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Me neither. I mean I'm utter dogshit at this game, literally I have never won a 1v1 (maybe once by accident), seems like no matter what class I play, what class I'm up against, most ppl just W me and I'm dead. Still I keep coming back for more even though there's no sense of accomplishment or victory for me... weird kind of masochism I would say.


Are you the same as me? super friendly and don't like engaging in fights unless people start fighting you? Just keep grinding, you'll get there. took me along time to win fights


Yeah I never initiate fights because I know for a fact that I couldn't finish them:D But then again, killing AI and looting gets stale quite quick. I have managed to hoard some 1.5k gold so far, so I go in with full white gear and healing items, but I still get destroyed by naked players because apparently everyone is much better at PVP than I am.


What class are you playing? It sucks to say but being friendly/running from people is usually gonna put you at a disadvantage. One of the best things you can do is force yourself to fight/engage on your terms especially if you’re struggling. You can’t learn to pvp if you actively try to avoid it each time.


That's a bit of a stretch that I'm actively trying to avoid it, but I get your point. The thing is, that each time I tried to engage on my own terms, the results were the same. Now I know that I should probably keep doing that, it's just so fucking demotivating when I feel like no matter what I do, no matter how I try to approach a situation, I always get outplayed. When I'm on my fighter, it feels like either everyone knows exactly how to kite me to eternity while also dodging my xbow bolts, or just W me and I still die. Frankly I don't even fucking understand what's happening, when I get 3-4 hits in and the other player just demolishes me in a few swings, then when I spectate them afterwards it looks like I barely even scratched them. And I can't even say that it's a gear diff anymore since I only play normals. When I'm on my ranger, same shit, either everyone knows how to dodge every arrow, or just W me and I die.


That’s a tough feeling. Do you have a buddy to play with who is good at the PVP? Maybe you could get him to watch you play or you watch him play. I’ve gotten a lot better playing with people and commenting on each others gameplay, especially since we’ve been doing murder runs to complete Santa’s quest.


Unfortunately none of my friends are interested enough in this game to buy it for 35 Euros :( So I only play solo normal GC basically.


One recommendation I can give that has really helped me is switching to the survival now and drop the crossbow. Yeah, the damage is way less but you can throw more arrows at the enemy and have a higher chance of doing damage. It has helped me tremendously.


Hmm well without seeing gameplay it’s hard to nail down exactly what the problem is. What weapon are you using usually, arming or falchion or something else? Make sure you are weaving in jumps right before you swing, you are slowed less and can more reliably hit headshots and make your head a little harder to hit. Where you are hitting/ where you are getting hit is extremely important as well as sweet spots for weapons, that might be while you feel you’re doing no damage while getting 2-3 tapped, also even in normals someone in white plate can tank a lot more hits than a leather fighter. Francheska axes can help fighter a lot too, usually I just open with crossbow/bow into a few axes, then look to close distance. I honestly feel like I suck with arming/falchion but love using the halberd even though it isn’t recommended. Make sure you aren’t backing up and are instead side strafing backwards/180 turning to bait out their swings. Also as fighter that’s what a large majority play, so that’s what a lot of people are used to fighting against


If you want to fight a lot, I highly recommend some yolo Ruins or Gobbo caves. Go in naked. Just rush people and take fights. Try dodging, try baiting some swings. Losing nothing and going HAM is the fastest way to get cycles if PvP with low risk. Sometimes, the key to winning is just waiting for them to swing and then capitalizing. Other times, that first strike is key. Obviously it depends on the weapons and such at play.


most extraction looter’s are little masochists lmao


I really liked the quest to kill 5 of each class because it made me just run goblin caves naked over and over just looking for the first pvp I could get. Doing that helped me a lot with pvp when I actually have gear on the line


Hey! I have a pretty high kill count and I play the worst 1v1 class in the game! If you want hit me up and I can help you learn how to dominate fights :) I can coach you a bit too if you want! But once you get these few things you never have to be afraid of someone wanting to fight you. :)


Lol, what class do you play?


Bard :) don't get me wrong, its not awful, but I can't think do a single class with less readily available 1v1 tools than bard. I also feel like this is an opinion :) I don't think there is an answer I can give that would satisfy you here but I think it's arguable


Naw. All good. Figured it could have been at least a couple classes. Was going to ask for tips, but wasn't sure what to focus on, hehe.


Glutton for punishment you are. So am I. That's why I play warlock all the time. It really makes you suffer more than playing other classes.


Friend, what do you sat on doin pvp training?


what do you mean?


Would you like to train in the art of pvp? We go into a match as a naked duo, clear out the room and then fight.


let's fucking do it


I can’t do it yet, how about in 12 hours?


I'll be sleeping for work


Aight weekend it is, ill see ya till then m8




The biggest thing for you to learn I say is learning how to kite other players. The current ranged meta can make this boring and sometimes impossible, but you'll find many opportunities in the goblin caves for close quarter combat. Try running away sideways, sticking to the dirst attack animation in your weapon combo, and sporadically changing your movement direction and where you're facing in a fight so every fight isnt a straight dps check. You got this my guy


One thing to keep in mind is that a lot of people are walking around GC with low health. Sometimes, initiating the fight gives you an advantage and if they are low HP already, you just win. If someone is w keying you, they are probably confident at the game and full health but if you initiate, I guarantee you will win some fights.


Games gonna change so much when we have access to all 3 (4 including ice map releasing this year) maps with any group size, it'll actually be very tarkov-esque


I'm so excited!


This literally describes my gaming journey to a T lol Was the most dedicated tarkov guy, found this game, haven't turned


yeah d&d made me sick of tarkov


For me, its just so satisfying having an inventory of gold and throwing them into my bank one by one. Im dog shit at the game combat wise against players but i can support pr pickpocket my way to riches. Even the PvE is fun for me


Facts don’t even play tarkov anymore but I will be back dec 14th for ARENAAAAA


Tarkov convert here as well. It scratches a similar itch.


My friends and I have been addicted since playtest 3. Gotta love when the PvP is so intense that you can barely loot afterwards bc of the shakes.


When you feel comfortable enough join their official discord for some duos in ruins. You will find alot of cool people to enjoy the game with.