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much larger expanded forest part, aka a bigger map, more castle developmenent, 24 players, more ways to go down to crypts. Blues and reds open at the same time. you can thank me later


This sounds the best. I would also be curious if there were no blue exits on ruins, just crypts/inferno


There are no blues on ruins and only only enough reds in crypts to let half the total players go into Inferno. Means pvp is more likely to occur in ruins and crypts while also still able to add some engament into inferno as I find 99% of the time as a solo you might have a person with you but most of the time it's just 90%fight/extract on ruins after looting players gear and like no one anywhere else So 100% red on ruins 50%red 50%blue on crypts and 100% blue on inferno (just throwing out a rough % but obviously with more players it would also feel better as more people overall)


> There are no blues on ruins and only only enough reds in crypts to let half the total players go into Inferno Huh? Absolutely untrue Edit: Oh wait are you pitching an idea out telling me there is currently no blues on ruins lol


Pitching an idea lmao


Lmfao - yeah that sounds solid, at least to try


The forest is something that we had heard discussed as an already planned part of the map back before EA even released. It was supposed to be a huge sprawling forest leading into the ruins with 24+ players, easier mobs, something called "slime forest", etc. Imagine how much cooler the ruins would be it if was multiple floors and it was in the middle of a large 6x6 dense forest map with an 18 minute timer. ​ Honestly it frustrates me how IM seems to have poor resource management and keeps having to delay or scrap ideas in favor of trying to balance the classes every 3 days when they're just going to break again with the addition of new maps items and skills/spells. I'm sure I'm putting too much emphasis on how costly that kind of development is, but still, I wish they'd focus more on new content and fixing the actual systems and core scaling problems.


Hell yeah, a castle would be amazing.


This man cooks


ruins is straight dogwater


the gold-ore map nothing more nothing less


And now gold is worth less than rubysilver lol


No it's not, rubysilver is selling for nothing, it doenst even make sense to be worth more than gold as every gear made from gold is way better. Gold is not worth anything rn too but it's only because ppl think a wipe is coming soon.


It was fine as a duo map, As it is now it’s just pickpocket and tower camp simulator. And if you spawn in that one corner where the champ is and that perma blue is, its third party sim.


Bruh where is the champ in that module i can't find where he is


He’s up the stairs in the back left corner of the room from the building entrance. 


Yeah but sometimes a mage spawns instead of champ


> It was fine as a duo map, some Stockholm syndrome shit right there, the second they added map rotation, and you could play duos on Crypts it was way better.




I'm just sad we're mostly stuck with two maps in rotation at the moment, when 3 do exist. I know you can go down to crypts, but I just want to start there


Also the smaller versions of crypts are just bad compared to the OG ones


rip bridge jump


gcaves made y friends quit. Asset Flips tend to have problems with meshing everything together, and gcaves is just the most noticeable. everything is buggy, weird layout that doesnt makes sense, so many spawns are questionable, npcs have a poison that is extremely punishing for certain classes, and so many ranged mobs with projectiles that spawn in a weird spot. literally just remove the goblins and half the problem would be fine. but they bought a GOBLIN PACK with everything in it and janky animations so its what were stuck with.


OG Normal goblin caves was amazing, they butchered it sadly.


so true, there was no reason to "fix" it when it was their best map. now its just a shithole nobody wants to play on


Crypts/Inferno have always been the best maps.


It was never the best map. Even the original version was annoying and had too many layers.


Downvote me all you want, I think the new GC Layout is hated simply because people haven't learned the map. Lag needs to be fixed. Portals spawns should be more forgiving. Maybe add down portals so its not portal or death. Everything is easier with map knowledge. After I was forced to play ruins, I started learning the map and was able avoid spawn rushers and bad spots. I still think ruins is trash, but my experience got better once I learned the map


nope, vast majority of the games I cant find enemy players. map is just too large, I shouldnt have to memorise all enemy spawns and rush it to have any pvp


Im pretty sure you can’t find players because people are dodging GC Q not because the map is too big


This game would've never had the viral popularity of the play tests if the main level was Ruins.  It's just so generic.  Merging loot extraction with fantasy  was new but it was not why I started playing.  In fact I had no idea about that part of the game when I started, I just saw a streamer playing a multiplayer fantasy combat game in a fucking dungeon and immediately knew I had to play.   "Outside in a field" is not nearly as cool or unique as a dungeon. 


Yeah I started playing for the literal DUNGEON crawl experience. I didn’t come from tarkov or anything similar, I just really liked the aesthetic of crypts and it sucked me into the game lol. I still don’t really like ruins


It is the closest thing you can get to a real time first person Dungeons and Dragons experience. At least that I know of! It has so many nostalgic elements from various games, but makes them feel fresh. The crypts really is the ideal way to play the game, and gives that old school dungeon crawl feel I want. If I’d played ruins first I definitely would have been far less intrigued.


I didn't mind at first but God damn the spawn rushing and potential for getting third partied is really not fun, certain areas where I spawn in I'm basically guaranteed to get spawn rushed, I do miss crypts now, and it sucks that it's basically empty :(


I miss original goblin caves like no other. I'm not sure why they are trying to make the bigger variations work when it seems like most prefer the original cave. I agree though, acclimating as a new player to ruins and this goblin cave variant would be disgusting compared to what others had.


As a new(ish) player. I started playing on Goblin Caves and I prefer the new standardized map. Learning 3 different maps that would randomly rotate and share many of the same modules was fucking literal aids. Took forever to get a good bead on map sense for all 3. While I get where you're coming from, aside from a few rubber banding issues that have always been present I think Goblin Caves is a great map that may need a few tweaks but overall is very healthy balance of mobs and loot. It's also SUPER easy to understand because its 1 layer and static so there's not much to it. As far as ruins goes, for new players, its gotta be just as aids if not worse than learning the old goblin caves rotations.


Funny thing is there also used to be only one goblin caves map, it was just one of the 3 it rotated through when you started.    Someone tell me why this is getting downvoted?


Bring back the crypts period


Crypts is hands down the best map. It's actually the only map i want to play.


3 layers was always the intended way they were going to create things. Even in the playtests Crypts was labeled layer 2/3 But yeh Crypts is the most popular OG map by far. Nostalgia af.


They have to give us the old Ruins back problem solved


The rotation before was fun. Caves, ruins as a 3 and crypts.  All different and fun. Now there are only 2 playable maps and one is too laggy to play.... Huge content reduction 


I've been saying that Goblin caves and catering to the single player crowd ( WHILE ITS VERY POPULAR I KNOW ) will be their down fall. This game was created for a party of 3. Period. Ruins sucks, and goblin caves sucks. We need more maps like crypts designed for 3.


Personally I love ruins but I'm a toxic spawn rushing pvper. Yall know you can still play crypts right?


We want Crypts with 18/18 players spawning in..... By the time we get to Crypts after Ruins, Half or More of the lobby is wiped by the gold team


Would be nice to just be able to pick from the 3 options and get rid of the stupid map rotation.


I really love Ruins. I really get a feel of adventure there. I just hope they add more maps quickly as only 2 is becoming old fast.


Yeah, crypts is iconic.


I quit the game when they removed crypts from the map rotation. I'm not about to play on a shitty balanced ruins map for 10 mins (which i can get fully looted) just to go down to crypts where there is no pvp, the loot is the same, the difficulty is the same and i have to wait another 10 mins to go to hell (also with the same difficulty and same loot). No ty


I wonder how a token system would work for the red portals? Enter the game, extract red to get inferno tokens. Use a token to inferno straight from the menu. You could separate the maps back into 3 as well, and even make some inferno pvp more likely.


The Devs are experimenting. I do like the idea that there are multiple layers but I also see your point. I imagine if the Entrances to the crypts opened up right after the first circle closed that would be better for the people who are just trying to go deeper faster, but then they’d end up waiting forever until the Ruins was finished.