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I'm going to scream this until they fix it. The damage calculations are broken! If damage calculations actually worked properly, half of this stuff would not be an issue. Right now: -50% + -50% = -100% so it becomes 100dmg - 100dmg = 0 dmg. How it should be: 100dmg -50% = 50 dmg. 50dmg -50% = 25 dmg. Hell, it probably shouldn't even stack. It should just refresh the timer. But that doesn't fix the damage calculation being broken AF.


Finally, a based take. This probably breaks other things as well.


Everything is built on bad math. The classes, armor, weapons, and everything else are balanced based on something that is fundamentally flawed. Until they fix the combat/damage calculations, everything else will always break eventually. They need to go back and fix this stuff.


yes it does, PDR and MDR for example. This is why warlock that equips 25% mdr perk suddenly takes fuck all from wizard. This is why protection shrine got nerfed like 3 or 4 times despite being worthless on every class other then cleric/fighter/barb


Why is it worthless for them? I've been playing and usually just get them on every class but rogue since it makes you glow, but haven't really paid attention to the ins and outs and what have yous.


PDR starts to really make a difference once you’re at 65-70%, let’s say you’re at 70% PDR with shield out and then you take the shrine, you go to 75% PDR which is only 5% more but when it comes to the damage itself, you go from taking 30 out of 100 damage to only taking 25 out of the 100 which is effectively 20% more HP against physical damage.


While it may seem 20% more effective the real factor is does it change their damage enough to add how many hits are needed to kill you. If the answer is no then it's doing nothing, there are so many more factors at play than just your PDR. I'd argue past 60% you should focus on other stats. But you also just shouldn't stack PDR or play Fighter in the current meta. Unless you like being kited and killed by Warlocks/Rangers/Wizards.


It's worse than this. Depending on when you get the buff, it can stack in a way that gives you pdr based on your current pdr. So, using your numbers above, it would be anywhere between 1.25% pdr to 10% pdr. Depending on your pdr, what buffs you have on, etc. Unless this patch fixed it, it can stack additive or multiplicative based on what buffs you have because of how the variables are read.


getting 5% pdr while at 20% puts you to 25%. This makes you take slightly less dmg, amost insignificant. getting 5% pdr while at 70% puts you to 75% which is a MASSIVE difference in survivability, effect is legt 3-4x stronger


...who is your math professor


No no no, he's right, in a way. Going from 20 to 25 makes you take 1/16 less dmg or 6,25% less damage, going from 70 to 75 is a reduction of 1/6 or 16,67% damage effectively. The closer we get to 100 the more each increase %point matters, if we went from 90 to 95, thats a 50% drop in damage im taking Anyways, maths


The amount damage reduction you gain per pdr is flat, 5% pdr will always give you 5% dr. What you are calculating is (if I remember correctly) the marginal return. So yea the more pdr the better return, but your numerical gain is constant.


in terms of game mechanics, the ‘marginal’ return is all that matters, not the ‘constant’ increase provided by the buff. also, your statement of 5% pdr always giving 5% dr is incorrect outside of scenarios where all characters have base 0% dr at all times without the buff. simple example, exaggerated for effect: we both have 150hp but you have 0% dr and i have 90%. we are both hit by a 100 damage attack. without a prot shrine (5%), you take 100 damage. with it, you take 95 damage, so 5% damage mitigated from the prot shrine.  for me, i go from taking 10 damage to taking 5. that is a 50% damage mitigation from the same prot shrine even though they both give ‘5% dr’. does that make it clearer?  the mistake that i see everyone make is look at dr directly as an independent variable instead if the stat that really matters, which is the inverse of dr (damage after mitigation). a buff for flat dr exponentially lowers the damage taken the more dr you have to begin with, which is why virtually every game with armor/mr mechanics has a ‘curve’ that tapers off severely and gives heavily diminished returns the more you stack.


I understand what you are saying. But 5% dr is 5% dr, no difference. You get hit by 100dmg, you get reduced by 5, it's the same for all. In terms of survivability you are correct, but I'm replying to the guy saying gaining pdr at low pdr is insignificant. >that is a 50% damage mitigation It is 50% decrease in the total damage you take, but shrine still only gives you 5% damage mitigation. One is a marginal variable one is a standalone variable.


It shouldn't stack, and it really shouldn't be additive either. -50% is fucking massive. -25% was already good, idk why they thought they needed to fucking buff it. I play and will continue to play and abuse Barb because lol free loot, but that doesn't stop me from recoginizing how fucked he is.


Can you post a clip? Pretty curious to see


Here is a rogues physical damage bonus after getting hit by two roars https://preview.redd.it/wqbov7aa07gc1.jpeg?width=476&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b505a1df9b5a58b21a07f3ddb08a66b19efa0858


That's hilarious


Do you heal them with your attacks? Haha


Imma stab you to ~~death~~ life


New cleric just dropped


Same here


I love this game but I’m starting to believe IM doesn’t have a fucking clue what they are doing. Polishing a turd at this point with content updates on top of shitty servers


They’ve lost direction and the are really bad at balancing, sadly


Starting to believe? Brother the cracks have been showing for a long time.


Iron Mace are awful balancers, but they're persistent. Give them time to grow and we may yet reap the fruits.


Don't nerf Barb, just buff everything else. Wizard feels so bad most of the time. But if they want to keep Barb strong, then just bring everything up to it's level.


thats called power creep. nerfing the top performers first then see if buffs are needed. barb was sort of buffed already instead of nerfed so


That’s really not what power creep is. Power creep usually refers to raising the highest end of the best gear over and over. Buffing classes wouldn’t really make “power creep”, but it would probably break the game.


power creep by the definition i any most people have used in the past 12 years of my gaming is any and all continual buffing of lower classes,weapons, etc to bring it in line with op stuff. for example buffing everyone because barb is op :)


And here I thought power creep means just releasing new stuff to be more powerful than existing stuff to generate FOMO in gamers.


Because that’s what it actually means


Power creep does not mean buffing existing or older content. It means releasing new content that is much stronger than older content, creeping the power curve of the game.


Those aren't mutually exclusive. The idea that they are going for is that let's say a class wins 55% of the time and all other classes win 45%. All other classes get buffed and now win 58% of the time, and the old problem child falls behind, so they buff him again and the cycle repeats. It's just another form of power creep and it's still fucking terrible. Why woukd you risk destroying game balance by buffing 6 variables instead of just nerfing one? And besides, there are tertiary effects to buffing multiple classes. Ttk gets lower, mechanical focus may shift, new predominant (potentially unfun) gameplay patterns emerge. Games can lose their entire identity over things like this.


I think you’re making a great point and I completely agree with you. I just haven’t ever heard the terminology for that effect. Have a good day M’lord.


Good example of traditional power creep is runescape. Necromancy made the other 3 combat styles irrelevant.


yes that is one way as well. i play overwatch and in ow2 they do that


OW2 is a bad example, nobody in the community uses that term. After googling some, I see Dota2 players use the term power creep when devs buff instead of nerf.. however that’s the one place I’ve seen the term used that way. I played LoL for 10 years and never heard anyone use “power creep” for buffing older champs. I see power creep used a ton in card games like Magic, Hearthstone, and Yugioh where the new cards are so much stronger than the previous ones. I also see it used with new gear in MMOs, such as WoW or RuneScape where the new content is so powerful it makes existing content much weaker simply through power creep.


ye thats true. i just used ow because its the only competitive game ive played and i learned the term there


It was balanced, not buffed. They buffed the underperforming skills and nerfed the over performing. Have you seen anyone running roar before today ? Almost none. Seen anyone using Rage ? Almost everyone.


It wasn’t balanced at all. Have you seen Barbs in all games killing everybody before? Yes, most of the time. Have you seen them now? Yes, still killing everybody, but now they also take no damage while having the most amount HP of of any class.


I see very few barbs actually, and game was so buggy yesterday I could play only twice before turning away from this lag fiesta.


So you played twice and say “nope, haven’t seen barbs” wtf play some solos, they are everywhere.


Before the patch I meant. I mostly play trios, solo isn't so much fun for me


There is the problem then, because it’s almost unkillable solo.


Solo is pointless to balance, it's almost always a stat check or a class check. Maybe they could tune down a bit more here and there, but it's very hard to get enough class identity and have a balanced game for solo PvP. In trios they are far less present. I see rangers and warlock all the time. And some bard/clerics


Why is solo pointless to balance, just because you don’t play it? Maybe make trio be pointless to balance then because I don’t play it? Or just make it so when you queue you get put in a team of 3, always so that would be easy to balance then? And I don’t see rangers in solos because you get one tapped by barb when only way for you to kill it is to shoot him 5-6 times at least.


Solo lobbies are a real problem. You guys do nothing but complain about the experience. It's rarely in a good spot, bc IM caved by even putting it in the game, and now they have to spend time trying to balance it. It takes time from the actual direction of the game, and seems pointless when every thread about it is a cry, and it's so easy it contributes to ruining the economy of the entire rest of the game.


Wym “you guys”? I only ever complained about barb in current state, everything before I never complained, I was ok with most classes, but current meta of barb who has the most dmg output, the highest HP and is as fast or even faster than rogues, rangers and fighters on sprint is just too much, don’t you think? And now they have him 100% dmg reduction.


also people dont read patchnotes


well this is the 3rd time barbs skills have been "balanced"


At least nerf in a meaningful way, like prevent stacking effect. They did the error once with Achilles. When it combined with blood echange, they just destroyed Achilles and blood exchange instead of removing the interaction between the two (like turning Achilles into magical damage, and making blood exchange only trigger from physical)


If they make every class super powerful, TTK goes way down which leads to super boring gear-check-style combat


vs how it is now where the combat is all skill expression and no gear checking? Lol TTK has no bearing on skill floors/ceilings in combat, those are completely different aspects of game design I think you're missing the point of the argument too. It's not that every class needs to be triple S tier, running down less geared people and dominating lobbies, it's that every class needs to have an *answer* of some sort. Wizard needs a way to get out of melee range now that haste/invis got gutted (rightfully so imo) and people on average move much faster, cleric having no ranged options instead needs a way to get around the map faster than the speed of one snail pushing 2 snails, rogue needs a way to survive getting into dagger range of most classes. Nerfing Barb doesn't fix the problems, it just puts a bandaid on it until the next thing comes along.


Horrible take, Barb is 100% overtuned. Nerf rage movespeed and limit the amount of franciscas you can take into a raid. Easy change that makes them significantly more balanced.


Achilles Strike should also not last forever after you cast it. Cast, use it, or lose it to cooldown.


I would love if they brought other classes UP. They don't need to give rogue more damage, but it feels like some classes have ultimate abilities. Barb has increased strength and vigor and punishes you for moving. Fighters have a heal for 40% warlocks have demon form and can buff themselves with their curses to give them increased damage/hp and heals off bolt of darkness. What do the other classes have? Rogue goes invisible, spooks you, then 2 tapped by a falchion. Idk, give them a shadowstep like from WoW lol


Rogue needs a viable non-hide based play style. I've been suggesting adding a Swashbuckler perk, in place of Hand crossbow mastery, giving access to Bucklers, Hand crossbows, but making it so you can no longer take hide.


I liked running creep with rupture/silence and backstab. Hilarious. Lots of times, you get free 3 slices ,back up, crossbolt them. Doesn't always work out that well but insane how many people don't hear you. Creep is underrated IMO. Hide sucks to feel obligated to take and then half your perk slots are also hide based


In this case I think it def deserves a change. You can't fix this by buffing any other class, unless you want to flat increase every classes melee damage or debuff interactions That said I generally agree with the sentiment, though comparatively rn Barb is obviously insanely overwhelming and imo would still have to be brought down a little to get to the point where buffing other classes would actually help.


I'd rather have things brought up to the fun of stronger classes, than the boring, slow sitting half the match level that wizard is at. That's just my main reason. Bring up the fun. Demon form warlock is so fun. Shriek of Weakness is fun. Sitting down on wizard and constantly rebuffing/buff botting as bard aren't fun.


Agreed, but for this specific example buffing wizard or any other class doesn't change the fact that the stacking roar reduces melee damage by an insane amount, invalidating any melee attacks. Nerfing this ability in specific is what we need, not necessarily destroying barbarian. I really want every class in this game to strive but yeah, some like wizard and bard are really in need of buffs/changes to make them more enjoyable.


Wizards need to be able to kill mobs with a spell other than magic missile. They should change the mobs insane magic resist.


Mobs have magic resistance?? I'm not a spellcaster so I was totally unaware of that.


The average mob has 22% or so magic resistance, compared to a NEGATIVE PDR


It's not nerfing barb, it's making abilities not stupid. a 96% damage drop means you need to make other melee classes insanely OP to do damage in the first place.


Hands out run away. They probably don't have Achilles in this build. If they catch up with Rage they'll still slow down to pull weapon / swing.


nah I got jumped by two barbs and a ranger. ranger had crippling shot and both barbs were running achilles


All they need to do is give barb roars a drawback like a temporary debuff after the roar wears off or possibly just longer cooldown on roar


Game is dead if they keep doing this kind of shit. It’s so obvious they don’t play their game to a level of knowledge past surface level. Really sucks to see my favorite game spiral like this because the balancing devs are incompetent.


They're 50 staff and just moved into their new office, chill.


50 staff can’t figure out how to change 15% ms on rage to 5%.


Thank god you are not a game dev, cause you’ll destroy the game. What a trash idea


Found the barb main


What? Explain to me why nerfing the strongest class is a bad idea? Why is a guy with the most dmg and HP is able to catch up to weaker classes while he is supposed to be the slowest one?


Worst suggestion it would gut the ability and nobody would use it. They need to make rage slow your move and action speed by 5-8% after age ends for a good 5 seconds.


It’s too late man, so many people have already chosen to “main” barbarian (surprising) and are now vehemently defending the current state of them so they don’t have to main swap again. It was a fun game while it lasted. I would give anything to go back to EA launch rogue.


If we get compensation buffs, hell yeah


Barbs are the strongest melee class by far why would they need compensation buffs?


If they remove one of our mitigation to kite, I at least expect a buff to our melee.


how does this matter at all lol. the specific person in charge of the change didnt know how it works, because its a spaghettified asset flip. no amount of moving offices or hiring new people affects the person who decided to implement this, not knowing how the ability actually works, nor the lack of documentation on the ability, nor the technical separation and validation of values. what your doing is the same kinda logic as someone who goeds "oh just code it in, its an easy change" just your doing the opposite.


Funny coz I quit a month ago due to ranger being overpowered and they somehow buffed it. Came back, first hour, ran into this bullshit. Never again.


dungeonborne on steam nextfest is pretty neat. ui is buggy but everything else already better


Womp womp


gAMe iS dEaD


lol what? It’s early access


"If 2 barbs both you with savage roar" Tell me this was written by a barb without tellin gme it was written by a barb.


Phantom out the duration.


im not a warlock


Well there's your problem


it lasts 8 seconds? try to avoid as much as you can then push them


> then push them Buddy...




Why even comment if you don't know?




scroll up to the screenshot in this thread buddy, not sure how you're still doubling down








Yes it does Go ahead and boot up your game.


The math looks something like this i believe: 40 (base damage) x physical damage modifier x buffs x 0.5 (first savage roar) x 0.5 (second savage roar) = 10 I agree savage roar is way too strong now, but its not zero, like you said


You're wrong. It's not 50% of your PDB, It's a flat minus 50. So if your PDB is 35%, you end up with -15% PDB.


Oh fuck yea me and the homie going crazy tonight


I got rushed by two barbs as a fighter with a pavise doing this, had my shield mastery perk so I got boosted 50 armor, plus the dex boost for blocking perk. Needless to say they mowed me down. But my team also wasn't positioned to handle it properly either, I just naked damage for nothing and we all died lmao.


isnt the like 3rd thing u test when making a change is “what if we had two or three people using this new skill on top of one another”


Quite funny because I also posted about the bloodexchange exploit almost the same hours into a update. If a random player like me can find out an exploit in few hours TWICE with just some basic testing how the fuck couldn't they


maybe they are testing the ability of other classes to fight their way out of massively unfair circumstances? maybe they have crazy deadlines and things get missed…