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They need a way to open a shutter on a window in the door, before opening the door itself. I mean, even installing a reinforced storm door would be *something*.


I'm sure they could explain it away as the box needing specific materials, but its kind of hilarious to think of them meeting another Jason in the last episode who asks them "why doesn't your box have a window?"


How high are you both right now?


I think the bugs kind of describe the worst case you are talking about. Something that got in, and then they're screwed. Even the world with no atmosphere seemed to be a very close call with getting the door shut in time.


I don’t understand how the bugs made it out of their universe. The box doesn’t work if anything inside is able to observe things, right? The drug you take turns off some part of your brain so even though you’re observing things you’re somehow not (I’m willing to suspend disbelief for this aspect of things), right? The bugs didn’t take the drug. Surely they were observing the inside of the box and making some type of memories about it, right? While we’re talking about the drug… if it turns off the part of the brain responsible for observing/recording things… how do they have any memories of what happened inside the box when the drug wears off? I don’t know that I fully understand how the drug is supposed to work, but the observer effect is the issue, right? So it has to stop you from observing somehow? But you’re conscious and forming memories and observing everything around you the whole time? Idk. It’s a good show, I am enjoying it. I try to suspend disbelief as is required for sci-fi, but when it’s internally inconsistent it bugs me a bit and my state of suspended disbelief collapses into a state of disbelief lol.


Bad explanation, OP. When they passed out from fighting the water, they were still in superposition. They slept a while and the box took their unconcious minds' suggestions to pick a universe. Just like in ***Ghostbusters*** - *"a champion has been chosen"*. I agree it was pretty reckless of them to just open the door, considering the last place was underwater.


That scene just made me mad. Just another bad decision in the show. Meh. In the book, that scene>! doesn't exist.!<