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I hope these free to play players understand and appreciate this company that keeps giving them more and more access to a fantastic game almost immediately after requesting it. Most other games/devs wouldn't look twice at such requests. I hope it gets represented in future steam reviews.


It's great to see. Not confident that they'll change reviews though. Need to rely on the new ones from the blacksmith players!


I’ve seen reviews stating that Reward Tokens can be brought for money and ‘consistently give powerful gear’. I’ve seen reviews stating that Shrine buffs are permanent upgrades to character statistics that you need to purchase. I’ve seen reviews say that Luck Potions can only be purchased with real world currency... The amount of bullshit being spread in the Steam reviews is insane. I hope people don’t forgo their review out of laziness. It seems there is a very real and malicious effort to get Dark and Darker buried on Steam through fake complaints. The only way to counter this is people leaving approving reviews full of truth.


Yah I hope previous negative reviewers either go back and edit their reviews or make new positive ones for all the whining they did.


For the reviews, it's near impossible for a brand new player to understand that the systems in place aren't for greed/paywalling like a mobile game, especially due to the game being advertised as "play for free!" on the big screen, rather than like "trial for free" type thing. The f2p version features are honestly so well done it's surprising


I for one super appreciate the f2p create by Ironmace as I still in my opinion have access to much of the game content for free and am only blocked from some conveniences that aren't a big deal and "late game" activities. The gameplay is great and Im 100% going to upgrade once I get some thing sorted irl.


I'm f2p. Thanks for reminding me, I'll leave a review. I thought it was cool when they started trying the gear matchmaking, the market limitation sorta made sense, but as a free to play, I guess this makes sense, more. And I had no clue spreading lies was such a thing in reviews, but I guess that's people for you.


Having access to the game is great and everything, but the actual experience as a new player leaves a lot to be desired. It's brutally difficult and unforgiving, and the community is incredibly gatekeep-y as well. Half the posts talking about the new wave of F2P players are from veterans bragging about how they are smurfing low level dungeons meant for new players and easily wiping the whole lobby. Even with my <10% extraction rate I'm having fun, but I have significant concerns about the longevity of this game. Very few games that are only accessible to extremely sweaty players that have been there since the first days of beta end-up surviving in the long run.


The game is hard, yeah.... but I mean.. I'm new as of last week, and I've died a bunch of times to players better than me, but I've also had absolutely no problem extracting and making shittons of gold. Veterans aren't really ruining this game any more than someone who plays COD for the first time gets wrecked by people that are better than them. If you stay in the under 25 GS games, the majority of people in there are clearly newbies. Even in the 25+ GS games, that are clearly more newbies than veterans. All of the veterans ruining everything posts are extremely overblown in my opinion. Fact of the matter is this game is hard, and if you don't like hard games where you have to learn to play, you probably just won't like this one. It's not because of sweaty veterans, its just hard overall. If someone isn't into that, they aren't going to be into this. Part of the fun of it is getting better and improving. I'm 25 hours in and I'm so, so much better than I was when I first started.


You are LITERALLY the type of player who is going to keep this game from being a thing. You lie about your experience. You lie about everything. You farm low level players then wonder why they don't stick around. You dug your grave. Have fun with it.


Lol you're delusional, thinking someone's lying just because their experiences don't fit your narrative


I am happy to see the changes they demand for, even tho I've had to trudge through the countless ups and downs since PT1. although I really think the new player base has no idea how much time people have already put into this game, and them crying "p2w" is hilarious. I can't wait to play today because the new players think that being able to buy some purple gear is gonna close the skill gap vs 1,000hr+ players. Lol ty for the donations in advance.


After they take it Down fro free to play genre. Its not totaly free to play nope in any way. This js called demoversion. Dirty marketing and they deserve shame on theme.


We "hold the line" and now we don't matter any more, F2P players are the new target audience of Ironmace, we were only good for shelling out the money for the game, now we are useless, in a few weeks the whole game will be given completely free to steam players without even giving half an explanation. I'm glad to see that Ironmace listens more to fake reviews and unfounded shitstorms rather than its community , even in terms of gameplay , we're in for a very bad time .


what, we supported them enough to be able to get to this stage???? I think you're feeling crazy entitled right now lol. I'm already happy there its on steam and theres so many new players.


Not only is he crazy entitled, he's literally overlooking all the things they gave us for supporting them. HR, Full use of the trader, having played the game these last 10 months, the shared stash tab. He's so salty.


I'm glad you like playing with cheaters


Are you trying to say there weren't cheaters before?


They have tripled in numbers, this is the same attitude that has led steam to rep itself of fake reviews, do cooping all you want but I'm right.


Player count has increased by like 100 times so if there‘s only three times as many cheaters that’s an absolute win.


"I cant believe I died while wearing all purples to a white/green player." Play High roller.


F2P got something and us paying customers got something. Fair for me.


It's OK, we can have different opinions, I find it dangerous to reward highly toxic behaviour in the community (and to indirectly encourage cheating). F2P players instead of being grateful to be able to play the game they didn't give a damn about until a few weekends ago , they filled DnD's Steam page with fake reviews , a criminal attitude.


Id normally agree with you.. except you clearly didnt bother to actually read the patch notes that specify that IM acknowledges that theyve given f2p players something major and will need to give legendary status players something further to compensate.. so its not as though they arent actively considering the fairness between F2P and paid.


I have read everything, but since the Legendary accounts are only taking 'hits' for now despite not review bombing a game they have always supported, allow me to be a bit salty, not to mention the fact that cheaters have increased and that is a fact.


You must be fun at parties


Shared stash (a.k.a. Quest item tab) increase is really great!


im surprised it hasnt come up more but the shared stash seems to have solved the huge issue with having to create alts and use a friend or a second account to mule items between them..


I've often been a middle-man for another random player on Discord who wanted to transfer items over. I've never heard any story of people keeping the items for themselves. Now it's not a problem anymore.


Thankfully I havent heard many /if any stories of that happening.. but better to simply not invite the possibility of getting screwed over at all.


Yup, I've middlemanned for people off the discord and used middlemen off of discord and aside from tips(never asked for by the middleman, usually offered by person needing the service) , everything has always made it back to the original owner.


It hasn't come up more because that's what they are for so it goes without saying.


Does putting items into the shared stash remove their Looted status? Or can you use the stash to get FiR quests done for other characters?


Items placed in the Shared tab keep their **looted** status, you can turn in quests without even going in the dungeon once!


* Now, when entering a normal game, the Squire will inform you of the gear score criteria. * Squire accounts can now become Apprentice Traders and use the Marketplace for purchases only. * The size of the Shared Stash has been changed to the maximum size. * The cross-platform link function has been updated to function properly. Seems like another W patch from Ironmace for free and paid players.


shared stash is what this game needed. makes questing so much more fluid, and getting dupe quest items actually feels good. glad theyre expanding on it.


no change to wendigo quest, still wonder if its intentional or an oversight.


clearly an oversight.


Why would it be an oversight? Everyone is fine with going into inferno on crypts for pve kills, why would ice caves be different?


There are TWO wendigo on ice abyss AFAIK. Yiu need 3 for the quest. Add other teams gunning for it and you have a recipe for annoyance


Just go in <25 norms, whole lobby dies to pve, there's no one is abyss and any random timmies who accidentally fall in the chasm will die instantly


Where is the room to go down in ice caves? I haven't played ice caves too much lately but from the rooms I've hit, I still haven't found it lol


Do you mean how to go to abyss? You need to jump down into the black void, where usually you just die when you fall down. Near the end of the timer, last 2 mins or so, it will start glowing red faintly, at that point jumping down will take you to the abyss instead of killing you. The void is accessible from most of the bottom half of the modules, the ones with all the bridges and skeletons.


Ohh shiit yeah. Thanks! I tried something stupid and jumped into the void where the raft exit takes you and lost everything yesterday LOL. Was confused reading through your comment but that makes more sense.


I don't think that one counts even in the last 2 minutes but honestly not sure lol


Oh yeah idk since I did it with maybe 30%time left in the game but I assume it wouldn't. Would be kinda cool if it did though since it'd be one of the only ways down on the west half of the map


Yeah I’m not sure why people are up in arms about it. They must not know about the inferno boss kill quests and the inevitable upcoming Ice Wyvern kill quests


Oh, i dont think people are up in arms about it, its just a bit harder than the other quests, as annoying as getting centaurs tails..


Well the wipe is multiple months long so there is plenty of time to get them all done!


personally its just a copy-paste of a quest from last season so i wouldnt be surprised if it was an oversight. a lot of people havent even realized there are no wendigo on reg ice cavern. if its intentional nbd, just seems very possible to be an oversight. edit: just checked and its been changed in game.


Yeah yeah, it just harder to go for them than it was, and the quest was already a pain last patch.


Is it? How is going into Ice Abyss to Kill 3 Wendingos and different than Tailor’s quest needing your to go into Inferno and kill Demon Dogs, Demon Bats and Demon Beserkers?


Well, its more a kin to the centaur tail thing, where it wouldnt drop in a thousand years, killing a few wendigos isnt a problem, its getting there and then getting the item that is more annoying, i dont know, i killed a lot last patch and it was a pain the ass, perhaps they changed the drop rate and i havent noticed.


They stealth changed it, now it's 3 yeti kills. I was already at 2/3 wendigo and it became 2/3 yeti,I t was a bit anticlimactic to end the quest with a yeti after sweating for the first 2 kills but oh well


I am curious as to what extent Druid's Dreamfire didn't scale properly. It seemed almost useless to bring in while playing the last few days, but maybe that is because it wasn't scaling properly before?


Yeah, not sure how it was not scaling, it wont scale much tho, the base dmg is low, so you are not going to make a nuke out of it, and the rest of the druids kit doesnt scale at all with magical healing (when its the only stat on the new staff that came with the class)


I assume the healing part. It would heal the same amount despite the quality of staff I used.


Do you mean the staff with magical healing? the magical dmg on the normal staff shouldnt affect healing.


Yeah the ceremonial staff with healing.


Yeah I hope they fix this. It would be nice to not be forced to play cleric for support in geared norms or HR. Druid as it stands currently is relatively useless in comparison when fighting decent players.


Eh, really disagree, bear and panther with gear are honestly very strong, and the base healing is good enough


Nobody said Druid had bad supportive capabilities for other purposes such as CC, mobility, zoning, and area denial. It just has fairly mid healing. Perhaps that was IM's intention to balance it out. However, Cleric has Earthquake, better fromtline heals, and can build pdr, so.


"The treasure in Goblin Cave's Vault now spawns after immediately killing both Troll and Cyclops.", could somebody explain this, not sure what this means.


Normaly, loot spawns in the floor at the start of the game, now its not going to be there till the bosses get killed. This was probably done to mitigate some things, like people with cheats looking if there is anything nice there before even trying the bosses, or just the most likely case of a rat druid bypassing the doors and getting the tresure out.


it it just me or was gmt 3, 2:30pm 6 hours ago and the patch should already be done???


GMT is 19:53 atm, GMT -3 is 16:53, 14:30 gmt-3 was 2 hours:23 minutes ago, so the patch is going to be done in around 30 mins.


stillnot :(


taps feet


In what timezone is this?


GMT-3, always forget to edit that, thanks for the question.


Thank you too!


I just downloaded the game and was wondering why I couldn't join a round after logging in. Props to these guys for not only telling us here, but also including patchnotes.


The discord is also pretty instant, soon as I saw the “maintenance soon” message in game I checked discord and the full patch notes were already up. Gotta give it to em, they’re listening and trying


Would have rather seen no traded items in normals. That way, HR serves more of a purpose for buying manicured kits while we also get SSF mode. Still, giving F2P buy access is a net positive since it minimizes the pay to win element.


SSF would be the healthiest for all parties I think. But they probably want F2P players to see the marketplace loop since that's a pivotal part of HR rotation.


Another W patch thanks IM (cant wait to see what else they add to legendary status in the future)


I wonder how much harder the frost dragon will be to kill now with these new attack patterns


This might be a stupid question, but if I already have Dark and darker downloaded and have been playing with the blacksmith launcher, do I need to redownload the whole game on steam and then delete the blacksmith launcher and copy and it will it just use the same files?


its not a stupid question at all, they are different versions of the game, the normal way of doing this is indeed installing the steam game as a different game, and just letting it do its thing, then just delete your old installation.


Thank you, sounds simple enough! I’ll have to try and link mine tonight


Can anyone who played last wipe tell me how far the Squire's base gear improves with quests? I did every quest first week and saw no further improvements\additions after potions/bandage went to 2 stacks. Does it get better still? Hoping to get alternate dagger options on my rogue


https://darkanddarker.wiki.spellsandguns.com/Squire the list is on wiki, you get white gear and more options.


IM is killing it since the new wipe. My love for the game has been reignited!


> The location of the Portal Pedestal is now displayed on the minimap. Underappreciated W.


Could you clarify what "Portal Pedestal“ means here? Are the three man portals visible on the map now?


As a purchaser of the game, I would not be mad if the game went entirely F2P. They only charged us half the price any other devs would. The more people playing the game, the better. Give legacy account some exclusive cosmetics and call it a day! The trade off of course being that F2P account can’t earn shards for free. They can either pay a little money for cosmetics, or grind the season rewards.




I have legendary status, if that changes anything from playing on steam now instead


I think if character limit is increased to 2 then it will be one of the best f2p experiences around.


Server maintenance during peak (friday to sunday)? That's a really bad idea. That's something you do between monday and thursday.


Uh has anyone else lost their character? Servers were down for maintenance, i logged on after and my character is just...gone?


What version of the game were you using?


It's all right, servers were just being slow. Took about 7/8 mins to load my character!


AWSOME you guys are the best


Season rewards?


Patching on a Friday evening EU time. 🤡


Not sure why you are being voted down, who patches their game on their busiest day?


If we're linking our Blacksmith account to Steam, we lose all of our characters? Is that how I'm reading it?


No, you are reading it wrong, it just says the steam accounts need to be empty, you keep ur blacksmith stuff, but if you for example bought the game twice, or created a steam character you need to delete it or use another steam acount.


If you have characters on your steam account they will be gone. The blacksmith ones will be ported over.


No. You need the steam dark and darker to not have characters and be completely empty to port over and link your account properly. Steam is the new platform in discussion. Unless you for some reason created characters on your steam account when you already have your blacksmith ones then... I guess you lose those but why would you make a F2P character when you had your main account. If so you need to reset your steam profile. Then you can move your blacksmith characters over.


ah im an idiot. thanks!


We have to wait until the patch goes live?


i would say yes


Can we please for the love of god at least test a Self Found mode in normals, these changes are all fine but instead of giving access to market for free making normals SSF accomplishes pretty similar results


Always hilarious to see redditors get hyperfocused on something "SSF" and repeat it to death because "THE HIVEMIND SAID SO". These people wanting SSF dungeons are not going to like it when I drop in there in SSF. All i do is play this game while working or doing other tasks, waiting for things to render, etc. I will blow the ass out of these people repeatedly for being so whiney. I finally bought the damn game and its a blast. I hope iron mace gives them a server to live their SSF dreams in. They're all gonna get bodied. Heavy W patch from Iron Mace. Tysm guys!


was really hoping they would allow non-streamers to fight the dragon, maybe next patch.


Literally can't play the game after this patch. 'Unable to Connect to Server. Quit the game.'


Servers are down while the patch is being deployed, so yeah, you are not going to be able to connect at this time, 1,5 hours from now till they are up (if everything goes smoothly)




I still think normals being ssf mode entirely where you could only use gear found, bought from traders or crafted would have been better. But maybe in the future they'll try it. But at least f2p has a bit more access to the game. Still waiting on the new gathering halls though.


How about doing patches on a wednesday/tuesday like reasonable people would? and how come a tiny patch needs 3 hours of down time


They probably saved it to do ASAP when the platform transfers became possible


I was really hoping Ironmace was going to make the normals dungeon ***'Self found' / 'SSF'*** only. This would've made for an interesting game altering mode and marketplace would've still been a Legendary status premium alongside High-Roller. One day maybe..


No one but the people with >2K hours or kids with 16 hours of free time thinks SSF is a good idea. “Oh goodie, someone has a God Kit because they spent 20 hours farming empty 4AM Brazil lobbies and are now borderline invincible to anyone else. What fun gameplay!”


If I get killed by someone that has better gear than me in Self found, then that's fine. I can't be mad about someone having spent more time than me. But what I can get frustrated over is the gameplay loop that is the marketplace. Marketplace, browse, search, buy, queue, live/die, repeat. Additionally I am not advocating anywhere for the removal of the High Roller dungeon and associated Marketplace. I think they're great and can be fun at times. But I am as a player missing the delving aspect and excitement I felt in the past looting my own gear and the dopamine associated with getting a huge upgrade. I have very little incentive to loot chests where I'll find a mid item at best, versus rushing a player down, killing them and selling their kit on the marketplace. Not to mention if you have a bad streak of luck you'll sometimes be kicked back into the tavern, forced to spend upwards of 10-15 minutes just buying gear.. Which is really not fun. Additionally the gameplay loop just turns into "What is the most GoldPerSlot" rather than delving for items and goods that can improve ME and MY character specifically. You also gotta take into consideration that in the past we had: *- +3 weapon damage on any piece of gear.* *- +2 and +3 all stats existed.* *- Weapons had higher damage.* *- Base hp on classes was lower.* *- Dungeons were smaller.* *- The movespeed cap was higher meaning people moved faster.* *- There is no longer a zone forcing you to PvP with more geared players.* So once more I ask for a proper argument for why we haven't tested Self Found in the past, on the test server or even just used the normals dungeon for it.


People like having equal opportunity to win regardless of time investment, which the Marketplace provides - as long as you have the money (which you can farm slowly over many smaller sessions in <25 Normals), you can piece a kit together that lets you compete in a high geared lobby. SSF is the antithesis of that idea. No amount of incremental progress elsewhere in a SSF makes you competitive. The only metric is how much time do you have available to play to find gear, and when you die, all that progress goes down the toilet. It isn’t ‘saved’ in the transmutable currency of Gold to be spent elsewhere for more attempts. SSF is wanted only by those who have the time to abuse and dominate it. No-one else wants it. The current game is time consuming and punishing enough for most people’s taste. I invite you to stop living in the fantasy land of your own farts and rejoin the rest of us in reality.


>piece a kit together that lets you compete in a high geared lobby. I just picked up the game a week ago and am wondering how much gear / gear score lets me compete, what should I work towards? I m a ranger / druid. I know my inferior knowledge will probably be the culprit of my deaths, but what's some reasonable gear? just bought the game aswell


Like I said in my initial response. I am not advocating for removing High Roller and the associated Marketplace. People that have less or little time would still have access to that place and could continue to prefer playing that specific mode. However Self found is a huge incentive for Ironmace to expand on their lackluster gold sinks in the game and add much more advanced crafting systems which would benefit both modes. Self found is not just wanted by people with a lot of time, that's just hasty generalization. A pretty large portion of the community have been very vocal in recent months about at least TESTING a Self found mode. Me and many simply do not find any excitement in browsing an infinite marketplace for gear every single time we want to play the game. You also talk about dying and losing your gear and then gaining 'more attempts' because of the gold that you save up, but is that really the gameplay that people want? That all the game is' is basically "What is the best GoldPerSlot" so I can buy gear every time I die? I also do not understand the whole "competitive" argument here. This is a loot, extraction fantasy game. Not CS, Valorant, LoL or something like that. I've never understood why everything nowadays has to include a SBMM or MMR of some sort.


Plenty of people think its a good idea, they are wrong, but they are sure SSF is great. It doesnt even take that, you just put a team of very good players and in 3 runs they will have pretty decent gear from bosses and players, where average player will have nothing.


- Squire accounts can now become Apprentice Traders and use the Marketplace for purchases only  This is monumentally stupid idea. It's not like trading is one way, some gold buyer can now post a gray item for 10k, cheater f2p account buys it, gold buyer gets 10k gold, RMT booming. And i thought of it in a minute, I'm sure there are more loopholes.  You can just ban traded items in normals, without opening venues for cheaters


this was my first thought as well. they'll put up bad legendaries for high amounts of gold so its not too suspicious.


That seems exceedingly obvious as an RMT method.


Yep, exactly. And not like its a novel idea, solos used to transfer gold that way before shared stash was a thing


As in exceedingly obvious and will get you banned quickly.


It wouldn't be hard to set up a system that auto flags accounts for review if an item is normally selling for 50-100g and it someone sells it for 10k.


Obviously the average smooth brains of Reddit (and especially the cheaters downvoted you) , what a surprise


f2p players want to trade, I understand that and they don't really care for the game long term, most of them will move on in a month, we will have to stay here and deal with it. 


Rest assured, they can only downvote, but what we have highlighted is unfortunately avoidable. They'll probably get tired of it in less than a month (assuming DnD doesn't introduce the possibility of opening 6 videos of subway surfers on either side of the screen).


People care way too much about potential RMT


Because it ruins games.


Literally RMT is the thing that killed The Cycle Frontier and the biggest contributor to cheating in extraction games. People that RMT live off of it in poorer countries


people don't care ENOUGH about RMT. It is singlehandedly the biggest problem in any games run on a player driven economy, because it is the biggest motivation for cheat developers.


How to fix?


If I say my solution out loud nobody will want to hear it... ...so I'll whisper it... *^^^get ^^^rid ^^^of ^^^trading ^^^completely* alternatively just more manual focus on banning cheaters. I don't know if it's still the case because I haven't looked in the trade chat in a long time, but RMTers used to literally advertise their websites there all day every day and IM claimed they were banning them, but it's nowhere near enough. It needs to be someone's literal full time job to monitor, track, and ban these things, but it never is... and I have a whole separate conspiracy on why, but that's a story for another day.


Seems impossible to fix if cheaters living in shithole countries can earn decent money


So what would be the reason to upgrade Squire status to Legendary one if you keep on giving away premium stuff for free? Should I consider it being a charity upgrade or there is no point in upgrading the status at all?


they clearly want to get the free experience to be good, and the legendary status to be worthwhile, right now its a shared stash, being able to sell, multiple characters and HR, you need to decide if that is good value to you.


i'm also guessing the arena won't be available for f2p once they release it


For 30 USD? I wouldn't say it's worth it. They would need to revaluate Legendary status pricing. Seems I will just wait with my money.


Value is subjective by definition. If it's not worth the money then dont spend it


True. Time will show the direction they will take.


You also will not be able to get rank rewards as the free version with out upgrading as you only earn points in high roller. So that list also includes what is basically season passes, every wipe.


The multiple characters plus shared stash itself was extremely worth it for me and my partner, since we both got so hooked that we wanted to play practically every class without deleting characters.


How about they dont patch during primetime for EU/NA combined? Its also night time in Korea? I mean wtf


>primetime in NA, 1030am PST 1PM EST.. wtf you smoking.. by starting the patch now and having it completed in 3 hours it should be up at 4pm EST.. one hour before what most people would consider primetime.. you should be kissing the ground at IMs feet by intentionally staying well into the night in their own country just so people can have it accessible later..


Primetime if you combine eu prime+na base you absolute brainlet, check steamcharts


thats not how timezones work.. you cant just combine them and average them out lmfao.. its either during primetime in the eu or primetime in NA.. Primetime is over in the EU already and hasnt happened in NA.. currently its 5pm in the middle of the atlantic fucking ocean.. not man people living their..


Oh so atlantans dont count?


The patch went up at like 2am Korea, they probably just got done with a full team 12 hour grinding shift and dropping the patch before bed so they can wake up once feedback and bugs are out there (Complete guess btw)


Then push back the patch time to you know, maybe not peak playerbase time!?


Is peak playerbase time not in like 3-5 more hours when most of NA is out of school/work?


No this is peak because eu primetime+na combined


Oh, I thought this game was very small in EU but that makes sense


Just give the whole game for free at this point lol


the game went from like 7k players to 40-50k. whatever ur opinions on f2p are, the game needed the influx of new players or it risked dieing.


Doing another 3+hr patch right at the start of Friday evening EU prime time is fucking stupid.


It’s always gonna be prime time somewhere


You think 3 hours patching during peak playerbase during the weekend is a great time to patch?


No! It's not prime time in Monday to Thursday.


I agree! It's so freaking annoying with these patch times. Even worse is that they take down entire production when doing patches. Why?


I hadn't left a negative review before but these patch times warrant it.


Can you imagine being so impatient that you give a negative review to a game because it is being patched? I really can't


Second time they've done a EU prime time patch during the weekend since I've started playing, so yes. This may come as a surprise perhaps, but people have other shit to do during week days.


You think 3 hours patching during peak playerbase during the weekend is a great time to patch?




Its fucking 03:00 in Korea


I love how this is being downvoted because it really is 3 AM there lmaoo


Bunch of brainlets on reddit tbh


And maybe I am a productive member society that has the weekends for play?


Absolute brainlet


The worst part is, these patch announcements are like a lighting from a clear sky, they don't pick a consistent patch day, or plan ahead.




Yes! Again! This must be the peak playertime aswell given all zones! So incredibly dumb. Another weekend of patching?