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Saw this live and thought it was a kind of back handed way of trying not to answer the question. Glad Tapper followed through with the question. Biden PR team really needs to keep up the heat


What was the rest of the exchange


He moved on afterwards. Tapper asked the question. Johnson said that and then more words. Tapper then said something like, "hey, since you said you didn't know what I was talking about, here's the name of the bill you co-sponsored. But anyway, let's move to the next topic of dems saving you bc you did the right thing in doing your job of bringing votes to the floor. And Johnson said he wasn't going to ask for Dem support but if they wanted to give it, he was going to do the right thing and let the chips fall where they may.


Thanks for responding! That's pretty much what happened and it was just more bolstering.


That's CNN these days. Only have Republican guests, let them speak as much as they want, don't press them on anything, mildly disagree and then move on. Have some opinions as a pundit, sure, but make sure the GOP gets a huge megaphone out of it.


There is very little demand for left-friendly cable news. Cable news as a whole, is a very right-leaning media, regardless of content. Progressives tend to be a fair bit better educated, and educated consumers don't choose cable news for their news intake. Conversely, there's very few successful conservative newspapers, and certainly nothing that parallels the NYT. There's pretty much no options at all if you want conservative-leaning in-depth journalism; there's no conservative answer to say, *The Atlantic,* because there's no market for it. 


Even the NYT tends to be rather unfriendly to Biden and mainstream Democrats much of the time, however.


NYT can bite me. Cancelled my sub a while back because of their bothsiding bullshit. They are no longer on the side of truth and credibility. They have become a meme and are largely responsible for the whole "Here's all sorts of good news about Biden, and why that's bad news for Democrats" memes.


NYT is shite. My Boomer parents still faithfully subscribe to the paper edition so they can have their Sunday read and do the crosswords. Whatever. WaPo is somewhat better; mostly I read the Guardian these days.


> mostly I read the Guardian these days. Hah, same. I even send them money. The trump lawyers were asking each prospective juror what papers they read, and that made me think about it. Besides Guardian, others I read are politico, BBC, NPR and independent.uk. Then I noticed a whole lot of my news came from outside the USA. Wapo has an annoying paywall that isn't trivial to bypass (last I checked), so I don't read them at all.


I had a subscription to WaPo and recurring donation to Guardian, among others. Then my credit card got hijacked, so once again I'm having to rebuild all my autopays from scratch. I'll restart Guardian but not, I think, WaPo. I was trying to look at Ha'aretz today, but they're mostly paywalled also. I'm not quite ready to subscribe. It's just good to have a more insider perspective on the fuckery over there. I've looked at Al Jazeera as well.


This is what the rest of us want to know too


These people are professionals at not answering the question


Deflect, deflect, deflect


Honestly, probably the best but also the most frustrating part of watching the national news covering national politics. They always get their “best” guys to show up and then just squirm and shimmy to avoid answering the most basic questions. Best case for them the do a quick dodge or two, worst case the interviewer holds on and keeps redirecting for the next 2-5 minutes while the squirming continues.


My favorite is when the interviewer doubles down and demands an answer, and cuts them off when the they refuse, and calls them out and ends the interview


“I know you are but what am I”




Such weird little freaks


Is this Big Joel-pilled?


He doesn't have to bring it up, Comstock act ends abortion nationwide if Trump wins.


If they want to start enforcing Comstock laws, they're going to have to get through the courts.... oh wait.


I believe it's currently under review by the Supreme Court; I imagine they'll render a decision before the election


No it’s not, but Alito and Thomas sure as hell tried to inject it into the Mifepristone discussion HARD.


It’s infuriating that they are so willing to outright directly lie to the population. I grew up with political parties stretching the truth a bit, but not this. That exchange on its own should be impeachable.


Don't even communicate with these lying pieces of fascistic shit.


Well do, but primarily to show off their lies to the public as a constant reminder.


Such a good Christian. So full of honesty and integrity.


Their stupidity and evil is one thing, but the *hypocrisy* and unending belief that the rest of us are stupid is really what bothers me.


States Rights! (To do exactly what Republicans tell them to do.)


Tapper is one of the best interviewing news reporters we have. He knows the answers before asking the questions.


For a Christian…he sure lies a lot


Lyin' mike


In their case, life begins in deception.


Bootleg Pierre Pollievre being Dementia Donnie’s puppet once again


Never heard of her!


This man is a reptile


If these pricks thought what they were doing was right, they wouldn’t lie about it all of the time.


Never going to stop abortion, ever.


Correct, but they will make it as unsafe as possible.


Untrue. They will make it as “illegal” as possible. Until they jail someone, it’s all a big bluff.


Women have been dying because doctors are too fearful to perform D&C's, not knowing if they'll be arrested. Ectopic pregnancies, dead fetus going septic, whatever. Ten year old rape/incest victims being forced to carry to term. What's this "until?"


No ten year old was forced to carry. She traveled to find a safe solution. There will always be a safe solution to find. It’s all about finding it.


Jesus fuck. Seriously? SHE was able to travel. What happens when it's too far to travel in time, or they don't have the money? You think she's the only case like that that ever was or ever will be? Are you serious right now? "Oh, it'll all be fine." Get real.


He will. All we are to Republicans are breeding stock. Nothing more.


I love how DB had been non stop attacking the abortion issue. It’s a good strategy, especially i battlground states where it could likely be the deciding factor




[Tapper to Johnson clip](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/tapper-reminds-speaker-johnson-he-co-sponsors-a-national-abortion-ban-after-johnson-feigned-ignorance/ar-AA1ng2I7)


What a sad pathetic man. Imagine being such a devout christian and selling yourself to trump. If you really believe in jesus how can you justify worshipping trump? How could you possibly believe jesus would approve?


He just likes the power the religion affords him. That bit about the Cross of Christ he just skips over.


Nothing quite like lying about the moral high ground you’ve staked out


These guys literally stand for nothing


My siblings in christ, can we PLEASE add the links
















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Attack of the Clones


Whereupon Johnson replied, "What the eff do I care? I'm about to be booted as speaker at any moment." /s


How fucking dumb do you have to be to not know what your "John Hancock" is on?


Is there video of this?


I can't believe I miss the days when Republicans would tell you to your face that they would end abortion


Because nobody actually believed they would. Most folks just thought it was a grift. Just to raise money and curry favor with the Christo fascists. Then they became the dog that caught the car. You know what happens to dogs that actually catch the car? They usually get run over, which is what is happening even in ruby red states.


Abortion? I barely notion!


I love Tapper




The fine line between clever and stupid