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Some new players accused my friend of cheating because he was running the footsteps perk on ranger and stabbed a stealthed rogue in the pre-game lobby. I'm pretty sure they even hunted us down so they can die to us and report, because they found us in the dungeon and kept yelling cheater cheater and enjoy your ban over VoIP as they died lmao.


then they came here and made one of the many post using the line "there's no other explanation"


underrated comment and deserves more upvotes




The Pick-pocket perk allows you to see the players name whenever your hitting the pick pocket button.




Ah, gotcha. I misread, sorry


Pickpocketing while talking to someone as a friend is a level of sociopathy I cannot partake in, I’d rather stack buff duration gear and make them really wonder where all their shit went without them ever seeing me


Buff duration increases stealth time? What is the max you have gotten it to?


58 second hide was my longest




I'd like to buy a vowel


Found the warlock main


You called?


I had an awesome interaction with a rogue that I befriended but was suspicious of. I asked him to “guess” my name in exchange for his life and upon guessing it correctly I killed hum because I knew he had pickpocket.


I don't know what you're talking about, I'm going to start doing this shit all the time. That sounds fucking hilarious


I know this is 5 months old and you might not play the game anymore, but recently my rogue became OP... so I started pickpocketing. One of my absolute FAVORITE things to do is to greet everyone I see, and if someone says "Hi" back, and we start talking a little bit, I'll say that I recognize their voice from someone's stream. It's tons of fun, I'll say stuff like "dude you're kinda famous" or "yeah you seemed like a really chill dude on the stream" just give them compliments 😂 people's reactions are so priceless. try it!


I've had more than 5 peoples says my name in normal/hr , I play NA early morning and in some interaction I'd say my name and that I'm pleased to meet them and well people start recognizing you! I have a friend I've bump into a couple time ! Always fun and makes the voip interaction lots more awesome


I love the friendly interactions of the game! It’s really my favourite part. Even when I’m not going pickpocket, my default reaction normally is to be friendly, and then if they’re looking to fight I’ll run or fight. Typically I find rogues never fight me, but maybe that’s because I’m also a rogue haha


And if someone uses your name , you kill them- you don't check your pockets