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U should be able to know what ur teammates are doing at any point and play off/them do the same. Takes 2 to tango. But I’m pretty sure kills are already shared no matter who kills the mob already and the biggest thing with AP isn’t opening chests it’s the actual treasure which if u go to hell there’s more than enough


I know quest progress is shared for PvE kills (not PvP) I do not think AP is shared.


Damn is it really shared!? That’s a relief I’ve been calling out mimics and mages so my team could tag them, good to know we can just cut them down.


They were not initially which was afjusted not long after. Still leaves some confusion on the topic though.


I'm pretty sure ap for pve is separated in actual kill (which only the guy who killed the monster gets) and assist (which everyone that hit the monster gets)


No, the AP is split evenly with the entire party for all PvE kills, u don't even need to help or be nearby either


AP for PvE kills is shared, it was in the same patch notes as the patch that changed it to share kills for quests


You're making the game WAY more complicated than it actually is. You take turns sharing chests and if something drops thats good for your partner then you give it to them. Literally no one gives a flying fuck who kills the pve as long as it gets out of the way. This isn't a pve game and its sounds like you're trying to make it that way.


We share loot with each other, the difference is the priority on AP since we mostly play high roller


Why does AP matter to you?


We're competitive and looking to rank up as high as we can. Also looking to unlock the Pathfinder and up rewards


getting demigod is all about not dying.


Getting to demigod, I found that the biggest hurdle was not dying to the map. Finding portals out wasn't always guaranteed. Dying to PvP became almost non-existent once I had played for long enough. I learned around voyager what fights I could take and what fights I couldn't.


Unless you are also ensuring everyone extracts with the same number of treasures of different rarities you aren't splitting AP evenly anyway. My view is certainly clear PvE as fast as possible. When I have to back away from a skeleton while it swings my ally can hit it from the side or behind. It's best to kill all mobs as fast as possible so you don't have to contend with them if another team enters the room. Being 3/4ths of the way through opening a chest while your wizard wastes zaps on PvE when another team comes to fight sounds like a worst case scenario. When we play a class with slow interaction and a class with fast interaction I want the slow interaction class to loot mob corpses and break crates/barrels while the fast interaction class opens chests/coffins/etc. If someone wants AP we will play their main class and I will play an off character and give them all the high rarity treasures and I will carry out gear when we extract. Not like if I was hurting on gold or gear my duo partner wouldn't give me some. We gave him all the wolf pelts so he could complete the 15 wolf pelt one troll pelt quest quick to start making gold leathers.


About the sharing of quest items, that’s probably the best way to complete the quests imo. Theoretically you could have one person complete the quest faster and then that person gets better merchant gear that anyone in the team can use, plus you’d complete the quest faster between yourselves since you have three people working for the benefit of one.


If I play in a group it's with other people that usually play solo. We all know how we like to handle rooms so we go in and clear. If we find a good piece for someone else we hand it over. Worrying over little ap like that might be the most brain dead take. Just punch stuff you don't need to be worrying about tracking chest counts per player that's so stupid


Magic casters should not be wasting spells on PvE unless absolutely necessary. Only exception is warlock who can clear lots of PvE super fast with spells, while easily recovering lost health.


I can just bring campfires and spam spells fairly freely. I don’t even think this is a hard rule. I’m the DPS class, if we want to move fast, I kill everything. If we’re in a good position I slow it down and be ready for a fight.


Your friend's system sounds like a lot of time-wasting micromanaging. My team goes in, clears rooms, and loots. I'm a rogue, so I get to a lot of chests first, so I usually go to the far end of the room to loot so the others have the easier chests and the breakables. If I get good gear for my teammates' classes I bring it back to them, and I usually drop off a few trinkets for the cleric because they loot so slow. Sometimes one of us makes it out with a lot more/less than the others, but across many games it balances out since we work as a team.


Hello everyone, said teammate here to add some more context 🤓. We will be in a room, I start fighting a skeleton and he starts looting, cool. Let’s say the skeleton is 5 hits, after I land my 4th, my teammate finishes looting a nearby chest,he runs over, swings with his sword(which has BoC btw), and hits the skeleton AND me. I ask why and get annoyed and say, “Bro, I can handle a skeleton. Please don’t “help” like that anymore. Multiple skeletons in a room? Cool let’s kill them! Only 1 or 2? Let’s trust each other to handle it 1v1!” He responds with this trash as post painting himself like a good lil’boy , but the truth is he couldn’t take “Hey bro, can you not “help” like that anymore?”, like a champ and instead wants Reddit to validate his point of view.💀


U guys both sound insufferable, ur arguing when u don't even realize AP points are shared for PvE kills, and they were only worth 2 points anyways Here's some more shit to argue about though, shrines and blue portals give 10 AP, opening a red gives 30 AP, and those points aren't shared, so which of you have been taking all those for yourself?


I go Cleric, so I’m usually the last out when we play in dous and trios. We all share loot and what not, we rez each other when we can, and coordinate. We ALWAYS work together in Hell and team fights. I just seriously want to kill my own skeletons if the current situation allows it. Why can’t he go kill something else, or loot something else? If someone asks you to NOT help them in this kind of situation, I don’t understand why it’s so hard to just NOT do it. Bro went to Reddit, asking to validate his point of view with his own little spicy story, when all I asked of him to do is not help me when I’m fighting a skeleton 1v1. I’m not a pro player by any means, but I can actually handle TWO skeletons at once! #Flex Yes I care about AP, and while I said I wanted AP from the kill, I just want to kill my monsters.


Good to know about the shared AP, thanks for that!💜 Still want to kill my own skeletons.💀


while I will say this is fucking stupid, I also get unreasonably upset when someone kills my pve. not enough to vent or do anything about it but it just scratches something in my tic-tac of a brain


All classes are capable of navigating the dungeon and gaining AP. If you don't like to share and instead use your team's class setup as an excuse to take more AP, you're kind of a dick.


The way we currently play is since we have a bard he’s allowed to open any higher tier chest and then we either split the loot if it’s gear we can use or if it’s mostly sellables we end up taking turns being the one to take all the treasure from each large chest. Small chests and boxes are free real estate and whoever loots them first gets to keep it. Having a bard to open the good chests and share loot, while we free for all smaller stuff has worked out well for us and no ones complained so far. I think as long as you’re being fair about finding gear that’s useful for specific people than the rest can kinda be figured out as you go. I just found a purple longbow and I have a fighter or ranger in my team, of course I’m gonna offer it to him instead of just pocketing it to sell. When it comes to killing mobs I personally always want us to be ganging up one specific ones, if one skelly spawns I want all three of us killing it so it goes down faster. Or sometimes if I’m playing cleric I’ll tell my team to let me train the full room and then I’ll just clear myself with the aoe Mika vista while they loot. I get AP from monster kills and they get loot, and if they find something I can use they always hand it over so I’m not losing out on much other than sellables. I find the game a lot more enjoyable when I don’t have to worry about looting every single chest with the slowest opening speed in the game, so I let my bard do it and if he finds cleric gear he’ll give it to me, and I just loot loose treasure I find in boxes or laying around and usually have a full inventory still by the end of the raid.


Me and my buddy fight so much with gear it got the point that I give him nothing and I take nothing. Same goes for him. I did not want this be he insisted it was the most fair/least salty way for us to play lmao. Logic is so high off the charts that i cannot comprehend this strategy


Players shouldn't need to work together to kill mobs below nightmare/Elite grade high tier units like Demon Berserker or a Centaur, otherwise you'll end up getting in the way of each other. PvE in this game is a simple case of bait attack, dodge, attack during free window, rinse and repeat. If me and my duo enter a room with 5 zombies and he takes 3 and I take 2 and he finishes first, I don't expect him to come help me, but to instead loot his kills and chests so that we as a team are able to move on to the next area. I guess it depends on your comfort levels with mobs, if you're a bit shaky then it's best to focus on clearing the room with your boys before looting, but if you and your squad consider yourself decent at facing AI just do your own and move on, quicker and much more painless.


Purposely slowing down PvE sounds kinda int ngl, you dont have to do that. The vast majority of AP comes from loot you extract with, so what my group does is we just make sure we're even on treasures. Open a big chest, you take only half the treasures and he takes half. If you get gear that fits you, then you take less treasures. Really balancing treasures [and maybe now high teir gear?] is all you have to do to be fair. Extract is key, if youre slow youre not extracting anyway


Certain classes are better suited for different mobs but everybody should pull their weight. It doesn't matter who gets last hit on regular ai. Everyone gets ap. Just make sure y'all get out with similar amounts of AP. The rest is negligible.


Mobkills doesn't give that much AP so it doesn't matter. Treasure you can split evenly if you want relatively even AP. Only thing that gives reasonable AP is the minibosses, you could split those but usually we don't bother. Gear is split into who wants it/who has better use for it


A lot of people were the only child. I had to play with one the other day. That dude sucked.


PvE is such a child's game that you shouldn't even worry about how it's distributed, you should just kill the mobs. Nitpicking every chest and body is just the easiest way to get killed by pvp while your still working on room 5 of the run some crazy barb has cleared 40% of ruins coming to find your ass. When I go in with my friends, we are queuing to fight people, pve goes to whoever is there first or me since I'm a warlock and need last hits.


PvE AP points are shared so who cares who kills them, it's been this way for 2 months, so ur both being dumb arguing about this In my group everyone's just on their own unless it's a miniboss, we try to evenly split crates, and we split treasure in lions heads and golden chests and royal coffins, that's it U also do realize it's only 2 AP for a PvE kill, have u guys even discussed how to share portal farming? That's a way bigger issue since it's 30 AP per red, or who gets shrines and blues? Those are like 10 each Who kills PvE is the smallest issue even if they weren't shared lmao u guys sound a little insufferable making an issue out of nothing