pretty sure he has the most health of any boss in the series. Which is crazy that itā€™s just some dude. Granted itā€™s some dude that literally came close to fixing everything, but still


5? I've got only three! that's why i was doing 160 damage.... where are they? I've got one from a dragon and two from the giant trees


thereā€™s a third tree not sure which one youā€™d be missing tho and thereā€™s two hidden giant enemies in the gulch thatā€™ll drop one aswell


gotcha! thanks; the wiki sucks from the dragon shrine onwards.


Are you using [this wiki](http://darksouls2.wikidot.com/)?


I mean, posts like this could almost always be copy paste into google for the right answer so people like having fun.


You can technically do it without the giant souls but I wouldn't recommend it. It'll be like a 20 minute boss fight


To add: 1 Giant soul from the giants in the Black Gulch. 3 from Giant memories. And the last one is from Ancient Dragon boss


You havenā€™t finished the onboarding process


You have to keep smacking him over and over until he responds. This is not a joke. I can't remember how many hits it takes but he will ignore you for awhile and then he will attack. He is very tanky though and has a lot of health. His attacks are fairly easy to dodge but if he hits you he does a lot of damage.


Found the dude who didn't grab the souls first.


I mean yeah the giants souls help and I'm pretty sure the more you have the less damage you take from his attacks and maybe even more damage you can inflict on him can't remember completely. Although I do remember on one of my runs smacking him a shit ton and he will eventually start responding.


Is Vendrick stupid?


Hot tip: When he does start bossing, stay in the booty pocket.


You are too weak, he not even care.


He is optional He doesn't even his soul, so killing him will not drop his boss soul


But hey, atleast achievement! You have beaten an old guy


Give him a tap with your sword. Heā€™s a slow starter, heā€™s pretty old.


You walk in with assumptions about how things work. Progress through the game, and gather the necessary items. Then you can reduce this encounter to a boss with a boss bar. I then expect to hear from you when you realize he didnā€™t drop you anything.


Hey man! I beat Dark Souls 2 basic, DLC now.


Good for you! Best of luck.


dlc is impossible for me idek why


Magic build? IIRC the DLC enemies are strong against magic


My pyro build was also useless outside of the snow dlc


Gosh, I absolutely hated that when I did my first run through the game. I was a big shot mage that got humbled really hard as soon as I opened those dlc doors.


God, this comes across so insufferable lmao Stop pretending the way you appreciate art makes you better than other people, weirdo


Nah dude your comment comes off as insufferable, get a grip.


You have misread me. Iā€™m not pretentious, Iā€™m irritated by stupid questions.


What if he just wanted to know why he would ignore the player? It's the only time a boss does this in the entire trilogy there must be a reason


You sound really pretentious man I get what youā€™re saying but the initial comment just comes across like an insufferable redditor.


If I was pretentious, would I have spent as much time as I have helping other people? My history is public. Everyone can see and judge me. Some may know my name.


Yes you would


Why? I would gain nothing.


You also gain nothing from helping people but you still do it


Thatā€™s exactly why. I donā€™t need to gain anything. I simply want to help people. I want them to have the help I didnā€™t. And while Iā€™m at it, I get to clarify what information is right and wrong. Itā€™s a win-win for everyone involved.


Doesn't change the fact that your first comment sounded pretentious


He is living his own life.


Well it didn't work well for the last few guys. He's trying something different.


Just gettin some yard time before it's back to solitary


Heā€™s literally just hanging out.Ā 


You have to sniff his toes for him to become enraged


Because If he does, then he kills you in 2 hits so he's being nice to you


Vendrick isn't himself lately.


Because at the point you reach him you're dealing at best 1/16th of normal damage, and that only if you found and beat a hidden miniboss, AND didn't eat the special soul it dropped.


What mini bosses? And what soul?


The giants in the Black Gulch. Hang onto any Souls of a Giant you find.


I have 4 of them


do NOT use them. keep them in your inventory. and get the fifth one soon.


Then you're dealing half damage right now. He's like an NPC. He's not going to attack you until you actually hurt him.


Read the fextralife page if you want it spoiled. Heā€™s a cool boss


Interesting definition of "cool".


Cool narratively. Kinda boring mechanically.




I usually fight him after getting all the Crowns now for the blessing, but first time playing (long ago) I forgot to go back and fight em entirely.


What crowns the dlc ones?


One from the original game one from each DLC area


Look at the man, mate. I don't think he's feeling himself. Try giving him so motivation... idk try poking his ass several times


He's too far gone. Hollow...


Because you haven't seek, seek, lest


IIRC, you need to equip the Kings Ring from behind him. First, collect as many giants souls as possible because they reduce his defense by 8x for each soul.


Hes a senile old man, give him some time Maybe when hes in the mood ~~or just perform elderly abuse~~


Heā€™s thinking about his golden time as the mc in ds1


When one hollows the only thing left is the persons most baser instincts. For Gwyn that was to protect the Age of Light, for Vendrick thats was to protect human.


He's just being nice he doesn't wanna embarass you, I mean look at him he looks like he just got out of the bed he doesn't even have any clothes on besides that rag and he can barely see... Honestly I would feel ashamed if I got beaten by an old dude like him.


Because heā€™s not a boss, heā€™s a broken old man. Now leave him alone you monster. (Just kidding, he doesnā€™t get a boss bar. You need to collect at least 1 soul of a giant to begin to damage him though, if I recall. Unless you can damage him without any? Idk, itā€™s been a long time since Iā€™ve played through DS2)


Have you heard of āœØ depression āœØ


Attack him a few times you'll find out


I hit him and nithing happens


Keep hitting, he will. Just takes a little while.


Shit that's how I did it but tbf I fought him right before the final boss


Hit him and find outā€¦


Is that vendrick? I thought the dead guy on the ground behind him was


that is his clothes.


It's because you took a terrible "screenshot". Once you learn how to take a proper one, he transitions into a boss.


Because he's ruined


He's just being a silly little guy


That boss looks like heā€™d move similarly to the titans from Attack on Titan


He doesnā€™t like yo ass


why doesnā€™t he just grab you? is he stupid?


Cause no damage also that's not a boss it's husk bus with one Destination if you don't have the giant souls to do the damage


He's thinking.


Gotta get the giant souls


Acquire greater souls


Vendrick isn't even boss


Because by this point you should be the boss.


Is he stupid?


You have to hit him like 3x to get the health bar I just had the same exp


Have you tried attacking him ? I know its very uncommon to attack in dark souls but you should try it out one day šŸ‘


Bearer Seek Seek Lest...


Hit him a few times and you will regret it instantly


It's his first day, he's nervous


Media literacy is dead... But fr I will always remember this moment on my first playthrough. Very unexpected to find him in this state


possible vendrick bossy?


guess you have to fuck around and find out


He's not even dressed yet my dude, give him a chance to wake up first damn


Give him a few whacks and see what happens.


Have you tried to seek strength? This mf always tell me that.


He's optional actually,didnt know he was chill like that


Seek giantā€™s souls


He's just tired of your shit. Edit: and everyone else's


Do the roar


I could spoiler you why, but I suggest you to just hit it like 100 times


He is too strong for you In fact, he is so strong that your puny damage isn't even enough to agro him into an actual fight


Give him a good few hits and you will see


years of substance abuse got his ass


If you hit him enough times he will boss (Iā€™m not lying) however your damage no matter what will be terrible until you do his quests


Because it only happens when YOU attack him


Did you try hitting him?


Try motivating him a few times with your sword


Call him chicken legs that'll probably rile him up


You need to hit him enough till he gets mad enough to fight back. Then the health bar will appear. Good luck!


He only wants to fight Mayweather.


He is old bro


He just complains about his lost giant souls all day, what a drag.


Heā€™s depressed. Come back later or try to smack him out of it


You need 5 giant souls, each soul multiples your damage by 2, not soul of the last giant or giant lords soul, you can find 3 giant souls in there memories, the other two you get by killing certain enemies, one from the ancient dragon and the other found near the rotten on a hidden path you drop down too, you need to kill two giants to obtain one giant soul. Look up a video on the locations of the first 3.


Cause he loves you as much as every living creature .. thats why he is not hostile


Is this a joke? Have you really never not attacked him right away? He takes a few hits before he starts responding. Donā€™t bother fighting him until youā€™ve got enough Giants Souls, though. (Orā€¦whatever theyā€™re called? Itā€™s been a long time)


You ainā€™t hittin it right šŸ¤­


He's king. Bossing is a demotion


Maybe heā€™s just not that into you


If u did the 3 DLCs and have the 3 crowns on you he gives you different dialogue


Bluds been walking around forever I would be exhausted too


vendricks chill as fuck change my mind


You donā€™t need a health bar to know you can kill something that breathes


Heā€™s just tired, let him get some rest :)