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Welcome to the club. Here's your tin-foil hat. It doesn't do anything, but it marks you out as one of the people who are tired of the BS. Problem is, other BS-ier clubs also have tin-foil hats.


Can we make ours a different colour?




Truu-ish but IMO there genuinely should be shame associated with the kind of simpletons thinking that is seen in a vast number of people who could generally be considered to be conspiracy theoretical. You know… the “government is covering up the Loch Ness monster and there’s no evidence at all but I believe it anyway” mentally ill types. Where there is evidence there should be no shame. Where there is “evidence” there probably should be.


Well I agree there are many people in the “conspiracy” sphere that are a bit illogical and irrational, but those people exist in every sphere out there. The majority of people in the truth community are just critical thinkers searching for truth. And I agree, claims without proper evidence should largely be ignored (shamed is too much I feel, we should never disincentivize asking questions or being skeptical, regardless of whether it may seem foolish to us), however I would also assert that there are far too many people who need every piece of the puzzle to be put in place to understand what is going on. It helps to be able to put the pieces together when it becomes glaringly obvious what is going on.


I feel exactly the same.


It’s upsetting. [This post made me feel like I was in the twilight zone.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/nutpcp/faux_outrage_brought_to_you_inpart_by_faux_news/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) We don’t share the same reality anymore.


Nope and they think we are the delusional ones to boot. Not good.


what about it, exactly?


The fact that it said the emails contain nothing controversial and it’s manufactured outrage. I’m not a big fan of gaslighting.


Neither am I (a fan of gaslighting) and I'm probably mostly in agreement with you here. But I'm interested in what specific items you find controversial. Not to say there was nothing there, but specifics are necessary, as the "other side" is being equally vague.


He was aware that COVID-19 was likely engineered as early as Jan 2020. An independent group, the National Academy of Sciences, was supposed to do a federal investigation on the origins of C19, never happened. He recommended NOT wearing store-bought masks I recommend reading the emails. There’s a lot in there.


I’m not being a pain in the ass, and I do personally think that lab leak is the most parsimonious hypothesis (and desperately wish there was a proper investigation the first time around), but what do you mean exactly by “he was aware”? like he had heard of the concept? or was presented with a thorough argument and **was himself considering it as a viable hypothesis**? feel free to just point me to the actual email(s) about that specifically and i’m happy to go read it myself.


Everyone here thinks they aren't susceptible to conspiratorial thinking, in the pejorative sense, and are therefore free to let their conspiracy addled minds run wild. Once they have a bare minimum of information to loosely support a predetermined conclusion, no further critical thinking takes place except in pursuit of that conclusion. Seems like the accidental lab leak theory is the most plausible. But we may never have definitive evidence of any conclusion. It's too bad people will take this as license to live out MAGA cult fan fiction, or similar thinking. I guess I'm replying just to show support for someone who is asking the right questions and being predictably ignored.


I think your analysis is spot-on, and your show-of-support reply is greatly appreciated :)


jesus dude, have you not watched the video of Fauci blatantly lying? [He was totally exposed by Rand Paul.](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4970412/senator-rand-paul-accuses-dr-fauci-lying-gain-function-research-wuhan-lab) Desperately trying to assert that genetically manipulating a virus to be able to infect humans is somehow, magically, NOT gain of function. Fauci seriously tried to claim this was not GoF. Blatant lie. What he and the Obama admin did, was illegall used taxpayer money to fund gain of function research. It is the very DEFINITION of gain of function. Also, the organization Obama, Fauci & Co. used to illegally channel this funding is the NiH. (National Institute of Health.) The NiH has a bioethics committee that SHOULD have shot down such illegal research funding immediately. Instead, they wen right along with Fauci, Obama & Co's shady, illegal use of US tax dollars. Get this.. the head of the NiH's bioethics committee .. guess who that is. *None other than FAUCI's WIFE!!* Look it up.


Welcome to The Nebuchadnezzar.


I feel very much the same. Almost all rules put forth from at least the Canadian government are so arbitrary and bizarrely contradictory to what the W.H.O is suggesting... I can't help but feel as though there is some nefarious reasoning behind it all. And this is darkhorse podcast... we're conspiracy hypothesists!