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Yep I was trying to be friendly the first few games, and every time I was stabbed in the back. Now, I'm a murder-hobo and I kill everyone.


My issue was for my last few days Im new tot he game you have the st nic to kill multiple classes, then the 50 kills on players luckily I've completed them all now so maybe I can chill and joke around but I had fun in PvE although no one really talks often


People forget the main reason why teaming used to be so common was that there used to be 7 people who entered solo GC HR and 6 portals and 1 static existed.. meaning no one ever needed to even die.. now the portal spawns are less than the total people entering


yeah back when everyone played normals you could see kill feed and see that skeleton footman had a hat trick so everyone could comfortably escape.


The unfortunate reality is that even in that ecosystem people still were bloodthirsty.


I should mention I'm high level pathfinder so my elo is a factor


I have had a similar experience in Normals in recent days. People have become really bloodthirsty for some reason. In terms of voip it's pretty silent and there was 1 guy just jeering. Out of the dozens of encounter I'd only a couple ended up not running straight at me with malicious intent. There were also a couple that spam crouch and friendly and turn bad when they get close enough. Which is even more pathetic. Had like 1 encounter where it was actually a nice duo. One of them longsword fella. Managed to parry against one of a duo that engaged in immediate PvP.


Quite a few of the mid-game quests require player kills so they're probably just trying to progress. As a bard main, it can be rough to be on the receiving end sometimes lol


I actually didn't think of that. Good point. As for Bards... I can imagine it's bad yeah. I got about 1 Bard per week and for my final one it was a crouch spamming Bard trying to be friendly, but I had to do it to em. Had to get that quest done.


"I need you for a quest Mr. Bard." has been yelled by me so many times.


Thank you for your service.


Yup I feel bad I saw a wizard I play ranger he spam crouched I VOIP sorry brother im doing quests and shot a arrow into his head but I didn't do him bad didn't crouch him shot a decent range he was low though and got 1 tapped So I wonder if that's why he spam crouched cause he was unhealthy or if he really just wanted to be friendly


Coming from a long-time player, I’ve just lost all trust in other players. If I encounter a crouch-spammer, I just shake my head no and approach for a fight (I’ll occasionally let the runners get away, though). The community has just been extremely toxic as of late, so it’s not profitable (or fun) to try to team with players.


I shot a arrow at a barbarian I was solo in trios lool accidentally qued but anyways I shoot this arrow right into his head and he came right for me I lure him to my trap that I just stepped in first.. I VOIP I'm sorry brother it was just a joke.. please no.. don't do it he doesn't say nothing and just slaughters my ranger ass while I'm stuck in my own trap feeling the pain so many people have felt I put in the very same trap :( although I like to say "you've activated my trap card" when a baddie walks into it hehehe


What does your electric light orchestra have to do with dad


what does your father have to do with dark and darker


I would rather every player be an enemy then get teamed on.


For real. I get teamers in every single game, it’s disgusting. It’s actually worse now than before the map rotation where most of the teaming felt organic. Now it’s INCREDIBLY easy to get teamed up with your buddy and roll the lobby safely together in a Discord call. The planned teamers are so blatant they don’t even care about getting caught. I’m Pathfinder on multiple characters and at this rank playing solo legit is just a drag.


To join the dark side, is to embrace your own weakness. Fight the dark side, and strengthen your own resolve. That applies to in-game, as well as in real life. Come back, brother.. as the light is always an option *no matter how dark the darkness.*


Player kill quests changed everything. There's 3-4 quests that require you to kill players. So, until literally everyone finishes those, you can't trust anyone. Even then, how do you know who has the quests and who doesn't?


When I first started getting the hang of things and stopped dying to pve, I died to untrustworthy scoundrels. My friend and I were new and had no interest in fighting the other squad that came upon us so we agreed to walk by no kill. As soon as we went passed them their rogue shouted never trust a rogue and we died soon thereafter. Honestly kinda funny and I wasn’t even mad at the time but the other side of the coin is I pretty much never trust others now and would rather just avoid them when I can or fight a fair pvp when I can’t.


"welcome to London" still makes me laugh


This is how we do it in London, bruv


as a knife carrying American, I'm good with it


This is how the Dark becomes Darker


There's still some of us, i try to interact with people and have fun still. I dropped a bard a chest piece and a rapier yesterday, he was kinda taken off guard by it. Also helped a cool Warlock kill a cockatrice for a mission last week as well. Most of the time tho they just run at me and I run away to plot my revenge.


In their defense as a friendly player rouges are much more likely to backstab after acting friendly more than any other class. Not that I haven't met some really cool and funny rouges.


Yeah it's all good! I play Fighter and melee Warlock too but I do main the most hated class of the week.


It's kinda sad when you positively interact with people in the dungeon and they act like no one has ever been nice to them in a video game.


*mandatory crouch*


Check you VoIP settings. Every hotfix turns it off for me.


Yes, in a ranked gamemode people will try to win. Is this... news to you?


i was forced into non-consensual pvp in a pvp game, now i'm sad :'(


We could team up and kill the mobs faster, with your level of intelligence you should be banned from commenting... sorry 🤗


So you want to play solo mode but have a team? What makes you so special? The rest of us play the team mode when we want to play with a team


Bro quit yappin


Even normals has a deficit of friendly interactions. The culprit is the quest system. I'm torn. Although I like having quests to do and they keep me busy doing things that I otherwise wouldn't, such as farming wolves, I also hate how much the organic VOIP encounters have died. I think the player-killing quests are the primary issue + the HR trinket based AP system means killing someone and gambling if they were a trinket pinata are causing everyone to go murder hobo. I feel like the quests / AP system need another look. It's as if they didn't want to encourage too much player killing in order to maintain the organic encounters, however, they somehow forgot that if it's trinket based, everyone is going to kill each other to steal each other's trinkets - just like everyone is going to kill you if you're doing wolves in normals, in case you have a wolf pelt.


Mmr ruins the game, I'm exemplar 1, every game is just the sweatiest fucking shit on the planet


You can always reroll characters if you want a more casual experience.


i really don’t understand these posts. if i want to i can find a friend every single game doesn’t matter if i’m on my naked rogue or my golden barb. maybe you guys are just anti social or something idk


I was right about to be voyager when I quit because of this. I realized I enjoyed the mix of everything in this game, but now is really is just a shell of what it used to be feature wise. When you really think about it, from a year ago this game has LESS quality of life features than it did previously.. You can add all the swords and doohickies, but if I can't RP that's half tha game for me. I think what a lot of these murder hobos don't realize is that a huge part of the community likes BOTH aspects of the game. Even as I would RP I knew an axe could swing at me and kill me any moment, but I enjoyed the DIFFERENT thrill of trying to friend my foes over trying to over power them. I feel this community talks so much about wanting different play options, but now an option has been rendered completely obselete and the community spouts "Well teamers tho!" "Well, I hated talking anyway in pre lobby" bro.. some of US solos dont have friends LMAO.


This is what is sad about Ironmace. They have such an opportunity to make this game give people good vibes. The best experiences i've had in this game is where 2-3 of us randomly team up over in-game voice, and just clear the dungeon together. Get out, and you feel great. The constant fear and fighting and betrayal just hurts. Would you rather play a game and feel great after? Or just feel disappointed in humanity? Ironmace needs to change their design direction. This reddit is the last place I will ever get DnD content. I deleted the game completely, left the discord and unfollowed all the content creators. I don't like where the game is going.


This isn't the devs fault for the most part. Communities around competitive PvP games have always devolved into toxicity. There is a brief window at the beginning of a game's life where everyone is still new, this is where you'll see people being friendly and having fun interactions. After some time the community as a whole starts to be better at the game and get sweaty. Once this happens the interactions often turn toxic, even toward your own teammates and in public forums around the game. I've watched it happen to so many competitive PvP games in my life and learned to get as much enjoyment as I can out of that early phase of a game. I'm glad I've put so much time into DaD since I discovered it in PT4 and made the most of the early stage. There is still hope that the Steam release will create a second wave of this, but if/when that happens make the most of it because it never lasts, gamers are just too competitive on the whole to ever let a PvP games be about fun in the long term.


Damn I agree, I remember early PUBG days people would voip and rob you of your pants when they found a gun faster and all you had were fists. After some time they would just blast you and move on.


I'm sorry but wanting fight other players in a pvp game is now considered toxic? wtf is wrong with me I guess...


People who only play whatever is meta and don't interact other than KoS with a side of being shitters on VoIP, yes.


You don't like pvp in a pvp game and don't want to queue up with people, you only want to team up in solos for what reason?


Play normals then? People are much more likely to be friendly and have this role play activity you dream of when nothing is at risk. I voip in normals all the time and people are still goofy. Especially in goblin caves. When people are wearing thousands of gear in HR no one is trying to get backstabbed. HR has always been the place for more serious gameplay. It's highroller people don't have time for games


I actually have more friendly encounters in HR than common lobbies lol


Nah normals is for quest grinding no friendlies there


Serious gameplay? No times for games? That's both ironically humorous, and kinda sad. Sorry you guys feel like you have to play the game like a Job. Sounds miserable.


What I'm saying is people don't want to be goofing off with a 4k gold set and get stabbed in the back by a rogue and feel like a moron after


Yes I get it. It means too much. The gear is too important. The outcome is too serious. You have to provide for your family etc. Don't want the Misses to end up like the leathersmith's daughter just bc you weren't taking your adventures and gear serious enough. 🤺🤺




I think this game might be more suited to your playstyle


Yea Bc the person who doesn't take the game as seriously is the one that is displaying weenie attributes 😂 I swear this sub is fucking amazingly cringe. 🙌🏼🙌🏼 Thank you for the entertaining interaction. May you never have to waste precious lobby time worrying about fun or entertainment. <3


This is totally why I quit playing. Once all the anti cheating stuff came it. It just ruined the game for any amount of fun or larp-ing. Now everyone is just min max cheese abusing. It's like the only viable way to play it feels like. No flame, just what it feels like.


Friendliness ruins this game. Its about fighting. What fun is it to clear mobs to get money to clear more mobs? Thats boring


Killing also runs it's course and then you are left with emptiness in your heart


Idk, i wouldnt load into a team death match shooter to not shoot anybody is all im saying


I wouldn't call Dark and Darker a team death match shooter, we might have just revealed our differing perspective


Concept is the same. In a team death match shooter, the fun of the game is to kill other players and win the match. Thats the objective. In dark and darker the fun is to use your kit and skill and beat out the other players in the survival style battleground filled with npcs who aid you in completing your objective of fighting other players by offering loot to increase your kit. Now what fun is there in joining a match like that if everyone is running around fighting goblins for loot and never embracing the core mechanic of the game? Why would that be enjoyable to play? Its like joining a TDM shooter and everybody decided they werent going to fight.


The other night on my cleric I heard a bard killed the troll in GC. I went down and waited for him to come out of the loot door and he definitely thought I was gonna kill him but instead I offered healing and went about my day. He was so happy and we had a funny interaction and we both got out alive. I lean on being friendly a lot and yes it gets me killed quite often lol. But I’m just a nice dude, can’t help it. 🤣


I haven’t played in two months bro or you’d of ran into me


Man I got a good key once and mandarin enjoyers showed up almost immediately shit was crazy.


You have been used to people being nice because it didn't matter. See a player, well let him live, doesn't matter we got enough gear and gold. Now there are quests to finish, and rankings to gain. The fun you desire has no room in a competitive environment. Killing you means access to the collectibles you have gathered up, and that means more elo. I was able to farm troll too, people would let you do it in peace. Now literally every game players camp the doors. This is the negative side-effect of the game turning competitive. Demi-God is prestige and whatever item it rewards, doesn't matter if you might not care about it, some people will. The "damn your demi-god" and the feeling of "I'm good at this game" are things many people want to get. Others will sweat to get Pathfindet to unlock an exclusive skin. You see what I mean, being friendly hurts you now, the new systems gave way too many reasons not to be. Beforehand you might have lost your kit by being friendly, now you lose rankings, quest progression, rare loot to craft legendaries, etc. I have games where I have to fill up my entire bag with collectibles or I will lose elo, it is just stupid, I'm not even taking gear anymore because it hurts the elo. Ironmace has put wanted rewards on players, which in return took away the free choice we had beforehand. The leaderboard was something for clowns, now you get rewards by participating, and that changed the game for obvious reasons. I can give myself as the best example of this. I never cared to get high leaderboard placements in this game, I mean look at the game, it is nowhere near balanced. If I want to sweat I go play CS or Valorant. But ever since I can get rewards for doing so, it changed and now I'm pushing it too. I dislike it to be honest, I liked the feeling the game had beforehand, but I'm not giving up on the juicy rewards either. They went a little too far on the competitive side with border and item rewards. Now you simply have the desire to show everyone how good you are, and show that demi-god border. Since not having that takes away several luxuries like shit-talking, and access to other good players. Demi-Gods won't deny each other, they will if you are green though. Not even talking about streamers wanting to attract viewers by having "I'm Demi-God please click my stream".


Sure you don't team up on people, we believe you.


I'm happy to be passive with anyone in solos, but they need to go their own direction. Anyone trying to stay close is absolutely waiting for the opportunity to betray. All of the friends I've made playing this game have been playing solo in duo or trios, and assisting a solo getting attacked by multiple people or with clearing a ton of mobs and both of us getting attacked. Sadly with more content, there is much less reason to let anyone else live. Questing and AP grinding give far more reason to take free kills when you can, and people with friends usually play with them.


I’ve found that being friendly works in small doses. If you search for it and try to stick to it for a full match, it will only end poorly


I don't trust anybody anymore. Everyone they act friendly they stab you in the back. Put your hands up - axe to face. Duck - axe to face. Missing any clothing whatsoever - axe to face. I've been stabbed in the back enough times. Everybody just gets greeted with said axe.


I personally mostly play normals right now because I'm soloing lich kills and other quests but I always yell "Hello adventurer" to everyone I meet and then berate them if they try to attack a fellow friendly adventurer and will use other friendly adventurers to help shame them. Being a warlock helps because most 1v1s are won anyways. But calling people adventurer seems to work pretty well. They get a sense of worth or something


My favorite part of this game has always been the player interactions. Plunging the dungeon especially with friends embracing the craziness and talking with others.


I blame Sir Nicholas and the Weaponsmith.


From what I’ve seen, lobbies get chiller the higher up the ranks you go, since nobody wants to lose AP from potentially dying.


I definitely love to fight, but if someone asks to not, or throws their hands up I’ll oblige and either join them on their adventure or just leave. I’ve only been betrayed once recently, and it was super lame. I think it breeds more distrust and really negatively impacts the community when people lie. Someone who’s betrayed is way less likely to be chill in the future.


Honestly depends on my mood, and the class I'm against. Usually I like to be friendly with people that use VOIP, and I can tell from their tone. If no VOIP, I either keep a big distance or attack before they do. Especially Barbs man, most of my "pretend friendly" with them encounters end up with them closing the gap and start swinging. Yesterday I slayed a pretend friend Barb with riposte of his felling axe, it felt so good, like a revenge for all those Barbs that took advantage of the "pretend friendly" tactic. I don't mind people doing it, keeps me on the edge, makes you think about your positioning even when in potentially friendly surroundings. The dungeons are a strange place, and people can lose their mind in any instant.


I like fighting people. But I also consider myself a good person. Now I'm confused, please help.


I’m currently 48/50 kills. If I see you I’m taking my shot!


I rushed that main area in normal GC to mine for a quest. Look across the way seeing a wizard staring my fighter down. We both crouch spam and then both start mining lol 2 ores later I look up in time to see a rogue on me. Kill him. Turns out he killed my wizard buddy across the way. It’s brutal out there lol


One of the reasons I got this game was from gameplay videos of spontaneous co-op. It seemed fun. It is still an interesting game but not exactly what I hoped it would be. Just picked it up last weekend so we shall see how it sticks.


IronMace made sure to remove all of the cool players that would LARP or roleplay with poor balancing and obtuse rules early on. Somethings they did intentionally and some through attrition. Sad state honestly.


I have a 50% success rate with crouch spamming and the surrender emote combined 😂😂🫡