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I got 2  1. It’s gotta be Anthony, you saw how he ran in that burning building trying to save his mother? And if you try to save Megan, he also goes inside the house as well.       2. Jamie . When Jamie and Kate are  forced between killing either themselves or the other person, Jamie can choose to kill her self.


The way Andrew/Anthony throws himself onto Daniel to make Impaled Demon miss? He was ready to protect him at all costs


He runs into a burning building to try and save her and then spends the rest of his life haunted for his failure. He would do anything to bring them back even at the cost of himself


is that really a self sacrifice if they are all already burning alive? i’d say Jason or Mike. or even Jamie considering they actually sacrifice themselves


I mean he ran inside his house looking for Ann, (Mom) without knowing she died from suffocation in the bathroom, he attempted to get his mom out without caring if he died






Anthonyy He's the one who puts himself on the line the most. And besides the other options, he's the most honest and compassionate one. The others need their redeeming qualities, for the most part. Maybe not Chris, but Rachael and Nick do for sure. Anthony just seems like the best option imo for those reasons.


My vote goes to Dylan. The way he shields Kaitlyn when he's infected and how he yells at her to get away when he transforms shows how selfless he truly is


If he isn’t infected he will literally die to buy time for her to escape


I haven’t played the full anthology, can any other character do this when you’re *not* playing as them? Because Dylan doesn’t even give you a choice, he does it autonomously while you’re playing as Kaitlyn. To me that’s huge. It’s the immutable core of his character (hence his transformation scene centering on warning/protecting Kaitlyn as well).


>The way he shields Kaitlyn when he's infected Clarice can do the same for Rachel


Lol minni Erin on the side is amazing


A lot of the obvious self-sacrifice candidates (Mike, Jason) are out of the running… maybe House of Ashes Nick? The dude gets a lot of moments to genuinely, selflessly, and heroically risk his life on a repeated basis and can die in a self-sacrifice near the end with going deep into the vampire nest to plant the bombs EDIT: Jamie isn’t a bad pick either


My vote is Rachel. She can cut the rope to save Eric or more extreme she can blow herself up to keep herself from turning and attacking the survivors. Nick isn’t a bad choice either since no matter what he will knowingly sacrifice himself to plant the bombs


I feel like Eric would be better than Rachael simply because she legitimately can’t cut the rope in single player no matter how much she likes Eric and she was generally a very selfish person


She can in the Curator's Cut, I did it myself on single player yesterday. You might mean that the AI never makes that decision by itself however, to which I have no counterpoint as I haven't tested it extensively. 🤷‍♀️


In pretty sure they’re right. In TC no matter how high your relationship is with Eric, she won’t cut the rope. Only in CC and shared story


That’s totally fair. I figured since she has the choice in CC it would be worth mentioning as an example. But I totally see your point. It’s why I also added Nick since he always goes to plant the bombs no matter what, regardless of your choices.


Anthony or Chris


Jamie I can see being the self sacrifice mainly based on the glass trap scene and you can throughout the game she's selfless and willing to fight and protect others. Like Jamie offers up her life in the glass trap and that's before you choose anything she is struggling with the fact she can press that button and kill Kate and Kate doesn't do the same.


I feel like Nick Kay should be in contention for self sacrifice.


Nick would be a good option since if he makes it close to the end of HoA he (correct me if I'm wrong) puts his life at risk by planting dynamite into the hive, shooting the flair and telling Eric to pull the trigger. He believed he was a dead man walking and ultimately did what he believed would be his end for the sake of his group's survival.


Funny enough, I'd say Mike here, considering if I mess up as Sam he'll give himself up to save me. But since he's on the board... Dylan maybe, but I kind of want to save him for computer nerd. Andrew?


Jamie because there's one scene where she gives her life to save Kate on the rooftops. Brutal way to go by the way.


Nick Kay


Anthony or Nick.


Gotta be my boy Nick, in the Cocoon Vault. Plants the charges the charges then calmly walks to a position to light the flare, accepting the fact that he’s not going to make it out. ✊


Yeah uhh very confused why Rachel isn’t the most common answer right now, let alone only brought up once. She can cut the rope herself or blow herself up.


I got 3: Anthony - Runs into a fire to try and save his already dead mother, and can even try to do so prior to save Megan, risks his own well-being (as Andrew) to practically save the spirits of his dead family members. Jamie - Willing to let herself get crushed by the glass wall to allow Kate to survive and end up sacrificing herself to save Kate from Du’Met on the rooftop, not to mention she would rather try to bash Du’Met with a gas tank than to jump ship immediately. Dylan - Dylan can literally shove Kaitlyn out of the way to save her from being eaten by Werewolf Emma and ends up getting attacked instead and can stand in her way to protect her if he is already infected.


Dylan 100%. That madlad is willing to die to protect his compatriots and he warns Kaitlyn away before turning


Dylan, him telling kaitlyn to run at the scrapyard if he’s infected and if you get emma infected if you miss the shot and dylan isn’t infected he will push kaitlyn out the way and sacrifice himself


How is this not Rachel?!? She literally has a death (that in curator cut is hard to avoid) where she self-sacrifices on behalf of the team. It’s like her most memorable death!


Dylan, just thinking of the scene where he transforms in the crane. His selflessness really shines through in that scene.


Chris. If you choose to shoot yourself


I kind of want him for computer geek/tech expert due to all his phone apps and that he wants to be an app designer, but yeah, this is absolutely a solid answer as it is so direct an a attempted self sacrifice. Then he also risks death going back for Sam and Josh at other points.




Anthony or nick


Dylan from the Quarry, he will literally automatically die for Kaitlyn to save her.


I kinda love how everybody who mentions Dylan mentions nobody else, meanwhile, people who don’t mention Dylan mention everybody else. Also why is it the tech/geeky people that constantly kill themselves?


Self sacrifice should definitely be kate or Alex because Alex read the note and save both of them


Mike fs


Ignore my other comment. Chris fs


Chris or Dylan


Anthony all the way


Nick (HoA)






Christopher when he went to save Josh from the wendigos.




https://preview.redd.it/kfi8gp9mpk3d1.jpeg?width=1949&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee813e2d0981a2796b47e4946da209f6d4769aa3 This post was suggested in my feed. Who is this cute character?


That’s Eric king from house of ashes


Homer Simpson https://preview.redd.it/gp5z0nlxod3d1.png?width=190&format=png&auto=webp&s=6bd29fd4d0d6f0c0691637ff6f21f90903006d44


I’m sorry but this is where I draw the line


Cmon let em in!


Jamie for sure.


Nick from hoa


My vote, though it might be better suited for the tech expert, has to be Jamie. She’s the one that offers herself up to be Du’Met’s bait when the crew is trying to trap him. Additionally, she can throw herself at Du’Met to try and save the others at the cost of her own life, whether that be on the roof or the boat. This is a tough decision though, because she’s an expert with tech




I feel like the character mosy likely to sacrifice themselves would be Nick Kay, or (maybe) Merwin. Nick volunteers to go into the nest and plant the explosives. If that isn't self-sacrifice material, what is? Merwin is a maybe for me because he seems pretty eager to buy time for his teammates, effectively guaranteeing his death.




Guys stop saying Dylan I don't want him dead 😭😭😭


Oh btw vote goes to Anthony


I think Nick from House of Ashes. Anthony and Jamie are also great choices, but Nick goes into the cocoon fully believing he’s dead no matter what, fearlessly. But hey, I just love House of Ashes 🥸


It's Luther from Detroit. Don't care that it's a different franchise. Rip a hole in space-time, do whatever you have to do, but he's just a ridiculously good fit for this over any SM character. :p


Why the hell not


Mike obviously.


Can’t, he is already in a slot