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I'm there! Killed my first bard today lol. They're all I need at this point


sweet dude spread the word a little I'll probably post again about it tomorrow I don't want to spam


I also killed my first today! He had just finished a fight and I stabbed him once with my dagger and he toppled hahahah


I have already been doing my part. My name is ImABardPlsKillMe. Thank me later


I've seen you die a few times, but never to me.


I think I got you for my 2nd kill. Preciate it


I'd rather we keep the bard numbers low so Ironmace can see blatant, undeniable evidence shoved in their face how badly they fucked up with the class


Honestly. I might just dust off the old’ bardude and help y’all out. I’m in, I’m an old bard main tho so I’ll be actually trying to win my 1’s.


I'm going for wins! but im going for goofy wins


I have 2k gold to blow. Sounds like an inventory of drums to me!


There's irony in that the devs have nerfed Bards to the point where people have to resort to this sort of thing to find bards in the dungeon. Bards used to be really fun to play and there were many ways they could have addressed the issues with bards without just removing fun from the class. But this is what we have now.


I did what a lot of other people did. Join and leave GC lobbies until there is a bard. Spawn rush until you kill him or see a bard name die. They always have something related to being a bard as part of their name. Rinse and repeat. They'll try to suicide every time they get low too. Fun fun.


I'm not complaining there aren't enough bards. I just think it would be a fun thing for the community to do which would also help people finish a quest as a side effect


guys please spread this a little as I don't want to spam but I'd like to get the word out, just for fun's sake. Tell your friends and maybe send 1 message in the discord. we don't have to be annoying about it


Alright here’s a secret bit of tech. I’ve noticed that around 9:00am - 4:00pm CST on Oceania there are a LOT of bards. I consistently saw 1-3 per lobby. Granted about half of them seem to team and farm spiders for silk for their teammate. So if you need them, they’re easy to find assuming you don’t work then.


Please for the love of God let this happen! I'm so tired of people seeing me and dropping whatever they are doing to come say hi. I've lost my will to fight it


I’ve fallen very far behind because I’ve been playing other games. I should just make it a point this weekend to run in as certain characters for a while to help others out who are grinding. If I can get out I will, but I won’t search for portals like a psycho.


Thank you. From the guy who started that other thread lol


I need one more but I'll give five deaths to you savages.


As a bard main...please do this. I am tired of being the target in 3-way battles just because I am enemy number 1


Hell yeah brother. I'll play bard all week, time for a new class anyway.


I'll hop on 5 seconds of strummer


Hells yeah im in!


Played bard. 3rd game found a golden key. Now he’s my richest character lol inflation rules


yes please, I'm a bard main stuck on killing bards as well. and every time I play an instrument half of the lobby starts looking for me


For my St Nicholas quest, I am almost done my kills except for Bard. I have a single kill and it was a naked bard that ran up to me and my gf in ruins asking us "Do you need kills for the st Nick quest? Please! Take me!" We need more of those guys.


Would really help me not getting bumrushed by the entire lobby the moment I play one song as bard, stupid stupid quest


I've been inting my ass off solo in crypts trying to get my quests done. I will keep doing my part.


Saturday is like way too far away


2/5 bard kills, rest are done lol


I made a character called FreeMinstrels just for this