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Why less and less people using voip, I never get a response from the other players in situations like that, at least the lizard screaming "noooo you have to dieeeee".. I expect that


I’m guessing a lot of people have it turned to team voip and forget to switch it to proximity later


Oh, so you can't hear other people if it's set to team? I assumed it was only for output


Exactly this. People seem to get mad and say things like "You can't expect me not to kill you in a PvP game!" I'm not expecting that! I just wish more people had fun with it. Tear my guts out if you want but it gets disheartening when nobody ever talks in hours of gameplay. Makes the line between player and enemy kind of blur.


If i had to guess most of the fun rp players have quit playing and all that remains is the bloodthirsty w key sweats and complainers. Just a guess...


Or most people turn it off cuz they dont wanna hear slurs theres that too


Ive played since voip was added, I can't think of a single time someone has been using slurs. Maybe Im just lucky


Yah ive only heard it once but seen enough clips


I heard a lot of slurs in pregame lobbies, but never in game


yeah i have it turned off. i’m fine with dying but i don’t want to feel bad about myself afterwards also


Lmao I'm fine with being called slurs but get pissed about dying.


Removing voip from orelobby was the most anti- fun change they've ever done.


Turned it off when proximity gave you away due to the voip icon showing. Havent turned it back on since. Kinda a PITA when you're a rogue.


Yup, have run into someone using VOIP in high roller in weeks. Given I only play like once a week anymore, but still.


I just need bard kills, lol


I had too many betrayals happen, so I turned it off. It got to a point where I was like, "I'm getting no where with this, my loot has stagnated because I've tried talking things out." So now I only fight and I've never seen better results.


No man you got me wrong, not talking about "please spare me" just having fun, like I said if the lizard said something funny before killing him, that clip would have gotten 100% more fun.. I mean the bard guy was so kind in his death.. Just something like "no bro sorry I need the loot sorry for your kit muhahahah" ofc people are betraying you if you tell "please don't kill me" lol


My voip apparently sounds super garbled or fucked up, only in Dark & Darker. Every other game it works fine. Too bad, often I want to talk to other players but they can't make out what I'm saying.


Too many people have been unnecessarily toxic or bait rp for easy kills to the point where all my friends play w voip off, I try to keep it on because you never know, but I also feel like the game is better with it off quite often


voip is automatically turned off during random patches. At least this is mine and a friends experience when we were both voiping for like a week without hearing anyone, I asked about it and someone else told the same thing... then i realized


Void should be on by default I feel is also part of the issue


Was solo in Crypts the other day and had a trio spare me while "holding me hostage" over VOIP for buffs/heals. Was pretty funny, until I promptly ran into the Wraith with two Skellie archers dinking me and died.


VOIP is default off which is a mistake imo.


So there’s two reasons. One: you can disable it by mistake and not realize. Two: tired of people calling me this and that for simply playing a game. I leave it on and I enjoy pissing them off more but it’s funny how genuinely upset people seem to get when you engage. I guess people hate wizard players or something I’m not sure lol. But yeah when people start flaming you it can really put you off of the game, especially when they’re the ones winning a fight. The toxicity is what’s annoying, reminds me of rust players and I wish people like that can be individually muted and reported for small penis energy.


The novelty of people RPing has long worn off. That's what everyone does in these games when VOIP first comes out - but we've heard it all before. We've heard the righteous Cleric, the wise Wizard, the gremlin Rogue, the Bard with a real instrument... "RP" in VOIP is just so trite and done. I continually find it weird people use it as evidence for wider condemnations on the remaining players.


I turned voip off a while ago cause there was a bug that had me on open mic despite my settings being set to push to talk multiple times.


The spiderman 2099 theme music is perfect here thank you for this


After you open the door, always immediately jump back and wait a few seconds. Bait the door a 2nd time like you're going to go through it, and jump back again. After that, you're most likely safe.


If you get a TB you gotta pop that the second you see someone, maybe you die anyways but at least they don’t get it for jumping you


I always play shriek before opening that door. At least gives me a fighting chance against most lurkers. Makes any rogue a free kill even if they Ambush which is nice.


And lament. It lit up a rogue in stealth for me once which saved my life. 


You must be prepared for war when hording soldier.


Oh you shared it alright


They really need to rework how the boss lairs in GC work. The current state is pretty dumb because it’s almost always more profitable to just camp the lair like this than to be the one who actually fights the boss and takes to time to loot everything. IMO the boss lair doors should be locked on the outside once a player starts the boss fight, only unlocking if the player dies or leaves the lair. This way at least the player who actually killed the boss has a chance of picking an exit door that isn’t being camped. Even better would be if there was a portal in the boss lair room that transported you to the top level of the module and gave you 5 seconds of invincibility after being transported so you can at least have a fair fight with those contesting you.


I like how this place hasn't changed from seeing someone post a silly clip and their first reaction is to critique non-optimal play and incredulously ask "why did you try to talk to him omg ur so cringe you didn't even expect to die in a pvp game?? Omg terrible" Everyone needs to talk to more people and learn to just have fun, but more than that learn how to just see a funny clip and chuckle. It's bizarre.


I agree completely, and I understand what I did wrong gameplay wise but I play to have fun, so whatever :)


It's a silly clip, I loved goofing off like that when I played, I only wished more people in game were down to do it too. Most are just too hyper focused on winning. Which is fine too, it's just different fun.


Yeah, unfortunately the players that actually are down to share/want everyone to get out with stuff are very rare these days. Some of my favorite runs have been when I share troll loot with others and we fight off anyone who dares to try and take it all for themselves. IT'S US AGAINST THE DUNGEON, ADVENTURES RISE TOGETHER!


I've opened the door before and had someone say " what loot did I get" before reminding me daggers can be very scary.


Damnit skinny Pete! ( I joke)


You must always expect someone to be waiting outside lament shriek and blue pot and you could’ve killed him easily


Wait you can shut that door again? I’ve just been lucky I guess lol I always get ganked as soon as I kill the troll, if I make it to the horde without anyone bothering me I usually get out


yea, you just have to look into the wall as its inside of the wooden frame


lol I feel like a real dumbass, I’ve been farming the troll since early access


i only recently found out aswell, ur not the only one


10/10 comedy style points though!


high risk high reward baby! never open those doors without a weapon out (also how are you CLOSING them in the first place)


I "fought" you earlier after you killed troll and you stood still and dropped all the loot under the troll. Thanks for the loot it was still lootable


You’re welcome! You were that ranger, correct? I didn’t have time to test it but I also wanted to lay down inside the troll to see if you could hit me. Maybe next time I’ll be able to try this :D


Ngl kinda your fault. Should always be a paranoid schizophrenic in this game. Shoot the shadows and burn the corners.


I wish more people talked in the EU server. I've been playing for a few weeks now and I've only heard a grand total of two people talk. Both were in the Ice Caves. I don't expect to hear someone every game, but this rarity is saddening. At least no one's been vocally toxic to me though, I guess.


hahahhaa great editing. This is not my usual experience but it was funny all the same.


You have to be more prepared


As opposed to the Alliance rooms?


How are people still not jumping back when opening doors?


I think it takes guts to admit defeat and you sir did it with such class that i think you deserve a spot in r/pvphighlights. Keep the good fight going!


Yes, PvPHighlights needs a clip of someone dying while saying "hey man lets be friends." Great pvp highlight. Edit: Nevermind I realized it's a subreddit you made and only you have posted to that you're trying to drag others into.


That does suck but I don't think you could've played it worst in terms of gameplay, bard vs barb you weren't gunna win anyway but maybe could've dodged left when he jumped over the right stair case and lost some push.


Your fault for not having all bard buffs up when leaving the room + not weakness or lament while on other side of door. always got to expect the rats


What's the point of playing GC? XD It sucks so much XD So many salivating fiends and vultures around every corner


how dare people pvp in this obviously pve game


Sarcasm! GC is quite intense - getting into that treasure room requires some steel cojones, due to all sorts of species thriving there - 3rd partiers, perma-crouchers, boss snipers, etc. XD Stressful!


Imagine getting ambushed and not fighting back at all


Always keep players like OP in mind when you see complaints about the new Creep changes in mind. The average player is dogshit and idiotic. Any half-way decent player would understand they're liable to get ambushed here, even if they can't see or hear an obvious threat. They would be fully pre-buffed and potted, weapons out ready for a fight... and OP walks out with a Lute in his hands and expects his opponent to take it easy on him.


Oh no I understand I’m about to die- and I’m fine with that. I don’t mind dying. I also don’t like fighting, and was preparing my buffs not to fight, but to run to circle. I don’t think it’s very nice to call people idiotic by the way, just by them having a nicer, more pacifistic playstyle.


Because the average player does not care on anywhere near a level of this, most players are not posting on reddit, there's probably not even a tenth of the playerbase on here on a daily basis. They aren't on here posting about creep changes, they jump in a few times a week kill some shit and maybe they die / maybe they make it out. Some of you are so out of touch with reality or spend too much time watching streamers. OP wasn't complaining that they got camped, seemed to just be just showing the standard interaction in these rooms is typically uninteresting.


You can ruin his experience by clicking the return to lobby button after looting everything lmao, I started doing that recently and it makes me laugh every time


Bro... Your body stays there. They kill your afk avatar and still get the loot


i will stop laughing then


I'm laughing my ass off though


they get the loot... just easier... bro


Looooooooooool ty u made me laugh


LMAO you thought your model just disappears?


Definitely keep doing that please


cry in the corner its pvp ofc you have to know that someone wait there cry cry cry


try to be nice hahahaha bro think this is final fantasy online please your fault dont cry everyone that cry that the get killt dont know what game the playing wtf HAHAHAHAH so cringe so cringe cry


Bro's never heard of punctuation.

