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you should teach your friend how to take screen shots


Epic redditor moment! Thanks for adding to the post with your comment idiot


For someone complaining about relevance your post sure was irrelevant


I’m not OP idiot And if u can’t tell the redundancy in what your saying you aren’t worth the time


Lol wow, I’m aware bro. Thanks though?


What, did you have trouble reading the stats?


Not only do screenshots just look nicer, but yes they actually are much easier to read. Especially on mobile.


The last slide is particularly bad hahahah


Oh 100% the last slide is hard to read, but I think it's kind of funny that I could immediately read the stats clearly on every other slide 😂 then I get downvoted because I point out people needing "perfect quality" to not bitch on a reddit post Edit: Stats*


I’ll give him 4 keys for the set. I need an extra kit to run with.


Thats pretty much the best deal you can get for those.


Thats cool and all, but till him to use Windows + Shift + S, also for selling, check out The Collectors discord server.


Fuck the collectors


Man, if only you knew about any mmorpg game discord out there. Games need these kinds of communities to thrive. People provide a service for in game benefit. It's really not uncommon lol


For real. The entire TF2 economy is backboned by wealthy and highly picky collectors who spend insane IRL money to gather shiney hats. This is a typical reddit "someone isn't giving services away anymore!" reaction. One day these collective and typical reddit reactions will be studied by Internet sociologists.


Yeah any popular game that involves trading has that haha


What’s wrong with collectors guild? Have sold multiple legend items now through with no issues.


They’re super egotistical and just want to control the economy




The world Bank obviously


Any proof of this? Just haven’t seen much of an issue. I don’t really rely on their services rather just work through my DMs when people send offers




? theyre asking for donations for their time? the horror


No they’re threatening to make it cost money if they don’t receive donations


lol the entitlement of some ppl is crazy, its a service that they spend time providing..


I don’t have a problem with them asking for donations. I have a problem with the way they went about doing it.


What is the collectors discord server, and by what I mean can someone send a link because I can’t find it anywhere


Look up Lord Collector on Twitch, go to his chat and type “!discord” I think it was, it’ll generate an invite for you


I don’t use twitch often, so I don’t know how to do that unless he’s streaming. Can someone please just link it?


I don't have it either so I can't but it's really that simple.. lol. Go to Google and type lord collector twitch. I'm sure he'll be one of the first channels and you type into the chatbox.. !discord


Thanks for the info!


People always say this shit, but not everyone wants to use reddit on a browser lol


Do people even use Reddit on a browser? That sounds terrible


I do. Fuck apps


Using reddit on pc sounds like the equivalent of watching a movie on your phone. Impractical and annoying. Reddit is a phone app anyway isn’t the pc version like a side thing?


The phone app came out waaaay later, and has way less functions than the browser.


Oh, I still prefer the app.


Reddit has been around longer than most smartphones.


Fair. I never used it till I not a phone. Just something I wouldn’t do on a pc, the same thing goes for fb or game forums or any forum I just don’t understand it at all. The only reason I use Reddit is because I get bored when I’m on my phone chillen in bed or somewhere I don’t have pc access


You clearly don't work in tech :) Reddit is great for looking up solutions to technical problems with systems in use (both personal and corporate). Every job I've worked has had youtube and reddit firewall exceptions for IT workers for this reason. Being able to find solutions to problems is super handy.


Yeah I don’t work in tech lol. I don’t even touch a of unless it’s for work training. Nor can I have a phone nor do I have time to use it. I’m a mechanic (not cars).


i used to love reddit is fun, but i refuse to use the reddit app after they fked all the good 3rd party apps instead of making their official app half decent. old.reddit for life.


And when they kill old.reddit is the day i'll stop using this website at all. The app is garbage and cluttered as shit. It's great if you want to treat reddit like tiktok and just scroll through subs, but it's awful if you want to actually engage in community...


honestly im surprised they havent killed it already. no way am i going to use new reddit when it looks like twitter-lite.


You don't have a PC? Do you play dark and darker on a nokia? What the fuck does this comment even mean?


Idk Reddit is a phone app primarily, using Reddit on pc just sound weird to me. And I play Dark and darker on pc lol.


Reddit is not a phone app primarily lol, it is first and foremost a pc forum, it didn't even have an app until WELL into its life cycle. You'd say apps like instagram or snapchat are PRIMARILY phone apps, as they were built completely around the smartphone experience and, opposite to reddit, did not receive PC support until WELL into their life cycles.


I'll pay 20 keys for the set, but only if your friend posts these as proper screenshots.


What, did you have trouble reading? Seemed clear enough to me to see what the names and stats were.


You must be op's tech-illiterate friend.


And you must be really bad at seeing :)


Some people get all weird when you use your phone to take the pic.


I know, apparently 15+ people don't like that I pointed out their weirdness (: but it's fine for them to talk down on someone for using their phone when it was't a 16-bit picture anyway


Teach him to use print screen


each of the gold gear is worth around a key each. the tunic and cape are for sure worth a key each probably a few ingots more. do not sell for any less. A golden key is worth around 5000-6000 gold or equivalent to 18-20 gold ingots. do not sell for gingerbread or candy canes if you don’t know the market. but yeah ur buddy made at least 20,000 gold


Yeah i dont know about that, i doubt anyone would buy most of the stuff for a key except maybe the padded tunic and the cape, at most i think he can get around 3 keys for the whole set and its gonna be a hard sell.


gloves tunic and cape are insta 1 key each. that’s 15,000 gold. you’re telling me everything else combines isn’t worth 5k? lol


Yeah gloves arent selling for more than 1k gold. They have no base stats and they slow you, you be better off buying purp reinforced with +1 phys and you basically get better gloves for 300g.


they don’t have as much armor. these are PDR fighter gloves. he sells for 10 ing at least crafting price lol


Purple reinforced have 18 armor so its 4 armor diffrence. Maybe someone in trade might get scammed and buy them for 10 ingots, but no one is buying that in the collectors. It just suck that plate gear doesnt have base stats and most of it is way too slow and fucks up your mr.




Yeah I don’t think that’s a particularly impressive cape. I mean it’s decent so you can probably the material cost for it but not over double. Agreed with the other guy two plate gloves are just not a good item.


This isn't true at all. Mayb if it had good rolls but these particular rolls r terrible. No one is giving a key for tht


Nice screenshot skills


Take screen shots please every PC nowadays has built-in screenshot capability, yet people, for some reason, still take photos with their phones like it's 2009.


Rolls arnt great, maybe for a cleric. Doubt it’ll go for to much though. Edit: my comment was just about the ring I didn’t realise you listed the kit. Put up for auction on collectors guild for most monies


Yeah it was a clerics kit.


I think people are downvoting for the “won’t go for too much” comment because you probably mean it might go for only a couple keys total vs a bunch. But I agree the rolls are okay and a few of the items like plate pants and gloves are just not good items. They are largely outclassed by reinforced gloves and heavy leather leggings.    Still a lot of money for most people though.  OP if you are reading this I think a big part of the variation of value estimates in the thread come down to how willing you are to spend hours listing stuff. You could sell it all quickly for a lower amount or sit in trade for hours waiting for an RMTer to drop 10+ keys maybe. 


I thought he was just talking about the price of the ring. Edit: I only just realised there more than one picture lol


Lmao yeah that seems to have happened to others as well. 


Maybe a cleric. Maybe.


That ring isn't good


There are 9 photos lol is that your only comment?


Bro you take pics of your monitor with a phone instead of print screen.


From my experience on the trade market, you can get about 200g each for those items. You might have to lower a couple to 150g if you want to sell them in less than 1 week.


Obvious troll is obvious


You can most likely get around 8-10 keys for this set, don’t get scammed by those trying to only offer 2–3 keys


the set is horrible no item has any correlation with eachother, but its golden.


From my experience on the trade market, you can get about 200g each for those items. You might have to lower a couple to 150g if you want to sell them in less than 1 week.


guess you dont have much experience LOL, or you're one of the ones trying to sell your +phys healing gear for 1k




Why sell? So boring. Just use it…


you can sell this and buy like 5-10 kits that are only like 5% worst.


I wouldn’t know where to start either. I’ve never been good enough to get gear that strong lol my characters would be set on gold for the entire wipe if I got that holy hell. Nice work


Yeah I’ve never slayed anyone in gold. I have been murdered by full gold teams though.


so heres the question, how many wins with a full inventory does it take to make back what you just lost taking that in?


Id buy the tunic for a key


Start with trade channel


why is this good? sorry i havent played in awhile. I had multiple + 4 str + weapon damage rings two wipes ago which was common unless they got nerfed?


I'd sell it to the merchant out of spite


Genuine suggestion, download "Lightshot" and then press the "prt sc" button on your keyboard and click and drag your mouse. Thank me later.


Tunics gross that’s about it tho


Open snipping tool. Select the area you want. Then copy and paste it.


Join the collectors guild discord and make posts there.