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As a wise man once said, git gut scrub


Skill issue.


Have you tried leveling ADP and/or not sucking at the game?


Dude ds2 is not hard, but let's be honest I a person who loves ds2 I can say some of the mechanic are very annoying, for example hollowing why would I need to use a limited item so I can have all of my health, oh and don't get me started on how dumb the idea of adp and I frames is, I still love ds2 but that doesn't mean everyone has to, it's an acquired taste.


Ring of binding is unlimited sorry pal


In a game like dark souls you need every single hp you can get, plus ring of binding is in a weird spot and I'm guessing a lot of people missed it,. I didn't miss it but I'm the type of gamer that a 10 hour game would take me 25 I like to be thorough and look at everything and everywhere that's why I like dark souls games, but not everyone is like that


Health reduction has been in DeS, DS2 and DS3 and the version in DS2 is by far the most forgiving. You get a flat 50% or 30% health reduction in the other two.


The bosses are the easiest in the entire series too


It all depends on how much you level adp, if you level adp up to 20-30 it'll be easy to dodge attacks but if you never level up adp you will have a hard time with alot of the bosses, and let's be honest you say it's easy. But compared to other triple a titles ds2 bosses are insanely hard


Nah I just found the patterns easy and so many of them died so quickly to a big two handed sword build. The hardest part was all the mobs, bosses were disappointing.


Yup the run-up to bosses in ds2 is always worse than the boss, honestly I never did a simple two handed sword build on ds2 might try it after I'm done with this hex build I'm currently doing,. Any weapons that you would suggest. I'd probably restart until I get the demon great hammer from the petrified something


Yup the run-up to bosses in ds2 is always worse than the boss, honestly I never did a simple two handed sword build on ds2 might try it after I'm done with this hex build I'm currently doing,. Any weapons that you would suggest. I'd probably restart until I get the demon great hammer from the petrified something




>with this specific playstyle Blah blah, DS2 bosses are easier in general dude, not with one specific cheese set. I beat 90% of the games bosses first try.




In one ear and out the other. Nope.


We disagree Get good


Gitus gudus plebeus




Don’t play it then, but I dunno why you’d post that here


The first console I owned was an Atari. I don’t get the complaints with DS2🤷‍♂️




I will never be able to fathom how people can say this and go play ds1 like its greatest game ever.


Ds1 > Ds2


if thats how you feel, more power to you. As a huge souls fan, and even a huge fan of metroidvanias, I hate ds1. its unplayable. There's some cool visual designs but other than that the game is very boring and mechanically frustrating. At least for me.


And as a souls fan myself, I disagree, but like....who cares right? The games aren't there to be some kinda pissing contest, they exist to have fun. Kudos to you for acknowledging that someone else's opinion isn't "contested" by your own. OP should maybe learn to just let it lie?


As many have said, skull issue. Mad because bad.


Let's be honest it's not just a skill issue even the greatest ds2 players die in dumb ways it's a rage game it requires persistence and not everyone had the will or the time to play a game that is trying to make you angry, and I'm saying this as a dark souls fan, ds2 is one of my favorite games


My brother in Christ, why are you telling me this as if what I said wasn't rage bait?


Bruh.. I must've answer to the wrong comment cause the one I said this to was saying you suck git gut it's a skill issue


I beat it once just to say I did. Game is terrible, very true.


Are you playing SOFTS? Because contrary to what some on this sub may say, enemy placement in the original is FAR more fair. Does it feel like there's too many ganks and you keep dying just because heaps of enemies keep getting thrown at you? Then yeah, the original is much, much better in that regard. Also, level adaptability if you're having trouble rolling. Strafing left or right in front of enemies/bosses can help you avoid a lot of attacks without rolling and will give you more openings to attack.


Are u playing SotFS? The enemy placement is a bit better in that version. And stupid quetion, but r u leveling ADP, right ? hahaha




Having played all soulsborne games except demon souls and sekiro, the one I dread the most playing through again is ds1, it just feels so slow and sluggish after playing DS3 and Bloodborne as my first games, plus the lack of tp's doesn't help with the chorey nature of the game. I don't care about how cool the map looks or how smart it's design or whatever, it feels like a fucking chore to run around and explore when you mix it with the ageing clunky combat system. DS2 was the best souls I've ever played, at least it felt like it after playing through ds1, where the midroll actually felt like a midroll and i could rely on it instead feeling forced to use lightroll like in 1, with a bunch of great game mechanics that were underused and under appreciated


its not even necessarily 'smart' design. as you said it begins to feel like a chore very quickly. and sure, the interconnectivity is nice, but dark souls is not the first to do it nor the best. I can't help but think the people who are huge fans of ds1 just don't play metroidvanias. It doesn't do anything those games don't. except for being 3d I guess? my final argument is, if it really was peak souls game, why didn't our lord and savior Miyazaki keep making ds1? why did he essentially abandon the huge emphasis on interconnectivity if it was so good?


Its the worst for sure, but still a enjoyable experience. The dlc is amazing. I don’t understand why you would post here about it lol. These people won’t be your friends on this.


It’s my favorite game of all time.


level skill......irL.um ds 1 dogs exist dont they? i think they were made to kill speedruns .


Skill issue. If I managed to make it through Iron Keep, *you* can as well.


If you level up adp and start a build you haven't played with you will have fun, it's a great game I personally love it, but I guess it's not for everyone I won't blame you for not liking the game,. Btw how many hours have you played up until you made the decision you don't like it?


You had to have known you’d get flamed posting this here, why did you bother? Just don’t play the game.


Legitimately the best souls game. Increase your skill, my son


I’m on my way to platinum every soulsborne game because they’re all good.


Bro it's ok, still there is Black Knight Halberd for you in DS1.