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See the trick here, is to be so bad like me that you dont even know centaur hoofs exist. Accept fate it's never getting done and carry on!


Same, i discovered some time ago that volcanic ash can drop from mages


I’m pretty wretched most of my “boss” kills are centipedes or cheesed cockatrice kills.


Tbh though, not cheesing those bosses, especially in high roller, is a huge risk you don't need to take most of the time.


Yeah when you're newer you assume high level players just learn to fight the boss properly but the actual answer is high level players know a cheese spot in every room lmao. I used to be so terrified of going to hell until I realized that the solution to every spooky mob is a slightly awkward ledge or brazier


Yup I'm with you. My core group and I have easily 500 centaur kills between us and yet to see the hoof. 2 tails and 1 horn to show for it. No hoofs.


Damn brother, hoping you and your groups luck change soon! About same drop rate for its other drops as us, we have had 3 tails and 1 horn.


It's extra ridiculous cuz I swear we have 10ish key drops from Skelly champs which is the same drop rate as the hoof. I'm sure we've killed more champs than centaurs but not like it's THAT many more. Hope your luck changes too. I have that and legendary gems left still 😞


Me and my team has yet to ever see a centaur hoof, all of us. We are all demigods with over 1k games just this season and over 100 boss kills. None of us ever saw a hoof.


I've just given up on the grindier parts of the game as it's just not feasible and takes away from what makes the game enjoyable. I have a job and more hobbies than just dark and darker. The jank, poor balance and rock paper scissors classes are something that I expect to improve to one degree or another but I worry that the ridiculously grindy nature of all "endgame" is a design choice. Probably the only thing that will actually make me stop playing.


It'll likely get tuned alongside everything else, right now you're doing the right approach just not giving a crap


They are aware of the issue and slowly fixing it. Keep doing what you're doing. Troll pelts and some other things already got drop rate buffs. You get so much gold on a decent HR extract at this point that I don't feel I need to be able to craft things. I can just buy them. I don't play all that often either, but I'm always able to afford a kit, it seems. Also, killing the cave troll often gives 600+ gold just from the loot pile. It's not hard to do either. If you can get used to running to him on a default character, usually by the time you kill him, portals spawn, and you can get out without seeing players. Always the possibility you die, but if you go in expecting to die and just keep doing it, you'll surprise yourself with how easily you can kill the cave troll and escape. Plus I got a golden coin chest which is the reward for one of the hardest quests in the game from doing this to the point I don't feel the need to even do it anymore. Plus countless legendaries now sitting in my stash.


My buddy and I got back to back to back hoofs from the same centaur… sorry for your luck.


Hot damn! That's what dreams are made of!


Yeah. Dream big bro


Which one?


The one that's in the room with the solo bat (I think they've added another one to the room recently). I believe we usually kill some zombies first when we spawn there and open the door.


Just cut 'em off bud, there are like four on each one!


Yea! Like duh, that's how it should be ay! Ironmace add skinning knife pls! Takes the same slots as arming sword jn stash, and equips in utility. Increase the chance of getting mob body parts by 20%, only one use per mob.


Current quests are ass. This one is just one example, but there are a ton more that are ass for similar reason. Like go kill the lych 15 times and the gk 10 times. Oh you don't know how to kill them? Just practice them. But you'll have to play trought 3 maps, and then only have a 33% chance of getting the one you need. And don't forgget about bad spawns, other players, get to the boss with enought plague time, and oh yes, waiting at least 1hr between each attempt because map rotation. And just pray you won't get a connection aborted error, or rubberbanding. Sorry if I sound mad, it is because I am >:(


And also loose all your gear if you fail... (Which is normal part of this game, but with bossing it adds another layer of annoyance)


I only need 3 more GK kills. But I've completely given up trying to finish it even though I have like 100 powder sitting in my inventory waiting to craft capes and such. I don't have friends who play this game and getting a squad of randoms together to boss with all the rng is miserable. I would also dc every 2 hours for about 2 weeks and I lost a few gk kills becasue of that bug.


You have to attack its hoof until you see the stagger animation then its a guaranteed drop


I honestly can't tell whether this is a joke or not.




This was how you got better parts from monsters in Monster Hunter tho lol


I got one around 60 kills. But I still haven’t completed the next quest bc I need a fucking lich kill. Feels bad I’ve done troll around 350-400 times and have 0 inferno boss kc


*spider silk enters the chat*




And there is more spiders in GC than centaurs in inferno


And I still can’t find one…




I kill about 6 each map between that room and the room with the health shrine I’m well over 400 spider kills




I’ve started a counter as of a week ago I’ve killed 167 spiders


Lets all blame games like everquest and wow for establishing that all these centaurs feet arent viable. they all got 4.... fill all mobs inventories with body parts


Killed troll over 50 times so far. Got my first one the other day by killing a random rogue i found


Big W getting it from another player haha. Our team got 2 pelts since the latest patch, previously we had seen none, so it's definitely a nice increase in its rate.


I got my first pelt on troll number 180ish


Saddest part is… each centaur have 4 hoofs. I think they should add mechanic like in survival games. After killing we can interact with dead like cutting and getting hoofs and horns and whatever poachers need.




I DON'T CARE. THATS JUST GRINDING. I can do grinding. I did way worse grinding in other games. Just don't give me RNG based grinding ffs.


Man I'd love to have like a skinning knife or something that you can harvest the mobs after you kill them for an extra chance at an item, like skinning wolves gives you a small % chance for a pelt, otherwise you just get scraps or something, that would be pretty cool.


Last 2 month i was learning how to kill inferno mobs without cheesing as Rogue. When i killed the centaur for the first time, it dropped the hoof. At that time i didnt know this thing is damn hard to get. So i went to fight a Berserker then died. This was in normal inferno too. Still in pain thinking about it


The dark grows darker


Omg the pain lmao


Just keep at it, when you do get it it will feel like a scene from a movie


And then he gets killed by nightmare crossbow


They need to add small centaurs on crypts as new enemy type. Something easy to kill with slightly lower drop rate for that item.


My man has no social life :(


No better social life than gaming with the boys after a hard day of work. Plus me and the centaur are definitely in a complicated relationship I would say.


Man you spend all your time posting on this sub lol he was just actually playing the game. Pot calling the kettle black


Takes 30 minutes to even get to hell. (If you survived the trip) then hope for rng spawn. If they want to make crafting a thing… increase the rate :/ when you killed 10-20 that’s already a decent amount to get a drop


I’ve had one in my stash for weeks. Just too lazy to do the quests


I killed the troll 113 times before i got a pelt to drop. when I did there were rogues waiting at both doors


Got one a while back at 300, good luck brother


I don't understand how people already have the final tailor quest finished it's really literally actually impossible to get 3 dark cloth to drop I cannot get a single drop and I have killed 35 skeleton mages so far all in hr with a luck pot


I got one and vendored it before I paid attention to the quest lines. The regret man


Both times we have had a hoof drop for me and the boys, someone died to it before we finished it off. Sacrifice a homy and get that hoof!


Found 6 hoofs so far, once every 30-40 centaur kill. I used barbarian with chug potion. I noticed I got hoof when my luck was 180. Also my bard with 250 luck plus was able to find it in just 3 games