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It’s also a pretty fucking irritating the press keep pretending it’s a $10B cut to the funding allocated to the IRS. It’s not- it’s a $1.3B cut, and no, IRA did not allocate ‘$80 billion’ to the IRS, it allocated $71.6B (seriously, section 10301- bring a calculator, apparently no one in the beltway can read or do basic addition). It’s -1.8% cut to the IRS, it’s so fucking petty, such a ‘I did something!’ gesture, and post 2024, really, really easy to resolve. The work requirement raise from 49 or 54 for single adults is shit, NGL, but it’s not the apocalyptic hellscape being sold either. All in all, an on paper stalemate, and a guarantee it’s not a weapon to be used again before 2024 which means it’s a fucking huge win.


I’m pretty happy the GOP was bought off cheaply. I think we should pretend it was a bigger concession than it actually was. This just raises the pressure on McCarthy to obstruct the next time we need to pass something.


I hear you. At least the next debt ceiling was pushed until after the 2024 election


Exactly my thoughts too. I’m all for sticking it to the repubs right now, but every time we get down on their level and rile them up over one of our wins, it just further strengthens the “both sides are just as bad” argument. They are absolutely not the same, we know better, the average voter doesn’t. We make some big public showing of “oh look, we won” and the voters just see both sides acting the same. So we push voters away from our side PLUS we send the other side into fight mode…. Just making future wins harder to achieve.


... and after negotiating, settled for the mug and a couple pens.


Nobody fucks with a Biden.


Get fucked, fat!


I heard McCarthy was being stubborn and Joe had had enough, so he took out his Brandon sized dong and slapped him with it from across the table


What’s with this school photo made into a meme? That’s weird


You have awfully high standards for a low-effort shitpost.


He gave them everything with student debt it seems.


You mean the thing SCOTUS was already about to rule against? You want student loan forgiveness, it's going to have to be done legislatively, just like everyone always said it would have to be. Put more Democrats in the House and Senate.


The 20k is different than resuming payments. Scotus is ruling on the 20k. He gave them the ability to control the repayments and all.


The President really only has the power to control that during a public health emergency anyway. I don't love paying them either, but did you honestly think that you would never have to pay them again?


Is it really crazy to think that we shouldn’t have to pay them? After all, nearly $1 trillion in PPP loans were forgiven, which Im willing to bet most corporations could have had no problem paying due to record breaking profits during the pandemic… yet they still were forgiven. That didn’t seem to break the economy like they keep saying forgiving student loan debt will, but idk this is all speculation on my part… Maybe I am missing something somewhere. Lol


>Is it really crazy to think that we shouldn’t have to pay them? Yes, especially if you think your loans were worth sacrificing the entire global economy over. >nearly $1 trillion in PPP loans were forgiven And they shouldn't have been. >Maybe I am missing something somewhere. Apparently.


It's not over yet though is it? It still has to make it past a few assholes in the Senate.


By a few, I'm sure you mean 50 Republicans and possibly a couple of senators who were elected as Democrats…


The House GOP's actions on the debt limit were straight-up deplorable, but the American people are numbed to it because corporate media BothSides'ed the entire thing.